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El Súper Arrendador by Danilo Di Nuzzo
El Súper Arrendador
Danilo Di Nuzzo
El Súper Arrendador by Danilo Di Nuzzo

El Súper Arrendador

By: Danilo Di Nuzzo

Narrated by: Julio Garcia

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubre la clave del éxito en el negocio de los alquileres a través de la mentalidad ganadora y la conducta virtuosa de un Súper Arrendador.El SÚPER ARRENDADOR te muestra el camino que conduce al éxito en un negocio de alquiler. Una combinación perfecta entre el respeto de las reglas y comportamientos virtuosos que complacen generosamente a... Read more

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Being Social by Kimberley Brownlee, David Jenkins & Adam Neal
Being Social
Kimberley Brownlee, David Jenkins & Adam Neal
Being Social by Kimberley Brownlee, David Jenkins & Adam Neal

Being Social

By: Kimberley Brownlee, David Jenkins & Adam Neal

Narrated by: Alex Wyndham & Danielle Cohen

Length: 14 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Human rights capture what people need to live minimally decent lives. Recognized dimensions of this minimum include physical security, due process, political participation, and freedom of movement, speech, and belief, as well as—more controversially for some—subsistence, shelter, health, education, culture, and community. Far less attention has... Read more

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No dejes que tus emociones controlen tu vida Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional by Lebihanto Estilo de Vida
No dejes que tus emociones controlen tu vida Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional
Lebihanto Estilo de Vida
No dejes que tus emociones controlen tu vida Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional by Lebihanto Estilo de Vida

No dejes que tus emociones controlen tu vida Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional

By: Lebihanto Estilo de Vida

Narrated by: Lebihanto Estilo de Vida

Length: 4 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Imagina o recuerda un día en tu trabajo, cuando perdiste el control y discutiste con ese jefe o compañero de trabajo, puede que hayas terminado a los golpes, terminado una amistad, o cambiado tu futuro profesional, todo por una situación emocional que se fue de tus manos.
Piensa que estás mirando un evento deportivo, y ante la impotencia de los... Read more

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Crossing the Line by Nick McKenzie
Crossing the Line
Nick McKenzie
Crossing the Line by Nick McKenzie

Crossing the Line

By: Nick McKenzie

Narrated by: Stephen Phillips

Length: 13 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No


'There is no doubt the truth would have been concealed and our concerns buried without Nick McKenzie's relentless pursuit of justice.' SAS Afghanistan veteran

War is brutal. But... Read more

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Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged
Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged

By: Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT HAS NO BOUNDARIES. A new business model, product or technological service emerges all the time. Along with the facilitation and solutions brought by technological development, new problems, conflicts and litigation in social and economic relations also arise. Laws of several countries are not often able to keep up with... Read more

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Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged by Alice Kelly
Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged
Alice Kelly
Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged by Alice Kelly

Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged

By: Alice Kelly

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property: Model for Developing Countries, written by Alice Kelly, this book is for students, professionals, and researchers who perform their services in the Intellectual Property field. The book offers a practical and innovative approach for Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR), with solid... Read more

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Los Dictadores Más Malos De La Historia by Onofre Quezada
Los Dictadores Más Malos De La Historia
Onofre Quezada
Los Dictadores Más Malos De La Historia by Onofre Quezada

Los Dictadores Más Malos De La Historia

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Una dictadura es una forma autoritaria de gobierno, caracterizada por tener un solo líder o un grupo reducido de líderes y una escasa o nula tolerancia hacia el pluralismo político o la libertad de prensa.​ Según otras definiciones, las democracias son regímenes en los que «quienes gobiernan son seleccionados mediante elecciones competitivas»;... Read more

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So geht Recht by Christian Klages
So geht Recht
Christian Klages
So geht Recht by Christian Klages

So geht Recht

By: Christian Klages

Narrated by: Marco Sven Reinbold

Length: 4 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Darf der Arbeitgeber einen Nebenjob verbieten oder sogar den Urlaubsanspruch kürzen, wenn man unverschuldet nicht zur Arbeit kommt? Darf der Vermieter einen Wohnungsschlüssel behalten und in der eigenen Wohnung herumschnüffeln? Darf man vor der Polizei wegrennen? Wann darf man ausnahmsweise auf der Autobahn rechts überholen und sind Blitzer-Apps... Read more

