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The View from Down Here by Lucy Webster
The View from Down Here
Lucy Webster
The View from Down Here by Lucy Webster

The View from Down Here

By: Lucy Webster

Narrated by: Nicola Chegwin & Lucy Webster

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Women's lives are shaped by sexism and expectations. Disabled people's lives are shaped by ableism and a complete lack of expectations. But what happens when you're subjected to both sets of rules?

This powerful, honest, hilarious, and furious memoir from journalist and advocate Lucy Webster looks at life at the intersection; the struggles, the... Read more

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Apprentice Nation by Ryan Craig
Apprentice Nation
Ryan Craig
Apprentice Nation by Ryan Craig

Apprentice Nation

By: Ryan Craig

Narrated by: Lewis Arlt

Length: 9 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

For decades, college has been the only respectable way to access the world of work, despite paralyzing tuition and a dire lack of practical skills that has left 40 percent of college graduates underemployed, unfulfilled, and struggling to repay student-loan debt. Fortunately, college is not America’s only option. In Apprentice Nation, education... Read more

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Three Dimensions of Learning by Carolyn Nooks Teague
Three Dimensions of Learning
Carolyn Nooks Teague
Three Dimensions of Learning by Carolyn Nooks Teague

Three Dimensions of Learning

By: Carolyn Nooks Teague

Narrated by: Tai Manivong

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

In "Three Dimensions of Learning," Nooks Teague offers a new enlightened approach to learning. It guides readers through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of the child from life inside the womb to life in the school and provides tips that can help parents and educators recognize the symptoms that flag hidden disabilities.... Read more

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7 Lecciones del Estoicismo Para no Pensar Demasiado y Vivir sin Depresión ni Ansiedad by Seducción Científica
7 Lecciones del Estoicismo Para no Pensar Demasiado y Vivir sin Depresión ni Ansiedad
Seducción Científica
7 Lecciones del Estoicismo Para no Pensar Demasiado y Vivir sin Depresión ni Ansiedad by Seducción Científica

7 Lecciones del Estoicismo Para no Pensar Demasiado y Vivir sin Depresión ni Ansiedad

By: Seducción Científica

Narrated by: Melina Colmenares

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Alguna vez te has sentido atrapado en el torbellino de tus propios pensamientos? ¿Buscas una guía que te ayude a encontrar paz y claridad en medio del caos?Descubre las antiguas enseñanzas del estoicismo, adaptadas para el mundo moderno, y aprende a vivir con propósito, serenidad y autenticidad.

Lo que encontrarás en este libro: Historias... Read more

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Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Inteligências Múltiplas - Abridged by Stella Gastaldon Schultz & Maria Elisabeth Blanck Miguel
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Inteligências Múltiplas - Abridged
Stella Gastaldon Schultz & Maria Elisabeth Blan...
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Inteligências Múltiplas - Abridged by Stella Gastaldon Schultz & Maria Elisabeth Blanck Miguel

Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Inteligências Múltiplas - Abridged

By: Stella Gastaldon Schultz & Maria Elisabeth Blan...

Narrated by: Carolina Manica

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esse volume da Coleção Caminhos do Saber nos apresenta a Teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas criada por Howard Gardner e objetiva demonstrar modos de estimular cada uma das inteligências apresentadas nessa teoria. A noção de que cada indivíduo é diferente e que, sendo assim, aprende de diversas formas diferentes é uma noção relativamente nova no... Read more

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Hoogbegaafdheid by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Hoogbegaafdheid by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Dit boek is een gids voor ouders, leerkrachten en deskundigen die te maken hebben met hoogbegaafde kinderen en willen begrijpen hoe ze het best kunnen omgaan met de unieke problemen en talenten die deze kinderen met zich meebrengen.Hoogbegaafdheid is meer dan alleen een hoge intelligentie; het omvat een breed scala aan kenmerken, variërend van... Read more

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Trastorno de apego by Camila Duarte
Trastorno de apego
Camila Duarte
Trastorno de apego by Camila Duarte

Trastorno de apego

By: Camila Duarte

Narrated by: Miriam Aguilar

Length: 10 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Quieres aprender a afrontar la ansiedad y recuperar el control para sentirte relajado/a, feliz y seguro/a?¿La ansiedad te detiene y te impide vivir la vida que quieres vivir?¿Los siguientes síntomas son conocidos para ti?- Baja autoestima- Te sientes abrumado/a e impotente- Dudas de ti mismo/a - Sientes que no eres lo suficientemente bueno/a-... Read more

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Loving Leadership by Michael Quigley
Loving Leadership
Michael Quigley
Loving Leadership by Michael Quigley

Loving Leadership

By: Michael Quigley

Narrated by: Andrew Sykes

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

When leadership is powered by love, it can change everything…
In his second book, Michael Quigley presents a radical new model for leading using love as the driving force for your leadership. 
Michael will guide you in the six key practices of a loving leader: how to let go of enemies, grow and develop, embrace paradoxes, enjoy sacred... Read more

