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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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Eating, Drinking, Overthinking - Abridged by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Eating, Drinking, Overthinking - Abridged
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Eating, Drinking, Overthinking - Abridged by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Eating, Drinking, Overthinking - Abridged

By: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Narrated by: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Why do so many women drink and eat to excess and then spend their days regretting it? An expert on women and depression explains what can be done to treat and prevent it.

Depression is a common and debilitating problem among women, though it rarely occurs in a vacuum. As Susan Nolen-Hoeksema's original research shows, overthinkingโ€”a tendency to... Read more

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My Hero by The My Hero Project
My Hero
The My Hero Project
My Hero by The My Hero Project

My Hero

By: The My Hero Project

Narrated by: Ellen Archer & Alan Sklar

Length: 5 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

In the tradition of Marlo Thomas's The Right Words at the Right Time, My Hero is a stunning collection of essays by American heroesโ€”including Michael J. Fox, Senator John McCain, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, astronaut John Glennโ€”about their heroes, inspiring examples of the best that we can be.

In My Hero, some of the most prominent heroes and leaders of... Read more

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Introducing Goodfinding by William G. DeFoore
Introducing Goodfinding
William G. DeFoore
Introducing Goodfinding by William G. DeFoore

Introducing Goodfinding

By: William G. DeFoore

Narrated by: William G. DeFoore

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes

Abridged: No

This program gives you an introduction to Goodfinding, and a full understanding of the steps to building gratitude, appreciation and optimism in your everyday life, which will lead you to the motivation and fulfillment you're looking for. This is nothing short of re-training your brain to make you happy! Note: This audiobook is a recording of a... Read more

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The Confidence Course - Abridged by Walter Anderson
The Confidence Course - Abridged
Walter Anderson
The Confidence Course - Abridged by Walter Anderson

The Confidence Course - Abridged

By: Walter Anderson

Narrated by: Walter Anderson

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Based on Walter Anderson's popular course at the New School for Social Research in New York City, The Confidence Course teaches you how to make anxiety your ally and overcome crippling self-doubt. With interactive lessons, complete with real-life examples, renowned storyteller and editor of Parade magazine Walter Anderson uses his gift for... Read more

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The Unpredictable, Benevolent, Brilliant Revolution by Rob Brezsny
The Unpredictable, Benevolent, Brilliant Revolution
Rob Brezsny
The Unpredictable, Benevolent, Brilliant Revolution by Rob Brezsny

The Unpredictable, Benevolent, Brilliant Revolution

By: Rob Brezsny

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Rob Brezsny is a self-acclaimed "perpetrator of sacred uproar" who revels in the limitless possibilities in the chaos that surrounds us. He envisions a world where each of us is a "rapturist," stealing one another's pain and spreading outrageous joy everywhere. Mr. Brezsny's words are thrilling and heady, but somehow also grounded in the reality... Read more

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The Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears
The Zone - Abridged
Barry Sears
The Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears

The Zone - Abridged

By: Barry Sears

Narrated by: Barry Sears

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For years experts have been telling Americans what to eat and what not to eat. Fat, they told us, was the enemy. Then it was salt, then sugar, then cholesterol... and on it goes.Americans listened and they lost -- but not their excess fat. What they lost was their health and waistlines. Americans are the fattest people on earth... and why?... Read more

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Love Smart - Abridged by Phil McGraw
Love Smart - Abridged
Phil McGraw
Love Smart - Abridged by Phil McGraw

Love Smart - Abridged

By: Phil McGraw

Narrated by: Phil McGraw

Length: 5 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Love Smart, bestselling author Dr. Phil McGraw tells people who are dissatisfied with their love lives to stop making excuses and start taking action.

You deserve a committed relationship and it's within your control to have the one you want. First, though, you need to determine what you want in a partner, plot your course, and get out there... Read more

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Toltec Wisdom Exercises for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation by Sergio Magaรฑa
Toltec Wisdom Exercises for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation
Sergio Magaรฑa
Toltec Wisdom Exercises for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation by Sergio Magaรฑa

Toltec Wisdom Exercises for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation

By: Sergio Magaรฑa

Narrated by: Sergio Magaรฑa

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Ancient Mexican spiritual practices are almost lost to the world, yet they contain powerful techniques that can heal and bring resolution to some of life's most important aspects: health, emotions, abundance and the quest for enlightenment. In this CD, world-renowned Mexican healer Sergio Magaรฑa guides listeners through fourexercises that will... Read more

