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Culture générale - Devenez un champion du savoir: Améliorez vos connaissances et votre QI de façon phénoménale en un temps record et exprimez-vous avec assurance dans toutes vos conversations by Magic Brain
Culture générale - Devenez un champion du savoir: Améliorez vos connaissances et votre QI de façon phénoménale en un temps record et exprimez-vous avec assurance dans toutes vos conversations
Magic Brain
Culture générale - Devenez un champion du savoir: Améliorez vos connaissances et votre QI de façon phénoménale en un temps record et exprimez-vous avec assurance dans toutes vos conversations by Magic Brain

Culture générale - Devenez un champion du savoir: Améliorez vos connaissances et votre QI de façon phénoménale en un temps record et exprimez-vous avec assurance dans toutes vos conversations

By: Magic Brain

Narrated by: Emmanuelle Nicolaon

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous sentez-vous souvent mal à l'aise dans les groupes de discussion, car vous ne pouvez pas vraiment participer à la discussion en raison d'un manque de connaissances ? Vous sentez-vous mal à l'aise lorsqu'on vous demande votre avis sur un sujet dont vous n'avez même pas entendu parler ? Avez-vous du mal à vous souvenir durablement de ce que... Read more

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The Case for Heaven Young Reader's Edition by Lee Strobel
The Case for Heaven Young Reader's Edition
Lee Strobel
The Case for Heaven Young Reader's Edition by Lee Strobel

The Case for Heaven Young Reader's Edition

By: Lee Strobel

Narrated by: Mark Smeby

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Is heaven real? What is it really like? Award-winning author Lee Strobel tracked down the evidence and provides answers to the questions middle school children 8-12 ask about both heaven and hell in this young reader's edition of The Case for Heaven that is perfect for teaching your child about the biblical evidence for eternal life.Every child... Read more

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Sex Ed for Grown-Ups by Jonny Hunt
Sex Ed for Grown-Ups
Jonny Hunt
Sex Ed for Grown-Ups by Jonny Hunt

Sex Ed for Grown-Ups

By: Jonny Hunt

Narrated by: Chris Sorensen

Length: 11 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

When it comes to talking to children and young people about sex and relationships, it is difficult to know what to say. How do you answer their questions? How much is too much? And what is age appropriate?

Sex Ed for Grown-Ups is an open and honest guide that empowers adults to talk to young people about all things sex and relationships.

Written... Read more

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El mal invisible by Xavi Perez Navarro
El mal invisible
Xavi Perez Navarro
El mal invisible by Xavi Perez Navarro

El mal invisible

By: Xavi Perez Navarro

Narrated by: Xavi Perez Navarro

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Cualquier niña o niño es víctima potencial de un abusador. El 80% de los casos de abusos sexuales infantiles se produce dentro de la familia. Si ya es complicado denunciar a un profesor y a veces tienen que pasar años, debe resultar mucho más difícil explicar que quien ha abusado de ti es el padre o el abuelo. Las víctimas de abusos sexuales... Read more

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Geld sparen und clever reich werden by Christopher Klein
Geld sparen und clever reich werden
Christopher Klein
Geld sparen und clever reich werden by Christopher Klein

Geld sparen und clever reich werden

By: Christopher Klein

Narrated by: Robin Iyanoye

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Du kennst das Gefühl knapp bei Kasse zu sein? Die Ausgaben scheinen ständig zuzunehmen? Lerne jetzt einfach und effektiv Geld zu sparen, ohne verzichten zu müssen! Denn Geld zu sparen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist nach wie vor der schnellste Weg zu mehr finanziellem, zeitlichem und sogar spirituellem Wohlstand. Probiere es aus und werde... Read more

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Ökoethinvesting by Christopher Klein
Christopher Klein
Ökoethinvesting by Christopher Klein