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Awake and Ready by Susan Usha Dermond
Awake and Ready
Susan Usha Dermond
Awake and Ready by Susan Usha Dermond

Awake and Ready

By: Susan Usha Dermond

Narrated by: Susan Usha Dermond

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Eight keys to working with energy and motivating others Parents and teachers often act as though offering a “reasonable explanation” to a child about staying calm and focused will resolve a problem or situation. However, reason or logic is not usually helpful for a child’s learning or ability to achieve a calm state, as you will see in this... Read more

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Binaural Beats for Focus and Productivity by Andre Silas Chavez
Binaural Beats for Focus and Productivity
Andre Silas Chavez
Binaural Beats for Focus and Productivity by Andre Silas Chavez

Binaural Beats for Focus and Productivity

By: Andre Silas Chavez

Narrated by: Raymond Feliz

Length: 10 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Would you like more flow and focus while working?Do you desire more productivity out of your workday?Are you passionate about extra leisure time to enjoy life?Binaural Beats for Focus and Productivity includes over ten hours of binaural beats sessions to improve productivity and focus while working on tasks.Get centered and focused, and develop... Read more

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Духовный путь by Грегори Дэвид Робертс
Духовный путь
Грегори Дэвид Робертс
Духовный путь by Грегори Дэвид Робертс

Духовный путь

By: Грегори Дэвид Робертс

Narrated by: Павел Конышев

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Впервые на русском — новейшая книга автора таких международных бестселлеров, как "Шантарам" и "Тень горы", двухтомной исповеди человека, который сумел выбраться из бездны и уцелеть. "Духовный путь" — это поэтапное описание процесса поиска Духовной Реальности, постижения Совершенства, Любви и Веры. Итак, слово — автору: "В каждом человеке... Read more

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Historia de Finlandia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Finlandia by Captivating History
Historia de Finlandia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Finlandia
Captivating History
Historia de Finlandia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Finlandia by Captivating History

Historia de Finlandia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Finlandia

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

La cultura finlandesa tiene siglos de antigüedad, pero Finlandia es una nación independiente desde hace poco más de cien años.La historia de Finlandia es un tema interesante lleno de conceptos erróneos. ¿Le sorprendería saber que los finlandeses, en su mayoría, no eran vikingos? ¿O que Finlandia no forma parte de Escandinavia? Los finlandeses ni... Read more

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Warten auf das Christkind - Abridged by Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors
Warten auf das Christkind - Abridged
Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors
Warten auf das Christkind - Abridged by Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors

Warten auf das Christkind - Abridged

By: Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors

Narrated by: Hagen Range

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gute-Nacht-Geschichten gehören in vielen Familien Abend für Abend zu einem festen Einschlaf Ritual dazu. Was ist auch schöner, als sich ins Bett zu kuscheln und zu entspannen und einem schönen Hörspiel zu lauschen - vor allem in der magischen Weihnachtszeit? Mit der Gute-Nacht-Geschichte "Warten auf das Christkind" klingt der Tag fröhlich aus.... Read more

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365 Days with Self Discipline by Roy Bowman
365 Days with Self Discipline
Roy Bowman
365 Days with Self Discipline by Roy Bowman

365 Days with Self Discipline

By: Roy Bowman

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

How to Achieve Success in Every Facet of Life by Mastering the Art of Self-DisciplineStep into a transformative journey crafted for those eager to reshape their lives through the power of self-discipline. "365 Days with Self Discipline" presents an actionable guide, effortlessly weaving theory and hands-on practice to bring about genuine... Read more

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Heinz und Anna: gehen nun zur Schule by Regina Krachler
Heinz und Anna: gehen nun zur Schule
Regina Krachler
Heinz und Anna: gehen nun zur Schule by Regina Krachler

Heinz und Anna: gehen nun zur Schule

By: Regina Krachler

Narrated by: Andreas Eschfeld

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Spannende Geschichte mit vielen Bildern über die ersten Schultage eines kleinen Mädchens Die kleine Anna ist in der fremden Umgebung recht schüchtern und ängstlich. Zum Glück ist ihr Sitznachbar Heinz nett zu ihr. Dadurch fühlt sie sich in der Klasse nicht mehr allein und beginnt sogar, die Schule zu mögen. Aber leider geht alles schief. Heinz... Read more

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Die drei Pfadfinder von Liedberg by Dennis Beitzel & Kathrin Grundhoff
Die drei Pfadfinder von Liedberg
Dennis Beitzel & Kathrin Grundhoff
Die drei Pfadfinder von Liedberg by Dennis Beitzel & Kathrin Grundhoff

Die drei Pfadfinder von Liedberg

By: Dennis Beitzel & Kathrin Grundhoff

Narrated by: Johanna Schilde

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Tauche ein in einen Ort voller Abenteuer: in das kleine geheimnisvolle Dorf Liedberg! Begleite Malte Strauß auf seinen spannenden Reisen und lausche seinen aufregenden Geschichten. Malte Strauß, der mutige Abenteurer und Geschichtenerzähler, hat jedoch nicht nur spannende Geschichten zu erzählen. Er hat eine besondere Mission: Die tapferen... Read more

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Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction by Ralph W. Tyler
Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction
Ralph W. Tyler
Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction by Ralph W. Tyler

Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction

By: Ralph W. Tyler

Narrated by: narrator

Length: 4 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

This is an auto-narrated audiobook version of this book.

