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Wenken voor het goede leven by Maarten van Buuren
Wenken voor het goede leven
Maarten van Buuren
Wenken voor het goede leven by Maarten van Buuren

Wenken voor het goede leven

By: Maarten van Buuren

Narrated by: Maarten van Buuren & Joep Dohmen

Length: 10 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

We zijn vrij om te worden wie we willen zijn en ons leven zelf vorm te geven. Maar hoe vul je die vrijheid in en wat is goed leven? Daarvoor is een nieuwe moraal nodig die niet dogmatisch is, maar positief. Geen verboden en geboden, maar persoonlijke vrijheid gedefinieerd ten opzichte van de ander. Van oudsher behandelt de deugdethiek de moraal... Read more

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Het nieuwe van de oudheid by Ineke Sluiter
Het nieuwe van de oudheid
Ineke Sluiter
Het nieuwe van de oudheid by Ineke Sluiter

Het nieuwe van de oudheid

By: Ineke Sluiter

Narrated by: Ineke Sluiter

Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

De klassieke oudheid is nog steeds een bron van fascinatie en inspiratie. Wie zich bezighoudt met de grote teksten uit de Oudheid kan zich niet aan de indruk onttrekken dat die teksten over ons gaan, over de essentie van wat ons tot mens maakt en wat onze samenleving bezighoudt.

Wij zijn individuen, verankerd in de afwisseling van de generaties... Read more

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Waarheid en dwaling by Herman Philipse
Waarheid en dwaling
Herman Philipse
Waarheid en dwaling by Herman Philipse

Waarheid en dwaling

By: Herman Philipse

Narrated by: Herman Philipse

Length: 4 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Hoe ordent de mens zijn denken? Filosofen hebben in de loop van de geschiedenis veel nagedacht over deze vraag. Kunnen we iets opsteken van systematische analyse om onze eigen denkfouten en dwalingen te ondervangen? Voorbeelden van gerechtelijke dwalingen, zoals de veroordeling van Lucia de Berk tot levenslange gevangenisstraf in 2004 en 2007,... Read more

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Erasmus by Hans Trapman
Hans Trapman
Erasmus by Hans Trapman


By: Hans Trapman

Narrated by: Hans Trapman

Length: 3 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Desiderius Erasmus (ca. 1356 – 1536) dankt zijn roem vooral aan de Lof der Zotheid, de satire waarin hij allerlei menselijke zotheden aan de kaak stelt. Zijn oeuvre omvat echter nog circa honderd andere geschriften. Daarin gaat het over taal en stijl, opvoeding en onderwijs, etiquette en ethiek, bijbel en kerk. Erasmus trad op als zelfbewust... Read more

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Macht der edelen by Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije
Macht der edelen
Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije
Macht der edelen by Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije

Macht der edelen

By: Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije

Narrated by: Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oije

Length: 5 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

In alle maatschappijen manifesteren zich groepen personen met macht en aanzien, een verschijnsel dat een erfelijk karakter krijgt. Maar hoe is de adel in Europa ontstaan en welke vorm heeft hij in Nederland gekregen?

In dit college behandelt Coen Schimmelpenninck de historische ontwikkeling en betekenis van de adel in Nederland, van de... Read more

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Monteverdi by Leo Samama
Leo Samama
Monteverdi by Leo Samama


By: Leo Samama

Narrated by: Leo Samama

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) is zonder twijfel de belangrijkste componist geweest uit de boeiende periode waarin de renaissance overging in de barok. In deze periode componeerde Monteverdi aanvankelijk zuiver vocale madrigalen. Vanaf de eeuwwisseling schrijft hij steeds meer madrigalen die door instrumenten worden begeleid. In 1607 verscheen... Read more

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Spaanse Burgeroorlog by Eric Storm
Spaanse Burgeroorlog
Eric Storm
Spaanse Burgeroorlog by Eric Storm

Spaanse Burgeroorlog

By: Eric Storm

Narrated by: Eric Storm

Length: 4 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Tussen 1936 en 1939 werd Spanje verscheurd door een burgeroorlog. Republikeinen en nationalisten streden op leven en dood. Ze werden daarin gesteund door een keur aan politieke en religieuze groeperingen, waaronder socialisten, anarchisten, communisten, fascisten, monarchisten en autoritaire militairen. Ook het buitenland bemoeide zich met de... Read more

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The Rhyme Bible Storybook by L. J. Sattgast
The Rhyme Bible Storybook
L. J. Sattgast
The Rhyme Bible Storybook by L. J. Sattgast

The Rhyme Bible Storybook

By: L. J. Sattgast

Narrated by: Full Cast

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

The Rhyme Bible Storybook brings classic Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments to life, retold in rhyme so that children are enthusiastic to read along, excited to read aloud, and, most importantly, eager to remember their favorite Scripture verses.Storybook Bibles are wonderful ways for young children to begin their journey into knowing... Read more

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Amazing People of Germany - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Germany - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Germany - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of Germany - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Germany is a country rich in history for many reasons, both good and bad. In this exciting title, The Amazing People Club would like to bring you face to face with some of the most influential and inspirational people of Germany. Everyone has heard of Beethoven and his masterpieces, but few know that he sought solace in music due to his sad... Read more

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Meet Mahatma Gandhi by Charles Margerison
Meet Mahatma Gandhi
Charles Margerison
Meet Mahatma Gandhi by Charles Margerison

Meet Mahatma Gandhi

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Mahatma, meaning great soul, is the name by which we all know the inspirational Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi. In this unique life story from The Amazing People Club, you are invited to share in the thoughts and mindset of this resolute peace lover. His compassion and respect for those around him played a pivotal part in history as he promoted... Read more