By: Christopher Klein

Narrated by: Robin Iyanoye

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ökoethinvesting" bietet den idealen Einstieg, um nachhaltig Geld anzulegen und zu vermehren. Du möchtest Dein Geld ökologisch-nachhaltig und ethisch vertretbar investieren? Du siehst Rendite aber nicht allein aus finanzieller Sicht, sondern auch im Kontext Nachhaltigkeit? Dieses Hörbuch führt Dich von der Theorie nachhaltiger Investments... Read more

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Der Hamster verlässt das Rad by Christopher Klein & Jens Helbig
Der Hamster verlässt das Rad
Christopher Klein & Jens Helbig
Der Hamster verlässt das Rad by Christopher Klein & Jens Helbig

Der Hamster verlässt das Rad

By: Christopher Klein & Jens Helbig

Narrated by: Robin Iyanoye

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Du arbeitest immer mehr, hast immer weniger Zeit und am Ende des Geldes ist noch zu viel Monat übrig? Du möchtest dem Hamsterrad entfliehen? Dann aufgepasst! Wage jetzt den Sprung in die finanzielle Freiheit und Autarkie! Rainer und Totala Zufall haben ihr ganzes Leben im Getriebe des Hamsterrads verbracht. Sie wurden, wie die meisten Menschen,... Read more

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Un zorrito salvaje by María Raiti
Un zorrito salvaje
María Raiti
Un zorrito salvaje by María Raiti

Un zorrito salvaje

By: María Raiti

Narrated by: María Raiti

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

AlohaMe alegra que estés aquí porque te estaba esperando. Soy María Raiti, escritora, experta en educación en valores humanos e investigadora del juego libre.Nací en las montañas y le fui fiel toda mi infancia al juego de recolectar piedras grises a la orilla del lago que al mojarlas se transformaban en resplandecientes gemas. De alguna manera... Read more

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The Wonderful Colors of Paradise in Education by Andi Sulistiadi
The Wonderful Colors of Paradise in Education
Andi Sulistiadi
The Wonderful Colors of Paradise in Education by Andi Sulistiadi

The Wonderful Colors of Paradise in Education

By: Andi Sulistiadi

Narrated by: Andi Sulistiadi

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: No

It's a memoir of the journey of a school principal who conducted research in the endogenous hinterland of Baduy culture to find an accurate education system for non-formal schools based on local wisdom. This book is dedicated to Indonesian & worldwide education accompanied by an album containing songs with emotional nuances for every event... Read more

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Is dat echt zo? by Merel Boon
Is dat echt zo?
Merel Boon
Is dat echt zo? by Merel Boon

Is dat echt zo?

By: Merel Boon

Narrated by: Merel Boon

Length: 7 hours

Abridged: No

Over het boek: Het oorspronkelijke idee was, om in deze gepolariseerde wereld, waarin communicatie kapot lijkt te zijn, een boek te schrijven dat een bijdrage kon leveren aan het herstel van die communicatie, door inzichtelijk te maken waar het gesprek uit de bocht vliegt en wat je daar dan aan kan doen. Het is veel meer geworden dan dat. Het... Read more

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Teach Like a Champion 2.0 by Norman Atkins & Doug Lemov
Teach Like a Champion 2.0
Norman Atkins & Doug Lemov
Teach Like a Champion 2.0 by Norman Atkins & Doug Lemov

Teach Like a Champion 2.0

By: Norman Atkins & Doug Lemov

Narrated by: Neil Hellegers

Length: 16 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

A complete update on the powerful and practical set of Teach Like a Champion techniques. Teach Like a Champion is widely known as a "teaching bible." This international bestseller is filled with effective teaching techniques to help teachers, especially those in their first few years, become champions in the classroom. The techniques... Read more

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Emotional Eating by David Colombo
Emotional Eating
David Colombo
Emotional Eating by David Colombo

Emotional Eating

By: David Colombo

Narrated by: Annette Martin

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you have an emotional attachment to eating that is ruining your life?Is it causing excess weight and leading to other health problems?Have you tried to lose weight, but nothing seems to work?Emotional eating is a serious problem that affects growing numbers of people who effectively binge eat as a way of coping with their emotional needs,... Read more

