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The Ego and the Id. Beyond the Pleasure Principle [«Я» и «ОНО». По ту сторону принципа наслаждения] by Sigmund Freud
The Ego and the Id. Beyond the Pleasure Principle [«Я» и «ОНО». По ту сторону принципа наслаждения]
Sigmund Freud
The Ego and the Id. Beyond the Pleasure Principle [«Я» и «ОНО». По ту сторону принципа наслаждения] by Sigmund Freud

The Ego and the Id. Beyond the Pleasure Principle [«Я» и «ОНО». По ту сторону принципа наслаждения]

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Mikhail Pozdnyakov

Length: 6 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Зигмунд Фрейд – великий австрийский психолог, психиатр и невролог, известен как основатель психоанализа. Работы Фрейда оказали великий вклад в науку и культуру всего человечества. Находясь под влиянием идей и работ таких великих ученых и философов как Ч.Дарвин, Э.Геккель, А.Шопенгауэр, Ф.Ницше, Фрейд разработал оригинальный и не использовавшийся... Read more

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Lo bueno de tener un mal día by Anabel Gonzalez
Lo bueno de tener un mal día
Anabel Gonzalez
Lo bueno de tener un mal día by Anabel Gonzalez

Lo bueno de tener un mal día

By: Anabel Gonzalez

Narrated by: Charo Gabella

Length: 10 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Si está claro que lo que queremos es ser felices, ¿por qué nos ponemos tantas trabas para conseguirlo? Pocos refranes han sido más perjudiciales que ese que dice que al mal tiempo hay que ponerle buena cara. Al mal tiempo hay que ponerle lágrimas o tristeza. Y al bueno, sonrisas y alegría. Saber gestionar nuestras emociones no es esconderlas ni... Read more

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Deine Reise zu dir Selbst: 52 inspirierende Geschichten über die Geheimnisse des Lebens by Franziska Haberknecht
Deine Reise zu dir Selbst: 52 inspirierende Geschichten über die Geheimnisse des Lebens
Franziska Haberknecht
Deine Reise zu dir Selbst: 52 inspirierende Geschichten über die Geheimnisse des Lebens by Franziska Haberknecht

Deine Reise zu dir Selbst: 52 inspirierende Geschichten über die Geheimnisse des Lebens

By: Franziska Haberknecht

Narrated by: Anna-Lena Müller

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein Wegweiser zu innerer Stärke und LebensfreudeFühlst du dich manchmal verloren und unerfüllt? Erkennst du dich in diesen Gefühlen wieder? Dein Alltag läuft routiniert, aber die Tage fühlen sich dennoch hohl an. In deiner Partnerschaft fehlt das Feuer, gemeinsame Träume scheinen unerreichbar. Trotz der Gesellschaft von Familie und Freunden... Read more

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Beyond Rage by Emmanuel Gray
Beyond Rage
Emmanuel Gray
Beyond Rage by Emmanuel Gray

Beyond Rage

By: Emmanuel Gray

Narrated by: Deedee Ash

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Beyond Rage: Mastering Anger Management for a Calmer Life
Welcome to 'Beyond Rage: Mastering Anger Management for a Calmer Life,' your comprehensive guide to understanding and harnessing the power of your emotions. In this audiobook, we embark on a transformative journey to help you navigate the turbulent waters of anger and find your way to a... Read more

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Die einfachste Psychotherapie der Welt - Wie wir die Ursache von Stress und Krankheit behandeln und den Kreislauf von Trauma und Gewalt durchbrechen (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Dr. Maggie Schauer
Die einfachste Psychotherapie der Welt - Wie wir die Ursache von Stress und Krankheit behandeln und den Kreislauf von Trauma und Gewalt durchbrechen (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Dr. Maggie Schauer
Die einfachste Psychotherapie der Welt - Wie wir die Ursache von Stress und Krankheit behandeln und den Kreislauf von Trauma und Gewalt durchbrechen (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Dr. Maggie Schauer

