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Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno
Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno


By: Miguel de Unamuno

Narrated by: Montserrat González

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Al aparecer Augusto a la puerta de su casa extendió el brazo derecho, con la mano palma abajo y abierta, y dirigiendo los ojos al cielo quedóse un momento parado en esta actitud estatuaria y augusta. No era que tomaba posesión del mundo exterior, sino era que observaba si llovía. Y al recibir en el dorso de la mano el frescor del lento orvallo... Read more

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A Woman Condemned to Hard Labor by Noor Fahmy
A Woman Condemned to Hard Labor
Noor Fahmy
A Woman Condemned to Hard Labor by Noor Fahmy

A Woman Condemned to Hard Labor

By: Noor Fahmy

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

When a woman is subjected to constant conflict, and this conflict enters her home, and she meets an opponent stronger than her, who breaks her, and she becomes alone to see the flows of society pressuring her with such cruelty, she chooses victory through defeat. Read more

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New release
Le Mariage d'Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc
Le Mariage d'Arsène Lupin
Maurice Leblanc
Le Mariage d'Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc

Le Mariage d'Arsène Lupin

By: Maurice Leblanc

Narrated by: Plusieurs Lecteurs

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Maurice Leblanc, de son nom complet Marie Émile Maurice Leblanc, est un romancier français.Auteur de nombreux romans policiers et d’aventures, il est le créateur du célèbre gentleman-cambrioleur Arsène Lupin. Relégué au rang de « Conan Doyle français », Maurice Leblanc est un écrivain populaire qui a souffert de ne pas avoir la reconnaissance de... Read more

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New release
O Mandarim by José Maria Eça de Queiroz
O Mandarim
José Maria Eça de Queiroz
O Mandarim by José Maria Eça de Queiroz

O Mandarim

By: José Maria Eça de Queiroz

Narrated by: Sónia Seabra

Length: 2 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

u chamo-me Theodoro — e fui amanuense do Ministerio do Reino.N’esse tempo vivia eu á travessa da Conceição n.º 106, na casa d’hospedes da D. Augusta, a esplendida D. Augusta, viuva do major Marques. Tinha dois companheiros: o Cabrita, empregado na Administração do bairro central, esguio e amarello como uma tocha d’enterro; e o possante, o... Read more

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New release
VOICES: a sacred sisterscape - Abridged by  V-Day, aja monet, Bella Laia, Black Girls Glow ft. Anabel Rose, Kikie, Ms. Fu, Nana Adjoa Agyepong, Pamm Takyiwaa, Poetra Asantewa & Wendy, Ceclia Faussart, Chamari White-Mink, Chelsea Williams, Cynthia Manick, Dalychia Saah, Dorothy Randall Gray, Flavia Diniz, Frieda Ndeutala Mukufa, Itohan Omolere Osaigbovo, Jasmine Knowles, Renee Wilson, Roslyn Smith, S. Pearl Sharp, Toya Lillard, Ursula Nyaboke Gisemba, Vanessa Appiagyei, Vangile Gantsho & various authors
VOICES: a sacred sisterscape - Abridged
V-Day, aja monet, Bella Laia, Black Girls Glow...
VOICES: a sacred sisterscape - Abridged by  V-Day, aja monet, Bella Laia, Black Girls Glow ft. Anabel Rose, Kikie, Ms. Fu, Nana Adjoa Agyepong, Pamm Takyiwaa, Poetra Asantewa & Wendy, Ceclia Faussart, Chamari White-Mink, Chelsea Williams, Cynthia Manick, Dalychia Saah, Dorothy Randall Gray, Flavia Diniz, Frieda Ndeutala Mukufa, Itohan Omolere Osaigbovo, Jasmine Knowles, Renee Wilson, Roslyn Smith, S. Pearl Sharp, Toya Lillard, Ursula Nyaboke Gisemba, Vanessa Appiagyei, Vangile Gantsho & various authors

VOICES: a sacred sisterscape - Abridged

By: V-Day, aja monet, Bella Laia, Black Girls Glow...

Narrated by: Black Girls Glow ft. Anabel Rose, Kikie, Ms. Fu...

