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110 citations pour le bac philo by various
110 citations pour le bac philo
110 citations pour le bac philo by various

110 citations pour le bac philo

By: various

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Les meilleurs devoirs au bac philo sont ceux dont la réflexion est structurée, nourrie des pensées des plus grands auteurs. Et pour vraiment faire la différence, il faut utiliser des citations pertinentes. Ce livre audio vous propose 100 citations classées selon les thèmes du programme de philosophie en terminale, et choisies pour vous donner... Read more

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100 citations de Sun Tzu by Sun Tzu
100 citations de Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu
100 citations de Sun Tzu by Sun Tzu

100 citations de Sun Tzu

By: Sun Tzu

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Sun Tzu : un nom qui a traversé les siècles. Général, stratège, et philosophe, on lui doit le plus célèbre traité militaire de tous les temps : l'Art de la Guerre. Sa pensée a inspiré les plus grandes figures militaires, du général au dictateur, mais aussi de nombreux domaines comme l'entreprenariat, la stratégie commerciale, le contrôle des... Read more

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100 citations de Gustave Flaubert by Gustave Flaubert
100 citations de Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert
100 citations de Gustave Flaubert by Gustave Flaubert

100 citations de Gustave Flaubert

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Gustave Flaubert a marqué la littérature française, en prenant à bras-le-corps le réalisme, portrait d'une réalité qu'il abhorre, et en portant un regard implacable sur les individus et la société. Madame Bovary, Salammbô, L'Education sentimentale, Bouvard et Pécuchet... ces romans doivent la perfection de leur style à un travail titanesque, qui... Read more

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100 citations de Michel de Montaigne by Michel de Montaigne
100 citations de Michel de Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne
100 citations de Michel de Montaigne by Michel de Montaigne

100 citations de Michel de Montaigne

By: Michel de Montaigne

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Se visiter soi-même plutôt que des contrées lointaines, c'est explorer à la fois le plus proche et le plus mystérieux. Michel de Montaigne décrit son expérience en même temps qu'il se livre à des réflexions amusées ; en nous dévoilant son "humaine condition", il nous fournit un art de vivre sage et agréable. Ces 100 citations de Montaignes ont... Read more

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100 citations de Socrate by Socrate
100 citations de Socrate
100 citations de Socrate by Socrate

100 citations de Socrate

By: Socrate

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Socrate : une figure majeure, aux fondements de toute la philosophie occidentale ; une légende bizarre, qu'on ne connaît qu'à travers les récits des autres ; et surtout, un drôle de philosophe. Sa méthode est simple et directe : pour apprendre à l'autre à penser par lui-même, il faut questionner sans cesse, afin de mettre au jour préjugés,... Read more

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100 citations de Lao Tseu by Lao Tsu
100 citations de Lao Tseu
Lao Tsu
100 citations de Lao Tseu by Lao Tsu

100 citations de Lao Tseu

By: Lao Tsu

Narrated by: Elodie Huber

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, ou Lao Tseu) est l'auteur du Tao Te Ching (Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu). C'est à lui qu'on doit le sens des équilibres yin et yang, le principe du non-agir, et l'idée du Tao, à l'origine de toutes choses. On prête à Lao Tsu des origines surnaturelles ; en tout cas, sa sagesse en a fait le père fondateur du taoïsme.... Read more

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100 citations de Karl Marx by Karl Marx
100 citations de Karl Marx
Karl Marx
100 citations de Karl Marx by Karl Marx

100 citations de Karl Marx

By: Karl Marx

Narrated by: Nicolas Justamon

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Karl Marx, penseur révolutionnaire au sens propre. Ses travaux ont marqué l'Histoire et considérablement influencé le XXe siècle à travers le communisme. Sa pensée est toujours au coeur des luttes idéologiques contemporaines. Philosophe, il donne au prolétariat une doctrine, et érige la lutte des classes en système ; économiste, il analyse le... Read more

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100 citations de Machiavel by Machiavel
100 citations de Machiavel
100 citations de Machiavel by Machiavel