Die einfachste Psychotherapie der Welt - Wie wir die Ursache von Stress und Krankheit behandeln und den Kreislauf von Trauma und Gewalt durchbrechen (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Dr. Maggie Schauer

Narrated by: Julian Mehne, Inka Löwendorf & Timo Weisschnur

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Eine neue, fundierte und einfach anzuwendende Methode, um Trauma zu verstehen und aufzulösen Wodurch entstehen Traumata? Die renommierte Psychotraumatologin Dr. Maggie Schauer weiß, wie viele Menschen in vermeintlich friedlichen Umgebungen traumatisiert werden: durch häusliche Gewalt, sexuelle und emotionale Übergriffe, Ablehnung und... Read more

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CBT for Anger Management by Lydia Mann
CBT for Anger Management
Lydia Mann
CBT for Anger Management by Lydia Mann

CBT for Anger Management

By: Lydia Mann

Narrated by: Deedee Ash

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

CBT for Anger Management: Navigating Anger with Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
Welcome to 'CBT for Anger Management: Navigating Anger with Cognitive Behavioral Techniques,' your essential guide to unlocking the power of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in addressing and transforming anger issues.
In this audiobook, we embark on a journey of... Read more

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Pretty Wings by Candi Usher
Pretty Wings
Candi Usher
Pretty Wings by Candi Usher

Pretty Wings

By: Candi Usher

Narrated by: Preciosa Williams

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Walk with me into the world of Black women and the taboo side is mental health. This book is a dive into my personal issues with suicide attempts and ideations, as well as a discussion on studies done and lack of them in relation to suicide in the Black community. Black women are expected to always be strong. Never have a problem that she can't... Read more

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Be as Happy as Your Dog by Michelle Waitzman
Be as Happy as Your Dog
Michelle Waitzman
Be as Happy as Your Dog by Michelle Waitzman

Be as Happy as Your Dog

By: Michelle Waitzman

Narrated by: Michelle Waitzman

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Dogs find plenty of reasons to be happy every day. Why do we struggle to do the same?Be as Happy as Your Dog explains how you can learn to enjoy life like dogs do. After all, a dog's default position is to be happy – right here, right now. Bringing together the latest research from dog behavior experts and leaders in positive psychology, this... Read more

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Ted Bundy: The Horrifying Story of the Charming Serial Killer (True Crime) by Dawson West
Ted Bundy: The Horrifying Story of the Charming Serial Killer (True Crime)
Dawson West
Ted Bundy: The Horrifying Story of the Charming Serial Killer (True Crime) by Dawson West

Ted Bundy: The Horrifying Story of the Charming Serial Killer (True Crime)

By: Dawson West

Narrated by: Thomas Rode

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Step into the twisted mind of America’s most infamous serial killer.Out of all of the world’s most dangerous serial killers, none are more infamous than Ted Bundy. Known as the charming, charismatic killer who stalked young women to commit his unspeakable crimes, Ted Bundy left a dark shadow on America’s history that has haunted our collective... Read more

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Notities van een introvert by Bente van de Wouw
Notities van een introvert
Bente van de Wouw
Notities van een introvert by Bente van de Wouw

Notities van een introvert

By: Bente van de Wouw

Narrated by: Jamie Grant

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Voluit leven als introvert op je eigen, stille manier Bente van de Wouw groeide op in een extraverte wereld. Lange tijd twijfelde ze aan zichzelf en haar behoefte aan rust, totdat ze er langzamerhand achter kwam dat ze niet saai, defect of vreemd was, maar gewoon introvert. Bente weet als geen ander hoe moeilijk het kan zijn om je als... Read more

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Transforming Anger Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle by Emmanuel Gray & Lydia Mann
Transforming Anger Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle
Emmanuel Gray & Lydia Mann
Transforming Anger Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle by Emmanuel Gray & Lydia Mann

Transforming Anger Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

By: Emmanuel Gray & Lydia Mann

Narrated by: Deedee Ash

Length: 1 hour 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Transforming Anger Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Beyond Rage and CBT for Anger Management
This audiobook bundle offers effective strategies and expert guidance to help you master anger management and navigate your emotions using proven cognitive behavioral techniques.
Included Audiobooks:
1. Beyond Rage: Mastering Anger Management for a Calmer... Read more

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The Couple Skills Workbook by Betsy Chung, PsyD
The Couple Skills Workbook
Betsy Chung, PsyD
The Couple Skills Workbook by Betsy Chung, PsyD

The Couple Skills Workbook

By: Betsy Chung, PsyD

Narrated by: Edelyn Okano

Length: 4 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Boost your relationship IQ, and learn essential skills for relationship success!