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

VOICES: a sacred sisterscape, spearheaded by Grammy-nominated poet aja monet (When The Poems Do What They Do), is an audio experience of stories written by, narrated by, and centering Black women across the diaspora. It encourages radical listening for the sake of connection, compassion, and community and celebrates the interior lives Black... Read more

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New release
The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

By: Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Narrated by: Kara Shallenberg

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.“Whenever you feel like criticising any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”He didn’t say any more, but we’ve always been unusually communicative in a... Read more

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New release
Temporary Freedom by Noor Fahmy
Temporary Freedom
Noor Fahmy
Temporary Freedom by Noor Fahmy

Temporary Freedom

By: Noor Fahmy

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Is it possible for a person to gain his freedom one day, or is his life a set of restrictions and he does not know? Read more

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New release
Daddy Kathryn and the Transsexual Trilogy by James Royce McGuire
Daddy Kathryn and the Transsexual Trilogy
James Royce McGuire
Daddy Kathryn and the Transsexual Trilogy by James Royce McGuire

Daddy Kathryn and the Transsexual Trilogy

By: James Royce McGuire

Narrated by: James Royce McGuire

Length: 2 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a father-son coming-of-age story about a transsexual and her son. Read more

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New release
An Honest Thief by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
An Honest Thief
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
An Honest Thief by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

An Honest Thief

By: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Narrated by: John Van Stan

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

DOSTOIEVSKY, FEODOR MIKHAILOVICH (1821–1881), Russian author, born at Moscow, on the 30th of October 1821, was the second son of a retired military surgeon of a decayed noble family. He was educated at Moscow and at the military engineering academy at St Petersburg, which he left in 1843 with the grade of sub-lieutenant. Next year his father... Read more

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New release
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare
Measure for Measure
William Shakespeare
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare

Measure for Measure

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Anthony Addison

Length: 2 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Of Gouernment, the properties to vnfold, Would seeme in me t'affect speech & discourse, Since I am put to know, that your owne Science Exceedes (in that) the lists of all aduice My strength can giue you: Then no more remaines But that, to your sufficiency, as your worth is able, And let them worke : The nature of our People, Our Cities... Read more

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New release
Die Verwandlung by Franz Kafka
Die Verwandlung
Franz Kafka
Die Verwandlung by Franz Kafka

Die Verwandlung

By: Franz Kafka

Narrated by: Markus A. Wachenheim

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Read more

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New release
La corte de Carlos IV by Benito Pérez Galdós
La corte de Carlos IV
Benito Pérez Galdós
La corte de Carlos IV by Benito Pérez Galdós

La corte de Carlos IV

By: Benito Pérez Galdós

Narrated by: Rafael Baena Zapatero

Length: 8 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

La Corte de Carlos IV es el segundo Episodio Nacional de Benito Pérez Galdós. En esta novela, y tras la épica de "Trafalgar", el autor nos trae una historia de cómicos y cortesanas a caballo entre Madrid y El Escorial. Y si en la primera entrega de la serie Gabriel Araceli siente el despertar del patriotismo, en la Corte de Carlos IV encuentra,... Read more

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New release
The Dwarves by Dr. Amr Mounir
The Dwarves
Dr. Amr Mounir
The Dwarves by Dr. Amr Mounir

The Dwarves

By: Dr. Amr Mounir

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

“In the vast expanse of the Algerian desert, an adventurer embarks on a solitary journey to explore ancient temples hidden among the dunes. As he delves into the ruins, he uncovers engravings on the walls that hint at a civilization far more advanced than ours, one that predates history as we know it. Suddenly, he’s whisked away by unseen forces... Read more

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New release
Maati by Nani Abu Rawash
Nani Abu Rawash
Maati by Nani Abu Rawash


By: Nani Abu Rawash

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Maati is a young man like most young people who graduate and find themselves unemployed. After his father's death, reality becomes more difficult, so he embarks on many adventures and jobs and reaches Dr. Maher, the apartment thief, who convinces him to work with him. So what will the world do to Moati? Read more

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New release
Measure for Measure - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Measure for Measure - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Measure for Measure - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Measure for Measure - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Denis Daly, Kendra Murray, Josh Innerst, Simon ...

