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Text Messages by Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman
Text Messages
Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman
Text Messages by Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman

Text Messages

By: Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman

Narrated by: Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Text Messages is the first multi-genre collection by Montreal-based Iraqi hip-hop artist, activist, and professor Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman. Composed entirely on a smartphone during air travel and married to artwork from comrades, Narcy’s writing speaks of the existential crises experienced by diasporic children of war before and during... Read more

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صلاة تطيل اللوز شبراً by محمد ناصر الدين
صلاة تطيل اللوز شبراً
محمد ناصر الدين
صلاة تطيل اللوز شبراً by محمد ناصر الدين

صلاة تطيل اللوز شبراً

By: محمد ناصر الدين

Narrated by: صفا زياني

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

" ""النجوم… ارتطام الله… بالقمر… المطر… دوسه على غيمة… الرعد… رقّته العنيفة… وأنت… ارتطام كتفك بالمارة… دوس رفيقك على حذائك… الوجع الذي تسببه الكرسي… عنفك الرقيق… مرآة الله المُنكسرة"". عبر هذه القصيدة، نطلع على عالم الشاعر محمد ناصر الدين في ديوانه ""صلاة تطيل اللوز شبرًا""؛ فنجده يلتقط التفاصيل والصور اليومية البسيطة ليصنع منها عالمًا من... Read more

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وصف ماريا by سحبان مروّة
وصف ماريا
سحبان مروّة
وصف ماريا by سحبان مروّة

وصف ماريا

By: سحبان مروّة

Narrated by: محمد الشموتي

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

"إلى فيكي زماناً لا يموت" يبدأ الشاعر غزله إلى غائبة متوجّهاً إليها بعبارة "معشوقتي"، ثمّ يناديها بضمير المخاطب: "تتعرّين". سرعان ما تصبح الحبيبة معلومة في قصيدة "وصف ماريا"، إنها "فقط ماريا". كأنه بتسميتها استحوذ عليها كلياً: "ماريتي أنا الواحد". ثم ينتقل من "سأصف ماريا" إلى "ها أنذا قد وصفت ماريا ها أنذا أصف ماريا"، فيصفها ويختتم القصيدة بـ:... Read more

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العشق السادي by أحمد العايدي
العشق السادي
أحمد العايدي
العشق السادي by أحمد العايدي

العشق السادي

By: أحمد العايدي

Narrated by: مصطفى خضر

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

"للمحبة "27" لوناً ؛ "27" قصيدة بالعامية المصرية يتراوح فيها العشق بين لمسة لكرسي الحبيبة الدافيء والمتعة الصافية التي تحدث حين يجرح الخنجر غمده." المؤلف: أحمد العايدي الراوي: مصطفى خضر كتاب صوتي. Read more

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Sonnets From the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets From the Portuguese
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets From the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sonnets From the Portuguese

By: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Narrated by: Adriel Brandt

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Not just a collection of poems written in the same form and genre but a flowing and intimate portrait of love given and received, "Sonnets From the Portuguese" is perhaps poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's most well-known work. This intimate and evocative publication that transcends meter and rhyme is brought to unique life in this audiobook by... Read more

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كتاب الشظايا by محمد الأشعري
كتاب الشظايا
محمد الأشعري
كتاب الشظايا by محمد الأشعري

كتاب الشظايا

By: محمد الأشعري

Narrated by: هايدي عبدالرحمن

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

"وجهاً بعد وجه أسترجع المكان الذي اضمحل كأنني أبنيه من جديد مستعملاً ملامح الطين وهي تخرج بليلة من مشاعري أتوقّف مرّات كثيرة متردّداً بين زقاقين في أيّهما سأعثر على الشذى الذي مرّ في نظرة منطفئة؟ وفي أيّهما سأسمع صوتاً مضى بطفولتي وهل سيكون الصوت هو نفسه إذا لم يعد الفرن إلى مكانه قريباً من البيت والبيت قريباً من بائع الحلوى وإذا لم تعد شقوق... Read more

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حياة معطّلة by عبده وازن
حياة معطّلة
عبده وازن
حياة معطّلة by عبده وازن

حياة معطّلة

By: عبده وازن

Narrated by: محمود ربيعي

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

هناك من يترك كرسياً وراءه هناك من يترك باقة ورد, هناك من يترك كتاباً مفتوحاً, هناك من يترك ناياً, هناك من يترك أيقونة, هناك من يترك مرآة, وجهاً في مرآة. - ديوان. Read more