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La personne humaine - Abridged by Yves Saint-Arnaud
La personne humaine - Abridged
Yves Saint-Arnaud
La personne humaine - Abridged by Yves Saint-Arnaud

La personne humaine - Abridged

By: Yves Saint-Arnaud

Narrated by: Yves Saint-Arnaud

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dรฉveloppement personnel et relations interpersonnelles. Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Sidney Jourard, voici quelques-uns des noms les plus prestigieux associรฉs ร  la psychologie perceptuelle, psychologie humaniste fondรฉe sur la considรฉration positive inconditionnelle, centrรฉe sur la personne. L'objectif du prรฉsent livre audio est doubleย : il... Read more

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Character is Destiny by John McCain
Character is Destiny
John McCain
Character is Destiny by John McCain

Character is Destiny

By: John McCain

Narrated by: Arthur Morey

Length: 14 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

In Character is Destiny, McCain tells the stories of celebrated historical figures and lesser-known heroes whose values exemplify the best of the human spirit. He illustrates these qualities with moving stories of triumph against the odds, righteousness in the face of iniquity, hope in adversity, and sacrifices for a cause greater than... Read more

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Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged
Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson

Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged

By: Po Bronson

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Po Bronson takes us on an extraordinary journey

Calling upon his gift for powerful nonfiction narrative and philosophical insight Po Bronson explores the incredibly complicated feelings that we have for our families.

Each chapter introduces us to people and we come to know them intimately, following the story of their relationship as they... Read more

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Mermaids And Fairy Dust by Christiane Kerr
Mermaids And Fairy Dust
Christiane Kerr
Mermaids And Fairy Dust by Christiane Kerr

Mermaids And Fairy Dust

By: Christiane Kerr

Narrated by: Christiane Kerr

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

A stunning MP3 Download designed to help children relax and to enhance feelings of happiness and contentment. Focussing on little girls of all ages, there are four sections, from Creative Meditations which includes Fairy Relaxation and Little Princess to Soothing Meditations including Blowing Away your Worries and Bubble of Love. This beautiful... Read more

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Bedtime Meditations for Kids by Christiane Kerr
Bedtime Meditations for Kids
Christiane Kerr
Bedtime Meditations for Kids by Christiane Kerr

Bedtime Meditations for Kids

By: Christiane Kerr

Narrated by: Christiane Kerr

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Captivating bedtime meditations to bring peace, joy and calm to the end of the day. There are three tracks on this MP3 Download each approximately 18 minutes in length. Choose from: By the Sea; An Adventure in Space and Snowflake. May be used any time for general relaxation as well as bed time.

These beautiful, relaxing Children's Meditation... Read more

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Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat - Abridged by Naomi Moriyama & William Doyle
Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat - Abridged
Naomi Moriyama & William Doyle
Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat - Abridged by Naomi Moriyama & William Doyle

Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat - Abridged

By: Naomi Moriyama & William Doyle

Narrated by: Naomi Moriyama

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

What if there were a land where people lived longer than anywhere else on earth, the obesity rate was the lowest in the developed world, and women in their forties still looked like they were in their twenties? Wouldn't you want to know their extraordinary secret?

Japanese-born Naomi Moriyama reveals the secret to her own high-energy,... Read more

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Se rรฉaliser dans un monde d'images - Abridged by Jean-Franรงois Vรฉzina
Se rรฉaliser dans un monde d'images - Abridged
Jean-Franรงois Vรฉzina
Se rรฉaliser dans un monde d'images - Abridged by Jean-Franรงois Vรฉzina

Se rรฉaliser dans un monde d'images - Abridged

By: Jean-Franรงois Vรฉzina

Narrated by: Jean-Franรงois Vรฉzina & Sophie Stankรฉ

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ร€ la recherche de son originalitรฉ. Vous est-il dรฉjร  arrivรฉ d'รชtre bouleversรฉ par un livre ou un film ? Pourquoi certaines histoires semblent-elles venir ร  notre rencontre juste au bon moment ? Nous avons tous connu cet instant magique : quand le scรฉnario qui se dรฉroule sur l'รฉcran est en synchronie parfaite avec le film de notre vie.... Read more

