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Psicología de las masas: cómo nos manipulan by Juanjo Ramos
Psicología de las masas: cómo nos manipulan
Juanjo Ramos
Psicología de las masas: cómo nos manipulan by Juanjo Ramos

Psicología de las masas: cómo nos manipulan

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué las personas actúan de manera tan diferente en grupos grandes? ¿O cómo ciertos líderes, marcas o movimientos capturan la mente colectiva y son capaces de mover a las multitudes en la dirección que quieren?
Vivimos en una era donde la información fluye más rápidamente que nunca, y donde las masas, ya sea en... Read more

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No Time To Get Angry For Anyone, I Have My Best Life To Live… by The Winning Woman
No Time To Get Angry For Anyone, I Have My Best Life To Live…
The Winning Woman
No Time To Get Angry For Anyone, I Have My Best Life To Live… by The Winning Woman

No Time To Get Angry For Anyone, I Have My Best Life To Live…

By: The Winning Woman

Narrated by: Jessica Geffen

Length: 4 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

At times, it can feel almost impossible not to become angry.Whether it’s with a person, an event, or unforeseen circumstances, we all find ourselves starting to get very angry from time to time!But some people are much better at handling these feelings of anger than others.Perhaps you struggle to prevent your anger from taking control of you,... Read more

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Manipulation Mentale: Techniques Pratiques Pour se Défendre Contre les Profiteurs, les Narcissiques et les Traîtres by Alexandre Dubois
Manipulation Mentale: Techniques Pratiques Pour se Défendre Contre les Profiteurs, les Narcissiques et les Traîtres
Alexandre Dubois
Manipulation Mentale: Techniques Pratiques Pour se Défendre Contre les Profiteurs, les Narcissiques et les Traîtres by Alexandre Dubois

Manipulation Mentale: Techniques Pratiques Pour se Défendre Contre les Profiteurs, les Narcissiques et les Traîtres

By: Alexandre Dubois

Narrated by: Maxime Gagnon-Laramée

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

CE LIVRE CONTIENT LES TECHNIQUES DE PERSUASION LES PLUS PUISSANTES QUE PERSONNE NE VEUT VOUS RÉVÉLER ET QUI POURRAIENT CHANGER VOTRE VIE DE FAÇON PERMANENTE... Voulez-vous découvrir comment influencer tout type de personne (y compris les narcissiques) sans le moindre effort ? Aimeriez-vous lire dans les pensées de votre interlocuteur en... Read more

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Menschen lesen und Körpersprache verstehen by Samuel Goleman
Menschen lesen und Körpersprache verstehen
Samuel Goleman
Menschen lesen und Körpersprache verstehen by Samuel Goleman

Menschen lesen und Körpersprache verstehen

By: Samuel Goleman

Narrated by: Tatjana Bluemler

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Hatten Sie in einem Gespräch schon einmal das Gefühl, dass jemand versucht, Details vor Ihnen zu verbergen?Oder einfach nur, dass man Sie anlügt?Zweifellos ist das jedem von uns schon passiert, aber unser Körper ist viel ausdrucksstärker, als wir denken. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten jemandem lesen, als wäre er ein offenes Buch.Das ist die... Read more

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The Positive Side of the Street – Ihr persönlicher Pfad zu Reichtum und Erfolg by Napoleon Hill
The Positive Side of the Street – Ihr persönlicher Pfad zu Reichtum und Erfolg
Napoleon Hill
The Positive Side of the Street – Ihr persönlicher Pfad zu Reichtum und Erfolg by Napoleon Hill

The Positive Side of the Street – Ihr persönlicher Pfad zu Reichtum und Erfolg

By: Napoleon Hill

Narrated by: Stefan Lehnen

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Mit seinem Weltbestseller "Think and Grow Rich" erlangte Napoleon Hill Bekanntheit. Doch selbst nach Abschluss seiner Erfolgsforschung und zahlreichen veröffentlichten Büchern setzte er sich nicht zur Ruhe. Nur wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod, in den 1960er-Jahren, hielt Hill zahlreiche Vorträge vor großem Publikum. Die Inhalte aus diesen bisher... Read more

