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Releasing Fear, Embracing Joy by Todd Pressman
Releasing Fear, Embracing Joy
Todd Pressman
Releasing Fear, Embracing Joy by Todd Pressman

Releasing Fear, Embracing Joy

By: Todd Pressman

Narrated by: Todd Pressman

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Fear, in its many disguises, is the only obstacle to Joy. In this tape, the tools are given to penetrate the very causes of fear, that we may release them at their source. With this, nothing stands in the way of our Joy, and we become free to radically express our true Selves, living our highest Vision. This meditation offers advanced practices... Read more

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Behind the Veil of Perception by Todd Pressman
Behind the Veil of Perception
Todd Pressman
Behind the Veil of Perception by Todd Pressman

Behind the Veil of Perception

By: Todd Pressman

Narrated by: Todd Pressman

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Perception builds the world we see; it is the architect of our experience and reality. Getting our hands on the controls of perception, then, becomes the way to reclaim authority over our lives, mastering our minds and creating the experience we choose. This is the key to radical Joy! Read more

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300 citations des philosophes romains antiques by Cicéron, Sénèque & Marc-Aurèle
300 citations des philosophes romains antiques
Cicéron, Sénèque & Marc-Aurèle
300 citations des philosophes romains antiques by Cicéron, Sénèque & Marc-Aurèle

300 citations des philosophes romains antiques

By: Cicéron, Sénèque & Marc-Aurèle

Narrated by: Patrick Blandin, Elodie Huber & Nicolas Planchais

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

La pensée de la Rome antique est au fondement de l'histoire des idées et de la philosophie occidentale. Découvrez-en toute la profondeur en 300 citations soigneusement choisies pour présenter sous forme condensée les enseignements majeurs de trois figures incontournables : Cicéron, un des plus grands orateurs ayant jamais existé, Sénèque, un des... Read more

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300 citations des philosophes idéalistes by Kant, Hegel & Platon
300 citations des philosophes idéalistes
Kant, Hegel & Platon
300 citations des philosophes idéalistes by Kant, Hegel & Platon

300 citations des philosophes idéalistes

By: Kant, Hegel & Platon

Narrated by: Patrick Blandin, Nicolas Justamon & Patrick Mar...

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

L'idéalisme est un courant philosophique majeur, qui prit racine avec Platon et s'épanouit dans la philosophie allemande autour de Kant et Schopenhauer. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est fait de l'ensemble de nos représentations, qui ne peuvent se constituer ailleurs que dans notre esprit même ; le reconnaître, c'est quitter une conception... Read more

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400 citations de la philosophie moderne by Spinoza, Rousseau, Voltaire & Machiavel
400 citations de la philosophie moderne
Spinoza, Rousseau, Voltaire & Machiavel
400 citations de la philosophie moderne by Spinoza, Rousseau, Voltaire & Machiavel

400 citations de la philosophie moderne

By: Spinoza, Rousseau, Voltaire & Machiavel

Narrated by: Nicolas Justamon & Patrick Blandin

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: No

La philosophie moderne est un courant de pensée qui inclut une partie de la Renaissance, le XVIIe siècle, et le siècle des Lumières. Amorcée par la Renaissance italienne et héritière de la pensée antique, elle en constitue un dépassement lié à l'essor de la pensée scientifique, et qui constitue les fondements de la philosophie occidentale.... Read more

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400 citations de la philosophie des Lumières by Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau & Montesquieu
400 citations de la philosophie des Lumières
Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau & Montesquieu
400 citations de la philosophie des Lumières by Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau & Montesquieu

400 citations de la philosophie des Lumières

By: Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau & Montesquieu

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais & Patrick Blandin

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

La pensée des Lumières émerge dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle avant de se développer dans toute l'Europe, notamment en France, au XVIIIe siècle. Ses penseurs sont engagés contre l'oppression religieuse et politique, et oeuvrent pour le progrès contre l'obscurantisme et les superstitions passées ; leur pensée a amené le triomphe de la... Read more

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The Search for Man's Natural Religions by Manly Hall
The Search for Man's Natural Religions
Manly Hall
The Search for Man's Natural Religions by Manly Hall

The Search for Man's Natural Religions

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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100 citations de Gustave Flaubert by Gustave Flaubert
100 citations de Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert
100 citations de Gustave Flaubert by Gustave Flaubert

100 citations de Gustave Flaubert

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Gustave Flaubert a marqué la littérature universelle par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques, son souci de réalisme, son regard lucide sur les comportements des individus et de la société, et par la force de son style dans de grands romans comme Madame Bovary (1857), Salammbô (1862), L'Éducation sentimentale (1869), ou le recueil de... Read more

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Solving the Mental-Emotional Conflict in Your Personal Life by Manly Hall
Solving the Mental-Emotional Conflict in Your Personal Life
Manly Hall
Solving the Mental-Emotional Conflict in Your Personal Life by Manly Hall

Solving the Mental-Emotional Conflict in Your Personal Life

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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The Hidden Causes of Human Behavior by Manly Hall
The Hidden Causes of Human Behavior
Manly Hall
The Hidden Causes of Human Behavior by Manly Hall

The Hidden Causes of Human Behavior

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.