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Binge Eating Disorder by David Colombo
Binge Eating Disorder
David Colombo
Binge Eating Disorder by David Colombo

Binge Eating Disorder

By: David Colombo

Narrated by: Annette Martin

Length: 2 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you have a food addiction or eating disorder?Do you find it hard to eat the right things or even stop when you are full?Do you want to find a way to stop this harmful practice?Binge eating, like any disorder, can have serious implications for your health if it is not dealt with properly. Putting on huge amounts of weight leads to a range of... Read more

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Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance by Sonia Bestulic
Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance
Sonia Bestulic
Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance by Sonia Bestulic

Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance

By: Sonia Bestulic

Narrated by: Leslie Gray Robbins

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Motherhood is a personal journey of self-discovery. From feeling delight and wonder, to challenged and overwhelmed – often, all in one day! FLOURISH for Mums is your perfect companion to cultivate 21 healthy ways to let go of unrealistic expectations and create space to celebrate your unique parenting pathway. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and... Read more

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Race to the Bottom by Luke Rosiak
Race to the Bottom
Luke Rosiak
Race to the Bottom by Luke Rosiak

Race to the Bottom

By: Luke Rosiak

Narrated by: Charles Constant

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Everyone wants: High schoolers to graduate well-prepared for jobs. Improved STEM literacy. Greater achievement for inner-city children. Happiness for all children. So why are liberals spending billions of dollars working against those goals?In Race to the Bottom, Luke Rosiak uncovers the shocking reason why American education is failing:... Read more

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Alles für einen Traum / Only One Dream (Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Englisch-Deutsch) by Elodie Nowodazkij
Alles für einen Traum / Only One Dream (Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Englisch-Deutsch)
Elodie Nowodazkij
Alles für einen Traum / Only One Dream (Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Englisch-Deutsch) by Elodie Nowodazkij

Alles für einen Traum / Only One Dream (Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Englisch-Deutsch)

By: Elodie Nowodazkij

Narrated by: Megan Carter & Kathrin Kana

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Lernst du Englisch? Are you learning German? This bilingual audiobook can help you with that: one chapter in English, one chapter in German ...Dieses zweisprachige Hörbuch kann dir dabei helfen: ein Kapitel auf Englisch, ein Kapitel auf Deutsch...She thought she was on her way to the top... Sixteen-year-old Natalya Pushkaya has one dream and one... Read more

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Vermögensfalle Eigenheim? by Christian Zimmer
Vermögensfalle Eigenheim?
Christian Zimmer
Vermögensfalle Eigenheim? by Christian Zimmer

Vermögensfalle Eigenheim?

By: Christian Zimmer

Narrated by: Heike Kiszio

Length: 2 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Unschlagbares Investment, Kostenfalle oder gar Reichstumsfalle? Über das sogenannte Eigenheim herrschen die unterschiedlichsten Meinungen. Dies führt in vielen Fällen dazu, dass insbesondere junge Menschen einfach ihrem ureigensten Gefühl, althergebrachten Klischees oder schlicht einem spontanen Impuls folgen, statt den Immobilienerwerb unter... Read more

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Mia & Marvin - Der Löwe und die Maus by Patricia Rabs
Mia & Marvin - Der Löwe und die Maus
Patricia Rabs
Mia & Marvin - Der Löwe und die Maus by Patricia Rabs

Mia & Marvin - Der Löwe und die Maus

By: Patricia Rabs

Narrated by: Michael Baute, Marion Müller, Susanne Starzak, ...

