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Racial Opportunity Cost by Terah Venzant Chambers
Racial Opportunity Cost
Terah Venzant Chambers
Racial Opportunity Cost by Terah Venzant Chambers

Racial Opportunity Cost

By: Terah Venzant Chambers

Narrated by: Machelle Williams

Length: 7 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Racial Opportunity Cost turns critical attention to the specific challenges faced by high-achieving students of color and gives educators a framework for recognizing and addressing these issues. Terah Venzant Chambers roots her discussion in the concept of racial opportunity cost, using a term borrowed from economics to refer to the obstacles... Read more

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In Support of Students by Katie Novak, ED.D. & Kristan Rodriguez, Ph.D.
In Support of Students
Katie Novak, ED.D. & Kristan Rodriguez, Ph.D.
In Support of Students by Katie Novak, ED.D. & Kristan Rodriguez, Ph.D.

In Support of Students

By: Katie Novak, ED.D. & Kristan Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Angela Juarez

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

A research- and evidence-based playbook for creating MTSS in schools

In In Support of Students: A Leader's Guide to Equitable MTSS, a team of distinguished educators delivers a comprehensive and insightful discussion of how to create evidence-based and equitable multi-tiered systems (MTSS). In the book, you'll find the practical tips and tools... Read more

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Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition by Michael Hollander
Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition
Michael Hollander
Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition by Michael Hollander

Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition

By: Michael Hollander

Narrated by: George Newbern

Length: 8 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Discovering that your teen “cuts” is every parent’s nightmare. Your most urgent question is: “How can I make it stop?”Tens of thousands of worried parents have turned to this authoritative guide for information and practical guidance about the growing problem of teen self-injury.Dr. Michael Hollander is a leading expert on dialectical behavior... Read more

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What to Do When Your Child Isn't Talking by Nicola Lathey & Tracey Blake
What to Do When Your Child Isn't Talking
Nicola Lathey & Tracey Blake
What to Do When Your Child Isn't Talking by Nicola Lathey & Tracey Blake

What to Do When Your Child Isn't Talking

By: Nicola Lathey & Tracey Blake

Narrated by: Nicola Lathey

Length: 11 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

For parents of young children, speech milestones are monumental—from baby babble to first words to full sentences. It's natural to worry when they don't arrive "on schedule" or when your little one seems to lag behind their peers.

In What to Do When Your Child Isn't Talking, speech and language therapist Nicola Lathey and journalist Tracey Blake... Read more

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How to Be a Worship Songwriter by Stephen Robert Cass
How to Be a Worship Songwriter
Stephen Robert Cass
How to Be a Worship Songwriter by Stephen Robert Cass

How to Be a Worship Songwriter

By: Stephen Robert Cass

Narrated by: Stephen Robert Cass

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Devour a FREE audiobook that will set your songwriting heart on fire for God.Are you ready to get your songs published?This book is for anyone, young or old, who hears the call from God to write songs. I will help you discover and declare your purpose in songwriting and show you a path forward. This manifesto shows the outline of a blueprint for... Read more

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Segunda Guerra Mundial: Una guía apasionante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial by Billy Wellman
Segunda Guerra Mundial: Una guía apasionante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Billy Wellman
Segunda Guerra Mundial: Una guía apasionante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial by Billy Wellman

Segunda Guerra Mundial: Una guía apasionante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Carlos Verne

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubra la historia de uno de los acontecimientos más determinantes del siglo XXIA pesar de lo mucho que se ha escrito sobre ella, siguen descubriéndose nuevos datos sobre los miles de acontecimientos que conforman los seis años que dieron forma al mundo en que vivimos hoy.La Segunda Guerra Mundial está indisolublemente ligada a Hitler y los... Read more

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Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie by Billy Wellman
Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie
Billy Wellman
Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie by Billy Wellman

Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Moritz Seipke

Length: 3 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Epische Erzählung oder historische Tatsache? Historiker streiten, ob der Trojanische Krieg beides oder nichts von beidem war! Um 1200 v.u.Z. wütete ein Krieg zwischen den alten Griechen und ihren Rivalen in Troja. Es ist die älteste Geschichte der Welt und der griechische Dichter Homer hat sie aufgeschrieben. In diesem faszinierenden Buch... Read more

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Putting the Most Into Life by Booker T Washington
Putting the Most Into Life
Booker T Washington
Putting the Most Into Life by Booker T Washington

Putting the Most Into Life

By: Booker T Washington

Narrated by: Andrew James Roberts

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Introducing "Putting the Most Into Life: An Inspiring Audiobook by Booker Washington"
Step into the world of timeless wisdom and unparalleled inspiration with "Putting the Most Into Life," an extraordinary audiobook narrated by the captivating voice of Booker Washington himself. Immerse yourself in the profound teachings and powerful life lessons... Read more

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¿Qué es la resiliencia? by Oslos Molina
¿Qué es la resiliencia?
Oslos Molina
¿Qué es la resiliencia? by Oslos Molina

¿Qué es la resiliencia?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Es un término que se toma de la resistencia de los materiales que se doblan sin romperse para recuperar la situación o forma original. Por ejemplo, un arco que se dobla para lanzar una flecha o los juncos bajo la fuerza del viento. Read more

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Hab ich was vergessen? by Jory John
Hab ich was vergessen?
Jory John
Hab ich was vergessen? by Jory John

Hab ich was vergessen?

