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Volver a ser yo by Marta Pérez (@ladegirona_)
Volver a ser yo
Marta Pérez (@ladegirona_)
Volver a ser yo by Marta Pérez (@ladegirona_)

Volver a ser yo

By: Marta Pérez (@ladegirona_)

Narrated by: Marta Pérez

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Un recorrido poético para reencontrarse con uno mismo y recordar que perderse forma parte del camino. Cuando empecé este viaje no sabía dónde acabaría, simplemente me senté en el tren, miré por la ventana y vi la vida pasar, parada tras parada. Mentiría si dijera que el recorrido fue fácil porque estuvo lleno de baches, parones, subidas y... Read more

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Lobster by Hollie McNish
Hollie McNish
Lobster by Hollie McNish


By: Hollie McNish

Narrated by: Hollie McNish

Length: 9 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

A brand-new collection from the award-winning poet, the companion piece to the Sunday Times bestselling Slug
'Funny, so smart and refreshingly honest' SARAH MILLICAN

'Hollie McNish's words always sweep me away' GIOVANNA FLETCHER

This book is written out of both hate and love for the world
As people, we are capable of both love and hate; amazement... Read more

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Alfred Lord Tennyson: In Memoriam, Idylls of the King, Maud & more by Alfred Tennyson
Alfred Lord Tennyson: In Memoriam, Idylls of the King, Maud & more
Alfred Tennyson
Alfred Lord Tennyson: In Memoriam, Idylls of the King, Maud & more by Alfred Tennyson

Alfred Lord Tennyson: In Memoriam, Idylls of the King, Maud & more

By: Alfred Tennyson

Narrated by: Andrew Sachs, John Gielgud, Hallam Tennyson, Ti...

Length: 10 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

A definitive collection of Tennyson’s finest worksAlfred Lord Tennyson is one of Britain’s greatest and most popular poets. Even during his lifetime, he was considered a national institution: Queen Victoria appointed him Poet Laureate in 1850, a position he held for 42 years, and in 1884 he became the first writer to be granted a baronetcy. In a... Read more

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Hombres y mujeres del Romanticismo en español (1) by José de Espronceda, Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda & Carolina Coronado
Hombres y mujeres del Romanticismo en español (1)
José de Espronceda, Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo ...
Hombres y mujeres del Romanticismo en español (1) by José de Espronceda, Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda & Carolina Coronado

Hombres y mujeres del Romanticismo en español (1)

By: José de Espronceda, Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo ...

Narrated by: Rafael Baena Zapatero & María Ortega Diego

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Hombres y mujeres del Romanticismo en español (1), incluye algunos de los poemas más conocidos de la poesía del Romanticismo en español, escritos por algunos de sus autores más importantes y reconocidos: José de Espronceda, Rosalía de Castro, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, y Carolina Coronado.El... Read more

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Todos los vuelos que perdí por ti by Redry - David Galán
Todos los vuelos que perdí por ti
Redry - David Galán
Todos los vuelos que perdí por ti by Redry - David Galán

Todos los vuelos que perdí por ti

By: Redry - David Galán

Narrated by: Redry - David Galán

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

El nuevo libro de uno de los poetas más vendidos en España en los últimos años. David Galán, conocido como REDRY, es uno de los poetas urbanos más queridos nuestro país. En esta ocasión, además de los textos que hacen honor a su poética habitual y tan apreciada por su audiencia, se enfrenta a un diálogo lírico, creativo y novedoso con sus... Read more

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Celebrating My Baptism by  Paraclete PressParaclete Press
Celebrating My Baptism
Paraclete PressParaclete Press
Celebrating My Baptism by  Paraclete PressParaclete Press

Celebrating My Baptism

By: Paraclete PressParaclete Press

Narrated by: Michelle Rich

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

The perfect gift for any child being baptized, with prayers, hymns, scriptures and more to help joyfully welcome them into God's family!