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Comment analyser les gens by Samuel Goleman
Comment analyser les gens
Samuel Goleman
Comment analyser les gens by Samuel Goleman

Comment analyser les gens

By: Samuel Goleman

Narrated by: Barthelemy Heran

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Avez-vous déjà pressenti lors d’une conversation qu’on essayait de vous dissimuler des détails ? Ou bien tout simplement que l’on vous mentait ?Cette situation est, sans aucun doute, arrivée à 100 % d’entre nous, mais notre corps est bien plus expressif que nous le pensons. Imaginez qu’il vous soit possible de lire en quelqu’un comme dans un... Read more

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El método Silva de control mental by José Silva & Philip Miele
El método Silva de control mental
José Silva & Philip Miele
El método Silva de control mental by José Silva & Philip Miele

El método Silva de control mental

By: José Silva & Philip Miele

Narrated by: Carlos Torres & Adrián Ogazón

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

«La vida que siempre habías querido, a tu alcance.»
Un libro de meditación para controlar y liberar nuestra mente. Nuestros pensamientos, ideas y creencias condicionan nuestra experiencia vital. Cuando aprendemos a utilizar los recursos más profundos e invisibles de nuestro yo y realizamos cambios sencillos y positivos, podemos vivir una vida... Read more

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Do the Hard Things First: Master Self-Control by Scott Allan
Do the Hard Things First: Master Self-Control
Scott Allan
Do the Hard Things First: Master Self-Control by Scott Allan

Do the Hard Things First: Master Self-Control

By: Scott Allan

Narrated by: Joe Hempel & Brady Muth

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Master the Art of Self-Control and Achieve Lasting SuccessAre you tired of being held back by self-sabotaging behaviors? Do you find yourself constantly giving in to instant gratification instead of staying focused on your goals?If you're ready to break free from these internal limitations, it's time to master the art of self-control.Success... Read more

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Der Migräne-Detektiv by Dr. medic Roland Pfeiffer
Der Migräne-Detektiv
Dr. medic Roland Pfeiffer
Der Migräne-Detektiv by Dr. medic Roland Pfeiffer

Der Migräne-Detektiv

By: Dr. medic Roland Pfeiffer

Narrated by: Hajo Mans

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Migräne-Detektiv ist den Ursachen und der Heilung von Migräne auf der Spur. In 44 Praxisfällen entschlüsselt Dr. medic Roland Pfeiffer die Migräneursachen und zeigt Wege der Migränetherapie auf. Ein Buch für Patienten, Ärzte, Heilpraktiker und Osteopathen. Jeder Migränepatient ist individuell und jede Migräneursache ist individuell. So... Read more

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Psicodrama: transforma tu vida con la terapia del siglo XXI by Juanjo Ramos
Psicodrama: transforma tu vida con la terapia del siglo XXI
Juanjo Ramos
Psicodrama: transforma tu vida con la terapia del siglo XXI by Juanjo Ramos

Psicodrama: transforma tu vida con la terapia del siglo XXI

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Imagina un escenario donde las emociones cobran vida, donde los conflictos se desentrañan como hilos enredados y las relaciones se exploran como nunca antes. Este no es un escenario de una obra de teatro convencional, sino el fascinante mundo del psicodrama, una metodología terapéutica en la que te conviertes tanto en actor como en espectador de... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 73: Beziehungsfähig - Abridged by Verlagsgruppe Beltz
Psychologie Heute Compact 73: Beziehungsfähig - Abridged
Verlagsgruppe Beltz
Psychologie Heute Compact 73: Beziehungsfähig - Abridged by Verlagsgruppe Beltz