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Agreeing to Disagree by Michael W. McConnell & Nathan S. Chapman
Agreeing to Disagree
Michael W. McConnell & Nathan S. Chapman
Agreeing to Disagree by Michael W. McConnell & Nathan S. Chapman

Agreeing to Disagree

By: Michael W. McConnell & Nathan S. Chapman

Narrated by: Walter Dixon

Length: 6 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion", may be the most contentious and misunderstood provision of the entire United States Constitution. What exactly is an "establishment of religion"? And what is a law "respecting" it?

Many commentators reduce the clause to "the... Read more

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The Chevron Doctrine by Thomas W. Merrill
The Chevron Doctrine
Thomas W. Merrill
The Chevron Doctrine by Thomas W. Merrill

The Chevron Doctrine

By: Thomas W. Merrill

Narrated by: Mike Chamberlain

Length: 12 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

The Constitution makes Congress the principal federal lawmaker. Power has inevitably shifted to the executive branch agencies that interpret laws already on the books and to the courts that review the agencies' interpretations.

Since the Supreme Court's 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, this judicial review has been... Read more

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court by John Yoo & Robert Delahunty
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court
John Yoo & Robert Delahunty
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court by John Yoo & Robert Delahunty

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court

By: John Yoo & Robert Delahunty

Narrated by: Jim Seybert

Length: 7 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Guaranteed to give the reader a deeper understanding of America’s most powerful judicial body, John Yoo, professor of law at UC Berkeley, and Robert Delahunty, professor of law at the University of St. Thomas detail in sprightly, slightly irreverent manner how the black robed judges who make up the U.S. Supreme Court have swung like a pendulum... Read more

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The Art of Cyber Security by Gary Hibberd
The Art of Cyber Security
Gary Hibberd
The Art of Cyber Security by Gary Hibberd

The Art of Cyber Security

By: Gary Hibberd

Narrated by: Alan Medcroft

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

This book is about cyber security, but it's also about so much more; it's about giving you the skills to think creatively about your role in the cyber security industry. In Part 1, the author discusses his thoughts on the cyber security industry and how those that operate within it should approach their role with the mindset of an artist. Part 2... Read more

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Secret Power by Stefania Maurizi
Secret Power
Stefania Maurizi
Secret Power by Stefania Maurizi

Secret Power

By: Stefania Maurizi

Narrated by: Ken Loach & Sarah Powell

Length: 11 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

*Winner of the European Award for Investigative And Judicial Journalism 2021**Winner of the Premio Alessandro Leogrande Award for Investigative Journalism 2022**Winner of the Premio Angelo Vassallo Award 2022*'I want to live in a society where secret power is accountable to the law and to public opinion for its atrocities, where it is the war... Read more

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Abortion Rights by Kate Greasley & Christopher Kaczor
Abortion Rights
Kate Greasley & Christopher Kaczor
Abortion Rights by Kate Greasley & Christopher Kaczor

Abortion Rights

By: Kate Greasley & Christopher Kaczor

Narrated by: Esther Wane & Chris Abell

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

This audiobook features opening arguments followed by two rounds of reply between two moral philosophers on opposing sides of the abortion debate. In the opening essays, Kate Greasley and Christopher Kaczor lay out what they take to be the best case for and against abortion rights. In the ensuing dialogue, they engage with each other’s... Read more

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Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK
Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord

Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK

By: Monty Lord

Narrated by: Monty Lord & Fabian Lord

Length: 8 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

In the UK, we have some bizarre laws that have littered the statute books of our sceptred isle throughout history. Not all of them have been repealed over the centuries. Some of them made perfect sense at the time they were introduced but seen through modern eyes, now appear archaic and draconian. Despite the great efforts of the Law Commission... Read more

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Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK
Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord

Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK

By: Monty Lord

Narrated by: Monty Lord & Fabian Lord

Length: 8 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

In the UK, we have some bizarre laws that have littered the statute books of our sceptred isle throughout history. Not all of them have been repealed over the centuries. Some of them made perfect sense at the time they were introduced but seen through modern eyes, now appear archaic and draconian. Despite the great efforts of the Law Commission... Read more

