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Why Children Should Read by Frank Dixon
Why Children Should Read
Frank Dixon
Why Children Should Read by Frank Dixon

Why Children Should Read

By: Frank Dixon

Narrated by: Shawn Lennox

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Make Your Child 10X Smarter With These Simple Strategies…Would you like to see your kids read more?
And would you like them to experience the massive benefit of reading for kids?
The reality is that we all know about the importance of reading, but yet most kids still rarely ever read…
This book can help you make sure that your kids actually grow... Read more

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Why Children Should Read by Frank Dixon
Why Children Should Read
Frank Dixon
Why Children Should Read by Frank Dixon

Why Children Should Read

By: Frank Dixon

Narrated by: Shawn Lennox

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Make Your Child 10X Smarter With These Simple Strategies…Would you like to see your kids read more?
And would you like them to experience the massive benefit of reading for kids?
The reality is that we all know about the importance of reading, but yet most kids still rarely ever read…
This book can help you make sure that your kids actually grow... Read more

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Soziale Ängste besiegen – Das Selbsthilfebuch: Die Angst vor Menschen und Schüchternheit Schritt für Schritt ablegen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein steigern und alle Phobien und Störungen endgültig heilen by Franziska Schubert
Soziale Ängste besiegen – Das Selbsthilfebuch: Die Angst vor Menschen und Schüchternheit Schritt für Schritt ablegen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein steigern und alle Phobien und Störungen endgültig heilen
Franziska Schubert
Soziale Ängste besiegen – Das Selbsthilfebuch: Die Angst vor Menschen und Schüchternheit Schritt für Schritt ablegen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein steigern und alle Phobien und Störungen endgültig heilen by Franziska Schubert

Soziale Ängste besiegen – Das Selbsthilfebuch: Die Angst vor Menschen und Schüchternheit Schritt für Schritt ablegen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein steigern und alle Phobien und Störungen endgültig heilen

By: Franziska Schubert

Narrated by: Marie Blumenberg

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Die soziale Angst gehört zu den häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen. Nach Depressionen und Alkoholabhängigkeit folgt sie an dritter Stelle. Leiden Sie an einer sozialen Angst oder haben Sie nur eine Vermutung und möchten herausfinden, ob eine soziale Angst wirklich auf Sie zutrifft? Dann haben Sie mit diesem Buch genau die richtige Wahl... Read more

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Las señoritas by Laura Ramos
Las señoritas
Laura Ramos
Las señoritas by Laura Ramos

Las señoritas

By: Laura Ramos

Narrated by: Noelia Antúnez

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

La historia más bella y mejor documentada de las sesenta y una jóvenes maestras que Sarmiento "importó" de los Estados Unidos a la Argentina en el siglo XIX. Sus amores, tragedias y relaciones prohibidas, y sus batallas pedagógicas y aventuras en las luchas políticas que asolaban la república, en un relato cautivante de la mano de Laura... Read more

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Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby
Small Teaching Online
Flower Darby
Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby

Small Teaching Online

By: Flower Darby

Narrated by: Chloe Dolandis

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. This book offers small teaching strategies that will positively impact the online classroom.

This book outlines practical and feasible applications... Read more

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La Civilización Tolteca: Un Apasionante Resumen de la Historia de los Toltecas, Desde el Período Clásico Maya en Mesoamérica hasta el Auge del Imperio Azteca by Enthralling History
La Civilización Tolteca: Un Apasionante Resumen de la Historia de los Toltecas, Desde el Período Clásico Maya en Mesoamérica hasta el Auge del Imperio Azteca
Enthralling History
La Civilización Tolteca: Un Apasionante Resumen de la Historia de los Toltecas, Desde el Período Clásico Maya en Mesoamérica hasta el Auge del Imperio Azteca by Enthralling History

La Civilización Tolteca: Un Apasionante Resumen de la Historia de los Toltecas, Desde el Período Clásico Maya en Mesoamérica hasta el Auge del Imperio Azteca