Psychologie Heute Compact 73: Beziehungsfähig - Abridged

By: Verlagsgruppe Beltz

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Hörbuch zu Psychologie Heute Compact 73 "Beziehungsfähig". Hier finden Sie Antworten auf viele spannende Fragen rund um das Thema Beziehungen: Warum verletzt die Betroffenen Ghosting so sehr? Kann ich mehrere Personen gleichzeitig lieben? Wann werden Sexfantasien zum Problem? Kann Paartherapie meine Beziehung retten? Im Exklusiv-Interview:... Read more

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Unlocked by Emily Grossman
Emily Grossman
Unlocked by Emily Grossman


By: Emily Grossman

Narrated by: Emily Grossman

Length: 5 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder can create suffering that goes far beyond the symptoms of the illness itself. A psychiatric diagnosis can take away a person’s confidence and even her sense of humanity.

In Unlocked, Emily Grossman, who was hospitalized a dozen times with bipolar disorder, and nearly institutionalized... Read more

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The History of Emotions by Thomas Dixon
The History of Emotions
Thomas Dixon
The History of Emotions by Thomas Dixon

The History of Emotions

By: Thomas Dixon

Narrated by: Mike Cooper

Length: 4 hours

Abridged: No

Emotions are complex mental states that resist reduction. They are visceral reactions but also beliefs about the world. They are spontaneous outbursts but also culturally learned performances. And just as our emotions in any given moment display this complex structure, so their history is plural rather than singular. The history of emotions is... Read more

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Breaking the Rules of OCD by Kim Rockwell-Evans, PhD
Breaking the Rules of OCD
Kim Rockwell-Evans, PhD
Breaking the Rules of OCD by Kim Rockwell-Evans, PhD

Breaking the Rules of OCD

By: Kim Rockwell-Evans, PhD

Narrated by: Natasha Soudek

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you may feel like you have to follow a rigid set of rules to successfully get through your day. And if you're like many others, your OCD rule list may look something like this: You must always control your internal experiences; The presence of any anxiety means you are in danger; You alone are... Read more

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El Libro Negro de la Seducción by Roberto de los Bosques
El Libro Negro de la Seducción
Roberto de los Bosques
El Libro Negro de la Seducción by Roberto de los Bosques

El Libro Negro de la Seducción

By: Roberto de los Bosques

Narrated by: Melina Colmenares

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué algunas personas parecen tener una habilidad innata para conectar, seducir y dominar socialmente mientras que otros luchan por ser escuchados? ¿Qué secretos conocen estas personas que tú no conoces? En "El Libro Negro de la Seducción: 17 Trucos Psicológicos Para Hablar, Conquistar, Enamorar, Manipular y... Read more

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Gifted and Distractible by Julie F. Skolnick
Gifted and Distractible
Julie F. Skolnick
Gifted and Distractible by Julie F. Skolnick

Gifted and Distractible

By: Julie F. Skolnick

Narrated by: Julie F. Skolnick

Length: 11 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

A practical, research-based guide that demystifies giftedness and learning differences in order to help “twice exceptional” children thrive.

Does your child exhibit giftedness and behavioral issues like meltdowns, power struggles, and difficulty relating to their peers? Are they out-of-the-box thinkers requiring different teaching and learning... Read more

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Who You Are by Judy Cha
Who You Are
Judy Cha
Who You Are by Judy Cha

Who You Are

By: Judy Cha

Narrated by: Caroline McLaughlin

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

In our culture today, the preoccupation over self-identity--or who we are--is hard to ignore. But the pursuit of self-understanding has been a recurring theme throughout human history. How many times have you asked yourself, "Who am I?"The desire to answer this question--whether it manifests in self-enhancement strategies or self-serving... Read more

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How to Handle a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath by Dr. Theresa J. Covert
How to Handle a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath
Dr. Theresa J. Covert
How to Handle a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath by Dr. Theresa J. Covert

How to Handle a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath

By: Dr. Theresa J. Covert

Narrated by: Monica Wolfkill VO LLC

Length: 4 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Still struggling from the effects of an abusive relationship?Many people do and sadly there is very little information available to be found online or in the written research, or with counsellors and therapists that can help. Narcissistic abuse is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known.Even when it is accepted, recognised and... Read more

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SLAY the Bully by Rebecca Zung, Esq.
SLAY the Bully
Rebecca Zung, Esq.
SLAY the Bully by Rebecca Zung, Esq.

