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Psychology audiobooks

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Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 8 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

This book consists of three titles:
Book 1 - Why does understanding a psychological risk lead to physical reactions? The answer lies in human anatomy, specifically in the mechanisms behind real pain. Is mental pain comparable to physical pain? How does intense pain manifest? When it comes to physical pain, the process is straightforward. We... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

This book consists of three titles, which are the following:
Dark Psychology: Influencing Others and Avoiding Manipulation and BlackmailDark Psychology: Detecting Lies, Spotting Manipulators, and Seeing through PeopleDark Psychology: Dealing with Difficult People, Abuse, Liars, and Manipulators
These titles discuss topics such as leadership,... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

In today’s world, our perception fundamentally shapes our reality. This explains why two people can have entirely different interpretations of the same event. The meaning we assign to events stems from our beliefs and emotions. So, can altering our perception actually change our world? If so, how can this be achieved? And if it's possible, how... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Deception, as defined by the dictionary, involves intentionally leading someone to believe something that is untrue. This act is deeply ingrained in human nature, allowing anyone to practice it. Deception can engage either the mind or emotions, leveraging our desire for knowledge or information to manipulate us. When deception targets the mind,... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Verbal abuse involves making negative, defining statements about a person or withholding responses to diminish their presence. Essentially, it means belittling, insulting, or patronizing someone, or gossiping behind their back. When the abuser fails to apologize or retract their harmful statements, the relationship may be characterized by verbal... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Many believe that the most successful people in the world have mastered the ability to use their minds to attract what they desire. Imagine being able to draw what you want most into your life effortlessly, without having to take direct action. Imagine being able to manifest your goals and desires through the discipline of your... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

At a certain stage in your sales process, your prospect realizes they have a need—ideally due to your exceptional selling skills. As you guide them from recognizing this need through analysis and finally to making a decision, what is on their mind? Consciously or subconsciously, buyers are always weighing the balance of performance, image, and... Read more

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New release
Der Gefühls- und Bedürfnisnavigator - Abridged by Gerlinde R. Fritsch
Der Gefühls- und Bedürfnisnavigator - Abridged
Gerlinde R. Fritsch
Der Gefühls- und Bedürfnisnavigator - Abridged by Gerlinde R. Fritsch

Der Gefühls- und Bedürfnisnavigator - Abridged

By: Gerlinde R. Fritsch

Narrated by: Jana Ambrosy & Alex Teubner

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gefühle sind wertvoll. Sie verweisen auf Bedürfnisse des Körpers und der Seele. Wir übergehen sie nur gern, weil wir etwa Ärger, Trauer oder Wut zuweilen als störend empfinden, scheinen sie uns doch daran zu hindern, in unserer Leistungsgesellschaft unsere Aufgaben zu erfüllen und zu funktionieren. Wenn wir unsere Gefühle und Bedürfnisse... Read more

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New release
Introvertiert, na und? - Lieber nur dabei statt mittendrin (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Saskia Fröhlich
Introvertiert, na und? - Lieber nur dabei statt mittendrin (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Saskia Fröhlich
Introvertiert, na und? - Lieber nur dabei statt mittendrin (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Saskia Fröhlich

Introvertiert, na und? - Lieber nur dabei statt mittendrin (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Saskia Fröhlich

Narrated by: Saskia Fröhlich & Maximilian Winkel

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Was bedeutet es, introvertiert zu sein? Introversion. Viele Menschen denken bei diesem Begriff an Schüchternheit, einen Mangel an sozialer Kompetenz, vielleicht sogar Einsamkeit. Wenige Menschen denken bei diesem Begriff an Saskia Fröhlich. (Bis jetzt.) Die Stand-up-Comedienne begeistert ihr Publikum mit notorisch schlechter Laune - und auf... Read more

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New release
Alles, was dazwischenliegt - Von der Kunst, innere Widersprüche und Mehrdeutigkeit auszuhalten (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Nesibe Kahraman
Alles, was dazwischenliegt - Von der Kunst, innere Widersprüche und Mehrdeutigkeit auszuhalten (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Nesibe Kahraman
Alles, was dazwischenliegt - Von der Kunst, innere Widersprüche und Mehrdeutigkeit auszuhalten (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Nesibe Kahraman