This beautifully illustrated book with ribbon marker and presentation page includes timeless hymns, poems, prayers, Bible verses, and child-friendly explanations about baptism, the Holy Trinity, God the Father,... Read more

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Horizons by Julie S. Paschold
Julie S. Paschold
Horizons by Julie S. Paschold


By: Julie S. Paschold

Narrated by: Julie S. Paschold

Length: 2 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

In this wonderful book, Paschold uses soil, that thin layer sustaining life on earth, to organize their poetry.-- Brian Wienhold, Retired Soil Scientist
You will savor the insights and honesty of these poems. Particularly satisfying is this poet’s knowledge of nature.-- Marjorie Saiser, author of The Track the Whales Make
The strength of... Read more

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Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere by Anastacia-Renee
Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere
Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere by Anastacia-Renee

Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere

By: Anastacia-Renee

Narrated by: Anastacia-Renee

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

In this bold hybrid collection of poetry, flash fiction, and Afrofuturism sci-fi, the award-winning interdisciplinary writer and author of Side Notes from the Archivist explores what happens when god is a Black woman in a town. What happens when there are multiple universes in the middle of nowhere?And what if in each universe there reigned... Read more

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Darkly Gothic Poems by Rachel  Lawson
Darkly Gothic Poems
Rachel Lawson
Darkly Gothic Poems by Rachel  Lawson

Darkly Gothic Poems

By: Rachel Lawson

Narrated by: Rachel Lawson

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

2 gothic poems by author poet Rachel Lawson. Read more

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In and Out the Window by Jane Yolen
In and Out the Window
Jane Yolen
In and Out the Window by Jane Yolen

In and Out the Window

By: Jane Yolen

Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

The largest single anthology of Jane Yolen's poetry, containing more than one hundred poems for all occasions.

Our Kitchen
Smells of mornings,
blueberry muffins,
hot chocolate, tea.
It smells of bacon
and of eggs.
It smells of family.

For the first time, legendary author Jane Yolen gathers the largest single anthology of her poetry celebrating... Read more

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The Moon That Turns You Back by Hala Alyan
The Moon That Turns You Back
Hala Alyan
The Moon That Turns You Back by Hala Alyan

The Moon That Turns You Back

By: Hala Alyan

Narrated by: Hala Alyan

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

From the author of The Arsonists’ City and The Twenty-Ninth Year, a new collection of poetry that traces the fragmentation of memory, archive, and family–past, present, future–in the face of displacement and war. A diaspora of memories runs through this poetry collection—a multiplicity of voices, bodies, and houses hold archival material for one... Read more

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Échos de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Poèmes d'une Terre en Guerre Perpétuelle. by Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI
Échos de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Poèmes d'une Terre en Guerre Perpétuelle.
Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI
Échos de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Poèmes d'une Terre en Guerre Perpétuelle. by Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI

Échos de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Poèmes d'une Terre en Guerre Perpétuelle.

By: Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI

Narrated by: DORE

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Découvrez un voyage poétique saisissant à travers les échos déchirants de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo avec le recueil "Échos de l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Poèmes d'une Terre en Guerre Perpétuelle". À travers 13 chapitres captivants, plongez dans les profondeurs de cette région marquée par un conflit... Read more

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Des fleurs comme moi by Xénia
Des fleurs comme moi
Des fleurs comme moi by Xénia

Des fleurs comme moi

By: Xénia

Narrated by: Xénia

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

Entre Shédiac, Moncton et Montréal, Xénia cartographie l’éclatement identitaire qui caractérise son parcours d’artiste multidisciplinaire queer acadien·ne. Examinant son enfance, ses traumas, sa sexualité, sa langue chiac et son art, iel ouvre un espace de réflexion où la fierté n’efface pas la douleur, et où il est possible d’être critique sans... Read more

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Божественна комедія. Пекло by Данте Аліг'єрі
Божественна комедія. Пекло
Данте Аліг'єрі
Божественна комедія. Пекло by Данте Аліг'єрі

Божественна комедія. Пекло

By: Данте Аліг'єрі

Narrated by: Матвій Ніколаєв

Length: 4 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Серед пам'яток світової літератури геніальна «Божественна комедія» Данте Аліг'єрі (1265–1321) посідає одне з чільних місць. У своєму найграндіознішому витворі в символічно-алегоричній формі поет зобразив драматичну долю людської душі: її загибель у пеклі, переродження в чистилищі, тріумф у раю. Поема Данте є найзначнішим явищем Високого... Read more

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Donde vuela el camaleón by Ida Vitale
Donde vuela el camaleón
Ida Vitale
Donde vuela el camaleón by Ida Vitale

Donde vuela el camaleón

By: Ida Vitale

Narrated by: Dalia de la Peña Wing

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Publicado originalmente en 1996, este hermoso libro de Ida Vitale, situado a medio camino entre la prosa y la poesía, reúne cuentos, fábulas y alegorías que conforman una suerte de bestiario humano en el que la premio Cervantes uruguaya revisita algunos mitos clásicos y da cabida a la fantasía de aliento borgiano. Con perfección formal, un... Read more

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Квіти зла by Шарль Бодлер
Квіти зла
Шарль Бодлер
Квіти зла by Шарль Бодлер