SLAY the Bully

By: Rebecca Zung, Esq.

Narrated by: Rebecca Zung, Esq.

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Slay narcissists—the ultimate bullies—in negotiations by following this simple formula—developed by one of the top 1 percent of attorneys in the nation—a proven method to take you from victim to victory, without backlash!

Whether your relationship is professional or personal, narcissists have a way of honing in on their prey that is... Read more

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Monsters on the Couch by Brian A. Sharpless
Monsters on the Couch
Brian A. Sharpless
Monsters on the Couch by Brian A. Sharpless

Monsters on the Couch

By: Brian A. Sharpless

Narrated by: Matt Godfrey

Length: 9 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

From psychologist, researcher, and horror film enthusiast Brian A. Sharpless comes Monsters on the Couch, an exploration into the real-life psychological disorders behind famous horror movies. Accounts of clinical syndromes every bit as dramatic as those on the silver screen are juxtaposed with fascinating forays into the science and folklore... Read more

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If Your Adolescent Has Bipolar Disorder by Dwight L. Evans, MD, Tami D. Benton, MD & Katherine Ellison
If Your Adolescent Has Bipolar Disorder
Dwight L. Evans, MD, Tami D. Benton, MD & Kathe...
If Your Adolescent Has Bipolar Disorder by Dwight L. Evans, MD, Tami D. Benton, MD & Katherine Ellison

If Your Adolescent Has Bipolar Disorder

By: Dwight L. Evans, MD, Tami D. Benton, MD & Kathe...

Narrated by: Patryce Williams

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

While coping with teenage moodiness can be difficult under any circumstances, it can be especially challenging if a teenager has a serious mood disorder. This concise book is the definitive guide to understanding and getting effective help for adolescents with bipolar disorder, designed for parents and other adults in contact with afflicted... Read more

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HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI (with bonus article "How to Win with Machine Learning" by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb) by Harvard Business Review
HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI (with bonus article "How to Win with Machine Learning" by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb)
Harvard Business Review
HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI (with bonus article "How to Win with Machine Learning" by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb) by Harvard Business Review

HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI (with bonus article "How to Win with Machine Learning" by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb)

By: Harvard Business Review

Narrated by: Lauren Pedersen & Will Tulin

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

The next generation of AI is here—use it to lead your business forward.

If you read (or listen to) nothing else on artificial intelligence and machine learning, listen to these ten articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand the future direction of AI,... Read more

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Thriving with Anxiety by David H. Rosmarin
Thriving with Anxiety
David H. Rosmarin
Thriving with Anxiety by David H. Rosmarin

Thriving with Anxiety

By: David H. Rosmarin

Narrated by: Mark Smeby

Length: 9 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

From the founder of Center for Anxiety and Harvard associate professor David H. Rosmarin, PhD, a practical guide to transforming your anxiety from a burden to a benefit.Those of us who suffer from anxiety either exhaust ourselves trying to cure it or resign ourselves to a lifetime of fear and worry. What if, instead of fighting our anxiety, we... Read more

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When Religion Hurts You by Laura E. Anderson, PhD
When Religion Hurts You
Laura E. Anderson, PhD
When Religion Hurts You by Laura E. Anderson, PhD

When Religion Hurts You

By: Laura E. Anderson, PhD

Narrated by: Laura E. Anderson, PhD

Length: 6 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Religious trauma is something that happens far more often than most people realize. But religious trauma is trauma.

In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps listeners understand what religious trauma is and... Read more

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