Alles, was dazwischenliegt - Von der Kunst, innere Widersprüche und Mehrdeutigkeit auszuhalten (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Nesibe Kahraman

Narrated by: Ulrike Kapfer

Length: 5 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Ambiguitätstoleranz: der Schlüssel zu einem besseren Leben für dich und mich Ob bei Beziehungskonflikten, politischen Ansichten oder in der Erziehung: Zwischentöne und unterschiedliche Perspektiven in unserem Denken, Handeln und Fühlen zuzulassen, verlangt uns viel ab. Die Psychotherapeutin Nesibe Kahraman erklärt in ihrem neuen Hörbuch, warum... Read more

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New release
TARGET of LOVE: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse by Angel Simmons
TARGET of LOVE: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse
Angel Simmons
TARGET of LOVE: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse by Angel Simmons

TARGET of LOVE: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse

By: Angel Simmons

Narrated by: Angel Simmons

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Target of Love is THE MANUAL for anyone that believes they have experienced narcissistic abuse. This book is a tool to help individuals understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), unwrap the psychological and physical damage this type of abuse causes, and to help victims build the courage needed to break FREE from this cycle of emotional... Read more

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New release
Asertividad: Cómo establecer límites, dejar de complacer a la gente y ganarse el respeto a través del comportamiento y la comunicación asertivos by Andy Gardner
Asertividad: Cómo establecer límites, dejar de complacer a la gente y ganarse el respeto a través del comportamiento y la comunicación asertivos
Andy Gardner
Asertividad: Cómo establecer límites, dejar de complacer a la gente y ganarse el respeto a través del comportamiento y la comunicación asertivos by Andy Gardner

Asertividad: Cómo establecer límites, dejar de complacer a la gente y ganarse el respeto a través del comportamiento y la comunicación asertivos

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 7 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro: Entrenamiento en asertividad: Cómo dejar de complacer a la gente y de preocuparse por lo que piensen los demás, a la vez que se vuelve más asertivo sin ofender a otros Cómo establecer límites: Domine el arte de decir no, deje de complacer a la gente y exija respeto sin sentirse culpable En la primera parte de... Read more

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New release
Sra. Capa - Abridged by Fabiana C.O
Sra. Capa - Abridged
Fabiana C.O
Sra. Capa - Abridged by Fabiana C.O

Sra. Capa - Abridged

By: Fabiana C.O

Narrated by: Ana Maria Morais

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O que você faria se fosse a única pessoa capaz de enxergar uma misteriosa capa nos ombros de uma mulher? A conexão entre mães e filhas é um vínculo poderoso que se faz perceptível no amor e que transcende o tempo. Ao receber a triste notícia de uma perda na família, Sol percebe que a mãe, Ana, carrega uma estranha capa vermelha sobre os... Read more

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New release
The Stress Relief Playbook by Dillon Foley
The Stress Relief Playbook
Dillon Foley
The Stress Relief Playbook by Dillon Foley

The Stress Relief Playbook

By: Dillon Foley

Narrated by: Alisha Bright

Length: 6 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

The Stress Relief Playbook: Strategies for a Balanced and Relaxing Life is your essential guide to finding calm in the chaos of everyday life. Whether you're dealing with work, school, or parenting demands, this book offers practical and effective stress relief techniques designed to help you manage stress naturally and regain your peace of... Read more

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New release
Gastric Band Hypnosis by Corinne Winslow
Gastric Band Hypnosis
Corinne Winslow
Gastric Band Hypnosis by Corinne Winslow

Gastric Band Hypnosis

By: Corinne Winslow

Narrated by: Chaleeya Yeh

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock the power of your mind to achieve rapid and sustainable weight loss with this comprehensive guide. Delving into the science and practice of gastric band hypnosis, this book provides you with the tools and knowledge needed to harness the incredible potential of your subconscious mind. Whether you're struggling with food addiction,... Read more

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New release
Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins by Thaddeus Cairnwood
Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins
Thaddeus Cairnwood
Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins by Thaddeus Cairnwood

Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins

By: Thaddeus Cairnwood

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to expand your knowledge about humanity’s captivating, untold historical journey?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to uncover the depths of our origins?
Your search ends here!
This guide... Read more