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هل نلتقي مجددًا by ريم مختار الصياد
هل نلتقي مجددًا
ريم مختار الصياد
هل نلتقي مجددًا by ريم مختار الصياد

هل نلتقي مجددًا

By: ريم مختار الصياد

Narrated by: رهام حمدي زيدان

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

الكتاب عبارة عن خواطر نثرية تحكي عن واقعنا .. قصص عشناها .. و قصص عاشها بعض الأصدقاء .. تلك القصص تحمل الكثير من المشاعر تجاه من نحب .. و تجاه من فقدنا.. و تجاه من خذلنا... Read more

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The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson

The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson

By: Emily Dickinson

Narrated by: Anna Popova

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was a reclusive poet whose only friendships were carried out by letter. She wrote nearly 1800 poems in her life, but very few were published until after her death. In this volume the poems are presented in chronological order in their original form, unaltered by editorial revision. It offers a wide-angle view of... Read more

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فصل خامس للرحيل by محمد ناصر الدين
فصل خامس للرحيل
محمد ناصر الدين
فصل خامس للرحيل by محمد ناصر الدين

فصل خامس للرحيل

By: محمد ناصر الدين

Narrated by: هند وسام

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: No

"الكلمات التي نستبعدها من القصائد تلك الـ"قد" الصغيرة أو صفة "المضيئة " للشمس تستحيل جيشاً من العسس تشدّ أزر بعضها وتبرز أنيابها كالمسامير الحاقدة التي تثقب الإطارات تلك الكلمات حين نتخّذ القرار بقتلها إلى الأبد كالأجنحة المَهيضة تبادلنا الرغبة ذاتها" Read more

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Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach
Wolfram von Eschenbach
Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach


By: Wolfram von Eschenbach

Narrated by: Leighton Pugh

Length: 18 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

The greatest of all the medieval romances about the Holy Grail, Parzival was written in the early 13th century. The narrative describes the quest of the Arthurian knight, Parzival, for the Holy Grail. His journey is filled with incident, from tournaments and sieges to chivalrous deeds and displays of true love. The poem influenced several later... Read more

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Баня by Владимир Маяковский
Владимир Маяковский
Баня by Владимир Маяковский


By: Владимир Маяковский

Narrated by: Ростислав Плятт, Георгий Менглет, Кира Канаева,...

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

С одной стороны, пьеса названа "Баней", но с другой — никакой бани там нет. С одной стороны, это "драма", но с другой — "... с цирком и фейерверком", то есть прямо балаган, а никакая не драма. С одной стороны, вся коллизия в пьесе развернута вокруг "машины" Чудакова, но с другой — эта машина невидима, то есть, ее как будто бы и нет. С одной... Read more

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Poetics by Aristotle
Poetics by Aristotle


By: Aristotle

Narrated by: Stacey Patterson

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Aristotle's Poetics (Greek: Περὶ ποιητικῆς; Latin: De Poetica) is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls "poetry" (a term that derives from a classical Greek term, ποιητής, that means "poet; author; maker" and in this... Read more

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Lunar Honey - Abridged by Holly R. Toomer
Lunar Honey - Abridged
Holly R. Toomer
Lunar Honey - Abridged by Holly R. Toomer

Lunar Honey - Abridged

By: Holly R. Toomer

Narrated by: Holly R. Toomer

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lunar Honey is a collection of poetry about evolving. The book is divided into 3 sections with thematic waves of love in various forms, culminating in self-empowering truths.
In Lunar Honey, Holly Toomer highlights romance, authenticity, social disparity, resilience, spirituality and purpose. The poems in this book reflect how an infatuated and... Read more

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Sonnets of Sin & Salvation by Henry R Bouchot
Sonnets of Sin & Salvation
Henry R Bouchot
Sonnets of Sin & Salvation by Henry R Bouchot

Sonnets of Sin & Salvation

By: Henry R Bouchot

Narrated by: Dwayne Tarver

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

In Sonnets of Sin & Salvation, Henry Bouchot, a local city councilman with a close-up view of America's partisan strife, takes us on a guided journey through the seven circles of modern political hell. With wit, wryness, and plenty of real-life, examples, Henry shows us an unexpected way out of our political purgatory. Read more

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Counting Backwards From Gone by Kat Savage
Counting Backwards From Gone
Kat Savage
Counting Backwards From Gone by Kat Savage

Counting Backwards From Gone

By: Kat Savage

Narrated by: Erin Spencer

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

On November 27, 2013, Kat Savage’s life forever changed. Her little sister, Angela, was brutally murdered and Savage has been searching for the strength to write her grief down ever since. Finally, just shy of six years later, and one year after justice finally rained down upon the man to blame, Savage found the courage to try. This collection... Read more

