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NCE Simplified by Thaddeus Wrencher
NCE Simplified
Thaddeus Wrencher
NCE Simplified by Thaddeus Wrencher

NCE Simplified

By: Thaddeus Wrencher

Narrated by: Nick Porter

Length: 2 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

NCE Simplified: Your Definitive Guide to Passing the National Counselor Examination
⭐⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐⭐
Are you aiming to advance your career and solidify your knowledge by successfully passing the NCE 2024-2025?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all the necessary elements to conquer the NCE 2024-2025?
Your... Read more

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The Magic of Thinking Big - Abridged by David J. Schwartz
The Magic of Thinking Big - Abridged
David J. Schwartz
The Magic of Thinking Big - Abridged by David J. Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big - Abridged

By: David J. Schwartz

Narrated by: Dorian Hale

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
The Magic of Thinking Big inspires readers to elevate their thinking and achieve personal and professional success. The authors present practical advice and techniques to develop a mindset of abundance and confidence. Through real-life examples and actionable steps, the... Read more

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The Anxiety Cure - Abridged by Archibald D. Hart
The Anxiety Cure - Abridged
Archibald D. Hart
The Anxiety Cure - Abridged by Archibald D. Hart

The Anxiety Cure - Abridged

By: Archibald D. Hart

Narrated by: Dorian Hale

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
In "The Anxiety Cure," the authors offer a comprehensive guide to understanding and overcoming anxiety. Drawing from years of clinical experience and research, the authors provide practical strategies and tools to help readers manage their anxiety effectively. The book... Read more

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La adicción a la cocaína de Sigmund Freud by Sigmund Freud
La adicción a la cocaína de Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
La adicción a la cocaína de Sigmund Freud by Sigmund Freud

La adicción a la cocaína de Sigmund Freud

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Como muchos otros, Freud sufrió por el síntoma más exasperante de una adicción: el proceso sigiloso por el cual la mente de los adictos conspira para convencerlos de que nada, es torcido o peligroso sobre algo que definitivamente lo es.Uno de los síntomas más malignos de la adicción es la negación, la necesidad de llevar una doble vida —la... Read more

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Sieg über Narzissmus by JH Simon
Sieg über Narzissmus
JH Simon
Sieg über Narzissmus by JH Simon

Sieg über Narzissmus

By: JH Simon

Narrated by: Dirk Jacobs

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Narzissmus ist ein überwältigendes und verwirrendes Thema. Sobald man jedoch hinter seine Maske blickt, erkennt man, dass er im Grunde nichts als eine Lüge ist, die verwundbaren Menschen erzählt wird, um sie auszunutzen. Narzisstischer Missbrauch ist dazu ausgelegt, Sie in einem schambasierten Zustand der Verwirrung gefangen zu halten. Leider... Read more

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Stop OVERTHINKING Your RELATIONSHIP NOW! Stronger Couple in 7 Days. by Sophie Foster
Stop OVERTHINKING Your RELATIONSHIP NOW! Stronger Couple in 7 Days.
Sophie Foster
Stop OVERTHINKING Your RELATIONSHIP NOW! Stronger Couple in 7 Days. by Sophie Foster

Stop OVERTHINKING Your RELATIONSHIP NOW! Stronger Couple in 7 Days.

By: Sophie Foster

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 10 hours

Abridged: No

📖 This book breaks down the complexities of overthinking into practical steps, combining exercises, success stories, and tests to focus on areas needing attention in your relationship. 🎯 It demonstrates that positive change is achievable. ✨Whether addressing issues individually or as a couple, this guide allows you to personalize your journey... Read more

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Hochsensibel und löwenstark: die besten Strategien der Experten für einen entspannten Alltag als hochsensible Eltern by Svenja Löwe
Hochsensibel und löwenstark: die besten Strategien der Experten für einen entspannten Alltag als hochsensible Eltern
Svenja Löwe
Hochsensibel und löwenstark: die besten Strategien der Experten für einen entspannten Alltag als hochsensible Eltern by Svenja Löwe

Hochsensibel und löwenstark: die besten Strategien der Experten für einen entspannten Alltag als hochsensible Eltern

By: Svenja Löwe

Narrated by: Eva Böttcher

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Der besondere Ratgeber für hochsensible Eltern Der Alltag mit Kindern ist oft anspruchsvoll und vor allem für hochsensible Mütter aber auch Väter kann es zur Zerreißprobe werden. Umso wichtiger ist es, eigene Bedürfnisse zu erkennen, sich selbst ernst zu nehmen und gut für sich zu sorgen. In diesem Buch bekommst Du Strategien, Tipps und... Read more