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Measure for Measure is one of darkest of Shakespeare’s comedies. Written in about 1603 and first performed in 1604, it immediately preceded the composition of the major tragedies Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.Duke Vincentino, the ruler of Vienna, fears that under his mild sovereignty, the people may have become lazy and lax. He decides to “go... Read more

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Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch
Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer

Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch

By: Stefan Schweizer

Narrated by: Ramon Klein

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

DIE SERIE: Sie existieren seit Beginn der Menschheit und prägen das Leben bis heute. Drogen versprechen das Paradies, sie zeigen dir den Himmel, sie lassen dich nie mehr los. Doch was passiert, wenn ein unbescholtener Bürger in den Szenesumpf der Drogenhauptstadt Nummer 1 – Berlin – abgleitet und keinen Halt mehr findet? Wenn er unfreiwillig... Read more

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Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch
Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer

Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch

By: Stefan Schweizer

Narrated by: Ramon Klein

Length: 2 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

DIE SERIE: Sie existieren seit Beginn der Menschheit und prägen das Leben bis heute. Drogen versprechen das Paradies, sie zeigen dir den Himmel, sie lassen dich nie mehr los. Doch was passiert, wenn ein unbescholtener Bürger in den Szenesumpf der Drogenhauptstadt Nummer 1 – Berlin – abgleitet und keinen Halt mehr findet? Wenn er unfreiwillig... Read more

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The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller by Gustave Flaubert
The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller
Gustave Flaubert
The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller by Gustave Flaubert

The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: David Barnes

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE (1821–1880), French novelist, was born at Rouen on the 12th of December 1821. His father, of whom many traits are reproduced in Flaubert’s character of Charles Bovary, was a surgeon in practice at Rouen; his mother was connected with some of the oldest Norman families. He was educated in his native city, and did not leave it... Read more

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Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch
Stefan Schweizer
Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch by Stefan Schweizer

Dr. Junkie - Berlin im Rausch

By: Stefan Schweizer

Narrated by: Ramon Klein

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: No

DIE SERIE: Sie existieren seit Beginn der Menschheit und prägen das Leben bis heute. Drogen versprechen das Paradies, sie zeigen dir den Himmel, sie lassen dich nie mehr los. Doch was passiert, wenn ein unbescholtener Bürger in den Szenesumpf der Drogenhauptstadt Nummer 1 – Berlin – abgleitet und keinen Halt mehr findet? Wenn er unfreiwillig... Read more

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The Dance of Death by Gustave Flaubert
The Dance of Death
Gustave Flaubert
The Dance of Death by Gustave Flaubert

The Dance of Death

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: David Barnes

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE (1821–1880), French novelist, was born at Rouen on the 12th of December 1821. His father, of whom many traits are reproduced in Flaubert’s character of Charles Bovary, was a surgeon in practice at Rouen; his mother was connected with some of the oldest Norman families. He was educated in his native city, and did not leave it... Read more

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Ellen by Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel-Al
Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel-Al
Ellen by Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel-Al


By: Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel-Al

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In old London, a class struggle is trying to eliminate the factory owner's love for the working girl, Ellen, by planning a heinous crime. Will the crime be solved? Or will Ellen's spirit be forced to take revenge? An exciting, fast-paced novel Read more

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Powerhouse Radio by Kingsley H. Smith
Powerhouse Radio
Kingsley H. Smith
Powerhouse Radio by Kingsley H. Smith

Powerhouse Radio

By: Kingsley H. Smith

Narrated by: Kingsley H. Smith

Length: 4 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Powerhouse Radio: Rough Roads, Radiance, and Rebirth; My True AM - FM - Satellite - and Audio Streaming Survival Story by Kingsley H. Smith is an authentic true story about adversity, failure, and ultimate success. Smith performed on-air as an engaging radio personality and off-air as a program director in the hyper competitive radio... Read more

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Three Short Works by Gustave Flaubert
Three Short Works
Gustave Flaubert
Three Short Works by Gustave Flaubert

Three Short Works

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: David Barnes

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Includes:The Dance of DeathThe Legend of St. Julian the HospitallerA Simple Soul. Read more

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A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert
A Simple Soul
Gustave Flaubert
A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert

A Simple Soul

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: David Barnes

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE (1821–1880), French novelist, was born at Rouen on the 12th of December 1821. His father, of whom many traits are reproduced in Flaubert’s character of Charles Bovary, was a surgeon in practice at Rouen; his mother was connected with some of the oldest Norman families. He was educated in his native city, and did not leave it... Read more

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