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POEMAS Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe
POEMAS Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
POEMAS Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe

POEMAS Edgar Allan Poe

By: Edgar Allan Poe

Narrated by: ®bseal voice

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Audiolibro narrado en castellano. Edgar Allan Poe comenzó su carrera literaria como poeta, definió la poesía como “la rítmica creación de belleza”. Toda su obra está marcada por una corriente de interioridad, una obsesión por los rincones más oscuros del subconsciente. Sus poemas; meditaciones sobre la muerte y la belleza de las mujeres, o sobre... Read more

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Poems of the Sea by K. J. Neithercutt
Poems of the Sea
K. J. Neithercutt
Poems of the Sea by K. J. Neithercutt

Poems of the Sea

By: K. J. Neithercutt

Narrated by: Myriam Berger

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

A treasure of compiled poems about the magic and mysteries of the sea, K. J. Neithercutt invites us into a deeply magical, fantastical, and mysterious aquatic world with her poetry. Read more

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Happy Place by Joey Polisena
Happy Place
Joey Polisena
Happy Place by Joey Polisena

Happy Place

By: Joey Polisena

Narrated by: Joey Polisena

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

IMPLIED SECRETS: Poetry slides an incisor behind our addiction to living, rips essence from its bones and grinds us chunk to paste, half sustenance, the rest, waste. Verses are beds for the senseless masturbated to perfect sense. Sentiments and sympathies in micro-doses of self-psychoanalytics affixed to symptoms, ticks, and epiphanies. Come... Read more

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The Missing Months by Lachlan Mackinnon
The Missing Months
Lachlan Mackinnon
The Missing Months by Lachlan Mackinnon

The Missing Months

By: Lachlan Mackinnon

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Many of the poems in The Missing Months occupy the strange hiatus afforded by lockdown. They look forward as well as back, toying with possible futures, enthused by utopian dreams or fearing cultural and bodily entropy. They celebrate and mourn the lives of friends and relatives, captivated by carefully tended images from the past. Lockdown's... Read more

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Handful of Poems by Massiel Alfonso
Handful of Poems
Massiel Alfonso
Handful of Poems by Massiel Alfonso

Handful of Poems

By: Massiel Alfonso

Narrated by: Massiel Alfonso

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Love, as certain as death, profoundly shapes our lives with its complex feelings. In "Handful of Poems," Massiel Alfonso shares her intimate journey through the joys and sorrows of love, exploring vulnerability and the resilience born from heartache. Her poems explore themes of healing and self-discovery, inspiring listeners to find strength in... Read more

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يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged by مجد البصيلي
يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged
مجد البصيلي
يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged by مجد البصيلي

يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged

By: مجد البصيلي

Narrated by: منار مراد

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم تأليف: مجد البصيلي دليل المرشد السياحي كتاب تخصصي موجه لمرشدي المتاحف والمراكز العلمية ليساهم في تثقيف المجتمع و التواصل معه ، و ليسد النقص في المكتبة العربية في هذا المجال، حيث قسمت المؤلفة الكتاب الى اربعة اقسام تناولت فيها تجربتها الشخصية في هذا المجال، ووضعت ارشادات و نصائح لمن يريد العمل في هذا المجال، و طرحت... Read more

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Khalil Gibrán: Antología by Khalil Gibran
Khalil Gibrán: Antología
Khalil Gibran
Khalil Gibrán: Antología by Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibrán: Antología

By: Khalil Gibran

Narrated by: Max Garzón

Length: 11 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Gratis por lanzamiento!-En español neutro, narración humana- contiene: El profeta. El jardín del profeta. El loco. El vagabundo. El precursor. Espíritus rebeldes. La voz del maestro. Los dioses de la tierra. Read more

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Мрії by Леся Українка
Леся Українка
Мрії by Леся Українка


By: Леся Українка

Narrated by: Лючія Свєтлая

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Вірш присвячений роздумам ліричної героїні щодо змісту і сенсу боротьби, бажанню закарбуватися в історії незламністю духу, мужністю. Леся Українка захоплювалася історією. Її приваблювала доба мужніх воїнів, лицарських вчинків. Адже більш за все вона цінувала силу духу, справедливість. Тому її цікавили не таємничі принци й королівни, не пихаті... Read more

