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Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites by Billy Wellman
Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites
Billy Wellman
Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites by Billy Wellman

Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

The ancient Israelites introduced one of the first monotheistic religions in the world. And it is still practiced today!The ancient Israelites emerged from Mount Sinai onto the hilly plains of Canaan and established a civilization that endured for hundreds of years. Even when the Israelites fell to incursions from foreign invaders and were... Read more

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少年讀中國簡史 by 郭春峰
少年讀中國簡史 by 郭春峰


By: 郭春峰

Narrated by: 青岛出版社

Length: 9 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:不是簡單地堆砌一個個歷史故事,而是用流暢洗練的文筆系統地梳理出中國歷史發展脈絡,將歷史故事、歷史人物的講述貫穿其中,娓娓道來。一口氣輕鬆讀完五千年中國史。著名歷史學家、《百家講壇》主講人閻崇年著名作家、茅盾文學獎得主梁曉聲 傾情推薦!搭建一個清晰完整的中國歷史發展框架領略一幅幅豐富多彩的歷史畫卷!既有對歷史人物和歷史故事的細緻描摹,也有對歷史演進規律的深入探尋!既有對王朝更迭、成敗得失的窮根究底,也有對平民百姓生活的深切關注!感受歷史的魅力,開闊視野,增長見識,提升獨立思考和明辨是非的能力, 奠定一生歷史學習的基石。作者简介:郭春峰,知名青年作家,一個觸角敏銳的歷史觀察者。著有青少年歷史讀物《中華上下五千年》等暢銷作品。 Read more

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少年讀徐霞客遊記 by 劉興詩
少年讀徐霞客遊記 by 劉興詩


By: 劉興詩

Narrated by: 青岛出版社

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:立大志,學地理,知天下!彙集中國地理啟蒙、旅行常識、山川河流、岩石洞穴、人文歷史,讓閱讀更豐富,讓旅行更精彩,讓夢想更美好!1、根據著名地質學家劉興詩《少年讀徐霞客遊記》改編,古今穿越, 神奇相遇,趣味解讀《典籍裏的中國》驢友鼻祖徐霞客走遍中國的傳奇一生。2、60萬字古文原著精選適合少年兒童需要瞭解的篇章進行解讀,趣味學習地理知識、 旅行常識,文學閱讀、理解能力綜合提升.3、品質聲優沉浸式演繹,山川草木、高山流水、傳奇人生。環保理念根植於心,親近... Read more

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The Italian Wine Connoisseur by E.V. Luther
The Italian Wine Connoisseur
E.V. Luther
The Italian Wine Connoisseur by E.V. Luther

The Italian Wine Connoisseur

By: E.V. Luther

Narrated by: Rose McPhilemy

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to discover more, choose wisely and deep-dive into the amazing world of Italian wine?
In this seven-day guide you will gain a simple-to-digest lesson on Italian wines, taking you from any starting point, to being able to select, taste, pair and pour an outstanding Italian variety. If you are currently at a fairly average stage in your... Read more

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少年讀西遊記 by 張嘉驊
少年讀西遊記 by 張嘉驊


By: 張嘉驊

Narrated by: 青岛出版社

Length: 18 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:取經路即人生路,讀經典西遊,悟成長真諦!一段風風火火的西天取經之路,一趟愈挫愈勇的身心成長之旅!,帶你樂讀西遊,趣學國學,收穫堅強品格!1. 張嘉驊繼中華優秀出版物獎獲獎圖書《少年讀史記》後全新力作,帶你樂讀 西遊,趣學國學!榮獲2017年冰心兒童圖書獎。2. 現代語言,孩子視角的“西遊”之旅,寓教於樂,為孩子解讀文學經典背後的國學知識。3. 72集爆笑西遊故事 +... Read more

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典故裏的趣味中國史 by 郝天曉
典故裏的趣味中國史 by 郝天曉