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Afirmaciones Positivas Para Tener El Mejor De Los Días by Onofre  Quezada
Afirmaciones Positivas Para Tener El Mejor De Los Días
Onofre Quezada
Afirmaciones Positivas Para Tener El Mejor De Los Días by Onofre  Quezada

Afirmaciones Positivas Para Tener El Mejor De Los Días

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Alguna vez has sentido que tus días simplemente pasan sin dirección ni propósito? ¿Deseas despertar cada mañana con energía renovada y una actitud positiva que perdure todo el día? Este libro es tu guía definitiva para transformar tus pensamientos y, por ende, tu vida diaria."AFIRMACIONES POSITIVAS PARA TENER EL MEJOR DE LOS DÍAS" es una... Read more

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New release
Die 7 mächtigsten Tools der Psychologie im Alltag: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Resilienz - Intrapersonelle Kommunikation - Emotionale Intelligenz - Menschen lesen - NLP - Dunkle Psychologie by Sebastian Lobrecht
Die 7 mächtigsten Tools der Psychologie im Alltag: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Resilienz - Intrapersonelle Kommunikation - Emotionale Intelligenz - Menschen lesen - NLP - Dunkle Psychologie
Sebastian Lobrecht
Die 7 mächtigsten Tools der Psychologie im Alltag: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Resilienz - Intrapersonelle Kommunikation - Emotionale Intelligenz - Menschen lesen - NLP - Dunkle Psychologie by Sebastian Lobrecht

Die 7 mächtigsten Tools der Psychologie im Alltag: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Resilienz - Intrapersonelle Kommunikation - Emotionale Intelligenz - Menschen lesen - NLP - Dunkle Psychologie

By: Sebastian Lobrecht

Narrated by: Nils Himmeröder

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Selbstzweifel lassen Sie immer wieder vor dem großen Karriereschritt zurückschrecken? Kleinigkeiten werfen Sie oft nachhaltig aus der Bahn? Oder haben Sie es satt, sich immer wieder manipulieren und ausnutzen zu lassen? Dann machen Sie die 7 Tools der Psychologie ab sofort zu Ihrer ganz persönlichen Wunderwaffe auf dem Weg zu privatem und... Read more

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New release
Die kleine Trauma Sprechstunde - Das bewährte Selbsthilfebuch für den Alltag: Traumata verstehen, erkennen und Schritt für Schritt heilen für mehr Lebensqualität und Freude in Ihrem Leben by Maxim Schalles
Die kleine Trauma Sprechstunde - Das bewährte Selbsthilfebuch für den Alltag: Traumata verstehen, erkennen und Schritt für Schritt heilen für mehr Lebensqualität und Freude in Ihrem Leben
Maxim Schalles
Die kleine Trauma Sprechstunde - Das bewährte Selbsthilfebuch für den Alltag: Traumata verstehen, erkennen und Schritt für Schritt heilen für mehr Lebensqualität und Freude in Ihrem Leben by Maxim Schalles

Die kleine Trauma Sprechstunde - Das bewährte Selbsthilfebuch für den Alltag: Traumata verstehen, erkennen und Schritt für Schritt heilen für mehr Lebensqualität und Freude in Ihrem Leben

By: Maxim Schalles

Narrated by: Tonja Arina Gold

Length: 4 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein unangenehmes Ereignis belastet Sie ungewöhnlich nachhaltig und Sie fragen sich, was es damit auf sich hat? Sie wollen mit schwierigen Erlebnissen besser umgehen können? Oder wurde bereits ein Trauma diagnostiziert und Sie möchten selbst an Ihrer Genesung arbeiten? Dann machen Sie sich eine schöne Tasse Tee und tauchen Sie in diese Lektüre... Read more

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New release
Dark Feminine Energy: Free Your Integrated Femme Fatale With Authentic Shadow Work & Healing Your Inner Child To Embrace Your Femininity, Sexuality, Charm & Diva Allure by Abigail M. Brooks
Dark Feminine Energy: Free Your Integrated Femme Fatale With Authentic Shadow Work & Healing Your Inner Child To Embrace Your Femininity, Sexuality, Charm & Diva Allure
Abigail M. Brooks
Dark Feminine Energy: Free Your Integrated Femme Fatale With Authentic Shadow Work & Healing Your Inner Child To Embrace Your Femininity, Sexuality, Charm & Diva Allure by Abigail M. Brooks