Do you ever feel like your romantic partner is on a completely different page? Are your arguments becoming more frequent and difficult to recover from emotionally? Do you feel disconnected, and long for that trust, intimacy, and connection you once shared? Despite... Read more

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Vermeidender Bindungstyp - Abridged by Alex Kingsman
Vermeidender Bindungstyp - Abridged
Alex Kingsman
Vermeidender Bindungstyp - Abridged by Alex Kingsman

Vermeidender Bindungstyp - Abridged

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Tom Albert

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

✓ Du wünschst dir echte Verbindungen und erfüllende Beziehungen?✓ Findest du dich selbst dabei, potenzielle Partnerschaften unbeabsichtigt zu sabotieren?✓ Fühlst du dich festgefahren und unsicher darüber, wie du beginnen kannst, dich zu öffnen?Erfahre mehr in diesem Arbeitsbuch, das speziell für Personen mit einem abweisenden Bindungsstil... Read more

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चिंता और अवसाद का निदान हिंदी में/ Diagnosis of anxiety and depression in Hindi: चिंता में राहत के लिए सरल कार्यपुस्तिका। चिंता करना बंद करो और अवसाद पर काबू पाओ by Charlie Mason
चिंता और अवसाद का निदान हिंदी में/ Diagnosis of anxiety and depression in Hindi: चिंता में राहत के लिए सरल कार्यपुस्तिका। चिंता करना बंद करो और अवसाद पर काबू पाओ
Charlie Mason
चिंता और अवसाद का निदान हिंदी में/ Diagnosis of anxiety and depression in Hindi: चिंता में राहत के लिए सरल कार्यपुस्तिका। चिंता करना बंद करो और अवसाद पर काबू पाओ by Charlie Mason

चिंता और अवसाद का निदान हिंदी में/ Diagnosis of anxiety and depression in Hindi: चिंता में राहत के लिए सरल कार्यपुस्तिका। चिंता करना बंद करो और अवसाद पर काबू पाओ

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Priya Verma

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

क्या आप डंप महसूस करते हैं?
क्या सब कुछ आपको नीला लग रहा है?
क्या ऐसा लगता है कि आप सभी आशा खो चुके हैं?
क्या सुबह उठना और दुनिया का सामना करना एक पहाड़ पर चढ़ने जितना कठिन लगता है?
यदि आप, या कोई व्यक्ति जिसकी आप परवाह करते हैं, ऐसा महसूस करते हैं, तो आप अवसाद की चपेट में आ सकते हैं।
यदि आपको लगता है कि आप सांस नहीं ले सकते हैं और आप दीवारों में बंद... Read more

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Te estás jodiendo la vida by Buenaventura del Charco Olea
Te estás jodiendo la vida
Buenaventura del Charco Olea
Te estás jodiendo la vida by Buenaventura del Charco Olea

Te estás jodiendo la vida

By: Buenaventura del Charco Olea

Narrated by: Raúl García Arrondo

Length: 7 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Olvídate de tu mejor versión y sé tú mismo. Los nuevos gurús de la industria de la autoayuda nos repiten machaconamente frases como "Sé tu mejor versión", "Consigue tus objetivos y serás feliz". Hacen depender el valor de los individuos de su productividad y sus logros, deshumanizándolos. Así, nos vendemos a través de las redes sociales como si... Read more