By: 郝天曉

Narrated by: 青岛出版社

Length: 4 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

有趣有料,暢遊五千年。典故串起中國史,展現上下五千年!包攬著名人物、重大事件、社會風俗、中華文明!展現古代風物,在知識碎片中傳遞國學素養!1、盤古開天地、天子無戲言、胡服騎射、指鹿為馬、挾天子以令諸侯、杯酒釋兵 權……這一個個有些熟悉有些陌生的典故,看起來只有幾個字,背後可是一串串“大曆 史”!2、歷史原來可以這樣學!54個典故趣解,串起上下五千年,選材內容對標人教版 《語文新課標》,課上學習延申課外知識拓展,學習不再枯燥。3、聲優精彩演繹,每一集內容包括典故內涵、人物內心獨白、延申小知識等,多角度 呈現典故來龍去脈, Read more

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Hellenistic World: An Enthralling Guide to Ancient Mediterranean History, from Alexander the Great to the Roman Empire by Billy Wellman
Hellenistic World: An Enthralling Guide to Ancient Mediterranean History, from Alexander the Great to the Roman Empire
Billy Wellman
Hellenistic World: An Enthralling Guide to Ancient Mediterranean History, from Alexander the Great to the Roman Empire by Billy Wellman

Hellenistic World: An Enthralling Guide to Ancient Mediterranean History, from Alexander the Great to the Roman Empire

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Jason Zenobia

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

When one hears the term Greek, our first thoughts may rush to Socrates, temples, and togas, but this is just a small section of the exciting and complex history of the Hellenistic world. Caesar wasn’t the only military and political leader of his time. And Cleopatra wasn’t the only one unsure of her feelings toward Rome. From the death of... Read more

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Positivity Coaching by Angelos Derlopas
Positivity Coaching
Angelos Derlopas
Positivity Coaching by Angelos Derlopas

Positivity Coaching

By: Angelos Derlopas

Narrated by: Angelos Derlopas

Length: 14 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

In "Positivity Coaching: Tools to Manifest Yourself and Change Your World in Your Own Way," experienced coach and author Angelos Derlopas takes readers on a transformative journey to uncover the power of positivity and its impact on personal and professional growth. This comprehensive guide delves into the fundamentals of coaching, exploring... Read more

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English History: 1000 Interesting Facts About England by Ahoy Publications
English History: 1000 Interesting Facts About England
Ahoy Publications
English History: 1000 Interesting Facts About England by Ahoy Publications

English History: 1000 Interesting Facts About England

By: Ahoy Publications

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the fascinating story of England through 1000 Interesting Facts!This audiobook takes you on an intriguing journey through time, from the Roman invasion to Brexit. Whether you're a history enthusiast or just curious about England's rich heritage, this comprehensive guide has something for everyone!You'll explore: The captivating tales of... Read more

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Friedel by Otto Kraz
Otto Kraz
Friedel by Otto Kraz


By: Otto Kraz

Narrated by: Otto Kraz

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Lauschlesen-Bücher sind Hörbücher, in denen die Seitenzahlen angesagt werden, damit man als Grundschüler:in mitlesen kann. "Friedel" ist die Geschichte eines Professors in der frühen Zeit der großen naturwissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen, der sich im geheimen Selbstversuch mit einem von ihm entwickelten Trank um rund 10 Jahre verjüngen will, sich... Read more

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唯美唐詩:讀懂長安三萬裏 by 李白, 杜甫 & 高適
李白, 杜甫 & 高適
唯美唐詩:讀懂長安三萬裏 by 李白, 杜甫 & 高適


By: 李白, 杜甫 & 高適

Narrated by: 青岛出版社

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

只要詩在,長安就在。以詩歌讀懂“長安”故事;從千古名篇中,感受唐朝的魅力與輝煌。謫仙人”李白,酒入豪腸,劍氣凜凜;“世間人”高適,暮年壯心,馳騁疆場;“詩佛”王維,清新俊逸,空靈禪意;“詩聖”杜甫,少年壯志,憂國憂民……唐代著名詩人李白、杜甫、高適等的傳世名詩,讓我們得以一睹盛唐群星璀璨,走進詩人們的詩酒人生。 Read more

