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Coming soon
On the Wrong Side by Nicole Bedera
On the Wrong Side
Nicole Bedera
On the Wrong Side by Nicole Bedera

On the Wrong Side

By: Nicole Bedera

Narrated by: Suzy Jackson

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No


On the Wrong Side provides the first comprehensive account of the inner workings of the secretive Title IX system. Drawing on a yearlong study of survivors, perpetrators, and the administrators who oversaw... Read more

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Coming soon
Small Habits Create Big Change by Rebecca Branstetter
Small Habits Create Big Change
Rebecca Branstetter
Small Habits Create Big Change by Rebecca Branstetter

Small Habits Create Big Change

By: Rebecca Branstetter

Narrated by: Amanda Troop

Length: 4 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Small Habits Create Big Change is a collection of micro-habits that educators can use to reclaim their mental health and love for their jobs. This book helps you identify your unique personality type, so you can find the hacks and tweaks that will actually work as you strive to manage stress and reignite your passion for working with students.... Read more

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Coming soon
The Homeschool Advantage by Colleen Kessler, MEd
The Homeschool Advantage
Colleen Kessler, MEd
The Homeschool Advantage by Colleen Kessler, MEd

The Homeschool Advantage

By: Colleen Kessler, MEd

Narrated by: Colleen Kessler

Length: 7 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

All children have passions, talents, and interests that can be promoted and developed, supporting their achievement and wellbeing. In this book, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how to shift their mindset from focusing on deficits to tapping into a child's strengths.

This versatile book will encourage both new and experienced... Read more

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New release
Montaigne by Brigitte Boudon
Brigitte Boudon
Montaigne by Brigitte Boudon


By: Brigitte Boudon

Narrated by: Virginie Durandet & Lennie Coindeaux

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Laissez-vous inspirer par la sagesse de Montaigne ! Malgré les siècles qui nous séparent de son œuvre, ses réflexions demeurent étonnamment actuelles. Les vertus qu'il médite et cherche à vivre, telles que la tolérance, l'amitié, la justice et la connaissance de soi, sont encore sources d'inspiration pour nos contemporains. Montaigne est reconnu... Read more

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New release
Insatisfait ? by Oscar Brenifier
Insatisfait ?
Oscar Brenifier
Insatisfait ? by Oscar Brenifier

Insatisfait ?

By: Oscar Brenifier

Narrated by: Lennie Coindeaux & Virginie Durandet

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Pourquoi souffrons-nous d'insatisfaction? Pourquoi cela engendre-t-il en nous de la tristesse et de la colère ? Dans un monde de démesure où tout semble possible, notre finitude matérielle et psychologique nous est insupportable. Nous souffrons aussi de ne pouvoir pallier les imperfections d'autrui et du monde. Nous nous comparons et nous... Read more

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New release
Les Stoïciens by Brigitte Boudon
Les Stoïciens
Brigitte Boudon
Les Stoïciens by Brigitte Boudon

Les Stoïciens

By: Brigitte Boudon

Narrated by: Virginie Durandet & Lennie Coindeaux

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Voulez-vous apprendre l'art de la maîtrise de soi pour dépasser les agitations journalières ? Souhaitez-vous cultiver la patience et accepter les choses que l'on ne peut changer, tout en développant de la gratitude envers autrui ? Si oui, devenez stoïcien ! Ce livre vous invite à être l'architecte d'une paix intérieure durable. De Sénèque à... Read more

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New release
Jung by Brigitte Boudon
Brigitte Boudon
Jung by Brigitte Boudon


By: Brigitte Boudon

Narrated by: Virginie Durandet & Lennie Coindeaux

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Avec cette synthèse accessible de la philosophie de Jung, vous explorerez les parties les plus profondes de l'âme humaine et le rôle essentiel des opposés pour atteindre l'harmonie intérieure. La notion d'individuation, les structures de l'inconscient, les archétypes, sont abordés de manière vivante et opérative. Accepter et équilibrer les... Read more

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New release
Nietzsche by Fabien Amouroux
Fabien Amouroux
Nietzsche by Fabien Amouroux


By: Fabien Amouroux

Narrated by: Virginie Durandet & Lennie Coindeaux

Length: 3 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Que vous soyez un fervent admirateur de Nietzsche ou simplement un curieux en quête d'idées nouvelles, ce livre, tel un marteau, brise les habitudes et vous confronte aux concepts provocateurs de ce philosophe-prophète. Préparez-vous ébranler vos certitudes sur le bien et le mal, la douleur et le plaisir, l'amour et la mort. Et criez avec lui :... Read more