By: Enthralling History

Narrated by: Carlos Verne

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Si le gustaría saber cómo se originó la misteriosa civilización de los toltecas, cómo vivían y qué influencia tuvieron en generaciones posteriores, ¡siga leyendo!Precursores de los aztecas (lo que en sí mismo es asombroso), la civilización precolombina de los toltecas despertó tanto respeto y admiración en sus sucesores, en especial por su... Read more

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Penis 101 - All The Facts You Need To Know On Kegels, Male Enhancement, Viagra, Testosterone, Jelqing, Erectile Dysfunction & Staying Hard by Jason Brown
Penis 101 - All The Facts You Need To Know On Kegels, Male Enhancement, Viagra, Testosterone, Jelqing, Erectile Dysfunction & Staying Hard
Jason Brown
Penis 101 - All The Facts You Need To Know On Kegels, Male Enhancement, Viagra, Testosterone, Jelqing, Erectile Dysfunction & Staying Hard by Jason Brown

Penis 101 - All The Facts You Need To Know On Kegels, Male Enhancement, Viagra, Testosterone, Jelqing, Erectile Dysfunction & Staying Hard

By: Jason Brown

Narrated by: Mandy Grant-Grierson

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Is your penis small, or are you just disillusioned? Do erections and ejaculations just happen, or do you have control over them? Can your penis fail, and will that be the end for you?
Imagine all the things the penis does that we all take for granted – sturdy erections, explosive orgasms, fatherhood. We rarely think twice about the role of the... Read more

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Plan Your Success by Pradip N Das
Plan Your Success
Pradip N Das
Plan Your Success by Pradip N Das

Plan Your Success

By: Pradip N Das

Narrated by: Rory Young

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

This book comprises four books, the details of which are given below:-
1) Steps To Design Your Life: A Powerful Guide to Build Success Mindset, Start Thinking Positive, Conquer Challenges and Achieve Long Term Goals in Life.This Book Will Help To Achieve Your Goals Faster and Make Your Future Better, Brighter and Fulfilling.
2) Seven Essential... Read more

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Fachkunde Elektrotechnik für Einsteiger: Alle Grundlagen, wichtigen Details und spezifische Fachkenntnisse leicht verständlich erklärt und beigebracht (inkl. Tabellenbuch, Übungen, Baukasten uvm.) by Thomas Böhm
Fachkunde Elektrotechnik für Einsteiger: Alle Grundlagen, wichtigen Details und spezifische Fachkenntnisse leicht verständlich erklärt und beigebracht (inkl. Tabellenbuch, Übungen, Baukasten uvm.)
Thomas Böhm
Fachkunde Elektrotechnik für Einsteiger: Alle Grundlagen, wichtigen Details und spezifische Fachkenntnisse leicht verständlich erklärt und beigebracht (inkl. Tabellenbuch, Übungen, Baukasten uvm.) by Thomas Böhm

Fachkunde Elektrotechnik für Einsteiger: Alle Grundlagen, wichtigen Details und spezifische Fachkenntnisse leicht verständlich erklärt und beigebracht (inkl. Tabellenbuch, Übungen, Baukasten uvm.)

By: Thomas Böhm

Narrated by: Mario Kunze

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Elektrotechnik faszinieren Sie und Sie möchten sich strukturiert in das Thema einarbeiten? Sie wollen Ihre handwerklichen Fähigkeiten erweitern und bei Waschmaschine und Staubsauger selbst Hand anlegen? Sie wollen eine Ausbildung oder Studium im Bereich der Elektrotechnik beginnen? Dann ist dieses Buch Ihr... Read more

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Fascinating Facts About Money by Syed Bokhari
Fascinating Facts About Money
Syed Bokhari
Fascinating Facts About Money by Syed Bokhari

