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Literary Criticism audiobooks

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校园新励志系列·时间超人不拖拉 by 钟小白
校园新励志系列·时间超人不拖拉 by 钟小白


By: 钟小白

Narrated by: 梦梦阿姨

Length: 1 hour 47 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:小学二年级的金小星做什么都慢慢吞吞的,朋友们叫她小拖拉。爸爸说,这叫慢性子,不碍事。不过因为慢性子,爸爸和金小星都吃了亏,他们决定一起改掉做事拖拉的毛病。他们制定了魔法时间表,分清事情的轻重缓急,合理利用时间。从此以后,金小星觉得时间变多了,能更好地完成作业了,她要成为真正的时间超人。作者简介:钟小白,湖南省常德市人。曾任艺文新童话有限公司编辑部负责人,策划编辑过多部少儿畅销书。现为自由职业,梦想创作出更多更好的作品,让孩子们快乐阅读的同时,正直乐观地成长。已出版“小飞侠日记”系列,“了不起的小果果”系列。 Read more

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阿笨猫全传:外星人巴拉巴 by 冰波
阿笨猫全传:外星人巴拉巴 by 冰波


By: 冰波

Narrated by: 小迷糊

Length: 2 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《阿笨猫·外星人巴拉巴》讲述的是憨憨傻傻的阿笨猫和精明世故的外星人巴拉巴之间发生的一系列荒诞而奇幻的故事。万能小乌龟、美梦睡帽、智能闹钟等各种脑洞大开的发明,精彩纷呈的想象,作家冰波巧妙结合科技发明和幽默元素,使故事充满了诙谐、机敏、幽默、智慧,也充满了鲜活的现代气息。作者简介:冰波,国家一级作家,杭州作家协会副主席。出版各种童话著作150余本。代表作品有:童话集《窗下的树皮小屋》《爱的故事》《蛤蟆小姐减肥记》,中篇童话《怪蜗牛奇遇记》《长颈鹿拉拉》《红蜻蜓,红蜻蜓》,长篇童话《怪蛋之谜》《狼蝙蝠》等。其中,《阿笨猫全传》被改成动画片,相继在中央电视台播放,受到了广大小朋友的喜爱。冰波获得很多奖项:曾获全国优秀儿童文学奖(3次)、精神文明建设“五个一工程”奖(3次)、国家图书... Read more

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校园新励志系列·我喜欢我自己 by 钟小白
校园新励志系列·我喜欢我自己 by 钟小白


By: 钟小白

Narrated by: 梦梦阿姨

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:李月月是个敏感、害羞的小孩,她的兴趣爱好是唱歌跳舞,可是因为胆小害羞,从来不敢在人前表演。爸爸妈妈很头痛,担心胆小害羞的月月将来无法很好地融入社会。妈妈给月月报名参加舞蹈大赛,月月害怕得竟然装病;家里聚会,大家为外婆祝寿,妈妈想让月月表演唱歌,可月月就是不肯;学校的“六一”表演,老师让月月独唱,月月吓得不敢上学,被爸爸妈妈硬拉去学校,结果在舞台上晕倒了。月月在人多的时候特别容易紧张,她觉得妈妈为了自己的虚荣心让她表演很讨厌,可是爸爸的一番话让她明白了妈妈的苦心。月月开始有计划地锻炼自己,从此不再躲在妈妈身后,而是勇敢地面对挑战。作者简介:钟小白,湖南省常德市人。曾任艺文新童话有限公司编辑部负责人,策划编辑过多部少儿畅销书。现为自由职业,梦想创作出更多更好的作品,让孩子们快乐阅... Read more

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校园新励志系列·和坏脾气说再见 by 钟小白
校园新励志系列·和坏脾气说再见 by 钟小白


By: 钟小白

Narrated by: 梦梦阿姨

Length: 1 hour 48 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:金小妍总觉得妈付出理所应当,她羡慕同学的妈妈说话轻声细语,而自己的妈妈却总是太过严厉。她甚至觉得妈妈不爱她。可是究竟发生了什么?妈妈消失了几天,金小妍好想念妈妈,她无意间发现了妈日记,那里记录了她出生之后的种种事情,她发觉,妈妈是在用自己的方式来爱她,她能更好地理解妈妈了。作者简介:钟小白,湖南省常德市人。曾任艺文新童话有限公司编辑部负责人,策划编辑过多部少儿畅销书。现为自由职业,梦想创作出更多更好的作品,让孩子们快乐阅读的同时,正直乐观地成长。已出版“小飞侠日记”系列,“了不起的小果果”系列。 Read more

