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قوانين الخرائط الذهنية طريقك نحو ذاكرة قوية by محمد سلامة
قوانين الخرائط الذهنية طريقك نحو ذاكرة قوية
محمد سلامة
قوانين الخرائط الذهنية طريقك نحو ذاكرة قوية by محمد سلامة

قوانين الخرائط الذهنية طريقك نحو ذاكرة قوية

By: محمد سلامة

Narrated by: رنا الخطيب

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

تعتبر الخرائط الذهنية واحدة من أحدث وسائل التعبير عن الأفكار وذلك عن طريق رسم مخطط وهمي أو حقيقي باستخدام الكتابة والرموز، الصور والألوان لربط معاني معينة مع بعضها البعض ليسهل تذكرها فيما بعد. وهنا يقوم كتاب " قوانين الخرائط الذهنية طريقك نحو ذاكرة قوية" بتوظيف الخرائط الذهنية للحصول على ذاكرة حديدية وزيادة معدَّل الذكاء، فالذاكرة والذكاء هو ما... Read more

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الطفل المدلل by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
الطفل المدلل
د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
الطفل المدلل by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

الطفل المدلل

By: د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

Narrated by: رنا الخطيب

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

هل تعلم بأنَّ قناعتك بأنّك مُلزم بتأمين كل طلبات طفلك وإرضاءه باستمرار هو خطاٌ تربويٌ فادح!! وهل تعلم أيضًا أنّك تدمر طفلك إذا كنت تحيطه بشتى أنواع الرعاية والحماية والمراقبة، نعم بل وتقتل أيّ فرصة لديه ليكون صانع قرار يومًا ما وسيبقى معتمدًا على غيره طوال الوقت. هذا لا يعني بالضرورة أن تكون متشددًا مع طفلكَ فخير الأمور أوسطها، لكنَّ الدلال... Read more

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Organizational Development by Introbooks Team
Organizational Development
Introbooks Team
Organizational Development by Introbooks Team

Organizational Development

By: Introbooks Team

Narrated by: Andrea Giordani

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Think of any organization to which you belong, there are many which you could tell such as the company which has hired you or some volunteer group or even anon-governmental organization. Many other organizations have a direct or indirect effect on your functioning such as state government or a hospital. Even a bank has some influence on you. By... Read more

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Cómo Criar Hijos Tiranos. Manual de antiayuda para padres de niños y adolescentes by Margarita Herrero de Vega & Mark Beyebach
Cómo Criar Hijos Tiranos. Manual de antiayuda para padres de niños y adolescentes
Margarita Herrero de Vega & Mark Beyebach
Cómo Criar Hijos Tiranos. Manual de antiayuda para padres de niños y adolescentes by Margarita Herrero de Vega & Mark Beyebach

Cómo Criar Hijos Tiranos. Manual de antiayuda para padres de niños y adolescentes

By: Margarita Herrero de Vega & Mark Beyebach

Narrated by: Isaac Baltanás

Length: 2 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

A lo largo de sus 25 años de experiencia como terapeutas familiares, Mark Beyebach y Marga Herrero de Vega han comprobado una y otra vez hasta qué punto los padres se esfuerzan por educar bien a los hijos, por criar personas cariñosas y honestas, ciudadanos responsables y solidarios. Pero también han observado que a menudo esas mismas buenas... Read more

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Child Psychology by Introbooks Team
Child Psychology
Introbooks Team
Child Psychology by Introbooks Team

Child Psychology

By: Introbooks Team

Narrated by: Andrea Giordani

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

An overview of a child’s psychology, the processes a child’s brain and body go through while becoming a young adult. All the factors that matter and are taken into account when it comes to studying child development. Its growth since child psychology was first mentioned in the history. The theories proposed by great psychologists which explain... Read more

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White Privilege Unmasked by Judy Ryde
White Privilege Unmasked
Judy Ryde
White Privilege Unmasked by Judy Ryde

White Privilege Unmasked

By: Judy Ryde

Narrated by: Fenella Fudge

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

A primer on understanding white privilege, with strategies for breaking down race barriers in professional organizations.