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Taylor Made by Dr. Will Harris
Taylor Made
Dr. Will Harris
Taylor Made by Dr. Will Harris

Taylor Made

By: Dr. Will Harris

Narrated by: Dr. Will Harris

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Will Harris is a renowned singer, songwriter, musician, and recording artist. A native of Oxford, Mississippi, Harris began playing piano and singing in church at an early age and assumed his first Minister of Music role at the age of fourteen. In high school, Harris directed the school's very first ROTC Choir and several community choirs in... Read more

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El camino del maestro by John Danen
El camino del maestro
John Danen
El camino del maestro by John Danen

El camino del maestro

By: John Danen

Narrated by: John Danen

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

El camino de maestro es el camino que emprenden todos los seductores. Un camino que he recorrido de principio a fin a través de 40 años de experiencias. Este camino te lleva partiendo del sufrimiento, a las más insospechadas cotas de poder y placer. En este libro te explicaré todos los procesos, todas las trabas, todos los éxitos y todos los... Read more

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Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged by Alex Kingsman
Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged
Alex Kingsman
Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged by Alex Kingsman

Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Natanael Echegaray

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

✓ ¿Deseas conexiones genuinas y relaciones satisfactorias?✓ ¿Te encuentras saboteando involuntariamente posibles relaciones?✓ ¿Te sientes estancado e incierto sobre cómo empezar a abrirte?
Descubre más en este cuaderno, escrito específicamente para personas con un estilo de apego evitativo desestimativo. El investigador del estilo de apego, Alex... Read more

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Ненасильственное общение в конфликтах и разногласиях by Маршалл Розенберг
Ненасильственное общение в конфликтах и разногласиях
Маршалл Розенберг
Ненасильственное общение в конфликтах и разногласиях by Маршалл Розенберг

Ненасильственное общение в конфликтах и разногласиях

By: Маршалл Розенберг

Narrated by: Динар Валиев

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Эта книга наполнена вдохновляющими историями, уроками и идеями, почерпнутыми автором из более чем 40-летнего опыта посредничества в конфликтах и исцеления отношений в некоторых из самых разоренных войной, бедных и жестоких уголков мира. Здесь вы найдете полные главы, посвященные практике ненасильственного общения, эффективному разрешению... Read more

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Under the Radar by Emilia Misheva
Under the Radar
Emilia Misheva
Under the Radar by Emilia Misheva

Under the Radar

By: Emilia Misheva

Narrated by: Flora Montgomery

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of autism? Often, it's a boy who struggles with friendships, but who loves trains and is great at maths. While this may reflect the experiences of some autistic people, in recent years research and first-hand accounts have shown that many others don't conform to this image. The... Read more

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Facing Narcissistic Personalities by Fiona Chen
Facing Narcissistic Personalities
Fiona Chen
Facing Narcissistic Personalities by Fiona Chen

Facing Narcissistic Personalities

By: Fiona Chen

Narrated by: Fiona Chen

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

In a world where interpersonal relationships play a pivotal role in our personal and professional lives, understanding and navigating the complexities of human behavior is crucial. "Facing Narcissistic Personalities: Empowerment Techniques for Difficult Dynamics" is an insightful and empowering book designed to shed light on the challenging... Read more

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Narrated by: Elmer Bowman

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Dark Psychology Secrets" delves into the clandestine realm of psychological manipulation, exploring the covert techniques used by individuals to influence and control others. This book provides an in-depth understanding of dark psychology principles and equips readers with knowledge to recognize and defend against these tactics. Whether you're... Read more

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Am schönsten ist der Narzisst, wenn er hungrig ist by Julia Sommer
Am schönsten ist der Narzisst, wenn er hungrig ist
Julia Sommer
Am schönsten ist der Narzisst, wenn er hungrig ist by Julia Sommer

Am schönsten ist der Narzisst, wenn er hungrig ist

By: Julia Sommer

Narrated by: Livia Klein

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

In einer toxischen Beziehung gefangen zu sein, ist mit großer Angst, Scham und Trauer verbunden. Oft ist das Erlebte für die Betroffenen so übermächtig, dass es in eine Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung ausarten kann. Sich Hilfe von außen zu holen ist für die Betroffenen meist ein schwieriges Unterfangen, da sie von ihrem narzisstischen... Read more

