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Los celos by Oslos Molina
Los celos
Oslos Molina
Los celos by Oslos Molina

Los celos

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Los celos pueden ser explicados como una emoción intensa que es experimentada cuando hay un deseo exagerado de poseer de forma exclusiva a su pareja. Se consideran celos patológicos cuando una persona invierte más del 30% de su actividad diaria en "encontrar pruebas" que justifiquen su comportamiento Read more

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The Empowerment Solution by Friedemann Schaub
The Empowerment Solution
Friedemann Schaub
The Empowerment Solution by Friedemann Schaub

The Empowerment Solution

By: Friedemann Schaub

Narrated by: Friedemann Schaub

Length: 12 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

• Discover the six keys to empowerment and take ownership of your life

• Activate the healing power of your subconscious mind to accelerate change and growth and eliminate the root causes of chronic anxiety, depression, and other limiting mental and emotional challenges

• Learn effective brain-rewiring methods and practical tools based on... Read more

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Sensory Processing Solutions by Sally Fryer Dietz
Sensory Processing Solutions
Sally Fryer Dietz
Sensory Processing Solutions by Sally Fryer Dietz

Sensory Processing Solutions

By: Sally Fryer Dietz

Narrated by: Ryan Paige

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

• Explores many non-medication therapy methods, such as Sensory Integration Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy, to help children with sensory processing disorders and other developmental glitches

• Details common signs of SPD at each developmental stage from infancy to grade school

• Presents success stories from the author’s own family and from her... Read more

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Everything You Need to Know About OCD by Dr. Lynne M. Drummond & Laura J. Edwards
Everything You Need to Know About OCD
Dr. Lynne M. Drummond & Laura J. Edwards
Everything You Need to Know About OCD by Dr. Lynne M. Drummond & Laura J. Edwards

Everything You Need to Know About OCD

By: Dr. Lynne M. Drummond & Laura J. Edwards

Narrated by: Polly Lee

Length: 11 hours

Abridged: No

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by troublesome and persistent thoughts that make you feel anxious? Do you feel an urge to wash your hands repeatedly, or check appliances over and over, to help ease your anxiety? Do you feel panicked about what might happen if you did not perform these rituals? You may be struggling with Obsessive... Read more

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Mejora tus habilidades sociales by Sebastian Mills
Mejora tus habilidades sociales
Sebastian Mills
Mejora tus habilidades sociales by Sebastian Mills

Mejora tus habilidades sociales

By: Sebastian Mills

Narrated by: Sebastian Mills

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: No

¡DESCUBRE EL PODER DE LAS CONVERSACIONES TRIVIALES Y DOMINA LA COMUNICACIÓN EFICAZ CON ESTE TRANSFORMADOR AUDIOLIBRO!"Mejora tus habilidades sociales: Domina las conversaciones triviales y desarrolla una comunicación eficaz para mejorar tus relaciones, superar tu timidez y volverte más carismático para conectar sin esfuerzo" ¡es la solución... Read more

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Cómo hacer amigos by Sebastian Mills
Cómo hacer amigos
Sebastian Mills
Cómo hacer amigos by Sebastian Mills

Cómo hacer amigos

By: Sebastian Mills

Narrated by: Sebastian Mills

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

¡DESCUBRE LA CLAVE PARA FORJAR VÍNCULOS GENUINOS, AMPLIAR TU CÍRCULO Y TRANSFORMAR TU VIDA SOCIAL CON ESTE REVELADOR AUDIOLIBRO!"Cómo hacer amigos: Aprende a sentirte cómodo hablando con los demás y amplía tu círculo social como adulto introvertido para hacer amigos auténticos, influir en las personas y tener una vida social más satisfactoria"... Read more

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Erasing the Finish Line by Ana Homayoun
Erasing the Finish Line
Ana Homayoun
Erasing the Finish Line by Ana Homayoun

Erasing the Finish Line

By: Ana Homayoun

Narrated by: Ana Homayoun

Length: 9 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Moving beyond a prescribed path for success, Erasing the Finish Line highlights the essential skills to help each young person thrive in school and life For years, we’ve been led to believe that great grades, high test scores, and college acceptance are key to a successful life. Yet our laser focus on these achievements leaves students feeling... Read more

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The Deepest Place by Curt Thompson, MD
The Deepest Place
Curt Thompson, MD
The Deepest Place by Curt Thompson, MD

The Deepest Place

By: Curt Thompson, MD

Narrated by: Tom Parks

Length: 6 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In the face of personal and global suffering, is it possible to live with hope rather than despair? Join psychiatrist, speaker, and award-winning author Curt Thompson as he shows us how God transforms our grief into a lasting peace that surpasses all understanding.Suffering is a defining reality of life. Yet so many of us are so focused on... Read more

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Leadership Is Overrated by Kyle Buckett & Chris Mefford
Leadership Is Overrated
Kyle Buckett & Chris Mefford
Leadership Is Overrated by Kyle Buckett & Chris Mefford