All white people understand cultural differences from a platform of relative privilege, affecting their personal and professional interactions. How should they respond when confronted with this knowledge? This introductory... Read more

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Psicología oscura: Lo que las personas maquiavélicas poderosas saben, y usted no, sobre persuasión, control mental, manipulación, negociación, engaño, conducta humana y guerra psicológica by Steven Turner
Psicología oscura: Lo que las personas maquiavélicas poderosas saben, y usted no, sobre persuasión, control mental, manipulación, negociación, engaño, conducta humana y guerra psicológica
Steven Turner
Psicología oscura: Lo que las personas maquiavélicas poderosas saben, y usted no, sobre persuasión, control mental, manipulación, negociación, engaño, conducta humana y guerra psicológica by Steven Turner

Psicología oscura: Lo que las personas maquiavélicas poderosas saben, y usted no, sobre persuasión, control mental, manipulación, negociación, engaño, conducta humana y guerra psicológica

By: Steven Turner

Narrated by: Ernesto Tissot

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Alguna vez ha sido sometido al comportamiento doloroso y dañino de gente que parece no tener escrúpulos? ¿Alguna vez ha sido la víctima del humor negativo concebido para meterse con sus puntos débiles y hacerle vulnerable? ¿Le gustaría saber cómo protegerse frente a estas estrategias oscuras para evitar ser manipulado o arrastrado a su realidad... Read more

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Truth or Die by Katerina Diamond
Truth or Die
Katerina Diamond
Truth or Die by Katerina Diamond

Truth or Die

By: Katerina Diamond

Narrated by: Stevie Lacey

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

The #1 bestseller will keep you on the edge of your seat with a twisty, gripping crime thriller. Perfect for fans of Karin Slaughter and Angela Marsons. ‘All hail the new Queen of Crime’ Heat Their darkest secrets won’t stay buried forever… The butchered... Read more

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Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge, PhD & Howard Rheingold
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
Stephen LaBerge, PhD & Howard Rheingold
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge, PhD & Howard Rheingold

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming

By: Stephen LaBerge, PhD & Howard Rheingold

Narrated by: Keith Sellon-Wright

Length: 10 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Lucid Dreaming—conscious awareness during the dream state—is an exhilarating experience. Because the world you are experiencing is one of your own creation, you can do the impossible and consciously influence the outcome of your dreams.

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming goes far beyond the confines of pop dream psychology, establishing a... Read more

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When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home:How All of Us Can Help Veterans by PAULA J. CAPLAN
When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home:How All of Us Can Help Veterans
When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home:How All of Us Can Help Veterans by PAULA J. CAPLAN

When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home:How All of Us Can Help Veterans


Narrated by: PAULA J. CAPLAN

Length: 11 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Traumatized veterans are often diagnosed as suffering from a psychiatric disorder and prescribed a regimen of psychotherapy and psychiatric drugs. But why, asks psychologist Paula J. Caplan in this impassioned book, is it a mental illness to be devastated by war or other intolerable experiences such as military sexual assault? What is a mentally... Read more

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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE : 21 Effective Tips To Boost Your Eq (A Practical Guide To Mastering Emotions, Improving Social Skills & Fulfilling Relationships For A Happy And Successful Life ) by Alison L. Alverson
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE : 21 Effective Tips To Boost Your Eq (A Practical Guide To Mastering Emotions, Improving Social Skills & Fulfilling Relationships For A Happy And Successful Life )
Alison L. Alverson
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE : 21 Effective Tips To Boost Your Eq (A Practical Guide To Mastering Emotions, Improving Social Skills & Fulfilling Relationships For A Happy And Successful Life ) by Alison L. Alverson

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE : 21 Effective Tips To Boost Your Eq (A Practical Guide To Mastering Emotions, Improving Social Skills & Fulfilling Relationships For A Happy And Successful Life )

By: Alison L. Alverson

Narrated by: Miriam Webster

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

If you want to fulfill your emotional potential and create a content life full of strong and rewarding relationships, then keep reading …Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something in the heat of the moment that you later regretted?Perhaps you laid awake all night wondering why you had spoken or acted in this wayCan you recall more... Read more

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Civilization and Its Discontents, Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud
Civilization and Its Discontents, Totem and Taboo
Sigmund Freud
Civilization and Its Discontents, Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud