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New release
Montessori: il metodo educativo by Maria Montessori
Montessori: il metodo educativo
Maria Montessori
Montessori: il metodo educativo by Maria Montessori

Montessori: il metodo educativo

By: Maria Montessori

Narrated by: Elda Olivieri, Tamara Fagnocchi & Giuliana Atepi

Length: 34 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Scopri i segreti del celebre metodo educativo montessoriano con questa compilation, che raccoglie tre opere essenziali della grande pedagogista: "Il segreto dell'infanzia", "La scoperta del bambino" e "La mente del bambino". Con una prosa e un'argomentazione che non ha eguali per chiarezza e modernità, Maria Montessori guida ogni lettore,... Read more

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New release
Frases durante o sexo by Laura Souza
Frases durante o sexo
Laura Souza
Frases durante o sexo by Laura Souza

Frases durante o sexo

By: Laura Souza

Narrated by: Rute S.

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Uma verdade é inquestionável: homens que estão insatisfeitos na cama com sua parceira procurarão outras ou provavelmente nem chegarão a iniciar um relacionamento com elas. Muitas mulheres já sofreram porque seus maridos ou namorados as trocaram sem qualquer remorso. Também não é incomum verificar que muitas mulheres, depois de transar uma ou... Read more

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New release
Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
Understanding By Design
Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

Understanding By Design

By: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

Narrated by: Sarah Zimmerman

Length: 17 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

ASCD Bestseller! Wiggins and McTighe provide an expanded array of practical tools and strategies for designing curriculum, instruction, and assessments that lead students at all grade levels to genuine understanding. How do you know when students understand? Can you design learning experiences that make it much more likely that students... Read more

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New release
Higher Admissions by Nicholas Lemann
Higher Admissions
Nicholas Lemann
Higher Admissions by Nicholas Lemann

Higher Admissions

By: Nicholas Lemann

Narrated by: Terrence Kidd

Length: 4 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

In the 1930s, American colleges and universities began to screen applications using the SAT, a mass-administered, IQ-descended standardized test. The widespread adoption of the test accompanied the development of the world's first mass higher education system—and served to promote the idea that the United States was becoming a "meritocracy." In... Read more

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New release
Distracted by Robert Rosenberger
Robert Rosenberger
Distracted by Robert Rosenberger


By: Robert Rosenberger

Narrated by: Jonathan Yen

Length: 10 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Although the dangers of texting while driving are widely known, many people resist the idea that phone usage will impair their driving. And connectivity features in new cars have only made using technology behind the wheel more tempting. What will it take to change people's minds and behavior? Robert Rosenberger contends that a better... Read more

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New release
French Lessons for 6th Graders by Simone Blanc
French Lessons for 6th Graders
Simone Blanc
French Lessons for 6th Graders by Simone Blanc

French Lessons for 6th Graders

By: Simone Blanc

Narrated by: Nicole Laurent

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

This 10-session course is designed to support English-speaking 6th graders, typically aged 11 to 12, in their journey to learn French. The course is designed to make language learning both engaging and approachable for young learners, focusing on building a strong foundation in the basics of key French vocabulary, verb conjugation, and essential... Read more

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New release
100 Amazing Facts about Prehistory by Marc Dresgui
100 Amazing Facts about Prehistory
Marc Dresgui
100 Amazing Facts about Prehistory by Marc Dresgui

100 Amazing Facts about Prehistory

By: Marc Dresgui

Narrated by: Marc Dresgui

Length: 3 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Explore Prehistory Like Never Before with "100 Amazing Facts About Prehistory"! Dive into a fascinating journey through the mysteries of our ancestors and discover incredible stories that will transport you from the earliest human traces to the amazing creatures that once roamed the Earth. 🦣Have you ever wondered: How did early humans survive... Read more

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New release
Edge of Space: Thrilling Tales of Courage and Catastrophe by Elijah Greystone
Edge of Space: Thrilling Tales of Courage and Catastrophe
Elijah Greystone
Edge of Space: Thrilling Tales of Courage and Catastrophe by Elijah Greystone

Edge of Space: Thrilling Tales of Courage and Catastrophe

By: Elijah Greystone

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Edge of Space: Thrilling Tales of Courage and Catastrophe
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you seeking to unlock the secrets of space exploration and gain deep insights into the lives of astronauts and their incredible journeys?
Looking for a comprehensive guide filled with thrilling stories of bravery and drama beyond our... Read more

