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True Crime audiobooks

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Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 4: Kuolema koputtaa ovelle by Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 4: Kuolema koputtaa ovelle
Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 4: Kuolema koputtaa ovelle by Janne Aagaard

Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 4: Kuolema koputtaa ovelle

By: Janne Aagaard

Narrated by: Pertti Huuskonen

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

1990-luvulla Venäjän satamakaupunki Pietari kuhisi jengejä, ja murhatapaukset kasautuivat rikospoliisin tutkittavaksi. Juuri tästä syystä poliisi jätti huomioimatta kasvavan määrän epäilyttäviä kuolemantapauksia. Vasta useiden uhrien jälkeen rikostutkijat huomasivat, että kaupunkia riivasi sarjamurhaaja, joka valitsi uhreikseen haavoittuvia... Read more

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Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 6: Vampyyri linjalla 6 by Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 6: Vampyyri linjalla 6
Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 6: Vampyyri linjalla 6 by Janne Aagaard

Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 6: Vampyyri linjalla 6

By: Janne Aagaard

Narrated by: Pertti Huuskonen

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Puolalaisessa Bytomin kaupungissa useat nuoret naiset joutuivat raakojen kirveshyökkäysten kohteeksi 1970-luvulla. Jotkut naisista selvisivät hengissä, toiset eivät. Nöyryyttääkseen uhrejaan tekijä raiskasi heidät ja jätti heidän ruumiinsa alastomina esille muiden löydettäväksi. Oli selvää, että tekijä oli mies, joka vihasi naisia, ja hän sai... Read more

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Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 1: Kuoleman kauppiaat by Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 1: Kuoleman kauppiaat
Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 1: Kuoleman kauppiaat by Janne Aagaard

Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 1: Kuoleman kauppiaat

By: Janne Aagaard

Narrated by: Pertti Huuskonen

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Hautausurakointi on kilpailtu ala puolalaisessa Łódźin kaupungissa. Vuonna 1989 talous oli romahtanut köyhässä, lähes miljoonan asukkaan kaupungissa. Julkinen sektori tarjosi köyhille asukkailleen yli 1300 euron hautausavustuskorvausta, mistä lähti liikkeelle ennennäkemätön tapahtumaketju. Ahneus päättyi rikoskierteeseen, joka johti tuhansien... Read more

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Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 2: Murhat ilman rajoja by Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 2: Murhat ilman rajoja
Janne Aagaard
Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 2: Murhat ilman rajoja by Janne Aagaard

Murhat Itämeren rannoilla 2: Murhat ilman rajoja

By: Janne Aagaard

Narrated by: Pertti Huuskonen

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Kaksi venäläistä meriakatemian opiskelijaa, Juri ja Dima, oli parhaita ystäviä. Akatemiassa he puhuivat tulevaisuudesta ja haaveilivat uudesta elämästä kaukana harmaasta arjesta Venäjällä. Eräänä päivänä he päättivät paeta rajan yli Viroon, missä heitä odotti parempi elämä, nopea raha ja kauniit naiset. Tai niin ainakin Juri oli suunnitellut. Read more

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Rey del Cachopo, rey del engaño - Abridged by Recopilación.
Rey del Cachopo, rey del engaño - Abridged
Rey del Cachopo, rey del engaño - Abridged by Recopilación.

Rey del Cachopo, rey del engaño - Abridged

By: Recopilación.

Narrated by: Abril Baja.

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este libro examinará las claves del caso: ¿cómo un empresario aparentemente exitoso se convirtió en un asesino frío y metódico? ¿Qué llevó a Román a escribir esa carta de confesión? Acompáñanos en un viaje a través de los titulares, las investigaciones y los testimonios para descubrir la verdad detrás del Rey del Cachopo. Read more

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Alcatraz by Ken Widner & Mike Lynch
Ken Widner & Mike Lynch
Alcatraz by Ken Widner & Mike Lynch


By: Ken Widner & Mike Lynch

Narrated by: Christopher Grove

Length: 10 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

When Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin boldly escaped from Alcatraz prison on June 11, 1962, it is widely believed that they succumbed to the waters of San Francisco Bay, though no trace of the men has ever been found, only their makeshift raft. In this reexamination of the escape and its aftermath, the Anglin brothers' nephew... Read more

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The Art of the Steal by Frank W. Abagnale
The Art of the Steal
Frank W. Abagnale
The Art of the Steal by Frank W. Abagnale

The Art of the Steal

By: Frank W. Abagnale

Narrated by: Barrett Whitener

Length: 8 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The world--famous former con artist and bestselling author of Catch Me if You Can now reveals the mind--boggling tricks of the scam trade--with advice that has made him one of America's most sought--after fraud--prevention experts.