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校园新励志系列·写作业靠自己 by 钟小白
校园新励志系列·写作业靠自己 by 钟小白


By: 钟小白

Narrated by: 梦梦阿姨

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:姜小宇是老师眼中品学兼优的好学生,他的作业总是工整漂亮,零错误,还经常被同学们传阅借鉴。好朋友王炎却把老师布置的作业当作“洪水猛兽”,作业完成得不好,每次都会挨老师批评,他觉得姜小宇简直就是偶像一样的存在。可是,他不知道姜小宇的作业之所以完成得这么好是有秘密武器的。没了秘密武器的姜小宇还能继续做优等生吗?他们终能一起战胜作业怪兽吗?作者简介:钟小白,湖南省常德市人。曾任艺文新童话有限公司编辑部负责人,策划编辑过多部少儿畅销书。现为自由职业,梦想创作出更多更好的作品,让孩子们快乐阅读的同时,正直乐观地成长。已出版“小飞侠日记”系列,“了不起的小果果”系列。 Read more

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Fire Season by Gary Indiana
Fire Season
Gary Indiana
Fire Season by Gary Indiana

Fire Season

By: Gary Indiana

Narrated by: Charles Constant

Length: 12 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No


"One of the most important chroniclers of the modern psyche." —The Guardian

Whether he's describing Tracy Emin or Warhol, the films of Barbet Schroeder ("Schroeder is well aware that life is not a narrative; that we impose form on the movements of chance, contingency, and impulse . . .") or the installations of... Read more

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有意思的京剧《霸王别姬》 by 周锐
有意思的京剧《霸王别姬》 by 周锐


By: 周锐

Narrated by: 刘培瑾

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《有意思的京剧》共6册,选取《霸王别姬》《武松打虎》《白蛇传》《空城计》等38个经典剧目,是周锐老师原创的京剧文学丛书。他用个性化的语言,不仅轻松幽默地讲述剧目中的故事,还巧妙地运用“周锐说”的方式介绍了京剧的专业术语、行当、道具知识以及京剧表演艺术家们的传奇人生。他亲自绘制插图,使得文意与图画高度统一。可以让孩子在轻松阅读的同时了解传统文化的精髓,扩大了京剧传承的内容与视野。本套书故事情节丰富、趣味性强、主题思想鲜明,有别于市面上常见的以教学或者图画为主的京剧类图书。作者简介:周锐:中国作家协会会员,著名儿童文学作家,著有《幽默三国》《幽默水浒》《侠路相逢》《功夫派》系列、《周锐校园绿色幽默》系列、《大个子老鼠小个子猫》系列等八十余种图书,曾获全国优秀儿童文学奖、宋庆龄儿童... Read more

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有意思的京剧《白蛇传》 by 周锐
有意思的京剧《白蛇传》 by 周锐


By: 周锐

Narrated by: 聂思琪

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《有意思的京剧》共6册,选取《霸王别姬》《武松打虎》《白蛇传》《空城计》等38个经典剧目,是周锐老师原创的京剧文学丛书。他用个性化的语言,不仅轻松幽默地讲述剧目中的故事,还巧妙地运用“周锐说”的方式介绍了京剧的专业术语、行当、道具知识以及京剧表演艺术家们的传奇人生。他亲自绘制插图,使得文意与图画高度统一。可以让孩子在轻松阅读的同时了解传统文化的精髓,扩大了京剧传承的内容与视野。本套书故事情节丰富、趣味性强、主题思想鲜明,有别于市面上常见的以教学或者图画为主的京剧类图书。作者简介:周锐:中国作家协会会员,著名儿童文学作家,著有《幽默三国》《幽默水浒》《侠路相逢》《功夫派》系列、《周锐校园绿色幽默》系列、《大个子老鼠小个子猫》系列等八十余种图书,曾获全国优秀儿童文学奖、宋庆龄儿童... Read more

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Contes de Sagesse by CENK OZTURK
Contes de Sagesse
Contes de Sagesse by CENK OZTURK

Contes de Sagesse


Narrated by: CENK OZTURK

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Découvrez le charme intemporel de “Contes de sagesse - 40 récits inspirants pour veiller et réveiller votre âme”, une collection captivante rédigée par Cenk OZTURK qui vous convie à un voyage extraordinaire à travers des histoires transcendant le temps et l’espace. Chacun des 40 contes de ce recueil, sélectionné pour son pouvoir unique... Read more

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Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell
Gardening Can Be Murder
Marta McDowell
Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell

Gardening Can Be Murder

By: Marta McDowell

Narrated by: Elisabeth Rodgers

Length: 5 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

This fun, engrossing book takes a look at the surprising influence that gardens and gardening have had on mystery novels and their authors. With their deadly plants, razor-sharp shears, shady corners, and ready-made burial sites, gardens make an ideal scene for the perfect murder. But the outsize influence that gardens and gardening have had on... Read more

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Encounters in the Woods: Volumes 5-8 by Ethan Hayes
Encounters in the Woods: Volumes 5-8
Ethan Hayes
Encounters in the Woods: Volumes 5-8 by Ethan Hayes

Encounters in the Woods: Volumes 5-8

By: Ethan Hayes

Narrated by: Justin Price

Length: 10 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Four volumes of the bestselling series under one cover!