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Los dioses de la Tierra by Khalil Gibran
Los dioses de la Tierra
Khalil Gibran
Los dioses de la Tierra by Khalil Gibran

Los dioses de la Tierra

By: Khalil Gibran

Narrated by: Max Garzón

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Gratis por lanzamiento!-En español neutro, narración humana- Read more

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La voz del maestro by Khalil Gibran
La voz del maestro
Khalil Gibran
La voz del maestro by Khalil Gibran

La voz del maestro

By: Khalil Gibran

Narrated by: Max Garzón

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Gratis por lanzamiento!-En español neutro, narración humana- Read more

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The Ballad of Values  At Close Range by Stanley Lyte
The Ballad of Values At Close Range
Stanley Lyte
The Ballad of Values  At Close Range by Stanley Lyte

The Ballad of Values At Close Range

By: Stanley Lyte

Narrated by: Gabe Featherstone

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Surreal stories of 25 ballad poetry songs came into vision four years ago to make every person finding time to listen, and read poetry happy. Superb well written grammar, vocabulary, melodrama, lyrics, rhymes. A sensational book to consider reading, because each episode 1-25 conveys your necessities for values to enhance your livelihood,... Read more

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Seeds of A Sunflower: Poems of Growth by ANDREA "DREA" CONN
Seeds of A Sunflower: Poems of Growth
Seeds of A Sunflower: Poems of Growth by ANDREA "DREA" CONN

Seeds of A Sunflower: Poems of Growth


Narrated by: ANDREA "DREA" CONN

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Every sunflower seed can grow into a new flower.Like love overcoming trauma, self-worth emerging from self-doubt, or a new purpose stumbled upon after an identity crisis; each sunflower seed will bloom and grow.It will eventually be reborn with enough care and nurturing if you bury it deep enough.Seeds of a Sunflower is a thought-provoking, raw... Read more

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As I Become: The Awareness by Yansane J. Mathis
As I Become: The Awareness
Yansane J. Mathis
As I Become: The Awareness by Yansane J. Mathis

As I Become: The Awareness

By: Yansane J. Mathis

Narrated by: Yansane J. Mathis

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

As I Become: The Awareness by Yansané J. Mathis is a powerful, generational, and illuminating read that will continuously shift the paradigm. The literature art piece is a soulful capsule that compliments vacation trips, employment shifts, daily exercise routines, and morning motivational meditation. Lastly, the rhythmic power of the book can... Read more

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The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven

By: Edgar Allan Poe

Narrated by: George Pearson

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

The poem by Edgar Allan Poe, first published on January 29, 1845, in the New York Evening Mirror. The poet read it publicly for the first time in a literary salon hosted by his friend Anne Lynch Botta.
The work is noteworthy for its distinct, rhythmic, melodic sound, linguistic stylization, and a sense of horror. It tells of a mysterious visit... Read more

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Songs in the Key of Death by JG Faherty
Songs in the Key of Death
JG Faherty
Songs in the Key of Death by JG Faherty

Songs in the Key of Death

By: JG Faherty

Narrated by: Danielle Bryn

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

SONGS IN THEY KEY OF DEATH, a collection of poetic horror, by JG Faherty"Songs in the Key of Death is a collection of edgy, stirring poems from the author of such well-known books as Ragman and The Wakening. I was delighted to learn that JG Faherty is expanding his horizons into poetry, and the result is a fascinating compilation of dark... Read more

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सरहद  के जवान by Amit sharma
सरहद के जवान
Amit sharma
सरहद  के जवान by Amit sharma

सरहद के जवान

By: Amit sharma

Narrated by: Mridweeka tripathi

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

कवि एक देशभक्त है। इस कविता द्वारा उसने सेना के जवान की मनोभावनाओं को व्यक्त किया है। कवि बताया है कि कैसे सेना का ये वीर सरहद पर तत्पर रहता है। वो दुश्मन की आहट को सुन लेताहै, और उसको माकूल जवाब देता है। उसका सीना फौलादी है और आँखों में देश के लिये मर मिटने का जुनून है। जब सरहद पर से उसे कोई छेड़ता है तो वो आर पार की लड़ाई करता है। खून की होली... Read more