Leadership Is Overrated

By: Kyle Buckett & Chris Mefford

Narrated by: Jamie Renell

Length: 8 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

An award-winning pair of executive consultants reveal why to be successful, businesses need self-leading teams, not just good leadership. “In a society so obsessed with leadership, why are we so bad at it?”Despite the countless seminars, courses, and management books designed to hone good leaders, over 79% of employees leave their jobs due to... Read more

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Invloed by Ben Hartman
Ben Hartman
Invloed by Ben Hartman


By: Ben Hartman

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

In een wereld die constant evolueert en waar informatie in overvloed aanwezig is, is het vermogen om invloed uit te oefenen en anderen te overtuigen een waardevolle vaardigheid geworden. Of het nu gaat om het inspireren van je team op de werkvloer, het beïnvloeden van de beslissingen van klanten, of het overtuigen van vrienden en familieleden,... Read more

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El Eneagrama by Sania Mohan
El Eneagrama
Sania Mohan
El Eneagrama by Sania Mohan

El Eneagrama

By: Sania Mohan

Narrated by: Sania Mohan

Length: 2 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

¡REVELA LOS SECRETOS DE TU PERSONALIDAD Y EMBÁRCATE EN UN VIAJE TRANSFORMADOR DE AUTODESCUBRIMIENTO CON ESTE REVOLUCIONARIO AUDIOLIBRO!¿Estás cansado de sentirte abrumado por tus propias reacciones?¿Deseas comprender por qué tanto tú como los demás responden de forma desproporcionada ante diversas situaciones?¿Estás buscando una manera de... Read more

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Сексуальная жизнь by Зигмунд Фрейд
Сексуальная жизнь
Зигмунд Фрейд
Сексуальная жизнь by Зигмунд Фрейд

Сексуальная жизнь

By: Зигмунд Фрейд

Narrated by: Нина Сашина

Length: 10 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

В настоящую аудио книгу вошли работы австрийского ученого-психолога, основоположника психоанализа Зигмунда Фрейда, составляющие шестой том десятитомного собрания его сочинений, известного как Учебное издание. В хронологической последовательности в ней излагается теория сексуальности, которая лежит в основе всех представлений Фрейда о детской... Read more

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Trucos Psicológicos Para Enamorar y Manual De Seducción: 2 Libros en 1 by Khen R. Sevilla
Trucos Psicológicos Para Enamorar y Manual De Seducción: 2 Libros en 1
Khen R. Sevilla
Trucos Psicológicos Para Enamorar y Manual De Seducción: 2 Libros en 1 by Khen R. Sevilla

Trucos Psicológicos Para Enamorar y Manual De Seducción: 2 Libros en 1

By: Khen R. Sevilla

Narrated by: Nicolocutor & Luis Aponte

Length: 4 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Este audiolibro incluye:Trucos Psicológicos Para Enamorar¡Descubre los secretos ocultos de la psicología del amor y conquista corazones como nunca antes!¿Qué harías si pudieras enamorar a cualquier mujer que desees? ¿Cómo te sentirías al tener el poder de atraer a alguien con solo unas pocas palabras? ¿Y si te dijera que todo esto es posible?... Read more

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À Guisa de uma Psicologia da Corporeidade - Abridged by Sergio Luis dos Santos Lima
À Guisa de uma Psicologia da Corporeidade - Abridged
Sergio Luis dos Santos Lima
À Guisa de uma Psicologia da Corporeidade - Abridged by Sergio Luis dos Santos Lima

À Guisa de uma Psicologia da Corporeidade - Abridged

By: Sergio Luis dos Santos Lima

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Neste Livro, você aprenderá como realizar um trabalho prático em seu sistema miofascial visando à prevenção de transtornos psíquicos. Saberá que a Capoeira é uma poderosa ferramenta terapêutica. Obterá recomendações para tratamento dos transtornos psíquicos que servem para o incremento da qualidade de vida. Receberá informações de como realizar... Read more

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Barbarah Gotman


By: Barbarah Gotman

Narrated by: Michelle Savage

Length: 3 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

IF YOU'VE TRIED A LOT OF WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT MUCH SUCCESS, IT'S TIME TO START CHANGING YOUR LIFE AND STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THESE AMAZING ACTIVITIESKeep reading to discover how to Improve Communication and Strengthen Your Relationship!When destructive emotions are at the heart of the issues in your relationship,... Read more

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Manual De Seducción: Descubre Los Principios Del Arte De Seducir Y Conquistar En Cualquier Situación by Khen R. Sevilla
Manual De Seducción: Descubre Los Principios Del Arte De Seducir Y Conquistar En Cualquier Situación
Khen R. Sevilla
Manual De Seducción: Descubre Los Principios Del Arte De Seducir Y Conquistar En Cualquier Situación by Khen R. Sevilla

Manual De Seducción: Descubre Los Principios Del Arte De Seducir Y Conquistar En Cualquier Situación

By: Khen R. Sevilla

Narrated by: Luis Aponte

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Descubre el Arte de la Seducción y Conquista tu Vida!¿Quieres entender al sexo opuesto y convertirte en un maestro de la seducción? ¿Deseas aplicar estrategias efectivas en todos los ámbitos de tu vida? ¿Estás listo para alcanzar el éxito en tus relaciones personales y profesionales? Si es así, entonces este es el libro que estabas... Read more

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The Examined Life by Stephen Grosz
The Examined Life
Stephen Grosz
The Examined Life by Stephen Grosz

The Examined Life

By: Stephen Grosz

Narrated by: Peter Marinker

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.


