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The Inkblots by Damion Searls
The Inkblots
Damion Searls
The Inkblots by Damion Searls

The Inkblots

By: Damion Searls

Narrated by: Paul Boehmer

Length: 15 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

The captivating, untold story of Hermann Rorschach and his famous inkblot test
In 1917, working alone in a remote Swiss asylum, psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach devised an experiment to probe the human mind: a set of ten carefully designed inkblots. For years he had grappled with the theories of Freud and Jung while also absorbing the aesthetic... Read more

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Shrinking Violets by Joe Moran
Shrinking Violets
Joe Moran
Shrinking Violets by Joe Moran

Shrinking Violets

By: Joe Moran

Narrated by: Matthew Lloyd Davies

Length: 8 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Shyness is a pervasive human trait: even most extroverts know what it is like to stand tongue-tied at the fringe of an unfamiliar group or flush with embarrassment at being the unwelcome center of attention. And yet the cultural history of shyness has remained largely unwritten—until now.

With incisiveness, passion, and humor, Joe Moran offers... Read more

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Den inneren Kompass finden - Abridged by Matthias Wengenroth
Den inneren Kompass finden - Abridged
Matthias Wengenroth
Den inneren Kompass finden - Abridged by Matthias Wengenroth

Den inneren Kompass finden - Abridged

By: Matthias Wengenroth

Narrated by: Christian Bergmann

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Innere Zufriedenheit, Wohlbefinden, einfach ein glückliches Leben – danach streben die meisten Menschen. Nicht selten aber versperren schwierige Gedanken und Gefühle den Weg dorthin und führen in die genau entgegengesetzte Richtung: zu Unzufriedenheit, Leid und Hoffnungslosigkeit. Matthias Wengenroth zeigt, wie Sie auf den für Sie persönlich... Read more

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... und ständig tickt die Selbstwertbombe - Abridged by Harlich H. Stavemann
... und ständig tickt die Selbstwertbombe - Abridged
Harlich H. Stavemann
... und ständig tickt die Selbstwertbombe - Abridged by Harlich H. Stavemann

... und ständig tickt die Selbstwertbombe - Abridged

By: Harlich H. Stavemann

Narrated by: Christian Rüdiger Knebel

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Haben Sie auch schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, ob Sie ein "guter" oder ein "wertvoller" Mensch sind? Haben Sie sich schon öfter schlecht gefühlt, weil Sie glaubten, nicht "gut genug" oder "nicht wertvoll" zu sein? Dahinter steckt vermutlich ein Selbstwertproblem. Harlich H. Stavemann erklärt die Gründe und Konsequenzen von... Read more

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Mit allen Sinnen genießen - Abridged by Eva Koppenhöfer
Mit allen Sinnen genießen - Abridged
Eva Koppenhöfer
Mit allen Sinnen genießen - Abridged by Eva Koppenhöfer

Mit allen Sinnen genießen - Abridged

By: Eva Koppenhöfer

Narrated by: Ulla Evrahr

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bewusstes genussvolles Erleben kann helfen, im Lot zu bleiben: Wer in seiner aktuellen Lebenslage immer wieder oder gar ausschließlich mit belastenden Anforderungen konfrontiert ist, kann durch eine Erhöhung der Genussfähigkeit negativem Stresserleben entgegenwirken. Dieser Audio-Ratgeber hilft zu erfassen, was genau Genuss eigentlich ist. Er... Read more

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Das Glückspuzzle - Abridged by Bea Engelmann
Das Glückspuzzle - Abridged
Bea Engelmann
Das Glückspuzzle - Abridged by Bea Engelmann

Das Glückspuzzle - Abridged

By: Bea Engelmann

Narrated by: Ulla Evrahr

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Streben nach Glück ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Immer schon denken Menschen darüber nach, was Glück ist und wie sie glücklich werden können. Und auch wenn es den einen Weg zum Glück vielleicht nicht gibt, sicher ist: Es gibt Ihren Weg zum Glück! Ihr ganz persönliches Glückspuzzle besteht aus (mindestens) sieben Teilen:... Read more

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Nur Mut! - Abridged by Bea Engelmann
Nur Mut! - Abridged
Bea Engelmann
Nur Mut! - Abridged by Bea Engelmann

Nur Mut! - Abridged

By: Bea Engelmann

Narrated by: Ulla Evrahr

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Auf den Kopf hören oder doch lieber dem Bauchgefühl vertrauen? In unserem Leben stehen wir immer wieder vor großen und kleinen Entscheidungen und müssen die »richtige« Alternative für uns wählen. Das ist nicht immer einfach und so manche Entscheidungen erfordern eine gehörige Portion Mut. Die gute Nachricht ist: Mut können Sie lernen! Bea... Read more

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Frei von Zwängen - Abridged by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub
Frei von Zwängen - Abridged
Sigrun Schmidt-Traub
Frei von Zwängen - Abridged by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Frei von Zwängen - Abridged

By: Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Narrated by: Markus Hoffmann