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Amazing People of Russia - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Russia - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Russia - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of Russia - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Russia is the largest country in the world and covers more than one eighth of the globe's inhabited land mass. So, it stands to reason that it has been home to many amazing people. The Amazing People Club takes you on a virtual historical journey into the lives of some of these inspirational contributors to this nation. Famous for her many... Read more

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Meet Helen Keller by Charles Margerison
Meet Helen Keller
Charles Margerison
Meet Helen Keller by Charles Margerison

Meet Helen Keller

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Being able to see and hear are gifts that many of us take for granted. In this inspirational title from The Amazing People Club, you will get to hear the amazing Helen Keller story. Follow her journey from early childhood where frustration, confusion and anger were part of her everyday life. Discover what made her go on to become the first... Read more

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Meet Confucius by Charles Margerison
Meet Confucius
Charles Margerison
Meet Confucius by Charles Margerison

Meet Confucius

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Words of wisdom beginning with "Confucius says" are heard on almost a daily basis. Few people know where this originated. Therefore, The Amazing People Club are proud to invite you to 'Meet Confucius', born in 500BC in China. So, what did Confucius actually say? He was a forward thinker and one of the most influential philosopher's in the... Read more

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Amazing Explorers - Volume 2 by Charles Margerison
Amazing Explorers - Volume 2
Charles Margerison
Amazing Explorers - Volume 2 by Charles Margerison

Amazing Explorers - Volume 2

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

The geography of our amazing world has come about through the contributions of many. The Amazing People Club invites you into the adventurous and inspirational lives of five amazing explorers, whose voyages around the earth have contributed to civilization as we know it today. Take to the skies with Amy Johnson as she explored new boundaries... Read more

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Amazing Colonists - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing Colonists - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing Colonists - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing Colonists - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Colonists are often defined as people who moved from a civilized country to a non-civilized country to form new communities modelled on their old country. The Amazing People Club would like to introduce you to five amazing people who embarked upon great adventurous journeys, in some cases not always voluntarily. Discover how they adapted to... Read more

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Amazing People of Scotland - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Scotland - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Scotland - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of Scotland - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Home to the Loch Ness monster, kilts, clans and medieval castles, Scotland was also the birthplace of some amazing innovators, who made major contributions to our world. We watch television every day but few of us know that it was invented by a Scottish engineer named John Logie Baird. He also developed colour television and other ways of... Read more

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Amazing People of Australia - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Australia - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Australia - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of Australia - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Australia has developed to become a model multi-ethnic society. In this collection of life stories from The Amazing People Club, you can gain an insight into how some amazing Australians set the scene and contributed to the country we fondly refer to as Downunder. Embark on a thrilling flight of discovery with Charles Kingsford Smith. His... Read more

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Amazing People of Italy - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Italy - Volume 1
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of Italy - Volume 1 by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of Italy - Volume 1

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

As well as being famous for its fine artists and great writers, Italy is also (and consequently) closely associated with romance and passion. The birthplace of the Renaissance has been home to many amazing people. The Amazing People Club invites you to explore their lives in this fascinating title. Be swept away on a musical journey of... Read more

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Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington
Up from Slavery
Booker T. Washington
Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington

Up from Slavery

By: Booker T. Washington

Narrated by: Noah Waterman

Length: 6 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Booker T. Washington fought his way out of slavery to become an educator, statesman, political shaper, and proponent of the “do it yourself” idea. In his autobiography, he describes his early life as a slave on a Virginia plantation, his steady rise during the Civil War, his struggle for education, his schooling at the Hampton Institute, and his... Read more

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Le rêve enchanté by Belgazou (aut)
Le rêve enchanté
Belgazou (aut)
Le rêve enchanté by Belgazou (aut)

Le rêve enchanté

By: Belgazou (aut)

Narrated by: Belgazou (aut)

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Belgazou et Filipon racontent, chantent et dansent. Quel beau paysage de rêve! Read more

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The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan
The One World Schoolhouse
Salman Khan
The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan

The One World Schoolhouse

By: Salman Khan

Narrated by: Salman Khan

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere: this is the goal of the Khan Academy, a passion project that grew from an ex-engineer and hedge funder's online tutoring sessions with his niece, who was struggling with algebra, into a worldwide phenomenon. Like many innovators, Khan rethinks existing assumptions and imagines what education... Read more

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Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing
Sally Lloyd-Jones
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

By: Sally Lloyd-Jones

Narrated by: David Suchet

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

From Jago and Sally Lloyd-Jones, the creators of the bestselling Jesus Storybook Bible, comes this gorgeous and innovative collection of 101 simple-yet- profound thoughts on faith. Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing shares profound spiritual truths from the Bible told in a conversational tone—drawing insights from creation, history, science, the... Read more

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The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan
The One World Schoolhouse
Salman Khan
The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan

The One World Schoolhouse

By: Salman Khan

Narrated by: Salman Khan

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The creator of the revolutionary educational platform Khan Academy share his vision for the future of schooling and the major role that technology will play.

A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere: this is the goal of the Khan Academy, a passion project that grew from an ex-engineer and hedge funder's online tutoring sessions with his... Read more

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You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Revised and Updated Edition by Cynthia Tobias
You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Revised and Updated Edition
Cynthia Tobias
You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Revised and Updated Edition by Cynthia Tobias

You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Revised and Updated Edition

By: Cynthia Tobias

Narrated by: Cynthia Tobias

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

“I love the practical strategies and valuable insights from the hearts and lives of strong-willed kids.… You’ll defi nitely want to make this book part of your parenting library.”
—Dr. Kevin Leman, New York Times best-selling author of Have a New Kid by Friday

Turn Conflict into Cooperation
Many parents suspect their strong-willed child is... Read more

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