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New release
Como Encontrar Sentido En Una Vida Que Lo Tiene by Onofre Quezada
Como Encontrar Sentido En Una Vida Que Lo Tiene
Onofre Quezada
Como Encontrar Sentido En Una Vida Que Lo Tiene by Onofre Quezada

Como Encontrar Sentido En Una Vida Que Lo Tiene

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

"Cómo Encontrar Sentido en una Vida que No lo Tiene" es una reflexión profunda sobre una de las cuestiones más fundamentales de la existencia humana: ¿Cómo hallar propósito cuando todo parece vacío? En este libro, se exploran las causas detrás de la sensación de vacío y desesperanza, y se ofrecen herramientas y estrategias para encontrar... Read more

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New release
El Monje Que Casi Destruye A Rusia by Onofre Quezada
El Monje Que Casi Destruye A Rusia
Onofre Quezada
El Monje Que Casi Destruye A Rusia by Onofre Quezada

El Monje Que Casi Destruye A Rusia

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Abridged: No

"El Monje que Casi Destruye a Rusia" es un fascinante recorrido por la vida y el legado de Grigori Rasputín, el enigmático monje que ascendió desde la oscuridad hasta el corazón de la corte imperial rusa. Su influencia sobre la familia Romanov y su controvertido papel en los últimos años del Imperio Ruso han alimentado mitos, rumores y... Read more

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New release
AI's Role in Revolutionizing Education Explained by Graham H. Marlowe
AI's Role in Revolutionizing Education Explained
Graham H. Marlowe
AI's Role in Revolutionizing Education Explained by Graham H. Marlowe

AI's Role in Revolutionizing Education Explained

By: Graham H. Marlowe

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

AI's Role in Revolutionizing Education Explained
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to advance in your knowledge and understand how AI is transforming the educational landscape? Seeking a comprehensive guide that covers all the crucial elements of AI's impact on education?
Your search ends here!
This guide serves as... Read more

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New release
La Historia De Reino Unido by Onofre Quezada
La Historia De Reino Unido
Onofre Quezada
La Historia De Reino Unido by Onofre Quezada

La Historia De Reino Unido

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

La Historia de Reino Unido es una obra que explora el fascinante recorrido de una de las naciones más influyentes del mundo. Desde los primeros asentamientos celtas hasta su actual papel en la política global, este libro ofrece un análisis accesible y detallado de los hitos más importantes que han definido el Reino Unido a lo largo de los... Read more

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New release
La  Edad Media by Onofre Quezada
La Edad Media
Onofre Quezada
La  Edad Media by Onofre Quezada

La Edad Media

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

La Edad Media es una de las épocas más fascinantes y complejas de la historia. Conocida por sus castillos, caballeros y cruzadas, este período de más de mil años ha sido interpretado de diversas maneras a lo largo del tiempo. En este libro, se ofrece una visión integral y accesible de una era que fue mucho más que un simple interludio entre la... Read more

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AI-Powered Teaching: Transforming Classrooms for the Future by Darius Finnley
AI-Powered Teaching: Transforming Classrooms for the Future
Darius Finnley
AI-Powered Teaching: Transforming Classrooms for the Future by Darius Finnley

AI-Powered Teaching: Transforming Classrooms for the Future

By: Darius Finnley

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

AI-Powered Teaching: Transforming Classrooms for the Future
⭐⭐ Simple Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your career and solidify your knowledge in AI-enhanced teaching methods?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all the necessary elements to revolutionize your classroom with AI innovation?
Your search... Read more

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Journey Through the Hidden World of Education Secrets by Augusten Hale
Journey Through the Hidden World of Education Secrets
Augusten Hale
Journey Through the Hidden World of Education Secrets by Augusten Hale

Journey Through the Hidden World of Education Secrets

By: Augusten Hale

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Journey Through the Hidden World of Education Secrets
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you eager to advance in your career and deepen your knowledge of the revolutionary secrets transforming education today?
Looking for an all-encompassing guide that provides everything you need to understand these educational... Read more

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Critical Thinking by Gabriel Dawson
Critical Thinking
Gabriel Dawson
Critical Thinking by Gabriel Dawson

Critical Thinking

By: Gabriel Dawson

Narrated by: Cesar Brasil

Length: 4 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you often find yourself lost when facing complicated problems?Are you tired of making decisions you end up regretting?Does your head feel like it's in a fog, overwhelmed by too much information?Do you struggle to defend your ideas when someone tries to manipulate you?I get it. With today's hectic pace, it's normal to feel like you're always a... Read more

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