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Sei es übertriebenes Händewaschen oder Aufräumen, sei es die ständige Kontrolle, ob Türen verschlossen oder Wasserhähne zugedreht sind – zwanghafte Verhaltensweisen und Rituale sind für die betroffenen Personen unangenehm, anstrengend und belasten das tägliche Leben. Mit Kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie lassen sich Zwänge gut behandeln. Die... Read more

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Ängste loslassen - Abridged by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub
Ängste loslassen - Abridged
Sigrun Schmidt-Traub
Ängste loslassen - Abridged by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Ängste loslassen - Abridged

By: Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Narrated by: Ulrike Hübschmann

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Angststörungen, die für die Betroffenen sehr belastend sind, gehören zu den häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen, etwa 15% aller Menschen sind im Laufe ihres Lebens einmal betroffen. Dabei zählen sowohl die Panikstörung und Agoraphobie als auch die Soziale Phobie und spezifische Phobien zu den behandlungsbedürftigen Ängsten. Die Autorin... Read more

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Frustkiller und Schweinehundbesieger - Abridged by Harlich H. Stavemann
Frustkiller und Schweinehundbesieger - Abridged
Harlich H. Stavemann
Frustkiller und Schweinehundbesieger - Abridged by Harlich H. Stavemann

Frustkiller und Schweinehundbesieger - Abridged

By: Harlich H. Stavemann

Narrated by: Markus Hoffmann

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Im Bereich »Geringe Frustrationstoleranz und Aufschieberitis« geht es um Menschen, die darunter leiden, dass sie sich andauernd und heftig über andere, über Ereignisse oder das Schicksal ärgern, weil sie Realitäten nicht akzeptieren können (»Geringe Frustrationstoleranz«) oder weil sie sich nicht dazu aufraffen können, das zu tun, was sie... Read more

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Das Leben verschlingen - Abridged by Simone Munsch & Andrea Wyssen
Das Leben verschlingen - Abridged
Simone Munsch & Andrea Wyssen
Das Leben verschlingen - Abridged by Simone Munsch & Andrea Wyssen

Das Leben verschlingen - Abridged

By: Simone Munsch & Andrea Wyssen

Narrated by: Ulrike Hübschmann

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Die Binge-Eating-Störung (BES) ist durch wiederholte Essanfälle gekennzeichnet. Auslöser können Stress und Frustration, aber auch Einsamkeit oder Trauer sein. Gemeinsam ist allen Betroffenen, dass ihnen die Kontrolle über das Essen entgleitet. Auf diesem Audio-Ratgeber leisten Simone Munsch und Andrea Wyssen »erste Hilfe« bei Essanfällen. Neben... Read more

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Andere Wege gehen. - Abridged by Laura Seebauer & Gitta Jacob
Andere Wege gehen. - Abridged
Laura Seebauer & Gitta Jacob
Andere Wege gehen. - Abridged by Laura Seebauer & Gitta Jacob

Andere Wege gehen. - Abridged

By: Laura Seebauer & Gitta Jacob

Narrated by: Dominik Jäckel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Immer wieder macht man dieselben Fehler, tappt in dieselben Fallen – denn bestimmte Lebensmuster sind hartnäckig und schwer zu verändern. Die Schematherapie hilft, solche Muster zu erkennen und sie so zu verändern, dass man sich besser fühlt und besser für sich und seine Bedürfnisse sorgen kann. In der Audio-Fassung behandeln Laura Seebauer und... Read more

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The Verbal Behavior Approach by Mary Lynch Barbera
The Verbal Behavior Approach
Mary Lynch Barbera
The Verbal Behavior Approach by Mary Lynch Barbera

The Verbal Behavior Approach

By: Mary Lynch Barbera

Narrated by: Jen Gosnell

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

A step-by-step guide on how to help children develop language and speaking skills.

The Verbal Behavior (VB) approach is a form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), that is based on B.F. Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and works particularly well with children with minimal or no speech abilities. In this book Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera draws on... Read more

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Blue Bottle Mystery by Kathy Hoopmann
Blue Bottle Mystery
Kathy Hoopmann
Blue Bottle Mystery by Kathy Hoopmann

Blue Bottle Mystery

By: Kathy Hoopmann

Narrated by: Renee Schlim

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

The well-loved adventure story about a boy with Asperger's who finds a mysterious magic bottle...

This is a warm, fun-filled fantasy story for children with a difference: the hero is Ben, a boy with Asperger Syndrome. When Ben and his friend Andy find an old bottle in the school yard, they little realize the surprises about to be unleashed in... Read more

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Introduction to the Psychology of Ageing for Non-Specialists by Ian Stuart-Hamilton
Introduction to the Psychology of Ageing for Non-Specialists
Ian Stuart-Hamilton
Introduction to the Psychology of Ageing for Non-Specialists by Ian Stuart-Hamilton

Introduction to the Psychology of Ageing for Non-Specialists

By: Ian Stuart-Hamilton

Narrated by: Derek Perkins

Length: 7 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

The complete primer for non-specialists on the psychology of ageing.