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Talk to the Hand by Lynne Truss
Talk to the Hand
Lynne Truss
Talk to the Hand by Lynne Truss

Talk to the Hand

By: Lynne Truss

Narrated by: Lynne Truss

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

"Talk to the hand, โ€™cause the face ainโ€™t listening," the saying goes.When did the world stop wanting to hear? When did society become so thoughtless? Itโ€™s a topic that has been simmering for years, and Lynne Truss says itโ€™s now reached the boiling point. Taking on the boorish behavior that for some has become a point of pride, Talk to the Hand... Read more

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Silent Power by Stuart Wilde
Silent Power
Stuart Wilde
Silent Power by Stuart Wilde

Silent Power

By: Stuart Wilde

Narrated by: Stuart Wilde

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Stuart gives you a lot to ponder on this abridged audio book. His underlying philosophy is that there is a silent power within you, an inner knowing that grows because you understand its infinity. It teaches you hour by hour and day by day. It is silent . . . but it is also so powerful. Reach inside and find it! Read more

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Journeys into Past Lives by Denise Linn
Journeys into Past Lives
Denise Linn
Journeys into Past Lives by Denise Linn

Journeys into Past Lives

By: Denise Linn

Narrated by: Denise Linn

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Internationally renowned author, lecturer, and healer Denise Linn has devised a process that can put you in touch with your past lives-even if you don't believe in them! Listening to this audio program will help you discover the former lives you've shared with loved ones, realize and develop the unknown talents that have been hidden in your... Read more

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Peace for All of Us by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Peace for All of Us
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Peace for All of Us by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Peace for All of Us

By: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Narrated by: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

In this live lecture, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer takes a look at current events, reminding us that no matter how "bad" the news is, we can bring peace to our own lives. He goes on to discuss "visionary consciousness," mentioning several examples of individuals who have had an abundance of it-for example, Mohandas Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and... Read more

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You Can Heal Your Life Study Course by Louise Hay
You Can Heal Your Life Study Course
Louise Hay
You Can Heal Your Life Study Course by Louise Hay

You Can Heal Your Life Study Course

By: Louise Hay

Narrated by: Louise Hay

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Based on the best-selling book of the same name, this audiobook shows you how to practice the principles of self-worth and self-esteem taught by Louise L. Hay. Listen as Louise teaches you how to transform negative beliefs and thoughts into positive, loving ones.

By doing the exercises, and repeating the affirmations and new thought patterns, you... Read more

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Staying on the Path by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Staying on the Path
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Staying on the Path by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Staying on the Path

By: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Narrated by: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

The wit and wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer is reflected in this extraordinary collection of inspirational quotes and observations. Whether you're already on "the path" or just doing your best to get there, this audio book will give you the impetus to keep moving forward.

Sample quote: The measure of your life won't be in what you accumulate; it will be... Read more

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Celestine Meditations by Salle Merrill Redfield
Celestine Meditations
Salle Merrill Redfield
Celestine Meditations by Salle Merrill Redfield

Celestine Meditations

By: Salle Merrill Redfield

Narrated by: Salle Merrill Redfield

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

Discover the joy of meditating with these carefully designed exercises for the spirit based on the enormously popular book, The Celestine Prophecy. The first meditation corresponds to the 5th Insight. You'll be guided along a spiritual journey through an old growth forest, ultimately leading to a connection with your higher self. The next... Read more

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The Joy of Meditating - Abridged by Salle Merrill Redfield
The Joy of Meditating - Abridged
Salle Merrill Redfield
The Joy of Meditating - Abridged by Salle Merrill Redfield

The Joy of Meditating - Abridged

By: Salle Merrill Redfield

Narrated by: Author

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In this inspiring book, Salle Merrill Redfield guides you through four brief meditations. Each celebrates nature as a revered path to self-knowledge and spiritual enlightenment, leading you on a satisfying mental journey. Read more

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Simple Abundance - Abridged by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Simple Abundance - Abridged
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Simple Abundance - Abridged by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Simple Abundance - Abridged

By: Sarah Ban Breathnach

Narrated by: Sarah Ban Breathnach

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What stands between you and a happier, more fulfilling and contented way of life? Sarah Ban Breathnach's gentle lessons show you the way to excavate your talents from layers of denial, disbelief, and the delay of your dreams. Six creative and practical principles illuminate this safari of self and spirit - gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony,... Read more

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