By: Jory John

Narrated by: Johanna Schwartz

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Wo hat denn der Bär bloß die Unterhose her? Jeff, der Bär, hat das Gefühl, dass heute irgendetwas komisch ist. Bloß was? Auch alle anderen Tiere sehen ihn so komisch an. Was stimmt denn nur nicht? Zum Glück ist sein bester Freund Anders zur Stelle: Jeff hat tatsächlich etwas vergessen. Er trägt noch seine Unterhose über dem Fell! O nein, wie... Read more

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Читающий ребенок. О детях и чтении - Abridged by Марина Аромштам
Читающий ребенок. О детях и чтении - Abridged
Марина Аромштам
Читающий ребенок. О детях и чтении - Abridged by Марина Аромштам

Читающий ребенок. О детях и чтении - Abridged

By: Марина Аромштам

Narrated by: Наталия Казначеева

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Все родители хотят, чтобы их дети читали книги, ведь чтение — отличный способ стимулировать умственные процессы ребенка, а книга — прекрасный источник информации. Но когда именно стоит приучать малышей к чтению? С каких жанров и книг начинать? Каких трудностей ожидать и как с ними справляться? Марина Аромштам — педагог с 20-летним стажем,... Read more

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KIgantisch. Work smart(er) by Petra Haumer & Andreas Wenth
KIgantisch. Work smart(er)
Petra Haumer & Andreas Wenth
KIgantisch. Work smart(er) by Petra Haumer & Andreas Wenth

KIgantisch. Work smart(er)

By: Petra Haumer & Andreas Wenth

Narrated by: Georg

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: No

Dieses Fachbuch ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "KIgantisch. Work smart(er) – Praktische Tipps und inspirierende Beispiele für den Einsatz von KI im Geschäftsleben" ist der unverzichtbare Ratgeber für alle, die KI verstehen und für ihr Unternehmen nutzen wollen. Von den KI-Basics bis zur praktischen Anwendung – alles, was du brauchst, um... Read more

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CALM - Deep Alpha Meditation: Music for Energy Work, Brainwave Sync, Meditation, Studying and Healing by BES - Brainwave Entrainment Studios
CALM - Deep Alpha Meditation: Music for Energy Work, Brainwave Sync, Meditation, Studying and Healing
BES - Brainwave Entrainment Studios
CALM - Deep Alpha Meditation: Music for Energy Work, Brainwave Sync, Meditation, Studying and Healing by BES - Brainwave Entrainment Studios

CALM - Deep Alpha Meditation: Music for Energy Work, Brainwave Sync, Meditation, Studying and Healing

By: BES - Brainwave Entrainment Studios

Narrated by: BES - Brainwave Entrainment Studios

Length: 8 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

11 tracks with binaural sound waves produce an array of gentle, pleasant, and very calming sensations that listeners will want to repeat over and over while sleeping, meditating, studying, and working. 
This compilation contains ideal instrumental music to help you sleep, study, focus and relax before your big test, presentation or exam. It can... Read more

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Geld sparen und clever reich werden bis zum Millionär by Marco Klee
Geld sparen und clever reich werden bis zum Millionär
Marco Klee
Geld sparen und clever reich werden bis zum Millionär by Marco Klee

Geld sparen und clever reich werden bis zum Millionär

By: Marco Klee

Narrated by: Michael Wilhelm

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In diesem Buch lernst du, wie du richtig budgetierst, damit am Ende vom Monat ein ordentlicher Betrag von deinem Lohn übrig bleibt. Du lernst Spartipps kennen, die dir in jeder Lebenssituation helfen. Du erfährst, wie du im Alltag Geld sparen kannst (bei der Miete, beim Feiern, Unterwegs, beim Kochen, etc.) Du lernst ausserdem, wie du dein Geld... Read more

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The Trial of the Century by Gregg Jarrett
The Trial of the Century
Gregg Jarrett
The Trial of the Century by Gregg Jarrett

The Trial of the Century

By: Gregg Jarrett

Narrated by: Gregg Jarrett

Length: 10 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

A “masterful” (The American Spectator) history of the iconic attorney Clarence Darrow and the famous Scopes Monkey Trial, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt.