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दिल के ख्वाब by Amit sharma
दिल के ख्वाब
Amit sharma
दिल के ख्वाब by Amit sharma

दिल के ख्वाब

By: Amit sharma

Narrated by: Mridweeka tripathi

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

ये शमयरी जो कि िनोभमवनमतिि रूप से मिखी गयी हैंइसे किसी भी प्रिमर िी प्रततमिपप िें प्रस्तूत नहीीं कियम गयम है , इसिे समरे अधििमर और समरी िल्पनमएीं व रचनमएँिेखि िे पमस सुरक्षित हैं,उभरते हुए ख्वमबों िम शहर हैशमयरी इस कितमब िें मिखे गए एि एि शब्द िो िेने भमवनमत्िि रूप ददयम है जजसिें िेरे ख्वमब हैं, िेरी िल्पनमएीं हैं, एि कितमब िो ििा ज िे रख िर िी... Read more

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El precursor by Khalil Gibran
El precursor
Khalil Gibran
El precursor by Khalil Gibran

El precursor

By: Khalil Gibran

Narrated by: Max Garzón

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Gratis por lanzamiento!-En español neutro, narración humana- Read more

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From From by Monica Youn
From From
Monica Youn
From From by Monica Youn

From From

By: Monica Youn

Narrated by: Monica Youn

Length: 2 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No


"Where are you from . . . ? No—where are you from from?" It's a question every Asian American gets asked as part of an incessant chorus saying you'll never belong here, you're a perpetual foreigner, you'll always be seen as an alien, an object, or a threat.

Monica Youn's From From brilliantly... Read more

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Footprints by James Ten Eyck
James Ten Eyck
Footprints by James Ten Eyck


By: James Ten Eyck

Narrated by: James Ten Eyck & William Joule

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Footprints are a collection of poems that were either written or revised recently or recalled from work begun and lost fifty years before. Some recall pleasant memories of my beloved Veronica and some of her later struggles with ill health. She was born and grew up in Dublin and Ireland remained a special place for both of us. The DART from... Read more

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Life Is... by Tom Stodulka
Life Is...
Tom Stodulka
Life Is... by Tom Stodulka

Life Is...

By: Tom Stodulka

Narrated by: Tom Stodulka

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

In his fourth publication, Tom Stodulka AM brings to you Life Is...: Forty poems of freedom, fortitude and friendship to give the reader moments of reflection and gratitude; for you to fill in the space of what Life Is.... Read more

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10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature by Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus & Anacreon
10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature
Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Euripides, Sophocles, Ae...
10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature by Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus & Anacreon

10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature

By: Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Euripides, Sophocles, Ae...

Narrated by: Peter Coates, Kelli Winkler & Mark Bowen

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

The earliest surviving works of ancient Greek literature, dating back to the early Archaic period, are the two epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. These two epics, along with the Homeric Hymns and the two poems of Hesiod, Theogony and Works and Days, comprised the major foundations of the Greek literary tradition that would continue into the... Read more

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Persephone's Pancreas by Imé Corkery
Persephone's Pancreas
Imé Corkery
Persephone's Pancreas by Imé Corkery

Persephone's Pancreas

By: Imé Corkery

Narrated by: Kaleigh Kirby

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Experience the raw and unfiltered journey of Imé Corkery as she fearlessly confronts the harsh realities of a rare and agonizing chronic illness in her breathtaking debut collection, Persephone's Pancreas. In this remarkable memoir of creative nonfiction, Imé takes you on an unforgettable odyssey that traverses the chasm between illness and... Read more

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I am a child of Africa by Beverley Alho
I am a child of Africa
Beverley Alho
I am a child of Africa by Beverley Alho

I am a child of Africa

By: Beverley Alho

Narrated by: Kungawo More

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

As you delve into this enchanting narrative, you are greeted by the voice of a child of Africa, a voice that resonates with the dreams and wonders of a wild and beautiful land. Each chapter unfolds like a vivid escapade, taking your imagination on a journey through sights, smells and sounds of the land. The animals, oceans, weather, and even the... Read more

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