About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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Releasing the Good Locked Within Ourselves by Manly Hall
Releasing the Good Locked Within Ourselves
Manly Hall
Releasing the Good Locked Within Ourselves by Manly Hall

Releasing the Good Locked Within Ourselves

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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Faith that Leads to Certainties by Manly Hall
Faith that Leads to Certainties
Manly Hall
Faith that Leads to Certainties by Manly Hall

Faith that Leads to Certainties

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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The Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions by Manly Hall
The Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions
Manly Hall
The Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions by Manly Hall

The Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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Is Each Individual Born With A Purpose? by Manly Hall
Is Each Individual Born With A Purpose?
Manly Hall
Is Each Individual Born With A Purpose? by Manly Hall

Is Each Individual Born With A Purpose?

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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Destiny By Design by Todd Pressman
Destiny By Design
Todd Pressman
Destiny By Design by Todd Pressman

Destiny By Design

By: Todd Pressman

Narrated by: Todd Pressman

Length: 6 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you burned out by the stress and monotony of your daily routine? Have you lost your sense of purpose, living only to survive? Do you want to know who you really are, what you were meant to do in this life?The secrets to true fulfillment can seem so far out of reach, buried under a mountain of anxieties and obligations which threatens to... Read more

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The Return to Oneness by Todd Pressman
The Return to Oneness
Todd Pressman
The Return to Oneness by Todd Pressman

The Return to Oneness

By: Todd Pressman

Narrated by: Todd Pressman

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In this meditation, you will return to the moment just before the birth of creation. Hovering above the scene, we remember ourselves as high Witness, ready to move from Oneness into the human experience. With this, we stand at the moment of choice, either to birth a new world or rest in the realm of infinite possibilities. Ultimately, the two... Read more

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The Mystical Experience in Daily Living by Manly Hall
The Mystical Experience in Daily Living
Manly Hall
The Mystical Experience in Daily Living by Manly Hall

The Mystical Experience in Daily Living

By: Manly Hall

Narrated by: Manly Hall

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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The Teacher of Righteousness by Manly P. Hall
The Teacher of Righteousness
Manly P. Hall
The Teacher of Righteousness by Manly P. Hall

The Teacher of Righteousness

By: Manly P. Hall

Narrated by: Manly P. Hall

Length: 1 hour 29 minutes

Abridged: No

These never before released lectures are considered by the thousands who have heard them to be profound and illuminating. Originally released by the Philosophical Research Society, Better Listen! is pleased to make available to the wider public a series of very special edition audio recordings from Manly P. Hall.About the Author | Manly P. Hall... Read more

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100 citations d'Euripide by Euripide
100 citations d'Euripide
100 citations d'Euripide by Euripide

100 citations d'Euripide

By: Euripide

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Euripide est un des trois grands tragiques de l'Athènes classique, avec Eschyle et Sophocle. Certains auteurs antiques lui attribuent 95 pièces dont 18 conservées dans leur intégralité. Il reste d'Euripide plus de pièces que d'Eschyle et Sophocle réunis, parce que sa popularité augmentait tandis que la leur déclinait. Il connut un immense succès... Read more

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100 citations de Diderot by Diderot
100 citations de Diderot
100 citations de Diderot by Diderot

100 citations de Diderot

By: Diderot

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Diderot est reconnu pour son érudition, son esprit critique et un certain génie. Il laisse son empreinte dans l'histoire de tous les genres littéraires auxquels il s'est essayé : il pose les bases du drame bourgeois au théâtre, révolutionne le roman avec Jacques le fataliste et son maître, invente la critique à travers ses Salons et supervise la... Read more

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100 citations d'Aristote by Aristote
100 citations d'Aristote
100 citations d'Aristote by Aristote

100 citations d'Aristote

By: Aristote

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Aristote est un philosophe grec de l'Antiquité. Avec Platon, dont il fut le disciple à l'Académie, il est l'un des penseurs les plus influents que le monde ait connus. Il est aussi l'un des rares à avoir abordé presque tous les domaines de connaissance de son temps : biologie, physique, métaphysique, logique, poétique, politique. Chez Aristote,... Read more

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300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire by Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire
300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire
Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire
300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire by Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire

300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire

By: Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Pain can take a cruel toll on everyday life, be it chronic back pain, headaches, pain linked to fibromyalgy or arthritis, or acute pain from injury or disease. This series of exercices is designed to help you cope with pain in adequation with medical treatment if available, by providing you with proven techniques for pain management through... Read more

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Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Plato, Socrates & Aristotle
Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle
Plato, Socrates & Aristotle
Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Plato, Socrates & Aristotle

Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle

By: Plato, Socrates & Aristotle

Narrated by: Katie Haigh & Paul Spera

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

The ability to make productive choices and to discipline oneself into achieving one's goals comes down to focus and concentration. Like a muscle, concentration can be strengthened by regular exercice and using optimization techniques to increase one's will and capacity to act. This series of exercices will provide you with the necessary tools... Read more

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200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer by Kant & Schopenhauer
200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer
Kant & Schopenhauer
200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer by Kant & Schopenhauer

200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer

By: Kant & Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Poorly managed tension can lead to self-harm as an addictive and destructive way of taking control of anxiety. It has to be adressed as soon as possible with proven and effective tools. This series of exercices has been designed to provide you with simple and powerful techniques to get rid of tension before it escalates into self-harm, to build... Read more

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