100 citations de Machiavel

By: Machiavel

Narrated by: Nicolas Justamon

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Nicolas Machiavel, penseur humaniste de la Renaissance, a laissé derrière lui une légende noire. Le Prince, son oeuvre la plus célèbre, donne des instructions claires et précises sur la façon d'obtenir et conserver le pouvoir, la fortune et la gloire, même si ce doit être aux dépens des autres. Pragmatique, il n'hésite pas à faire passer la fin... Read more

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100 citations de Spinoza by Spinoza
100 citations de Spinoza
100 citations de Spinoza by Spinoza

100 citations de Spinoza

By: Spinoza

Narrated by: Nicolas Justamon

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

"Le Prince des philosophes" selon Deleuze, un "précurseur" selon Nietzsche ; d'après Hegel, "l'alternative est : Spinoza ou pas de philosophie". Penseur hollandais et figure incontournable de la philosophie, Spinoza a été pris à tort pour un auteur athée. En réalité, il critique les positions traditionalistes des religions révélées, pour... Read more

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100 citations de Hegel by Hegel
100 citations de Hegel
100 citations de Hegel by Hegel

100 citations de Hegel

By: Hegel

Narrated by: Nicolas Justamon

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

L'oeuvre de Hegel est le sommet de la philosophie idéaliste allemande. Figure incontournable de l'Aufklärung (les Lumières), son influence a été décisive sur l'ensemble de la philosophie contemporaine. Hegel construit un système grandiose qui part de deux questions fondamentales : "Si Dieu existe, d'où vient le mal", et "Si la vérité est une,... Read more

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Zadig by Voltaire
Zadig by Voltaire


By: Voltaire

Narrated by: Anne-Sophie Robin

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Zadig ou la Destinée est le conte philosophique majeur de Voltaire. C'est à la fois un concentré d'humour, une critique au vitriol de la société du XVIIIe, et une réflexion cruciale sur ce que cela signifie d'être heureux. Le jeune Zadig a en effet tout pour l'être : il est beau, riche et vertueux, et s'apprête à épouser la plus belle de... Read more

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100 citations de Platon by Platon
100 citations de Platon
100 citations de Platon by Platon

100 citations de Platon

By: Platon

Narrated by: Patrick Martinez Bournat

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

En mettant en scène son maître Socrate, Platon inaugure ce geste intellectuel primordial : s'interroger soi-même, pour mettre en évidence préjugés et erreurs, et comprendre ce qui fait véritablement la morale, la vie en société, la valeur d'une vie humaine. Sans cette interrogation honnête et lucide, il n'y aurait qu'à fonctionner mécaniquement,... Read more

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100 quotes from the Old Testament by JM Gardner
100 quotes from the Old Testament
JM Gardner
100 quotes from the Old Testament by JM Gardner

100 quotes from the Old Testament

By: JM Gardner

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Pupil of the great Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great, Aristotle is a massively influential figure in Western philosophy. Cicero described his literary style as "a river of gold". Modern ethics are based on his ideas about virtue; his writings literally encompassed all the scientific knowledge of the time and beyond, so much that many of his... Read more

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110 quotes from the New Testament by JM Gardner
110 quotes from the New Testament
JM Gardner
110 quotes from the New Testament by JM Gardner

110 quotes from the New Testament

By: JM Gardner

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

What is truth? How can one be true to oneself without knowing what it means? How can one be sure to tell the truth when reality is such a difficult thing to attain? So many philosophers have struggled to define truth, each one of them coming up with enriching ideas that shed light on the concept from as many different angles. We have selected... Read more

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150 quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Friedrich Nietzsche
150 quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
Friedrich Nietzsche
150 quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Friedrich Nietzsche

150 quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

One Thousand and One Nights, also known as the Arabian Nights, is a collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian stories compiled during the Islamic Golden Age. The beautiful Sheherazade, threatened with death, manages to postpone the fatal day by telling one marvellous story every night. The stories themselves are folk tales, fairy tales and... Read more

