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Teaching Ecological Imagination by David Orr
Teaching Ecological Imagination
David Orr
Teaching Ecological Imagination by David Orr

Teaching Ecological Imagination

By: David Orr

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In a world on the brink of ecological disaster, David Orr is hopeful that we can still turn the tide if we recognize that the people who will create the sustainable society of the future are sitting in our classrooms today. Read more

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Raising a Wondrous Child by Dawna Markova
Raising a Wondrous Child
Dawna Markova
Raising a Wondrous Child by Dawna Markova

Raising a Wondrous Child

By: Dawna Markova

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Dawna Markova launched a movement to free parents from worrying about "fixing" their children's differences, and instead help their youngsters recognize the enormous value they have in the world, just as they are. It's a radical shift from our current standardized educational paradigm - and it's a joyous one. Read more

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Vom Umgang mit Menschen - Abridged by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge
Vom Umgang mit Menschen - Abridged
Adolph Freiherr von Knigge
Vom Umgang mit Menschen - Abridged by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge

Vom Umgang mit Menschen - Abridged

By: Adolph Freiherr von Knigge

Narrated by: Anette Daugardt

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wohlmeinend, ratschlagend, hilfsbereit, aber nie besserwisserisch - das ist der Stil, in dem Knigge sein berühmtes Buch geschrieben hat, und deshalb macht es immer noch so viel Spaß, seinen Ausführungen zu lauschen. Dabei ist Knigge in jeder Frage sicher in der Einschätzung, und zu recht ist sein Name heute synonym mit gepflegten Umgangsformen.... Read more

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Über den Umgang unter Freunden - Abridged by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge
Über den Umgang unter Freunden - Abridged
Adolph Freiherr von Knigge
Über den Umgang unter Freunden - Abridged by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge

Über den Umgang unter Freunden - Abridged

By: Adolph Freiherr von Knigge

Narrated by: Anette Daugardt

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Über den Umgang unter Freunden" lautet das Kapitel aus seinem großen Werk über den Umgang mit Menschen, das hier zu hören ist. Knigge schreibt auch hier wohlmeinend, ratschlagend, und ohne besserwisserisch zu wirken, wie sich Freunde gegenseitig zu verhalten haben. "Hast Du einen treuen Freund gefunden, so bewahre ihn auch! Halte ihn in Ehren,... Read more

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The Shame of the Nation by Jonathan Kozol
The Shame of the Nation
Jonathan Kozol
The Shame of the Nation by Jonathan Kozol

The Shame of the Nation

By: Jonathan Kozol

Narrated by: Robertson Dean

Length: 10 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

“The nation needs to be confronted with the crime that we’re committing and the promises we are betraying. This is a book about betrayal of the young, who have no power to defend themselves. It is not intended to make readers comfortable.”

Over the past several years, Jonathan Kozol has visited nearly 60 public schools. Virtually everywhere, he... Read more

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Just Say Yes: Improvising Your Life by Patricia Ryan Madson
Just Say Yes: Improvising Your Life
Patricia Ryan Madson
Just Say Yes: Improvising Your Life by Patricia Ryan Madson

Just Say Yes: Improvising Your Life

By: Patricia Ryan Madson

Narrated by: Bec Kageyama

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Patricia Madson draws on the principles of improvisational theater to approach life with a willingness to pay attention to whatever life presents, and to say yes to the unexpected. Read more

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The Shame of the Nation - Abridged by Jonathan Kozol
The Shame of the Nation - Abridged
Jonathan Kozol
The Shame of the Nation - Abridged by Jonathan Kozol

The Shame of the Nation - Abridged

By: Jonathan Kozol

Narrated by: Harry Chase

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“The nation needs to be confronted with the crime that we’re committing and the promises we are betraying. This is a book about betrayal of the young, who have no power to defend themselves. It is not intended to make readers comfortable.”

