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Psychology audiobooks

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Hoții de atenție by Johann Hari
Hoții de atenție
Johann Hari
Hoții de atenție by Johann Hari

Hoții de atenție

By: Johann Hari

Narrated by: Alexandru Mike Gheorghiu

Length: 12 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Viața noastră e plină de telefoane, iPad-uri, monitoare, diferite aplicații pe care le verificăm alternativ. Ne e tot mai greu să ne concentrăm mai mult timp pe o anumită sarcină fără să ne întrerupem pentru a ne întoarce la ecrane și a derula Facebook-ul sau Whatsapp-ul. Care sunt cauzele acestui fenomen? E o problemă la nivel personal, suntem... Read more

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Nebuni după pisicile noastre nebune by Claude Béata
Nebuni după pisicile noastre nebune
Claude Béata
Nebuni după pisicile noastre nebune by Claude Béata

Nebuni după pisicile noastre nebune

By: Claude Béata

Narrated by: Andreea Țopan

Length: 9 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

„Jucăușe, dar imprevizibile; afectuoase, dar solitare - pisicile sunt un mister. În Evul Mediu, erau masacrate, ca vrăjitoare. Astăzi, sunt reginele rețelelor sociale. Dar există în continuare multe neînțelegeri, pe care această carte vrea să le contracareze." - Le Figaro
Mulți dintre noi suntem „nebuni" după pisicile noastre, aceste ființe... Read more

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Traume mici by Dr. Meg Arroll
Traume mici
Dr. Meg Arroll
Traume mici by Dr. Meg Arroll

Traume mici

By: Dr. Meg Arroll

Narrated by: Mihai Nițu

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Când te gândești la niște „traume mici", poate că prima întrebare care-ți vine în minte, firească, este: „Care e diferența dintre traumele mari și traumele mici și cum pot influența acestea din urmă, fiind atât de mici, starea ta psihică?" Imaginează-ți un bulgăre de zăpadă care se rostogoloește… acesta se face din ce în ce mai mare, până poate... Read more

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Bolile nu apar chiar din senin by Cyril Tarquinio
Bolile nu apar chiar din senin
Cyril Tarquinio
Bolile nu apar chiar din senin by Cyril Tarquinio

Bolile nu apar chiar din senin

By: Cyril Tarquinio

Narrated by: Bogdan Alexandru Costea

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

„Moștenirea" pe care le-o transmitem copiilor noștri va fi în măsură să le afecteze creierul sau chiar patrimoniul genetic? Totul este oare scris dinainte sau fiecare are resurse, unele chiar nebănuite, care îi permite de multe ori să treacă prin aceste momente dificile mai puțin afectat decât era de așteptat? Odată scăpați din infern, putem... Read more

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Au cœur des ténèbres by Joseph Conrad
Au cœur des ténèbres
Joseph Conrad
Au cœur des ténèbres by Joseph Conrad

Au cœur des ténèbres

By: Joseph Conrad

Narrated by: Aude Quenehen

Length: 4 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Le fleuve Congo, dans 'Au cœur des ténèbres', est bien plus qu'un simple cours d'eau ; il est une métaphore de l'inconscient humain, de l'obscurité qui sommeille en chacun de nous. En remontant ce fleuve sinueux, Marlow entreprend un voyage intérieur, une exploration des profondeurs de son âme. Au fur et à mesure qu'il avance, les repères de la... Read more

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How the Internet Affects Your Mind: A Deep Dive by Callum Haversham
How the Internet Affects Your Mind: A Deep Dive
Callum Haversham
How the Internet Affects Your Mind: A Deep Dive by Callum Haversham

How the Internet Affects Your Mind: A Deep Dive

By: Callum Haversham

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

How the Internet Affects Your Mind: A Deep Dive
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you eager to understand how the internet influences your thinking and solidify your knowledge on this compelling subject?
Looking for a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary insights on the psychological effects of the internet?
Your... Read more

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New release
MitGefühl by Magdalena Rogl
Magdalena Rogl
MitGefühl by Magdalena Rogl


By: Magdalena Rogl

Narrated by: Magdalena Rogl

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

"Du bist so emotional", klingt nicht nach einem Kompliment, schon gar nicht in der Arbeitswelt. Im Job zeigt man keine Gefühle, stören sie doch das Arbeitsklima. Auf einen cholerischen Chef oder die weinende Kollegin verzichtet man gerne. Doch diese Sichtweise wird den Emotionen und ihrem positiven Einfluss nicht gerecht. Und überhaupt:... Read more

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Mai mult timp pentru suflet by Verena Kast
Mai mult timp pentru suflet
Verena Kast
Mai mult timp pentru suflet by Verena Kast