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Discover How to Relieve Stress & Anxiety, Boost Self-Esteem and Break Out of Negative Thought Patterns (A Complete Guide for Beginners) by Max Sterling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Discover How to Relieve Stress & Anxiety, Boost Self-Esteem and Break Out of Negative Thought Patterns (A Complete Guide for Beginners)
Max Sterling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Discover How to Relieve Stress & Anxiety, Boost Self-Esteem and Break Out of Negative Thought Patterns (A Complete Guide for Beginners) by Max Sterling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Discover How to Relieve Stress & Anxiety, Boost Self-Esteem and Break Out of Negative Thought Patterns (A Complete Guide for Beginners)

By: Max Sterling

Narrated by: Jacob Ezell

Length: 4 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Imagine a life free from the chains of stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts – a future that can be yours in just 21 days, even if your life feeling overwhelming right now.Have you been seeking the key to unlock a happier, healthier mindset, but feel lost in a sea of self-help jargon and with no real results to show for it?Are you craving... Read more

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Guérison de l'anxiété et de la dépression En Français/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In French by Charlie Mason
Guérison de l'anxiété et de la dépression En Français/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In French
Charlie Mason
Guérison de l'anxiété et de la dépression En Français/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In French by Charlie Mason

Guérison de l'anxiété et de la dépression En Français/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In French

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Élise Martin

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous sentez-vous déprimé?Est-ce que tout vous semble noir?Avez-vous l'impression que tout espoir est perdu?Se lever le matin et faire face au monde est-il aussi difficile que de gravir une montagne?Si vous ou une personne dont vous vous souciez ressentez cela, vous êtes peut-être en proie à la dépression.Si vous sentez que vous ne pouvez pas... Read more

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Cura di Ansia e Depressione In italiano/ Treatment of Anxiety and Depression In Italian: Semplice Quaderno di Lavoro per il Sollievo dall'Ansia. Smettere by Charlie Mason
Cura di Ansia e Depressione In italiano/ Treatment of Anxiety and Depression In Italian: Semplice Quaderno di Lavoro per il Sollievo dall'Ansia. Smettere
Charlie Mason
Cura di Ansia e Depressione In italiano/ Treatment of Anxiety and Depression In Italian: Semplice Quaderno di Lavoro per il Sollievo dall'Ansia. Smettere by Charlie Mason

Cura di Ansia e Depressione In italiano/ Treatment of Anxiety and Depression In Italian: Semplice Quaderno di Lavoro per il Sollievo dall'Ansia. Smettere

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Sofia Bianchi

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Vi sentite giù di morale?Vi sembra tutto nero?Vi sembra che ogni speranza sia persa?Alzarsi al mattino e affrontare il mondo è duro come scalare una montagna?Se voi, o qualcuno a cui tenete, vi sentite così, allora potreste essere in preda alla depressione.Se vi sentite come se non riusciste a respirare e le pareti vi si stanno chiudendo... Read more

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Cura da Ansiedade e da Depressão Em português/ Anxiety and Depression Cure In Portuguese: Livro de Exercícios Simples para ter um Alívio da Ansiedade. ... Rápido a Depressão by Charlie Mason
Cura da Ansiedade e da Depressão Em português/ Anxiety and Depression Cure In Portuguese: Livro de Exercícios Simples para ter um Alívio da Ansiedade. ... Rápido a Depressão
Charlie Mason
Cura da Ansiedade e da Depressão Em português/ Anxiety and Depression Cure In Portuguese: Livro de Exercícios Simples para ter um Alívio da Ansiedade. ... Rápido a Depressão by Charlie Mason

Cura da Ansiedade e da Depressão Em português/ Anxiety and Depression Cure In Portuguese: Livro de Exercícios Simples para ter um Alívio da Ansiedade. ... Rápido a Depressão

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Maria Ferreira

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Está se sentindo para baixo?Nada te anima?Parece que está com o coração apertado?Levantar de manhã e encarar o mundo parece ser tão difícil quanto escalar uma montanha?Se você, ou alguém que você gosta, se sente assim, então pode estar nas garras da depressão.Se sente como se não conseguisse respirar e que as paredes estão te esmagando, então... Read more