Civilization and Its Discontents, Totem and Taboo

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Martyn Swain

Length: 9 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is remembered as the father of psychoanalysis. Civilization and Its Discontents (1930) is one of his key works. In it he considers the conflict between the needs of the individual acting both egotistically and altruistically in the pursuit of happiness and the myriad demands of civilised society and the ensuing tensions... Read more

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Nichtraucher werden by Tanja Kohl
Nichtraucher werden
Tanja Kohl
Nichtraucher werden by Tanja Kohl

Nichtraucher werden

By: Tanja Kohl

Narrated by: Tanja Kohl

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Sie möchten das Rauchen einschränken oder komplett damit aufhören? Sie haben womöglich schon länger versucht Nichtraucher zu werden? Womöglich gehören Sie zu den Menschen, welche eine Zigarette in gewissen Situationen durchaus genießen können, es danach aber gerne wieder sein lassen würden. Nehmen Sie endgültig Abschied von dieser schlechten... Read more

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كيف تتعامل مع طفلك الحسي الإدراكي by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
كيف تتعامل مع طفلك الحسي الإدراكي
د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
كيف تتعامل مع طفلك الحسي الإدراكي by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

كيف تتعامل مع طفلك الحسي الإدراكي

By: د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

Narrated by: رنا الخطيب

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

هل يعاندك طفلك بجميع تصرفاته ويصرّ على فعل أمور أكبر من طاقاته وعمره؟ هل يكره النظام ولا يتقبل بعض العبارات بل يتحدّاها؟ هل يحبّ طفلك اتخاذ القرارات كاختيار ملابسه ونوع الطعام الذي يريده والأماكن التي يودّ الذهاب إليها؟ لا تقلق فطفلك يصنَّف تحت نمط الحسّي الإدراكي وهذا النوع يكون كلامه مباشر وواضح، يفضّل الوصف الدقيق والمحدّد للأشياء يحاول... Read more

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Inteligencia Emocional: Cómo aumentar su EQ, mejorar sus habilidades sociales, la autoconciencia, las relaciones, el carisma, la autodisciplina, ser empático y aprender PNL by Steven Turner
Inteligencia Emocional: Cómo aumentar su EQ, mejorar sus habilidades sociales, la autoconciencia, las relaciones, el carisma, la autodisciplina, ser empático y aprender PNL
Steven Turner
Inteligencia Emocional: Cómo aumentar su EQ, mejorar sus habilidades sociales, la autoconciencia, las relaciones, el carisma, la autodisciplina, ser empático y aprender PNL by Steven Turner

Inteligencia Emocional: Cómo aumentar su EQ, mejorar sus habilidades sociales, la autoconciencia, las relaciones, el carisma, la autodisciplina, ser empático y aprender PNL

By: Steven Turner

Narrated by: Ernesto Tissot

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Si usted desea aumentar lo que los expertos llaman el predictor número 1 de éxito profesional y personal, entonces siga leyendo...¿Usted quiere saber cómo funciona EQ y quién lo tiene?¿Usted quiere saber si la tiene?¿Le gustaría saber cómo aumentar su EQ para que usted pueda experimentar el increíble impacto que puede tener en su vida?Si es así,... Read more

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Aspergirls by Rudy Simone
Rudy Simone
Aspergirls by Rudy Simone


By: Rudy Simone

Narrated by: Lucie McNeil

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Award winning handbook for girls and women on the autism spectrum, perceptive and wise reflections and advice .

*Gold Medal Winner in the Sexuality / Relationships Category of the 2011 IPPY Awards*

* Honorary Mention in the 2010 BOTYA Awards Women's Issues Category *

The award-winning handbook for girls and women on the autism spectrum, perceptive... Read more

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The First Kiss by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
The First Kiss
Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
The First Kiss by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.

The First Kiss

By: Daryl Chow, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Daryl Chow, Ph.D.