Over the past several years, Jonathan Kozol has visited nearly 60 public schools. Virtually everywhere, he... Read more

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A Holistic Approach to Global Warming by Jamie Henn & May Boeve
A Holistic Approach to Global Warming
Jamie Henn & May Boeve
A Holistic Approach to Global Warming by Jamie Henn & May Boeve

A Holistic Approach to Global Warming

By: Jamie Henn & May Boeve

Narrated by: Bec Kageyama

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Jamie Henn and Mae Boeve, students at Middlebury College in Vermont, created the Road to Detroit bus tour in 2005 and brought students from all over the United States together to give voice to consumer demand for more fuel-efficient cars. Read more

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Educating For Wholeness by David Marshak
Educating For Wholeness
David Marshak
Educating For Wholeness by David Marshak

Educating For Wholeness

By: David Marshak

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Marshak believes most schools have an unstated belief that only a small number of children are intelligent.  "If instead," he asserts, "we believed that every child is a gifted child in one way or another, we would organize schools very differently." Read more

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García Márquez in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern
García Márquez in 90 Minutes
Paul Strathern
García Márquez in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern

García Márquez in 90 Minutes

By: Paul Strathern

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

García Márquez stands on the shoulders of a great Latin American literary heritage. But he is also that modern rarity, a writer with aspirations to high art who also remains hugely popular. For those who fall under his spell, his novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, is one of the richest literary dreams ever written. Its “magical realism” has... Read more

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Confucius in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern
Confucius in 90 Minutes
Paul Strathern
Confucius in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern

Confucius in 90 Minutes

By: Paul Strathern

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Confucius taught a moral wisdom that would become a predominant social force in China from the second century BCE until the mid-twentieth century. It would appear that his aim was to turn his pupils into good government officials, but his quaint humanistic platitudes, maxims, and quasi-enigmatic anecdotes made spiritual fodder for the next two... Read more

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Nietzsche in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern
Nietzsche in 90 Minutes
Paul Strathern
Nietzsche in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern

Nietzsche in 90 Minutes

By: Paul Strathern

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

With Friedrich Nietzsche, philosophy was dangerous not only for philosophers but for everyone. Nietzsche ultimately went mad, but his ideas presaged a collective madness that had horrific consequences in Europe in the early 1900s. Though his philosophy is more one of aphorisms and insights than a system, it is brilliant, persuasive, and... Read more

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Voucher Wars by Clint Bolick
Voucher Wars
Clint Bolick
Voucher Wars by Clint Bolick

Voucher Wars

By: Clint Bolick

Narrated by: Jeff Riggenbach

Length: 9 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

In June 2002, the US Supreme Court's ruling in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris opened the door to school choice. In Voucher Wars: Waging the Legal Battle over School Choice, Clint Bolick recounts the dramatic twelve-year struggle to finally give families a choice in education. As the central figure in the legal battle over school choice, Bolick tells... Read more

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Choosing a College by Thomas Sowell
Choosing a College
Thomas Sowell
Choosing a College by Thomas Sowell

Choosing a College

By: Thomas Sowell

Narrated by: Robert Morris

Length: 6 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

This book starts you at square one: before you know what questions to ask, what colleges to read about, or what statistics to look up. Sowell pulls no punches as he candidly describes the inner and outer workings of scores of American colleges and universities, big and small. He gives equal attention to special programs, financial aid, and the... Read more

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A Personal Odyssey by Thomas Sowell
A Personal Odyssey
Thomas Sowell
A Personal Odyssey by Thomas Sowell

A Personal Odyssey

By: Thomas Sowell

Narrated by: Jeff Riggenbach

Length: 10 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Here is the gritty, powerful story of Thomas Sowell’s life-long education in the school of hard knocks, as the journey took him from Harlem to the Marines, the Ivy League, and a career as a controversial writer, teacher, and economist in government and private industry. It is also the story of the dramatically changing times in which this... Read more

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La chatte blanche by Jani Pascal
La chatte blanche
Jani Pascal
La chatte blanche by Jani Pascal

La chatte blanche

By: Jani Pascal

Narrated by: Jani Pascal

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Des contes qui ont traversé les continents. Les mémoires. Des contes qui sont devenus les nôtres. Ces récits de notre littérature orale qui reposaient aphones, Jani Pascal les fait revivre grâce à ses recherches minutieuses effectuées à même les fonds d'archives du Canada français. Elle redonne la parole à nos contes. Notre héritage culturel. La... Read more

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Beyond A.D.D.: Getting to the Root of Brain Dysfunction by Bette Lamont
Beyond A.D.D.: Getting to the Root of Brain Dysfunction
Bette Lamont
Beyond A.D.D.: Getting to the Root of Brain Dysfunction by Bette Lamont

Beyond A.D.D.: Getting to the Root of Brain Dysfunction

By: Bette Lamont

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder has reached epidemic proportions. But few answers have emerged to explain why this is so, and fewer solutions do more than mask the symptoms - until now. Read more