Квіти зла

By: Шарль Бодлер

Narrated by: Матвій Ніколаєв

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

«Квіти зла» Шарля Бодлера — добірка, до якої увійшли відомі поезії автора. Для них характерне некласичне художнє бачення світу, мотив взаємопроникнення добра і зла, які творять одне ціле. Переклад поезій був здійснений видатним українським митцем Дмитром Павличком. Read more

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Make Your Own Magic by Amanda Lovelace
Make Your Own Magic
Amanda Lovelace
Make Your Own Magic by Amanda Lovelace

Make Your Own Magic

By: Amanda Lovelace

Narrated by: Amanda Lovelace

Length: 4 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

From the bestselling author of the princess saves herself in this one comes an accessible guide to welcoming magic into your life, perfect for beginner witches and the magic-curious alike.

As witchcraft grows ever more popular, there are countless introductions and paths into magical practice to choose from—so many that you might not know where... Read more

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36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem by Nam Le
36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem
Nam Le
36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem by Nam Le

36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem

By: Nam Le

Narrated by: Nam Le

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

An explosive, devastating debut book of poetry from the acclaimed author of The Boat

In his first international release since the award-winning, best-selling The Boat, Nam Le delivers a shot across the bow with a book-length poem that honors every convention of diasporic literature—in a virtuosic array of forms and registers—before shattering the... Read more

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Colorfast by Rose McLarney
Rose McLarney
Colorfast by Rose McLarney


By: Rose McLarney

Narrated by: Rose McLarney

Length: 1 hour 42 minutes

Abridged: No

A haunting, intimate, and beautifully-crafted collection of poems rooted in southern Appalachia that reflects on loss and remembrance—and reaches beyond the constraints of time and place

Rose McLarney’s fourth collection of poems, Colorfast, reckons with fading and bleeding away, the gray of aging and the gray areas to which truths are relegated.... Read more

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The Beginning of the Empress by Kiara George
The Beginning of the Empress
Kiara George
The Beginning of the Empress by Kiara George

The Beginning of the Empress

By: Kiara George

Narrated by: Kiara George

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Step into a world where the spoken word meets the beats of the streets. "The Beginning of the Empress" invites you on a poetic journey infused with the rhythm and flow of modern rap. In this audacious audiobook, each verse pulsates with energy, weaving tales of triumph, love, and self-discovery.From the first track to the final crescendo, you'll... Read more

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Briefe an einen jungen Dichter by Rainer Maria Rilke
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Rainer Maria Rilke
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter by Rainer Maria Rilke

Briefe an einen jungen Dichter

By: Rainer Maria Rilke

Narrated by: Angela Vossköhler

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Briefe an einen jungen Dichter ist eine Sammlung von Briefen Rainer Maria Rilkes, die 1929 im Insel Verlag als Nummer 406 der Insel-Bücherei erschien.  Die Briefe an einen jungen Dichter wurden aus der Veröffentlichung der übrigen Briefe ausgegliedert und diesen vorangestellt, weil sich die Herausgeberinnen erhofften, auf diesem Wege mehr... Read more

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Stutters by Mary Ricketson
Mary Ricketson
Stutters by Mary Ricketson


By: Mary Ricketson

Narrated by: Mary Ricketson & Kris Hartrum

Length: 1 hour 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Mary Ricketson's book, Stutters, A Book of Hope, takes the reader through Ricketson's journey of fear and frustration. Every word is a struggle in school. "Children tease, mock, mimic...copy my dreaded stutter." Ricketson suffers shame "tension grows like weeds." This book pulls at your heart's strings. It's honest and fascinating. Her voice... Read more

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O Alienista by Machado de Assis
O Alienista
Machado de Assis
O Alienista by Machado de Assis

O Alienista

By: Machado de Assis

Narrated by: Ronney Thiago

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: No

A vila de Itaguaí jamais foi a mesma depois que Simão Bacamarte fez esta declaração a Sua Majestade. Embrenhado pelos fios tênues que separam a loucura da sanidade e amparado pelo poder político e social que a alcunha de “Dr.” lhe confere, Bacamarte se depara com as virtudes e fraquezas humanas da sociedade itaguaiense; um espelho, em menor ou... Read more

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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

By: Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Narrated by: Mark Bowen

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a classic narrative poem that follows the harrowing journey of a mariner who faces supernatural occurrences and the consequences of his actions. Each poem in this collection showcases Coleridge's mastery of language, imagery, and symbolism, inviting readers on a journey through... Read more

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