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Poems of John of the Cross by David Lewis
Poems of John of the Cross
David Lewis
Poems of John of the Cross by David Lewis

Poems of John of the Cross

By: David Lewis

Narrated by: Denis Daly & Sarah Bacaller

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Poems of John of the Cross

Translated by David Lewis

Narrated by Denis Daly and Sarah Bacaller

Although his output was small, John of the Cross (1542 - 1591) is considered one of the most important figures in Spanish poetry. All his verse explores the same theme: the seach of the soul for union with its creator and the glory of the resulting... Read more

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Poetic Expressions in Nursing by Susan J. Farese MSN RN
Poetic Expressions in Nursing
Susan J. Farese MSN RN
Poetic Expressions in Nursing by Susan J. Farese MSN RN

Poetic Expressions in Nursing

By: Susan J. Farese MSN RN

Narrated by: Susan J. Farese MSN RN

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: No

This exciting collection of freeform poetry with over 40 poems by Susan J. Farese, MSN, RN, is a sharing of both professional and personal thoughts and feelings. Susan is a strong advocate of the creative use of poetry to express the wonderment, frustration, dedication, and the love of nurses for their profession and their patients.
Included is a... Read more

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Home For Hurricanes by Nikki Murphy
Home For Hurricanes
Nikki Murphy
Home For Hurricanes by Nikki Murphy

Home For Hurricanes

By: Nikki Murphy

Narrated by: Nikki Murphy

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

* Best Book Awards Winner by American Book Fest ** Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards Honorable Mention * Abandoned by her hustling father, raised by her devoted mother, then battered by the winds of loss, heartbreak, and sexual assault, awarded Diversity & Inclusion Leader, speaker, poet and author Nikki Murphy provides a sobering... Read more

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Soft Thorns Vol. II by Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns Vol. II
Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns Vol. II by Bridgett Devoue

Soft Thorns Vol. II

By: Bridgett Devoue

Narrated by: Bridgett Devoue

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Bridgett Devoue takes you on a journey into the transformative world of love, lust, heartbreak, and abuse, and discovers the steps to finding lessons within pain.
why does love become abusive? and when does pain become a lesson?

Soft Thorns Vol. II is the continuation of author Bridgett Devoue’s debut poetry collection Soft Thorns and picks up on... Read more

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Teeth in the Back of my Neck by Monika Radojevic
Teeth in the Back of my Neck
Monika Radojevic
Teeth in the Back of my Neck by Monika Radojevic

Teeth in the Back of my Neck

By: Monika Radojevic

Narrated by: Monika Radojevic

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

An arresting debut collection about identity, ancestry and history, from a young poet selected as an inaugural winner of the #Merky Books New Writers' Prize, dedicated to discovering the best writers of a new generation.

Chosen as one of Bustle's Best Debut Books of 2021

Written with profound depth and insight, the poems... Read more

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Soft Thorns: The Audiobook Collection by Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns: The Audiobook Collection
Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns: The Audiobook Collection by Bridgett Devoue

Soft Thorns: The Audiobook Collection

By: Bridgett Devoue

Narrated by: Bridgett Devoue

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

A spoken word poetry collection for dreamers who crave to explore the unknown, through one young woman’s exploration of her darkest times and her path towards healing.
Bridgett Devoue’s poetry takes the listener on a journey into the world of love, lust, heartbreak, abuse, and the lessons learned along the way. This collection combines the... Read more

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Soft Thorns by Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns
Bridgett Devoue
Soft Thorns by Bridgett Devoue

Soft Thorns

By: Bridgett Devoue

Narrated by: Bridgett Devoue

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

The poetry living within these pages tells stories of love, heartbreak, freedom, oppression, sexual assault, sexism, hope, and humanity.  Our darkest times are where we grow the most, so in this book, i share mine, and together we learn how to heal.

Soft Thorns is a poetry collection that takes the reader on a journey through a young woman’s... Read more

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The Life by Carrie Fountain
The Life
Carrie Fountain
The Life by Carrie Fountain

The Life

By: Carrie Fountain

Narrated by: Carrie Fountain

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

An acclaimed poet deepens her exploration of the domestic in a new collection of playful and wise poems

The poems in Carrie Fountain’s third collection, The Life, exist somewhere, as Rilke says, between “our daily life” and “the great work”—an interstitial space where sidelong glances live alongside shouts to heaven. In elegant yet colloquial... Read more

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