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Holistic Education for the Cultural Creative Generation by Eric Utne, Dee Dickinson & Ron Miller
Holistic Education for the Cultural Creative Generation
Eric Utne, Dee Dickinson & Ron Miller
Holistic Education for the Cultural Creative Generation by Eric Utne, Dee Dickinson & Ron Miller

Holistic Education for the Cultural Creative Generation

By: Eric Utne, Dee Dickinson & Ron Miller

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In three separate interviews, visionaries Eric Utne, Dee Dickinson, and Ron Miller bring news from the frontiers of innovation in education. You'll hear how breakthroughs in neurological science are reaching teachers as they design their learning plans. Read more

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Teaching Connection, Compassion and Character by Rachael Kessler
Teaching Connection, Compassion and Character
Rachael Kessler
Teaching Connection, Compassion and Character by Rachael Kessler

Teaching Connection, Compassion and Character

By: Rachael Kessler

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

As more emphasis is placed on test scores, and non-academic classes fall victim to budget cuts, students are left with little opportunity to explore the deeper issues that bring the sense of purpose that is too often lacking. Rachael Kessler has a different vision of what education can and should be about. Read more

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Life's Journeys According to Mister Rogers by Fred Rogers
Life's Journeys According to Mister Rogers
Fred Rogers
Life's Journeys According to Mister Rogers by Fred Rogers

Life's Journeys According to Mister Rogers

By: Fred Rogers

Narrated by: Lily Tomlin, Blair Brown, Richard Kind, Joanne ...

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

An inspiring collection of thoughts to take with us on the paths we travel in life.

For all the roads we choose to travel, and even those we don't, Fred Rogers has an observation, a story, some insights to share. Whether you're facing graduation, a new job, a new baby, marriage, any change in your life--expected or not--the wisdom that Mister... Read more

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Les petites filles modèles - Abridged by La comtesse de Ségur
Les petites filles modèles - Abridged
La comtesse de Ségur
Les petites filles modèles - Abridged by La comtesse de Ségur

Les petites filles modèles - Abridged

By: La comtesse de Ségur

Narrated by: Macha Grenon

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Camille et Madeleine sont deux petites filles sages qui vivent avec leur mère au château de Fleurville. Modèles de vertu, elles sont la fierté de leur maman. Lors d'une promenade, les petites filles recueillent Mme de Rosebourg et sa fille Marguerite, victimes d'un accident de voiture. Les trois enfants deviennent rapidement inséparables. Leur... Read more

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Walking in Peace by Angela Porter & Emily Hooker
Walking in Peace
Angela Porter & Emily Hooker
Walking in Peace by Angela Porter & Emily Hooker

Walking in Peace

By: Angela Porter & Emily Hooker

Narrated by: Rebecca Kageyama

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack of 9/11, surrounded by surging, blind patriotism, Angela Porter felt called to do something - something that would make a statement for peace. That call became a walk across the nation, from Berkeley, California, to Washington, D.C. Joined by Emily Hooker and five other women, she traveled eight months... Read more

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She Comes First - Abridged by Ian Kerner
She Comes First - Abridged
Ian Kerner
She Comes First - Abridged by Ian Kerner

She Comes First - Abridged

By: Ian Kerner

Narrated by: Ian Kerner

Length: 4 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""She Comes First is quite simply the best guide to oral sex out there."" —AskMen.comThe essential guidebook to oral sex, She Comes First offers a radical new philosophy for pleasuring womenAs women everywhere will attest, men are ""ill-cliterate."" But in the pages of She Comes First, the mystery of female satisfaction is solved, and the tongue... Read more

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Filosofen van de 20e eeuw by Herman Philipse
Filosofen van de 20e eeuw
Herman Philipse
Filosofen van de 20e eeuw by Herman Philipse

Filosofen van de 20e eeuw

By: Herman Philipse

Narrated by: Herman Philipse

Length: 8 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

De twintigste eeuw heeft een vrijwel onuitputtelijke rijkdom aan filosofische ideeën opgeleverd. Er leefden in deze eeuw meer filosofen dan in alle voorgaande eeuwen tezamen. Deze serie colleges maakt deze rijkdom zichtbaar aan de hand van acht vooraanstaande denkers en de wijsgerige stromingen die ze vertegenwoordigen. Aan bod komen Russell,... Read more

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