"I had as much knowledge as any man alive concerning the mechanics of forgery, check swindling, counterfeiting, and... Read more

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Catch Me If You Can by Frank W. Abagnale & Stan Redding
Catch Me If You Can
Frank W. Abagnale & Stan Redding
Catch Me If You Can by Frank W. Abagnale & Stan Redding

Catch Me If You Can

By: Frank W. Abagnale & Stan Redding

Narrated by: Barrett Whitener

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

The uproarious, bestselling true story of the world's most sought-after con man, immortalized by Leonardo DiCaprio in DreamWorks' feature film of the same name, from the author of Scam Me If You Can

Frank W. Abagnale, alias Frank Williams, Robert Conrad, Frank Adams, and Robert Monjo, was one of the most daring con men, forgers, imposters, and... Read more

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The Truth in True Crime by J. Warner Wallace
The Truth in True Crime
J. Warner Wallace
The Truth in True Crime by J. Warner Wallace

The Truth in True Crime

By: J. Warner Wallace

Narrated by: J. Warner Wallace & Alisa Childers

Length: 7 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Read by the author.Explore fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom."Every murder investigation teaches two lessons: a death lesson and a life lesson."For decades, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace investigated the causes behind deaths and murders, chasing one lead after... Read more

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The World Is Yours by Glenn Kenny
The World Is Yours
Glenn Kenny
The World Is Yours by Glenn Kenny

The World Is Yours

By: Glenn Kenny

Narrated by: Stephen Graybill

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

The behind-the-scenes story of the iconic film, featuring new interviews with the cast and crew.

An unflinching confrontation of humanity’s dark side, Brian De Palma’s crime drama film Scarface gave rise to a cultural revolution upon its release in 1983. Its impact was unprecedented, making globe-spanning waves as a defining portrait of the... Read more

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Se vain tapahtui – Lapsensurmaaja Ingeborg Anderssonin tarina by Maria Bouroncle
Se vain tapahtui – Lapsensurmaaja Ingeborg Anderssonin tarina
Maria Bouroncle
Se vain tapahtui – Lapsensurmaaja Ingeborg Anderssonin tarina by Maria Bouroncle

Se vain tapahtui – Lapsensurmaaja Ingeborg Anderssonin tarina

By: Maria Bouroncle

Narrated by: Sanna Majuri

Length: 5 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Kylmänä kevätpäivänä vuonna 1929 Artur Andersson löytää kotoaan kolme pientä lastaan kuolleina – hänen 27-vuotias vaimonsa Ingeborg on hukuttanut lapset pyykkipaljuun ja istuu nyt pöydän ääressä.   Mikä ajoi 27-vuotiaan Ingeborgin surmaamaan omat lapsensa? "Se vain tapahtui" on koskettava ja inhimillinen kuvaus nuoresta naisesta, jonka psyykkeen... Read more

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Losser by Pandarosh
Losser by Pandarosh


By: Pandarosh

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

The Lost Crime and Mystery novel revolves around a mysterious murder case in which the first accused is the victim, and the evidence gathers for this until he becomes weak and confesses despite his insistence at the beginning, but fate intervenes to change the course of the case. Read more

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The Chiropractor Hoax by John Morrison
The Chiropractor Hoax
John Morrison
The Chiropractor Hoax by John Morrison

The Chiropractor Hoax

By: John Morrison

Narrated by: John Morrison

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Before you consider a chiropractor, arm yourself with the facts in John Morrison's eye-opening book, The Chiropractor Hoax.
Crafted to challenge the status quo, this enlightening read delves deep into the origins and practices of chiropractic medicine, a field that surprisingly boasts a 100% acceptance rate in many schools and extends its... Read more

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La historia secreta by Anabel Hernández
La historia secreta
Anabel Hernández
La historia secreta by Anabel Hernández

La historia secreta

By: Anabel Hernández

Narrated by: Karina Castillo

Length: 8 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

«Esta periodista, Anabel Hernández, ha hecho trabajos de investigación de primer orden, es una mujer profesional en el periodismo y valiente, es una mujer excepcional.» -Andrés Manuel López Obrador Todo indica que en realidad AMLO no era el hombre que venía a romper el sistema criminal, sino que ha sido su Caballo de Troya, uno más de los... Read more

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La tragedia de Colosio by Héctor Aguilar Camín
La tragedia de Colosio
Héctor Aguilar Camín
La tragedia de Colosio by Héctor Aguilar Camín

La tragedia de Colosio

By: Héctor Aguilar Camín

Narrated by: Raúl Bóxer

Length: 13 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Treinta años después de sucedido, el asesinato de Luis Donaldo Colosio sigue sujeto a sospecha y manipulación. Ante el peligro del uso políticode la historia de este magnicidio, es un buen momento para recordar lo que sabemos a ciencia cierta de lo que pasó. Esta reedición corregida y aumentada de La tragedia de Colosio, de Héctor Aguilar Camín,... Read more

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The Shooter at Midnight by Sean Patrick Cooper
The Shooter at Midnight
Sean Patrick Cooper
The Shooter at Midnight by Sean Patrick Cooper