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Heilung von Angst und Depressionen Auf Deutsch/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In German by Charlie Mason
Heilung von Angst und Depressionen Auf Deutsch/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In German
Charlie Mason
Heilung von Angst und Depressionen Auf Deutsch/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In German by Charlie Mason

Heilung von Angst und Depressionen Auf Deutsch/ Healing Anxiety and Depression In German

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Anna Schmidt

Length: 1 hour 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Fühlen Sie sich niedergeschlagen?Kommt Ihnen alles trüb und düster vor?Fühlt es sich an, als sei alle Hoffnung verloren?Ist das Aufstehen am Morgen und die Konfrontation mit der Welt so schwer wie das Besteigen eines Berges?Wenn Sie oder jemand, der Ihnen am Herzen liegt, sich so fühlen, dann könnten Sie sich in den Fängen einer Depression... Read more

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ADHD in Marriage by Emily Patterson
ADHD in Marriage
Emily Patterson
ADHD in Marriage by Emily Patterson

ADHD in Marriage

By: Emily Patterson

Narrated by: Victoria Barker & Mia Robbins

Length: 10 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Does any of these situations sound familiar? Constantly misinterpreting each other’s intentions, leading to frequent arguments. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the daily demands of managing ADHD symptoms. Struggling to maintain intimacy and emotional closeness. Battling feelings of resentment and frustration that erode your bond. Facing... Read more

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Setting Goals by John James Santangelo PhD
Setting Goals
John James Santangelo PhD
Setting Goals by John James Santangelo PhD

Setting Goals

By: John James Santangelo PhD

Narrated by: John James Santangelo PhD

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know there really is a goal setting secret formula?
Actually it’s not a secret, it’s just a very simple formula that no one ever reveals! It’s only two things… and inside this book I present it to you like you have never seen before…
After helping hundreds of thousands just like you, I realized that most programs and books out there were... Read more

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ROZSTANIE? Odejść czy pozostać w związku? Co zrobić, kiedy szykuje się skandal? by dr Renata Zarzycka
ROZSTANIE? Odejść czy pozostać w związku? Co zrobić, kiedy szykuje się skandal?
dr Renata Zarzycka
ROZSTANIE? Odejść czy pozostać w związku? Co zrobić, kiedy szykuje się skandal? by dr Renata Zarzycka

ROZSTANIE? Odejść czy pozostać w związku? Co zrobić, kiedy szykuje się skandal?

By: dr Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: dr Renata Zarzycka

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Co zrobić, kiedy domyślamy się prawdy? Czy drążyć temat dalej, czy nie? Czy demaskować kogoś, kto naszym zdaniem jest oszustem i kłamcą, czy nie? Być może jest to zwykłe nieporozumienie i źle zrozumieliśmy zachowanie lub zbyt emocjonalnie podeszliśmy do sytuacji? Czy dociekać całej prawdy, czy nie? Czy dochodzić sedna sprawy i domagać się... Read more

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Czym jest motywacja? cz. 3.  Ile razy nadstawiasz policzek? DO TRZECH RAZY SZTUKA! by dr Renata Zarzycka
Czym jest motywacja? cz. 3. Ile razy nadstawiasz policzek? DO TRZECH RAZY SZTUKA!
dr Renata Zarzycka
Czym jest motywacja? cz. 3.  Ile razy nadstawiasz policzek? DO TRZECH RAZY SZTUKA! by dr Renata Zarzycka

Czym jest motywacja? cz. 3. Ile razy nadstawiasz policzek? DO TRZECH RAZY SZTUKA!

By: dr Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: dr Renata Zarzycka

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Ile razy nadstawiasz policzek?
Prawdopodobnie powodów zgadzania się na takie zachowanie innych wobec nas jest wiele. Jednym z nich jest chęć tkwienie w strefie komfortu tak, aby nic się nie zmieniało. Wszakże Zmiany niosą za sobą dyskomfort i niewiadomą, co będzie dalej i jaka może być przyszłość. Zatem człowiek woli... Read more

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