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Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK
Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord

Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK

By: Monty Lord

Narrated by: Monty Lord & Fabian Lord

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

In the UK, we have some bizarre laws that have littered the statute books of our sceptred isle throughout history. Not all of them have been repealed over the centuries. Some of them made perfect sense at the time they were introduced but seen through modern eyes, now appear archaic and draconian. Despite the great efforts of the Law Commission... Read more

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Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK
Monty Lord
Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK by Monty Lord

Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK

By: Monty Lord

Narrated by: Monty Lord & Fabian Lord

Length: 25 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

In the UK, we have some bizarre laws that have littered the statute books of our sceptred isle throughout history. Not all of them have been repealed over the centuries. Some of them made perfect sense at the time they were introduced but seen through modern eyes, now appear archaic and draconian. Despite the great efforts of the Law Commission... Read more

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Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos by Congreso Constituyente de México
Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Congreso Constituyente de México
Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos by Congreso Constituyente de México

Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos

By: Congreso Constituyente de México

Narrated by: Sergio Bustos

Length: 23 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Constitución publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 5 de febrero de 1917. Última reforma publicada DOF 08-05-2020.La Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de 1917 es carta magna y norma fundamental, establecida para regir jurídicamente al país, la cual fija los límites y define las relaciones entre los poderes de la... Read more

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Everyday Justice by Ashley Wiltshire
Everyday Justice
Ashley Wiltshire
Everyday Justice by Ashley Wiltshire

Everyday Justice

By: Ashley Wiltshire

Narrated by: Rick Wimberly

Length: 17 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

The Legal Aid Society’s mission is to advance, defend, and enforce the legal rights of low-income and otherwise vulnerable people in order to secure for them the basic necessities of life. Everyday Justice is an on-the-ground history of the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands, the story of how national debates about access... Read more

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Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged by Danilo Lopes Baliza
Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged
Danilo Lopes Baliza
Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged by Danilo Lopes Baliza

Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged

By: Danilo Lopes Baliza

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este trabalho pretende analisar o cenário constitucional no qual se encontra o agente empresarial contribuinte e seu papel no Estado Fiscal. Busca compreender o planejamento tributário como forma de exercício da autonomia privada, mas também apurar os seus limites, que decorrem do dever constitucional de pagar tributos. Analisa, ainda, os... Read more

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These Seats Are Reserved by Abhinav Chandrachud
These Seats Are Reserved
Abhinav Chandrachud
These Seats Are Reserved by Abhinav Chandrachud

These Seats Are Reserved

By: Abhinav Chandrachud

Narrated by: Anuj Datta

Length: 6 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Reservation or affirmative action is a hugely controversial policy in India. While constitutionally mandated and with historians, political scientists and social activists convinced of its need, many resist it and consider it as compromising 'merit' and against the principle of equality of opportunity.In These Seats Are Reserved, Abhinav traces... Read more

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"Until You Are Dead" by Julian Sher
"Until You Are Dead"
Julian Sher
"Until You Are Dead" by Julian Sher

"Until You Are Dead"

By: Julian Sher

Narrated by: David Ferry

Length: 23 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

“Talk to anyone you find, investigate wherever things lead you. I know I'm innocent and I’m not afraid of what you’ll turn up.” — Steven Truscott to Julian Sher

“Until You Are Dead” chronicles the loss of Canada’s innocence. Prior to June 11, 1959, Canadian parents could allow their children to play outdoors, unsupervised, in places children... Read more

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Love  at the  Crossroads by A. G. Babs
Love at the Crossroads
A. G. Babs
Love  at the  Crossroads by A. G. Babs

Love at the Crossroads

By: A. G. Babs

Narrated by: Yenni Ann

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you struggling in your relationship and do not know where to turn?Love at the Crossroads: Navigating the Common Causes of Divorce and Building a Strong Relationship is here to guide you through the toughest challenges of maintaining a long-lasting and healthy relationship. In this comprehensive guide, acclaimed marriage counsellors and... Read more

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