This book is about learning to live.

Echoing Socrates' statement that the unexamined life not worth living, psychoanalyst Stephen Grosz draws on his twenty-five years of work and more than 50,000 hours of conversations to form a collection of beautifully rendered tales that illuminate the human... Read more

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Die Mindset Revolution by Ilja Grzeskowitz
Die Mindset Revolution
Ilja Grzeskowitz
Die Mindset Revolution by Ilja Grzeskowitz

Die Mindset Revolution

By: Ilja Grzeskowitz

Narrated by: Ilja Grzeskowitz

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Mindset Revolution – Veränderung mal anders.

Heutzutage bekommen Sie sowohl von außen als auch von Ihrer inneren Stimme eingeredet, dass Sie sich sofort komplett verändern müssen, um beruflich wie privat ein erfolgreiches und erfülltes Leben führen zu können. Selbsthilfebücher, Mindset Bücher, Podcasts, Motivationssprüche, Erfolgsjournale –... Read more

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Infidelity Recovery 101 by Barbarah Gotman
Infidelity Recovery 101
Barbarah Gotman
Infidelity Recovery 101 by Barbarah Gotman

Infidelity Recovery 101

By: Barbarah Gotman

Narrated by: Michelle Savage

Length: 3 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you experienced the heartbreak and pain of infidelity?Have you struggled to overcome the betrayal and rebuild trust with your partner?I know how hard it can be, but I'm here to tell you that healing is possible.My book, "Infidelity Recovery 101" is more than just a workbook or a collection of exercises.It's a guide to help you navigate the... Read more

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¿Qué es la soledad? by Oslos Molina
¿Qué es la soledad?
Oslos Molina
¿Qué es la soledad? by Oslos Molina

¿Qué es la soledad?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

La soledad emocional está vinculada a los sentimientos de incomprensión, tristeza e inseguridad. Si percibimos que las personas que tenemos a nuestro alrededor no nos comprenden y no comparten nuestros valores y preferencias, podemos sentirnos solos, desamparados e indefensos. Read more

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Making Nice with Naughty by Thomas L. Murray, Jr., PhD
Making Nice with Naughty
Thomas L. Murray, Jr., PhD
Making Nice with Naughty by Thomas L. Murray, Jr., PhD

Making Nice with Naughty

By: Thomas L. Murray, Jr., PhD

Narrated by: Thomas L. Murray, Jr.

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock Your Intimate Potential: Embrace Passion with Balance!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Your unwavering discipline in managing emotions and achieving accolades leaves you yearning for something more, especially within your sex life. It's time to explore the... Read more

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Libertad Espiritual by Carl Jung
Libertad Espiritual
Carl Jung
Libertad Espiritual by Carl Jung

Libertad Espiritual

By: Carl Jung

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Hablar de libertad requiere de dos componentes, para decir que uno se libera del vínculo con el otro. En la libertad espiritual, ¿de qué debe liberarse el hombre? La libertad espiritual es la liberación del propio ego, en contraste con la libertad social que es la liberación de las ataduras (o limitaciones injustas) que nos imponen los otros.En... Read more

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The ASWB LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Study Guide: Comprehensive Edition by SMG & Tiffany Boleyn
The ASWB LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Study Guide: Comprehensive Edition
SMG & Tiffany Boleyn
The ASWB LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Study Guide: Comprehensive Edition by SMG & Tiffany Boleyn

The ASWB LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Study Guide: Comprehensive Edition

By: SMG & Tiffany Boleyn

Narrated by: Lynnda Nelson

Length: 14 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Obtain a stellar score on the ASWB LCSW Exam and make a big difference in others’ lives as a licensed clinical social worker!If you are passionate about exercising skills like empathy, communication, dependability, critical thinking, and cultural awareness, then this is undoubtedly the profession for you.The overall employment rate of clinical... Read more

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Never Enough by Jennifer Breheny Wallace
Never Enough
Jennifer Breheny Wallace
Never Enough by Jennifer Breheny Wallace

Never Enough

By: Jennifer Breheny Wallace

Narrated by: Jennifer Breheny Wallace

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No


The definitive book on the rise of “toxic achievement culture” overtaking our kids' and parents' lives, and a new framework for fighting back

In the ever more competitive race to secure the best possible future, today’s students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. They jam-pack their schedules with AP... Read more

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