In 1949, a small book had a big impact on education. In just over one hundred pages, Ralph W. Tyler presented the concept that curriculum should be dynamic, a program under constant evaluation and revision. Curriculum had always been thought of as a static, set program, and in an era... Read more

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Theo und das Thumsee-Ungeheuer (Episode 01) by Theo Thumsee
Theo und das Thumsee-Ungeheuer (Episode 01)
Theo Thumsee
Theo und das Thumsee-Ungeheuer (Episode 01) by Theo Thumsee

Theo und das Thumsee-Ungeheuer (Episode 01)

By: Theo Thumsee

Narrated by: Theo Thumsee & Florian Falkenberg

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Als Theo früh morgens durch den Thumsee schwimmt macht er eine gruselige Begegnung mit einem ihm unbekannten Ungeheuer. Wie genau es dazu kam und was er da im Thumsee sah, erfahrt ihr in seiner ersten Geschichte. Read more

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On Great Fields by Ronald C. White
On Great Fields
Ronald C. White
On Great Fields by Ronald C. White

On Great Fields

By: Ronald C. White

Narrated by: Ronald C. White

Length: 14 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

From the New York Times bestselling author of A. Lincoln and American Ulysses comes the dramatic and definitive biography of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, the history-altering professor turned Civil War hero.

“A vital and vivid portrait of an unlikely military hero who played a key role in the preservation of the Union and therefore in the making... Read more

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The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum by John Dewey
The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum
John Dewey
The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum by John Dewey

The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum

By: John Dewey

Narrated by: narrator

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

This is an auto-narrated audiobook version of this book.

This edition brings Dewey's educational theory into sharp focus, framing his two classic works by frank assessments, past and present, of the practical applications of Dewey's ideas. In addition to a substantial introduction in which Philip W. Jackson explains why more of Dewey's ideas... Read more

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LA  IA Curso de Inteligencia Artificial De Principiante a Experto by Victor Montas
LA IA Curso de Inteligencia Artificial De Principiante a Experto
Victor Montas
LA  IA Curso de Inteligencia Artificial De Principiante a Experto by Victor Montas

LA IA Curso de Inteligencia Artificial De Principiante a Experto

By: Victor Montas

Narrated by: Victor Montas

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

EN ESTE AUDIO LIBRO APRENDERA TODO LO QUE NECESITA SABER DE LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL ESPLICADO PASO A PASO."La inteligencia artificial está transformando rápidamente el mundo que conocemos. Cada día, nuevas aplicaciones y avances en IA están mejorando nuestras vidas, desde la medicina hasta la conducción autónoma, la educación y mucho más. Al... Read more

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Seven Wonders of the New World: A Captivating Guide to the Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, and Chichén Itzá by Captivating History
Seven Wonders of the New World: A Captivating Guide to the Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, and Chichén Itzá
Captivating History
Seven Wonders of the New World: A Captivating Guide to the Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, and Chichén Itzá by Captivating History

Seven Wonders of the New World: A Captivating Guide to the Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, and Chichén Itzá

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know that Shah Jahan once planned to build another Taj Mahal in his empire?The Taj Mahal is renowned for its exceptional architecture that infuses elements from various influences around the world, including the magnificence of Mughal, Persian, and Islamic architectural styles.Shah Jahan, the reigning emperor of the Mughal Empire, had... Read more

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Dyslexie by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Dyslexie by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

In de stille gangen van het geschreven woord sluimert een onzichtbare uitdaging die velen ondervinden, maar zelden begrepen wordt: dyslexie. Het is een reis door letters en zinnen waar de meesten van ons moeiteloos door navigeren, maar voor anderen is het een doolhof vol obstakels en onverwachte wendingen.In dit boek duiken we dieper in de... Read more

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The Byzantine Empire for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Eastern Roman Empire by Captivating History
The Byzantine Empire for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Eastern Roman Empire
Captivating History
The Byzantine Empire for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Eastern Roman Empire by Captivating History

The Byzantine Empire for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Eastern Roman Empire

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: No

How does the Byzantine Empire, which fell in 1453, still apply to us today?Many of us do not know much about the Byzantine Empire; it lived on in the East after the Roman Empire fell, but its one-thousand-year history is full of innovations that have changed how we create art, write laws, and think about our lives today. The Byzantine Empire was... Read more

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