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Many clients take the first step to see a psychotherapist and do not return after the first session. Why do people disengage so early, when we have so much to offer? One of the key reasons is that we are too focused on conducting an Intake instead of finding a way to Give.
We have to find ways to deepen the engagement with our clients right from... Read more

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Hormonal by Eleanor Morgan
Eleanor Morgan
Hormonal by Eleanor Morgan


By: Eleanor Morgan

Narrated by: Eleanor Morgan

Length: 7 hours

Abridged: No

'The essential hormone handbook . . . it should be made part of the core curriculum up and down the land' STYLIST

'Both fascinating and a huge relief' GRAZIA

HORMONAL explores everything from contraception to PMS, in relation to anxiety, depression and taboos about hysteria and the 'hormonal' woman. It is a compelling portrait of the modern... Read more

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Leben verstehen - Zutaten & Bausteine by Markus Klepper
Leben verstehen - Zutaten & Bausteine
Markus Klepper
Leben verstehen - Zutaten & Bausteine by Markus Klepper

Leben verstehen - Zutaten & Bausteine

By: Markus Klepper

Narrated by: Markus Klepper

Length: 12 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Unser Leben gleicht oft einem Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Manchmal stehen wir ratlos vor seinen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. Dann fällt es schwer, unsere "PS auf die Straße" zu bringen und die eigenen Ziele zu verwirklichen. Denn ohne ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Zusammenhänge und "Geheimnisse" ist es schwer, Erfüllung und Lebensglück zu... Read more

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Strahlendgrau by Carolin Wett
Carolin Wett
Strahlendgrau by Carolin Wett


By: Carolin Wett

Narrated by: Carolin Wett

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

"strahlendgrau" ist ein Buch voller Fragen, die uns unterstützen in den richtigen Situationen kritisch und dennoch anerkennend auf unser eigenes Leben zu schauen und die Antworten da zu suchen, wo sie zu suchen sind - in uns selbst. Read more

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The Brink of Being by Julia Bueno
The Brink of Being
Julia Bueno
The Brink of Being by Julia Bueno

The Brink of Being

By: Julia Bueno

Narrated by: Polly Lee & Julia Bueno

Length: 9 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

"Wise and compassionate . . . a profound game-changer of a book." --Caroline Leavitt, author of Pictures of You

Though approximately one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage, it remains a rarely talked about, under-researched, and largely misunderstood area of women's health. This profoundly necessary book--the first comprehensive portrait of... Read more

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Jag kan inte sova by Karin Henriksson
Jag kan inte sova
Karin Henriksson
Jag kan inte sova by Karin Henriksson

Jag kan inte sova

By: Karin Henriksson

Narrated by: Sofia Watts

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Karin Henriksson pratar om en av människans största behov – att sova. Hon berättar om människors sovvanor idag, om farorna som kan uppstå vid sömnbrist, och om orsaker till störningar. Hon förklarar kosten och motionens betydelse i våra liv, och hur sovmiljön påverkar oss. Men det handlar också om drömmar, och om metoder som kognitiv... Read more

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Self-Esteem by Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning
Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning
Self-Esteem by Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning


By: Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning

Narrated by: Gillian Vance

Length: 13 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

If you struggle with low self-esteem, or you’re seeking positive and effective ways of building a healthy sense of self-worth, this much-anticipated fourth edition of the best-selling classic by Matthew McKay is your go-to guide. This fully revised edition features an innovative application of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to... Read more

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مرحلة الرشد ما بعد عمر 21 سنة by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
مرحلة الرشد ما بعد عمر 21 سنة
د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
مرحلة الرشد ما بعد عمر 21 سنة by د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

مرحلة الرشد ما بعد عمر 21 سنة

By: د. محمد أحمد عبد الجواد

Narrated by: بيان وهبة

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

هل يبقى الإنسان طفلًا مهما تقدَّم به العمر؟!!....ربّما نعم في نظر والديه ! يمر الإنسان خلال حياته بأطوار مختلفة ومراحل متتابعة ومن الطبيعي أن تكون لكل مرحلة خصائصها وسماتها، بل ومشكلاتها الخاصة. ولأنَّ الأهل يحملون همَ أبناءهم إلى الأبد ويعتقدون أنَّ من واجبهم رعايتهم والاهتمام بشؤونهم والتعرَّف على احتياجاتهم وخصائص كلّ مرحلةٍ عمرية يمرّون بها... Read more

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