Fascinating Facts About Money

By: Syed Bokhari

Narrated by: Martin Graham & Rebekah Amber Clark

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

If you're seeking amazing and fascinating facts to learn and share, look no further., you came to the right place!
This is a short read from the BOOK: FASCINATING FACTS YOU'LL LOVE TO SHAREFocusing JUST ON : MONEY FactsDid you know?Germans once used their money... Read more

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Success Strategy for Students by Pradip N Das
Success Strategy for Students
Pradip N Das
Success Strategy for Students by Pradip N Das

Success Strategy for Students

By: Pradip N Das

Narrated by: Rory Young

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Powerful Solution to Achieve Your Goals, Skyrocket Your Productivity, Master in Success Strategy and Skills!Do you often wonder why some people are successful while most others struggle in life?Do you find yourself upset in self-sabotaging thinking patterns and miss out on great opportunities?How would your life change if you know the secret of... Read more

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Humbled Dad, invested Dad by Alfred Gordon Liu
Humbled Dad, invested Dad
Alfred Gordon Liu
Humbled Dad, invested Dad by Alfred Gordon Liu

Humbled Dad, invested Dad

By: Alfred Gordon Liu

Narrated by: Alfred Gordon Liu

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children and Have Them Become Wildly Wealthy Adults10 Must-Have Relationships between Parent and Child6 Activities for Every Developmental Life Stage3 Phase Method for Exponential Growth1 Family Legacy to Create Kids aren't the only ones who need parental guidance! Sometimes parents are looking for a bit of... Read more

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Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged by Thomas Schmitt
Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged
Thomas Schmitt
Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged by Thomas Schmitt

Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged

By: Thomas Schmitt

Narrated by: Thomas Schmitt

Length: 10 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Heute gehen wir selbstverständlich davon aus, dass seelische Prozesse mit der Funktion des Gehirns zusammenhängen. Jedoch entzieht sich die Komplexität des Dargestellten oft unserem Verständnishorizont. Nichtmediziner_innen fehlen die notwendigen Grundinformationen, um die Befunde und ihre Bedeutung auch für die Behandlung seelischer Krankheiten... Read more

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On to the Next Thing by Corbin Bosiljevac
On to the Next Thing
Corbin Bosiljevac
On to the Next Thing by Corbin Bosiljevac

On to the Next Thing

By: Corbin Bosiljevac

Narrated by: Corbin Bosiljevac

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

"4 out of 5 Stars. Engrossing and earnest, On to the Next Thing is an insightful and positive journey through an empowering personal philosophy." - Brenna O'Hara, Reedsy DiscoveryEntertaining true crime meets an encouraging spiritual awakening.Having the right mix of encouragement and entertainment, Corbin Bosiljevac's memoir gets to the heart... Read more

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Gut gesagt ist schon gewonnen! by Markus Feldmann
Gut gesagt ist schon gewonnen!
Markus Feldmann
Gut gesagt ist schon gewonnen! by Markus Feldmann

Gut gesagt ist schon gewonnen!

By: Markus Feldmann

Narrated by: Oliver Thierjung

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Kennen Sie die Art Menschen, die in jeder Situation die richtigen Worte finden, wohingegen andere oftmals sprachlos sind? Sie erhalten Aufmerksamkeit, Sympathie und Vertrauen von ihren Mitmenschen ganz unabhängig von ihrem Aussehen und Attraktivitätslevel. Was wäre wenn Sie schon bald zu einem von ihnen gehören würden und auf magische Weise... Read more

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La ciencia pop 2 by Gabriel León
La ciencia pop 2
Gabriel León
La ciencia pop 2 by Gabriel León

La ciencia pop 2

By: Gabriel León

Narrated by: Daniel Streeter

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Un compilado de crónicas sobre eventos de la ciencia destinado a un público no especializado.
Repitiendo la fórmula de su primera versión, Ciencia pop 2 entrega nuevas historias y hazañas científicas. Biografías, descubrimientos, accidentes, errores e incógnitas son abordadas mediante una pluma informada y fascinante. Historias que son... Read more