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Mia kann schon seit einer Woche nicht schlafen. Endlich ist der große Tag gekommen und ihre Freundin Merle, die Giraffe, feiert Geburtstag. Alle Kinder der Savanne sind eingeladen und Mia hat sich besonders viel Mühe mit ihrem Geschenk gegeben. Doch auf dem Weg zur großen Feier passiert das Unglück: Am großen Affenbrotbaum gerät sie mit dem... Read more

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Walking The Road To Recovery by Michael A Muhammad
Walking The Road To Recovery
Michael A Muhammad
Walking The Road To Recovery by Michael A Muhammad

Walking The Road To Recovery

By: Michael A Muhammad

Narrated by: Hashim Hakim

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

This book is like a walk in the park chat about my journey through drug addiction. It tells the story of how we got started at the early age of 10 years old smoking marijuana. For fourteen years of my life, this led to the hallucinogens, snorting cocaine, drinking alcohol and that dangerous monster; crack cocaine. We were able to come through... Read more

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Zuzu and the Colorful Feeling Buddies by Kate Krakowska
Zuzu and the Colorful Feeling Buddies
Kate Krakowska
Zuzu and the Colorful Feeling Buddies by Kate Krakowska

Zuzu and the Colorful Feeling Buddies

By: Kate Krakowska

Narrated by: Kasey kamiracle

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Hey there, Big People! We are very glad that our book has found its way to you.Whether you’re a parent, caretaker, teacher or guardian, we understand the need for guidance in the area of emotions in young children.It is said that the human brain can only be considered fully-developed by age twenty-five. Everything a child learns before this age... Read more

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10-minute Japanese A Starter Pack by Klinette Jan Jimenez
10-minute Japanese A Starter Pack
Klinette Jan Jimenez
10-minute Japanese A Starter Pack by Klinette Jan Jimenez

10-minute Japanese A Starter Pack

By: Klinette Jan Jimenez

Narrated by: Klinette Jan Jimenez

Length: 15 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Many people are interested in learning a new language but making time for it is not easy.
This audiobook is dedicated to cater to the needs of those who want to learn the Japanese language but worry about the time it would consume.
As the title suggests, every episode of the series will only take about 10 minutes so it won't take too much of your... Read more

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Your Life Depends on It by Talya Miron-Shatz
Your Life Depends on It
Talya Miron-Shatz
Your Life Depends on It by Talya Miron-Shatz

Your Life Depends on It

By: Talya Miron-Shatz

Narrated by: Coleen Marlo

Length: 8 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

A top expert on decision-making explains why it’s so hard to make good choices—and what you and your doctor can do to make better ones.In recent years, we have gained unprecedented control over choices about our health. But these choices are hard and often full of psychological traps. As a result, we’re liable to misuse medication, fall for... Read more

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Von Frühlingsbären, Blütenzauber, Bienen & Osterhasen by Elke Bräunling
Von Frühlingsbären, Blütenzauber, Bienen & Osterhasen
Elke Bräunling
Von Frühlingsbären, Blütenzauber, Bienen & Osterhasen by Elke Bräunling

Von Frühlingsbären, Blütenzauber, Bienen & Osterhasen

By: Elke Bräunling

Narrated by: Lucia Ruf

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

24 bunte Märchen und Geschichten zur Frühlings- und Osterzeit für Kinder. Ein Hörbuch, das Kinder in der fröhlichen Zeit des Frühlings begleitet . Ein Sonnenstrahl bahnte sich seinen Weg durch die Schneeglöckchenköpfchen und lächelte dem kleinen Käfer ins Gesicht. Warm fühlte der sich an und schöner als der schönste Traum. "Hurra!", rief der... Read more

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The Beginner's Bible Read Through the Bible by The Beginner's Bible
The Beginner's Bible Read Through the Bible
The Beginner's Bible
The Beginner's Bible Read Through the Bible by The Beginner's Bible

The Beginner's Bible Read Through the Bible

By: The Beginner's Bible

Narrated by: Steven Gray & Beth Cameron

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Reinforce beginner reading skills with your little one while listening to eight favorite Bible stories with The Beginner’s Bible Read Through the Bible. Combining the trusted The Beginner’s Bible, which has sold over 25 million products since 1989, with the proven I Can Read format, this My First I Can Read collection combines basic language and... Read more

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