Whether you provide care for older people, or you are simply interested in ageing, this complete primer on the psychology of ageing explains the key issues clearly and concisely. Beginning with explanations of ageing, life expectancy and demographics, it goes on to discuss the... Read more

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Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini
Robert Cialdini
Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini


By: Robert Cialdini

Narrated by: Matthias Lühn

Length: 9 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

So bekommen Sie, was Sie wollen! Immer wieder kommen Sie in Situationen, in denen Sie andere in ihrem Verhalten beeinflussen wollen. Ihr Kunde soll den Kaufvertrag unterschreiben oder Ihr Kind soll Vokabeln lernen. Egal wie: Die anderen sollen sich von uns überzeugen lassen und endlich Ja sagen. Doch wie bringen wir sie dazu? Der... Read more

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How Women Run Circles Around Men by Blaine Williams
How Women Run Circles Around Men
Blaine Williams
How Women Run Circles Around Men by Blaine Williams

How Women Run Circles Around Men

By: Blaine Williams

Narrated by: Kimberly Bush

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Women have long been very manipulative toward men. So much so, in fact, that most men consider women to be manipulative by nature. There are a lot of reasons why women are manipulative, but you do not have to tolerate this behavior. As a human being, you have basic rights that manipulation violates. You need to stick up for yourself and refuse... Read more

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Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id by Sigmund Freud
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id
Sigmund Freud
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id by Sigmund Freud

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Derek Le Page

Length: 8 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Here are three key works by Sigmund Freud which, published in the first decades of the 20th century, underpinned his developing views and had such a dramatic effect on world society. In the uncompromising Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905), he declared that 'sexual aberrations' are not limited to the insane but exist in 'normal'... Read more

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The Champion Mindset by Joanna Zeiger
The Champion Mindset
Joanna Zeiger
The Champion Mindset by Joanna Zeiger

The Champion Mindset

By: Joanna Zeiger

Narrated by: Joanna Zeiger

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

An in-depth mental motivational audiobook for all athletes from Olympian Dr. Joanna Zeiger that offers game-changing strategies for programming your brain to achieve physical excellence.

Champions, as the familiar adage preaches, are not born—they're made. Reaching the top of any sport, or any aspect of life, takes years upon years of dedication... Read more

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Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children by Roberta Michnick Golink,  PhD; Kathy Hirsh-Pasek &  PhD
Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children
Roberta Michnick Golink, PhD; Kathy Hirsh-Pase...
Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children by Roberta Michnick Golink,  PhD; Kathy Hirsh-Pasek &  PhD

Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children

By: Roberta Michnick Golink, PhD; Kathy Hirsh-Pase...

Narrated by: Allyson Ryan

Length: 8 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

A New York Times Bestseller!

Bronze medal winner of the Living Now Book Awards for Parenting!

In just a few years, today's children and teens will forge careers that look nothing like those that were available to their parents or grandparents. While the U.S. economy becomes ever more information-driven, our system of education seems stuck... Read more

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Mindful Hypnobirthing by Sophie Fletcher
Mindful Hypnobirthing
Sophie Fletcher
Mindful Hypnobirthing by Sophie Fletcher

Mindful Hypnobirthing

By: Sophie Fletcher

Narrated by: Sophie Fletcher

Length: 10 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Random House presents the unabridged, downloadable audio edition of Mindful Hypnobirthing: Hypnosis and Mindfulness Techniques for a Calm and Confident Birth by Sophie Fletcher, read by the author.

Hypnotherapist and experienced doula Sophie Fletcher shares with you the secrets to having a safe, natural and positive birth. Using a powerful... Read more

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Can't Just Stop by Sharon Begley
Can't Just Stop
Sharon Begley
Can't Just Stop by Sharon Begley

Can't Just Stop

By: Sharon Begley

Narrated by: Amanda Carlin

Length: 10 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Using in-depth case studies, Can’t Just Stop examines the science behind both mild and extreme compulsive behavior—“a fascinating read about human behavior and how it can go haywire” (The Charlotte Observer).

Whether shopping with military precision or hanging the tea towels just so, compulsion is something most of us have witnessed in daily... Read more

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The Hungry Brain by Stephan J. Guyenet, Ph.D.
The Hungry Brain
Stephan J. Guyenet, Ph.D.
The Hungry Brain by Stephan J. Guyenet, Ph.D.

The Hungry Brain

By: Stephan J. Guyenet, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Aaron Abano

Length: 9 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year

From an obesity and neuroscience researcher with a knack for engaging, humorous storytelling, The Hungry Brain uses cutting-edge science to answer the questions: why do we overeat, and what can we do about it?

No one wants to overeat. And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and... Read more

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Children of color with autism face disparities of care and isolation by PBS NewsHour
Children of color with autism face disparities of care and isolation
PBS NewsHour
Children of color with autism face disparities of care and isolation by PBS NewsHour

Children of color with autism face disparities of care and isolation

By: PBS NewsHour

Narrated by: PBS NewsHour

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

African-American children are often diagnosed with autism at older ages than white children, missing years of potential intervention and treatment. Special correspondent John Donvan and producer Karen Zucker meet a black family who struggled to find community and resources for their son with autism, but are now helping others who need answers... Read more

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