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Historia de Brasil: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Brasil, desde la antigua civilización marayó hasta la actualidad, pasando por la colonización del Imperio portugués by Captivating History
Historia de Brasil: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Brasil, desde la antigua civilización marayó hasta la actualidad, pasando por la colonización del Imperio portugués
Captivating History
Historia de Brasil: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Brasil, desde la antigua civilización marayó hasta la actualidad, pasando por la colonización del Imperio portugués by Captivating History

Historia de Brasil: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Brasil, desde la antigua civilización marayó hasta la actualidad, pasando por la colonización del Imperio portugués

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Sabía que Brasil es el mayor productor de café del mundo? ¿O que Brasil debe su nombre a un árbol?Brasil tiene una historia rica y complicada que pocos conocen fuera de Sudamérica. Es líder mundial en algunas de las exportaciones más rentables (oro, azúcar, petróleo y café), pero Brasil tiene una de las mayores disparidades de riqueza del... Read more

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The French Revolution: An Enthralling Guide to a Major Event in World History by Billy Wellman
The French Revolution: An Enthralling Guide to a Major Event in World History
Billy Wellman
The French Revolution: An Enthralling Guide to a Major Event in World History by Billy Wellman

The French Revolution: An Enthralling Guide to a Major Event in World History

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

The French Revolution is incredibly complex and involves a lot of moving parts, from the monarchy to the political clubs, from the intelligentsia to the starving peasantry protesting in the streets. This audiobook breaks it down for you in simple terms.It could be argued that the French Revolution is the perfect example of a social movement that... Read more

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Solve and Effectively Avoid Classroom Disruptions With the Right Classroom Management Step by Step to More Authority as a Teacher and Productive Classroom Climate by Annika Wienberg
Solve and Effectively Avoid Classroom Disruptions With the Right Classroom Management Step by Step to More Authority as a Teacher and Productive Classroom Climate
Annika Wienberg
Solve and Effectively Avoid Classroom Disruptions With the Right Classroom Management Step by Step to More Authority as a Teacher and Productive Classroom Climate by Annika Wienberg

Solve and Effectively Avoid Classroom Disruptions With the Right Classroom Management Step by Step to More Authority as a Teacher and Productive Classroom Climate

By: Annika Wienberg

Narrated by: Casey Wayman

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you feel drained in your job? Do your students make your life hell? Do you find it hard to get up in the morning because you dread the school day? Then this book can help you. The job of a teacher is not easy. Disruptions and provocative students can significantly complicate your school day and rob you of any fun in teaching. Especially in... Read more

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History of France: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures by Billy Wellman
History of France: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures
Billy Wellman
History of France: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures by Billy Wellman

History of France: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

France is a land absolutely steeped in history. It has always been a leading nation of Western Europe, and in many ways, one could say France is Western Europe. One could confidently say such a thing because of the long history of French polities taking charge in world history. Before France proper even existed, the tribes there, such as the... Read more

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Chat GPT Bible - Student's Special Edition by Lucas Foster
Chat GPT Bible - Student's Special Edition
Lucas Foster
Chat GPT Bible - Student's Special Edition by Lucas Foster

Chat GPT Bible - Student's Special Edition

By: Lucas Foster

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 2 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Harnessing this, you won't just study; you'll optimize. (+ 2 FREE BONUSES)Unlock the hidden secrets of AI in transforming your learning experience with the "ChatGPT Bible - Student Special Edition". Explore the uncharted world of AI-driven conversations and how they are revolutionizing the educational landscape in ways you've never known... Read more

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Up Home by Ruth J. Simmons
Up Home
Ruth J. Simmons
Up Home by Ruth J. Simmons

Up Home

By: Ruth J. Simmons

Narrated by: Ruth J. Simmons

Length: 6 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “Simmons’s evocative account of her remarkable trajectory from Jim Crow Texas, where she was the youngest of twelve children in a sharecropping family, to the presidencies of Smith College and Brown University shines with tenderness and dignity.”—The New York Times Book Review (Editors’ Choice)

“A riveting work of... Read more

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No Silly Questions by Zara Seidler & Sam Koslowski
No Silly Questions
Zara Seidler & Sam Koslowski
No Silly Questions by Zara Seidler & Sam Koslowski

No Silly Questions

By: Zara Seidler & Sam Koslowski

Narrated by: Sam Koslowski & Zara Seidler

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the news cycle and a bit lost without the background to everything that's going on?