The Shooter at Midnight

By: Sean Patrick Cooper

Narrated by: Sean Patrick Cooper

Length: 10 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

“Gripping . . . A potent account of the crime and its aftermath, placing its story of heartbreaking violence and injustice in a larger portrait of a rural American town.”The Wall Street Journal

The harrowing true story of a cold-blooded murder and the campaign to bring justice to a suffering Midwestern town

On a November night in 1990, Cathy... Read more

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Final Verdict by Tobias Buck
Final Verdict
Tobias Buck
Final Verdict by Tobias Buck

Final Verdict

By: Tobias Buck

Narrated by: Leighton Pugh

Length: 10 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

The gripping narrative of one of the last Nazi criminal trials in Germany—that of Bruno Dey, a 93-year-old former concentration camp guard charged with aiding the murder of more than 5,000 people—and a larger exploration of Germany's reckoning with the Holocaust, from silence to memory to today's rising tide of fascism and antisemitism.

Bruno... Read more

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Una Secta De Muerte by Onofre  Quezada
Una Secta De Muerte
Onofre Quezada
Una Secta De Muerte by Onofre  Quezada

Una Secta De Muerte

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

"Sumérgete en las profundidades del terror y la intriga con 'Una Secta de Muerte', un thriller psicológico que te mantendrá en vilo desde la primera página hasta el último suspiro. En este fascinante relato, el autor te lleva por un viaje aterrador a través de los oscuros laberintos de una secta misteriosa, donde la devoción se entrelaza con el... Read more

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Pasiones malditas by Ricardo Canaletti
Pasiones malditas
Ricardo Canaletti
Pasiones malditas by Ricardo Canaletti

Pasiones malditas

By: Ricardo Canaletti

Narrated by: Juan Manuel Abraham

Length: 15 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

En este nuevo libro de Canaletti el lector encontrará casos, crímenes, víctimas y victimarios, pero también los sentimientos, amores, dolores y deseos de personajes inolvidables.
Ricardo Canaletti rescata historias que han llenado las páginas de policiales de los diarios para presentarlas desde una óptica diferente, analizando las... Read more

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Decoy by Robert Murphy
Robert Murphy
Decoy by Robert Murphy


By: Robert Murphy

Narrated by: Robert Murphy & Catrin Walker-Booth

Length: 9 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

The shocking true story of one of Britain’s most secretive, groundbreaking and successful police covert operations Bristol, 1979. An attacker roams the streets… Young women are warned not to go out alone… ... Read more

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The Cheka: The History of the Soviet Agency that Eventually Became the KGB by Charles River Editors
The Cheka: The History of the Soviet Agency that Eventually Became the KGB
Charles River Editors
The Cheka: The History of the Soviet Agency that Eventually Became the KGB by Charles River Editors

The Cheka: The History of the Soviet Agency that Eventually Became the KGB

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Steve Knupp

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: No

The KGB is one of the most famous abbreviations of the 20th century, and it has become synonymous with the shadowy and often violent actions of the Soviet Union’s secret police and internal security agencies. In fact, it is often used to refer to the Soviet state security agencies throughout its history, from the inception of the inception of... Read more

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Anonymous Heritage by simon six
Anonymous Heritage
simon six
Anonymous Heritage by simon six

Anonymous Heritage

By: simon six

Narrated by: lola preconne

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

In this book, we delve into the world of Anonymous, a community of hackers and free speech activists that has shaken governments and businesses worldwide. Based on a true story, we follow the adventures of some of its members while protecting their anonymity by changing certain names, places, and circumstances. Most of the information is already... Read more

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Porqué Los Romanos Crucificaban A Sus Condenados ? by Onofre  Quezada
Porqué Los Romanos Crucificaban A Sus Condenados ?
Onofre Quezada
Porqué Los Romanos Crucificaban A Sus Condenados ? by Onofre  Quezada

Porqué Los Romanos Crucificaban A Sus Condenados ?

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

"¿Por qué los romanos crucificaban a sus condenados?" es un profundo análisis histórico que arroja luz sobre una de las prácticas más infames de la antigüedad: la crucifixión en el Imperio Romano. Desde sus raíces en la antigua Roma hasta su significado social, político y religioso, este libro examina detalladamente las motivaciones detrás de... Read more

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Cuchillo by Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie
Cuchillo by Salman Rushdie


By: Salman Rushdie

Narrated by: Juan Ricardo León

Length: 7 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

En estas desgarradoras nuevas memorias, Salman Rushdie -escritor internacionalmente admirado, defensor de la libertad de expresión y ganador del Premio Booker de los Bookers y del Premio de La Paz de los Libreros alemanes, entre otros muchos- narra cómo sobrevivió al atentado contra suvida treinta años después de la fatwa que ordenó el ayatolá... Read more

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