Mai mult timp pentru suflet

By: Verena Kast

Narrated by: Dana Săvuică

Length: 4 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

„Când vorbim despre suflet, vorbim despre vitalitate", spune Verena Kast. Dar tot mai des avem senzația că suntem înghețați într-o viață de zi cu zi fără vitalitate, cerințele lumii exterioare împingându-ne doar să funcționăm. Atunci este important să ne întoarcem mai mult către lumea spirituală interioară, pentru a ne găsi pacea și echilibrul... Read more

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101 povești pentru a spori starea de fericire și de bine by George W. Burns
101 povești pentru a spori starea de fericire și de bine
George W. Burns
101 povești pentru a spori starea de fericire și de bine by George W. Burns

101 povești pentru a spori starea de fericire și de bine

By: George W. Burns

Narrated by: Bogdan Alexandru Costea

Length: 10 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Deși astazi psihoterapia traversează cea mai favorabilă perioadă din istoria ei, oamenii încă suferă din ce în ce mai des de tulburări psihice și probleme de sănătate mintală și terapia nu funcționează tot timpul. De ce? Pentru că, deși știm ce anume îl tulbură pe client, nu știm întotdeauna cum anume să comunicăm eficient aceste cunoștințe,... Read more

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Meditații mindfulness pentru reducerea durerii by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Meditații mindfulness pentru reducerea durerii
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Meditații mindfulness pentru reducerea durerii by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Meditații mindfulness pentru reducerea durerii

By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Narrated by: Vlad Rădescu

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Oare cineva care ți-e drag sau chiar tu vă aflați printre acele persoane pentru care medicina nu a găsit încă un răspuns? Ți-e teamă că tu sau omul drag ție ați putea deveni dependenți de calmante? Sau poate ai experimentat deja mindfulnessul și îi cunoști deja puterea de vindecare....
Bazată pe celebrul program mindfulness pentru reducerea... Read more

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New release
Psihologia genului by Gary W. Wood
Psihologia genului
Gary W. Wood
Psihologia genului by Gary W. Wood

Psihologia genului

By: Gary W. Wood

Narrated by: Matei Arvunescu

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Ce înseamnă să fi un „bărbat adevărat" sau o „femeie adevărată"? Care este impactul stereotipurilor rolurilor de gen asupra vieții noastre, asupra relațiilor noastre și societății, în general? Este nevoie în prezent de o nouă psihologie a genului, care să ia în considerare complexitatea experienței umane? Bazându-se pe o multitudine de teorii și... Read more

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New release
Kurt Cobain: Inside the Voice of a Generation by Sterling Hawksley
Kurt Cobain: Inside the Voice of a Generation
Sterling Hawksley
Kurt Cobain: Inside the Voice of a Generation by Sterling Hawksley

Kurt Cobain: Inside the Voice of a Generation

By: Sterling Hawksley

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Kurt Cobain: Inside the Voice of a Generation
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Looking to deepen your appreciation and understanding of Kurt Cobain's lasting impact on music and culture? Searching for a comprehensive resource that provides all the essential insights into his genius?
Your search ends here!
This audiobook is your... Read more

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New release
Discover the Magic: How Music Shapes Your Brain by Rowan Haverford
Discover the Magic: How Music Shapes Your Brain
Rowan Haverford
Discover the Magic: How Music Shapes Your Brain by Rowan Haverford

Discover the Magic: How Music Shapes Your Brain

By: Rowan Haverford

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the Magic: How Music Shapes Your Brain
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you eager to unlock your brain's potential through musical exploration and deepen your knowledge of how music impacts the brain?
In search of a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements for understanding the profound effects of... Read more

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Influence by Wesley Felt
Wesley Felt
Influence by Wesley Felt


By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

This book contains two titles. Here are some snippets of what you can find in there:
Book 1 - In today’s world, our perception fundamentally shapes our reality. This explains why two people can have entirely different interpretations of the same event. The meaning we assign to events stems from our beliefs and emotions. So, can altering our... Read more

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Wild Creature Mind by Steve Biddulph
Wild Creature Mind
Steve Biddulph
Wild Creature Mind by Steve Biddulph

Wild Creature Mind

By: Steve Biddulph

Narrated by: Silas Aiton

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock the untapped power within you discover the profound wisdom of your animal mind.