Nearly a century ago, famed liberal attorney Clarence Darrow defended schoolteacher John Scopes in a blockbuster legal proceeding that brought... Read more

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ROSA sucht das Regenbogenland by Sonja D. Stern
ROSA sucht das Regenbogenland
Sonja D. Stern
ROSA sucht das Regenbogenland by Sonja D. Stern

ROSA sucht das Regenbogenland

By: Sonja D. Stern

Narrated by: Uschy Pip

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Nilpferdmädchen Rosa ist anders als die anderen Nilpferde: nämlich leuchtend rosa! Das ist im Dschungel gar nicht praktisch, denn Rosa kann sich nicht tarnen. Um sich selbst und ihre Herde nicht in Gefahr zu bringen, hält Rosa sich tagsüber versteckt. Nur nachts traut sie sich zum Fluss. Ganz alleine. Deshalb fühlt Rosa sich oft einsam. Bis ihr... Read more

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The Public Servants' Survival Guide by Brenda J. Viola
The Public Servants' Survival Guide
Brenda J. Viola
The Public Servants' Survival Guide by Brenda J. Viola

The Public Servants' Survival Guide

By: Brenda J. Viola

Narrated by: Brenda J. Viola

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Who cares about public servants?Brenda Viola does.Why?Because she's walked in your shoes. As a Public Information Officer for a first-ring suburb of Philadelphia, she worked shoulder to shoulder with Municipal Clerks, Librarians, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Building and Planning, Police, Firefighters, Administrators, and Elected... Read more

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Transtorno de ansiedad by Oslos Molina
Transtorno de ansiedad
Oslos Molina
Transtorno de ansiedad by Oslos Molina

Transtorno de ansiedad

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

La ansiedad es un sentimiento de miedo, temor e inquietud. Puede hacer que sude, se sienta inquieto y tenso, y tener palpitaciones. Puede ser una reacción normal al estrés. Read more

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Códigos de creencias by Oslos Molina
Códigos de creencias
Oslos Molina
Códigos de creencias by Oslos Molina

Códigos de creencias

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Son códigos rígidos que dirigen los pensamientos, y por tanto las acciones de nuestros comportamientos. Son las reglas por las cuales nos regimos. Las creencias constituyen nuestra conjetura de la realidad, aunque no siendo la realidad la confundimos como tal. Read more

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Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole by Billy Wellman
Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole
Billy Wellman
Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole by Billy Wellman

Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole

By: Billy Wellman

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you know the story of the Native American tribes, from the earliest known histories to the first European contact to the modern day? The “Five Civilized Tribes” tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This audiobook will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five... Read more

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Before You Work In Retail READ THIS by KATIE MALONEY
Before You Work In Retail READ THIS
Before You Work In Retail READ THIS by KATIE MALONEY

Before You Work In Retail READ THIS


Narrated by: SUSAN MCGURL

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Wouldn't it be nice to know what the job is like before you apply for it ??In this short book Katie Maloney highlights important information for you to read before you actually apply, which will give you valuable insight into the world of working in retail.Before You Work In Retail READ THIS is from the 'Before You' mini series by Katie Maloney... Read more

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Poor by Katriona O'Sullivan
Katriona O'Sullivan
Poor by Katriona O'Sullivan


By: Katriona O'Sullivan

Narrated by: Katriona O'Sullivan

Length: 6 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

'We love a rags-to-riches story, and we love to see someone triumph through sheer determination. But the story is rarely that simple. My story isn't, anyway.'

As the middle of five kids growing up in dire poverty, the odds were low on Katriona O'Sullivan making anything of her life. When she became a mother at 15 and... Read more

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Pax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace Period by Captivating History
Pax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace Period
Captivating History
Pax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace Period by Captivating History

Pax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace Period

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Colin Fluxman

Length: 4 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know that the biggest territorial expansion in ancient Rome took place during the reign of its first emperor, who also ruled the longest out of all of the rulers prior to the fall of the Western Roman Empire?The Roman Empire reached its zenith within the first two centuries of the fall of the Roman Republic, expanding its territory and... Read more

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Няроўнасць у адукацыі by Зміцер Макарчук
Няроўнасць у адукацыі
Зміцер Макарчук
Няроўнасць у адукацыі by Зміцер Макарчук

Няроўнасць у адукацыі

By: Зміцер Макарчук

Narrated by: Зміцер Макарчук

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Чым адрозніваюцца роўны і справядлівы доступ к атрыманню адукацыі?Што такое адукацыйная няроўнасць і як яе пераадолець? Як працуюць ці не працуюць сацыяльныя ліфты?Як вызначыць, ці з’яўляецца сістэма адукацыі справядлівай?Ці існуюць у прынцыпе справядлівыя сістэмы адукацыі, і як мы можам наблізіцца да такога яе стану?Пра ўсё гэта ў нашым новым... Read more

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