Dark Feminine Energy: Free Your Integrated Femme Fatale With Authentic Shadow Work & Healing Your Inner Child To Embrace Your Femininity, Sexuality, Charm & Diva Allure

By: Abigail M. Brooks

Narrated by: Abigail White

Length: 5 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've always wanted to embrace your true femininity, unleash your inner femme fatale, and radiate confidence and allure but struggle with self-doubt and past wounds, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of not feeling fully empowered in your femininity?Have you tried endless self-help books and techniques but nothing seems to work for... Read more

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New release
Stop Overthinking & Master The Art Of Letting Go (2 in 1): Break Free From The Past, Stop Believing Your Negative Thoughts, Build Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life by Chris M. Brooks
Stop Overthinking & Master The Art Of Letting Go (2 in 1): Break Free From The Past, Stop Believing Your Negative Thoughts, Build Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life
Chris M. Brooks
Stop Overthinking & Master The Art Of Letting Go (2 in 1): Break Free From The Past, Stop Believing Your Negative Thoughts, Build Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life by Chris M. Brooks

Stop Overthinking & Master The Art Of Letting Go (2 in 1): Break Free From The Past, Stop Believing Your Negative Thoughts, Build Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life

By: Chris M. Brooks

Narrated by: Abigail White

Length: 11 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've always wanted to break free from the past, stop overthinking, and live your happiest life but struggle with negative thoughts and emotional baggage, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of feeling weighed down by your thoughts and unable to move forward?Have you tried endless solutions like meditation, therapy, or self-help books,... Read more

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How to Help Your Child Cope With Anything by Alison McClymont
How to Help Your Child Cope With Anything
Alison McClymont
How to Help Your Child Cope With Anything by Alison McClymont

How to Help Your Child Cope With Anything

By: Alison McClymont

Narrated by: Alison McClymont

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

From accredited child psychologist, Dr Alison McClymont, comes a book that bridges the gap between complex psychology and straightforward parenting advice.

No parent can guard against everything but parental knowledge is power when it comes to the emotional development of your child, setting the solid foundation for every life interaction... Read more

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New release
Stop Overthinking: 35 Simple & Effective Practices & Techniques To Declutter Your Mind, Break Free From Chronic Stress, Develop Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life by Chris M. Brooks
Stop Overthinking: 35 Simple & Effective Practices & Techniques To Declutter Your Mind, Break Free From Chronic Stress, Develop Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life
Chris M. Brooks
Stop Overthinking: 35 Simple & Effective Practices & Techniques To Declutter Your Mind, Break Free From Chronic Stress, Develop Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life by Chris M. Brooks

Stop Overthinking: 35 Simple & Effective Practices & Techniques To Declutter Your Mind, Break Free From Chronic Stress, Develop Healthy Habits & Live Your Happiest Life

By: Chris M. Brooks

Narrated by: Abigail White

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've always wanted to live a stress-free, joyful life but struggle with constant overthinking and mental clutter, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed by your own thoughts?Have you tried endless solutions like meditation apps, journaling, or self-help books, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do... Read more

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New release
The Practical Art Of Letting Go: Finally Stop Overthinking, Create Positive Spirals, Break Free From The Past & Don’t Believe Your Negative Thoughts by Chris M. Brooks
The Practical Art Of Letting Go: Finally Stop Overthinking, Create Positive Spirals, Break Free From The Past & Don’t Believe Your Negative Thoughts
Chris M. Brooks
The Practical Art Of Letting Go: Finally Stop Overthinking, Create Positive Spirals, Break Free From The Past & Don’t Believe Your Negative Thoughts by Chris M. Brooks

The Practical Art Of Letting Go: Finally Stop Overthinking, Create Positive Spirals, Break Free From The Past & Don’t Believe Your Negative Thoughts

By: Chris M. Brooks

Narrated by: Abigail White

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've always wanted to break free from overthinking, release the past, and embrace a life filled with positivity and peace but struggle with negative thoughts and emotional baggage, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of being stuck in a cycle of overthinking and self-doubt?Have you tried endless other solutions, like mindfulness... Read more

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