Beware of what lurks in the shadows of the dark forests.

Encounters with mysterious creatures in the woods have occurred for centuries. Many of these frightening encounters tell of elusive monsters which haunt the deep forests, terrifying hikers, campers, hunters and anyone who ventures... Read more

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The Cooking of Books by Ramachandra Guha
The Cooking of Books
Ramachandra Guha
The Cooking of Books by Ramachandra Guha

The Cooking of Books

By: Ramachandra Guha

Narrated by: Sam Dastor

Length: 6 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

It is not often that an author and his editor strike up a relationship which survives forty years of epistolary exchanges and intellectual sparring. The strangely enduring and occasionally fractious friendship which developed between the famously outspoken historian Ramachandra Guha and... Read more

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Dive into the fascinating story of the Koch brothers by Vines Graener
Dive into the fascinating story of the Koch brothers
Vines Graener
Dive into the fascinating story of the Koch brothers by Vines Graener

Dive into the fascinating story of the Koch brothers

By: Vines Graener

Narrated by: Vines Graener

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Fred, the patriarch and visionary behind the Koch brothers' legacy, blazed a trail in the oil industry. In 1925, his foresight led him to acquire a one-third stake in a Wichita engineering firm, a pivotal move that laid the foundation for the eventual behemoth, Koch Industries. From these modest beginnings, Fred's entrepreneurial spirit set the... Read more

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大国学·季羡林口述史 by 季羡林
大国学·季羡林口述史 by 季羡林


By: 季羡林

Narrated by: 咚咚

Length: 9 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:为了回顾自己的百年人生,给世人一个最终的交代,季羡林先生亲自致信温家宝总理,要求调山东大学蔡德贵教授做自己的学术助手,协助自己进行口述历史的工作先后进行口述录音75次,这是年近百岁的国学大师季羡林先生首次系统的、全面的、客观的、真实的讲述他的人生经历。首次详细讲述家庭生活中与婶母、夫人彭德华相处的细节,留德期间与伊姆加德的交往经过,以及任教北大后被北大校花的妹妹追求的种种经历,以及人们非常关注的与前后几位秘书的交往经过,皆为首次披露。凡此种种,皆为一位百岁老人在人生最后阶段最真实感情的流露。而书中所涉及到的历史人物也可谓前所未有。作者介绍:季羡林。山东清平人。1930年考入清华大学西洋文学系,1934年毕业,在山东省立济南高中任国文教师。1935年秋进人德国格廷根大学学习赞文... Read more

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La contracultura en México by José Agustín
La contracultura en México
José Agustín
La contracultura en México by José Agustín

La contracultura en México

By: José Agustín

Narrated by: Raúl Boxer

Length: 6 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Una audaz radiografía sobre los movimientos contraculturales en México en voz de uno de sus mayores exponentes. "190 páginas llenas de salvajes historias de rebeldía, ingenuidad, incorrección, desmadre, lucidez, arte, literatura, drogas, punks, darketos, jipitecas, cholos, chavos banda, sexo y rockanroll. Pero sobre todo, [este libro] reivindica... Read more

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One Poet's Journey: A Picture Book of Poems by James C. Glassford
One Poet's Journey: A Picture Book of Poems
James C. Glassford
One Poet's Journey: A Picture Book of Poems by James C. Glassford

One Poet's Journey: A Picture Book of Poems

By: James C. Glassford

Narrated by: J. Arthur Scott

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore, there is a society where non intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in it's roar:I love not man the less, but nature more"-Lord Byron Read more

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Letter to the Shooting Stars Among Us by Dylan Thomas Doyle
Letter to the Shooting Stars Among Us
Dylan Thomas Doyle
Letter to the Shooting Stars Among Us by Dylan Thomas Doyle

Letter to the Shooting Stars Among Us

By: Dylan Thomas Doyle

Narrated by: Dylan Thomas Doyle

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Dear You,Welcome to your love letter. A letter signed to the secrets and celebrations that brought you here. The found family, and the lost innocence, and the wanderlust, and the returning home again in ways you never thought possible. Not to mention the whiskey and the sobriety and the streetlights and the sweet sleepless nights you danced... Read more