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Leaving the Golden Cage by Norbert Farkas
Leaving the Golden Cage
Norbert Farkas
Leaving the Golden Cage by Norbert Farkas

Leaving the Golden Cage

By: Norbert Farkas

Narrated by: Todd Creel

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

This audiobook is for listeners who work in major, international life science companies and entertain the thought of starting their own venture, a consulting practice.Have you ever felt that you have stopped growing, you do not really enjoy your work anymore or you have lost interest in what you do? Are you constantly worried that your position... Read more

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Influence Human Behavior by Michelle Allen
Influence Human Behavior
Michelle Allen
Influence Human Behavior by Michelle Allen

Influence Human Behavior

By: Michelle Allen

Narrated by: Diedra Eby

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Covering all the key areas of relationships, selfhood, and emotions, Influencing Human Behavior by Michelle Allen also examines how we can “read” and influence other people with reference to body language, societal norms, motivation, and framing your communication.Inside, you’ll discover information on:What you need to understand mind-set,... Read more

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The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzō
The Book of Tea
Okakura Kakuzō
The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzō

The Book of Tea

By: Okakura Kakuzō

Narrated by: Mike Rosenlof

Length: 2 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

The Book of Tea was written by Okakura Kakuzo in the early 20th century. It was first published in 1906, and has since been republished many times. - In the book, Kakuzo introduces the term Teaism and how Tea has affected nearly every aspect of Japanese culture, thought, and life. The book is noted to be accessible to Western audiences because... Read more

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Objetivo: Generar talento by José Antonio Marina
Objetivo: Generar talento
José Antonio Marina
Objetivo: Generar talento by José Antonio Marina

Objetivo: Generar talento

By: José Antonio Marina

Narrated by: Pepe Ocio

Length: 5 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Objetivo: generar talento desarrolla un modelo totalmente innovador para comprender el talento entendido como la inteligencia actuando de manera adecuada, brillante, eficiente; y explica cómo se genera, no solo a nivel individual, sino también de las organizaciones y de las sociedades. «Este es un libro optimista. No con el optimismo un poco... Read more

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Beginning theory by Peter Barry
Beginning theory
Peter Barry
Beginning theory by Peter Barry

Beginning theory

By: Peter Barry

Narrated by: Lucy Scott

Length: 13 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Beginning theory has been helping students navigate through the thickets of literary and cultural theory for over two decades. This new and expanded fourth edition continues to offer readers the best single-volume introduction to the field. The bewildering variety of approaches, theorists and technical language is lucidly and expertly... Read more

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The Spirit of Our Work by Cynthia B. Dillard
The Spirit of Our Work
Cynthia B. Dillard
The Spirit of Our Work by Cynthia B. Dillard

The Spirit of Our Work

By: Cynthia B. Dillard

Narrated by: Joy Vandervort

Length: 8 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

An exploration of how engaging identity and cultural heritage can transform teaching and learning for Black women educators in the name of justice and freedom in the classroom

In The Spirit of Our Work, Dr. Cynthia Dillard centers the spiritual lives of Black women educators and their students, arguing that spirituality has guided Black people... Read more

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Pimsleur Japanese Level 3 by Pimsleur
Pimsleur Japanese Level 3
Pimsleur Japanese Level 3 by Pimsleur

Pimsleur Japanese Level 3

By: Pimsleur

Narrated by: Pimsleur

Length: 17 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Japanese
With Pimsleur you’ll become conversational in Japanese — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You’ll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you’ve learned, so you can put it... Read more

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Miseducation by Katie Worth
Katie Worth
Miseducation by Katie Worth


By: Katie Worth

Narrated by: Emily Ellet

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Why are so many American children learning so much misinformation about climate change?

Investigative reporter Katie Worth reviewed scores of textbooks, built a 50-state database, and traveled to a dozen communities to talk to children and teachers about what is being taught, and found a red-blue divide in climate education. More than one-third... Read more

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