You care what's happening in the world - but you can't help feeling you missed the part where the key stuff got explained. What's a budget deficit? How does voting actually work? What's the deal with the UN? And what does net zero... Read more

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The Tending Years by J. L. Shattuck
The Tending Years
J. L. Shattuck
The Tending Years by J. L. Shattuck

The Tending Years

By: J. L. Shattuck

Narrated by: Payton Briggs

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Every day you meet your child’s spiritual and emotional needs—you just don’t know it. In this short, accessible, and comforting book, expert J.L. Shattuck provides insight into your child’s earliest rituals. Have you ever wondered why your toddler will only drink from a specific cup, or only eat if you turn mealtime into a game? Have you ever... Read more

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Questioning The Answers - Unedited Manuscript by Kayla Haber-Goldstein
Questioning The Answers - Unedited Manuscript
Kayla Haber-Goldstein
Questioning The Answers - Unedited Manuscript by Kayla Haber-Goldstein

Questioning The Answers - Unedited Manuscript

By: Kayla Haber-Goldstein

Narrated by: Kayla Haber-Goldstein

Length: 4 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

“I kept up the life that was expected of me…but deep inside, I had all types of questions ― and doubts…”Questioning the Answers is the story of the author’s sincere search to discover the answers to the whys of Judaism. Join Kayla as she questions the responses she was given, finds the core truth, and becomes consciously religious. If you are... Read more

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Lessons In Leadership by Steve Olson
Lessons In Leadership
Steve Olson
Lessons In Leadership by Steve Olson

Lessons In Leadership

By: Steve Olson

Narrated by: Steve Olson

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Lessons in Leadership: A Storied Approach is a leadership book with a difference! The stories are personal and range from humorous to poignant. They include the follies of youth, the mistakes of being a new leader, and wisdom from knowledge and experience. The lessons learned are relevant and come with several points to ponder that will help you... Read more

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I Wasn't Supposed to Be Here by Jonathan Conyers
I Wasn't Supposed to Be Here
Jonathan Conyers
I Wasn't Supposed to Be Here by Jonathan Conyers

I Wasn't Supposed to Be Here

By: Jonathan Conyers

Narrated by: Jonathan Conyers, Imani Bruno, Dr. Jarvis Watso...

Length: 10 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

 As seen on Humans of New York, Jonathan Conyers introduces us to the teachers, his debate coach, drug dealers, and a boy named Diego who changed his life.
Everybody was rooting for Jonathan Conyers after seeing his profile on Humans of New York went viral and sparked millions in donations to the Brooklyn Debate League. The kid who went from... Read more

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Finanzas Personales para Mujeres Solteras Cómo Ahorrar Dinero si Gano Poco Haz Más con Menos by Ben Guther
Finanzas Personales para Mujeres Solteras Cómo Ahorrar Dinero si Gano Poco Haz Más con Menos
Ben Guther
Finanzas Personales para Mujeres Solteras Cómo Ahorrar Dinero si Gano Poco Haz Más con Menos by Ben Guther

Finanzas Personales para Mujeres Solteras Cómo Ahorrar Dinero si Gano Poco Haz Más con Menos

By: Ben Guther

Narrated by: Amelia Cusco

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Tenía un pequeño negocio y trabajaba para una empresa lo que no me dejaba con mucho tiempo para organizar mis finanzas. Lo paradójico es que yo me encargaba del registro de las ventas de esa empresaAl atender más las finanzas de la empresa y las necesidades de sus clientes tenía la sensación de estarme descuidando a mí mismo y mis prioridades.... Read more

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La soberbia by Oslos Molina
La soberbia
Oslos Molina
La soberbia by Oslos Molina

La soberbia

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

La soberbia es una característica personal o una actitud de la persona que cree tener una posición de superioridad o de privilegios frente a los demás. También podríamos referirnos a una persona arrogante, altiva, vanidosa o prepotente. Read more

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