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100 quotes by Plato: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Plato
100 quotes by Plato: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
100 quotes by Plato: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Plato

100 quotes by Plato: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Plato

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, or more simply Don Quixote, is one of the most influential works of literature from a Spanish author. It is one of the earliest canonical novels, and is regularly cited as the best work of fiction ever published. A nameless hidalgo read so many chivalric romances that he loses his sanity and... Read more

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100 quotes by Socrates: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Socrates
100 quotes by Socrates: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
100 quotes by Socrates: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Socrates

100 quotes by Socrates: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Socrates

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

It is as great an offence against a child to starve his mind as to starve his body. The Astorg Audiobook collection means to bring together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. We have selected for... Read more

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100 quotes by Voltaire: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Voltaire
100 quotes by Voltaire: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
100 quotes by Voltaire: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Voltaire

100 quotes by Voltaire: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Voltaire

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The French Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen is one of the most fundamental documents in the history of democracy. A representative product of the philosophy of the Enlightenment, it holds the rights of man to be universal, without distinction of race or religion, introducing the idea that human rights are a feature of human... Read more

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100 quotes by Rousseau: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
100 quotes by Rousseau: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
100 quotes by Rousseau: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

100 quotes by Rousseau: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

This is the story of Mary Prince, who was sold into slavery at the age of 12 for £38 sterling. It is the first account of the life of a black woman ever to be published in the United Kingdom, and it was published at a time when slavery was still legal in the British Colonies. The history of Mary Prince is firsthand testimony of the brutalities... Read more

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100 quotes by Montaigne: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Michel de Montaigne
100 quotes by Montaigne: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
Michel de Montaigne
100 quotes by Montaigne: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Michel de Montaigne

100 quotes by Montaigne: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Michel de Montaigne

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest military figures ever. He rose to prominence during the French Revolution, after which he kept on soaring higher and higher until he was crowned Emperor of the French. He then moved on to gain control of the whole of continental Europe, before the ultimate defeat of 1815. Today, his campaigns are... Read more

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100 quotes by Confucius: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Confucius
100 quotes by Confucius: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
100 quotes by Confucius: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Confucius

100 quotes by Confucius: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Confucius

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Sun Tzu was a revered Chinese general, strategist, and philosopher. He is credited with one of the most influential military treatises ever written, The Art of War. Countless leaders have drawn inspiration from this work, from Mao Zedong to General Douglas MacArthur. It is so powerful and straightforward that it is still influencing many domains... Read more

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100 quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Emmanuel Kant
100 quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts
Emmanuel Kant
100 quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts by Emmanuel Kant

100 quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great philosophers & their inspiring thoughts

By: Emmanuel Kant

Narrated by: Jonathan Waite

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is a wild series of adventures widely acclaimed as "universally read" and highly influential. After a shipwreck, an Englishman discovers new, strange lands, and learns of the customs and governments of their inhabitants. This is an opportunity both for absurd humor and political satire, and the story of... Read more

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Strange Tools by Alva Noë
Strange Tools
Alva Noë
Strange Tools by Alva Noë

Strange Tools

By: Alva Noë

Narrated by: Tom Perkins

Length: 8 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

In Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature, philosopher and cognitive scientist Alva Noë raises a number of profound questions: What is art? Why do we value art as we do? What does art reveal about our nature? Drawing on philosophy, art history, and cognitive science, and making provocative use of examples from all three of these fields, Noë offers... Read more

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Giving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go by Justine Willis Toms
Giving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go
Justine Willis Toms
Giving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go by Justine Willis Toms

Giving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go

By: Justine Willis Toms

Narrated by: Molly Rowan Leach

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Justine Willis Toms shares principles that lead to a more useful and fulfilling life. She asks the question: is worry fruitful and will it lead to an effective outcome? She also encourages us to create circles of friends who support us in our fullness. She shares the lessons of the caterpillar and the butterfly as she exhorts us to get out into... Read more

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