Bestselling psychologist Steve Biddulph reveals a groundbreaking insight: we possess not just one, but two minds. While our familiar, analytical mind dominates in today’s busy, modern world, our primal, instinctual 'wild creature' mind lies dormant, waiting... Read more

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New release
Deception by Wesley Felt
Wesley Felt
Deception by Wesley Felt


By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 5 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

This book contains two books in a bundle. Here is a little preview about both:
1 - At a certain stage in your sales process, your prospect realizes they have a need—ideally due to your exceptional selling skills. As you guide them from recognizing this need through analysis and finally to making a decision, what is on their mind? Consciously or... Read more

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New release
Emotional Intelligence by Wesley Felt
Emotional Intelligence
Wesley Felt
Emotional Intelligence by Wesley Felt

Emotional Intelligence

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 5 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

This bundle has two titles. Here is a preview of both:
1 - Deception, as defined by the dictionary, involves intentionally leading someone to believe something that is untrue. This act is deeply ingrained in human nature, allowing anyone to practice it. Deception can engage either the mind or emotions, leveraging our desire for knowledge or... Read more

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New release
Soul Talk - Die Kunst des klugen Fragens (Ungekürzt) by Lilia Vogelsang
Soul Talk - Die Kunst des klugen Fragens (Ungekürzt)
Lilia Vogelsang
Soul Talk - Die Kunst des klugen Fragens (Ungekürzt) by Lilia Vogelsang

Soul Talk - Die Kunst des klugen Fragens (Ungekürzt)

By: Lilia Vogelsang

Narrated by: Simone Walleck

Length: 5 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie sollte ein ganz normaler Dienstagmorgen in zehn Jahren für dich aussehen? Notlüge oder brutale Ehrlichkeit? Welche Frage sollte ich dir öfter stellen? Kennst du die Antworten der Menschen in deinem Leben darauf? Falls nicht, ist dieses Buch genau richtig für dich. Mit über 222 Inspirationen für gute Gespräche können neue Verbindungen... Read more

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New release
Just Following Orders by Emilie A. Caspar
Just Following Orders
Emilie A. Caspar
Just Following Orders by Emilie A. Caspar

Just Following Orders

By: Emilie A. Caspar

Narrated by: Julia Anthony

Length: 9 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

How can obedience and carrying out orders lead to horrific acts such as the Holocaust or the genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia, or Bosnia? For the most part, it is a mystery why obeying instructions from an authority can convince people to kill other human beings, sometimes without hesitation and with incredible cruelty. Combining social and... Read more

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Emotional Empowerment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle by Steve Baronn & Norah Walsh
Emotional Empowerment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle
Steve Baronn & Norah Walsh
Emotional Empowerment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle by Steve Baronn & Norah Walsh

Emotional Empowerment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

By: Steve Baronn & Norah Walsh

Narrated by: Thomas Morrison

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Emotional Empowerment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Emotions Book and How to Handle Your Emotions
The Emotional Empowerment Bundle is your comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering your emotions for a more fulfilling and harmonious life. This 2-in-1 audiobook bundle includes The Emotions Book and How to Handle Your Emotions, providing you... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 9 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This book consists of three titles, which are the following:
Dark Psychology: Reading People, Detecting Lies, Mind Control, and Persuasion TipsDark Psychology: Mind Control, Manipulation, Fear, Emotions, and PersuasionDark Psychology: The Dark Side of Human Nature, Mind Games, and Psychopathology
Take advantage of this discounted bundle sale now! Read more

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Inner Child Healing Workbook: From Childhood Trauma, Abuse, and Emotional Neglect to Rediscovering Self-Love and Wholeness by Andy Gardner
Inner Child Healing Workbook: From Childhood Trauma, Abuse, and Emotional Neglect to Rediscovering Self-Love and Wholeness
Andy Gardner
Inner Child Healing Workbook: From Childhood Trauma, Abuse, and Emotional Neglect to Rediscovering Self-Love and Wholeness by Andy Gardner

Inner Child Healing Workbook: From Childhood Trauma, Abuse, and Emotional Neglect to Rediscovering Self-Love and Wholeness

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 3 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover everything you need to know about healing your inner child from trauma, abuse, and emotional neglect.Have you ever wondered how your negative childhood experiences still affect you today?Do you want to understand who the inner child is and how it shapes your psychological landscape?Do you wish you could have given your childhood self... Read more

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Finding Your True Belonging and the Strength to Stand Alone by Tobias Landry
Finding Your True Belonging and the Strength to Stand Alone
Tobias Landry
Finding Your True Belonging and the Strength to Stand Alone by Tobias Landry

Finding Your True Belonging and the Strength to Stand Alone

By: Tobias Landry

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Finding Your True Belonging and the Strength to Stand Alone
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your personal journey and solidify your understanding by successfully navigating life's challenges?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to find your true belonging and strength... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Influence, at its core, means having the power to affect people or situations. Subconsciously, we are constantly influenced and are influencing others through countless factors that impact our decisions. Even something as mundane as choosing toothpaste involves a myriad of external influences. Influence is a universal phenomenon, not confined by... Read more

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