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Die verflixte Flaschenpost by Manuel Deinert
Die verflixte Flaschenpost
Manuel Deinert
Die verflixte Flaschenpost by Manuel Deinert

Die verflixte Flaschenpost

By: Manuel Deinert

Narrated by: Gerrit Petersen

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Was ein Sommertag! Ganz allein im Schlauchboot unter blauem Himmel auf dem Moosbach durch die weiten Felder paddeln. Welch herrliches Abenteuer! Nicht jedoch für den dreizehnjährigen Karl. Der hat nämlich ein mächtiges Problem: Er muss ziemlich dringend sein Leben retten. Warum? Seit Wochen schreibt er anonyme Liebesbriefe an Emma, steckt sie in... Read more

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على طريق الهجر - Abridged by آمال عيسى سالم العرجان
على طريق الهجر - Abridged
آمال عيسى سالم العرجان
على طريق الهجر - Abridged by آمال عيسى سالم العرجان

على طريق الهجر - Abridged

By: آمال عيسى سالم العرجان

Narrated by: ورد اسماعيل

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

على طريق الهجر, رحلة طويلة دامت خمس سنوات, رحلة على طريق عرف بكثرة حوادثه فسمي حينها, طريق الموت. على طريق الهجر رحلة, أنجبت خلالها اثنين من أبنائي وتعرفت فيها على صديقات عمري. في ذات الرحلة تطورت قدراتي المعرفية والعملية والأهم تجاربي الشخصية. بدأت الرحلة وأنا آمال البسيطة, الهشة, التي لا تعلم من الدنيا إلا المدارس والشهادات وانتهت الرحلة وأنا... Read more

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Divine Might by Natalie Haynes
Divine Might
Natalie Haynes
Divine Might by Natalie Haynes

Divine Might

By: Natalie Haynes

Narrated by: Natalie Haynes

Length: 9 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

New York Times bestselling author Natalie Haynes returns to the world of ancient Greek myth in this scintillating follow-up to Pandora’s Jar.Few writers today have reshaped our view of the ancient Greek myths more than revered bestselling author Natalie Haynes. Divine Might is a female-centered look at Olympus and the Furies, focusing on the... Read more

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A Hitch in Time by Christopher Hitchens
A Hitch in Time
Christopher Hitchens
A Hitch in Time by Christopher Hitchens

A Hitch in Time

By: Christopher Hitchens

Narrated by: Hannibal Hills & James Wolcott

Length: 10 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

“An extended spa treatment that stretches tired brains and unkinks the usual habitual responses where Hitchens is concerned.” —James Wolcott in his introduction
An outstanding new collection, A HITCH IN TIME is a must have for Hitchens completists and the perfect starting point for understanding one of the most brilliant essayists of all time.

... Read more

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Spanish Short Stories by Isabella Moreno
Spanish Short Stories
Isabella Moreno
Spanish Short Stories by Isabella Moreno

Spanish Short Stories

By: Isabella Moreno

Narrated by: Isabella Moreno

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into Spanish Mastery with "Spanish Short Stories"!Embark on an exhilarating language-learning journey with our captivating audiobook, featuring 10 short stories brimming with excitement and culture. Each story, carefully crafted at around 1,000 words, is a gateway to a vibrant world of Spanish expression.What's Inside:🎉 Engaging Narratives:... Read more

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Winter in the Air by Sylvia Townsend Warner
Winter in the Air
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Winter in the Air by Sylvia Townsend Warner

Winter in the Air

By: Sylvia Townsend Warner

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

This Christmas, 'hand yourself over to be enchanted' (Guardian) by the English genius behind Lolly Willowes.

'Worth £9.99 for the book jacket alone (trust Faber) ... It's exquisite and shivery, just like the stories within ... By turns creepy, melancholy, horrifying, tragic and beltingly romantic.'
Sunday Times
'One of our finest writers.' Neil... Read more

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The Puzzling Disappearance of Professor Plum by Anil
The Puzzling Disappearance of Professor Plum
The Puzzling Disappearance of Professor Plum by Anil

The Puzzling Disappearance of Professor Plum

By: Anil

Narrated by: Anil Duhan

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

DiscriptionIn the hallowed halls of [prestigious university name], a pall of mystery has descended. Professor Bartholomew Plum, renowned Egyptologist and keeper of countless arcane secrets, has vanished without a trace. One blustery November morning, he entered his labyrinthine office and… simply ceased to be. No forced entry, no cryptic notes,... Read more

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