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El efecto Pigmalión: cómo transformar las expectativas en realidad by Juanjo Ramos
El efecto Pigmalión: cómo transformar las expectativas en realidad
Juanjo Ramos
El efecto Pigmalión: cómo transformar las expectativas en realidad by Juanjo Ramos

El efecto Pigmalión: cómo transformar las expectativas en realidad

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Y si te dijera que tienes un superpoder oculto? Uno capaz de transformar vidas, impulsar carreras y desencadenar potenciales inexplorados. No, no es telepatía ni la capacidad de volar. Es algo aún más extraordinario si cabe: el poder de tus expectativas.En 'El efecto Pigmalión: cómo transformar las expectativas en realidad', descubrirás el... Read more

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La Teoría del Inconsciente de Sigmund Freud by Sigmund Freud
La Teoría del Inconsciente de Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
La Teoría del Inconsciente de Sigmund Freud by Sigmund Freud

La Teoría del Inconsciente de Sigmund Freud

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

La teoría del inconsciente fue elaborada por Sigmund Freud y consiste en analizar el inconsciente de las personas para, así, comprender los problemas, comportamientos, sentimientos y formas de pensar que existen en la actualidad.Antes de que los científicos determinaran la existencia de otra clase de inconsciente, Sigmund Freud estableció esta... Read more

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Narrated by: Eloise Wilson

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults: Practical Strategies for Positive Mental Health and Well-Being" is your comprehensive guide to understanding and applying the transformative principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to enhance your mental health and overall quality of life.Inside this insightful guide, you'll explore: CBT... Read more

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The Narcissist’s Maze by Jordan Malik
The Narcissist’s Maze
Jordan Malik
The Narcissist’s Maze by Jordan Malik

The Narcissist’s Maze

By: Jordan Malik

Narrated by: Jordan Malik

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Welcome to "The Narcissist's Maze: A Guide to Recognizing and Dealing with Narcissism." In the intricate web of human relationships, navigating the complexities of narcissism can be a challenging journey. This book serves as a compass, offering insights and practical guidance to help you recognize the subtle signs, understand the intricate... Read more

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Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person by Cathy Wassell
Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person
Cathy Wassell
Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person by Cathy Wassell

Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person

By: Cathy Wassell

Narrated by: Cathy Wassell

Length: 8 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

As the parent of a child recognised as autistic as a pre-teen or teen, it can often feel difficult to find the answers you need. Children who make it to late primary/early secondary age before being picked up by the system tend to present with traits that are harder to spot, meaning it can be harder to engage professionals in the diagnostic... Read more

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Quiet - Abridged by Susan Cain
Quiet - Abridged
Susan Cain
Quiet - Abridged by Susan Cain

Quiet - Abridged

By: Susan Cain

Narrated by: Jade Monroe

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
"Quiet" explores introversion and its strengths in a world that often favors extroversion. The authors delve into societal biases, workplace dynamics, and personal growth strategies. Through anecdotes and research, they highlight the power of introverts in leadership and... Read more

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The War of Art - Abridged by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art - Abridged
Steven Pressfield
The War of Art - Abridged by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art - Abridged

By: Steven Pressfield

Narrated by: Dorian Hale

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
"The War of Art" delves into the struggle faced by artists in their creative endeavors, exploring resistance and the methods to overcome it. It offers insights into motivation, discipline, and the creative process, emphasizing perseverance and dedication. The authors... Read more

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Screw Meditation! by Sue Belton
Screw Meditation!
Sue Belton
Screw Meditation! by Sue Belton

Screw Meditation!

By: Sue Belton

Narrated by: Sue Belton

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Sue Belton is an award-winning leadership coach, bestselling author and speaker who specializes in coaching senior corporate leaders worldwide. Her clients are successful, smart, ambitious and high-achieving professionals in demanding leadership roles. Invariably, they are always ‘on’, working 60-80 hour weeks... plus evenings, plus weekends,... Read more

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Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness by Laura Bennett
Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness
Laura Bennett
Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness by Laura Bennett

Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness

By: Laura Bennett

Narrated by: Laura Bennett

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

"Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Enhancing Your EQ" takes readers on an eye-opening adventure into the world of emotional intelligence (EQ) to maximize their potential in all aspects of life. This book provides a thorough guide for readers to understand and manage their... Read more

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