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YA Nonfiction audiobooks

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Unlocking YouTube Success: The Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Channel and Building an Audience by Gayatri kumari
Unlocking YouTube Success: The Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Channel and Building an Audience
Gayatri kumari
Unlocking YouTube Success: The Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Channel and Building an Audience by Gayatri kumari

Unlocking YouTube Success: The Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Channel and Building an Audience

By: Gayatri kumari

Narrated by: Gayatri kumari

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Unlock the secrets to YouTube success with "From Zero to YouTube Hero: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Your Channel and Building an Audience from Scratch." This audiobook is your ultimate resource for mastering the art of content creation, engaging with your audience, and implementing growth strategies—all without any prior experience.
Whether... Read more

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Embracing New Beginnings by Kelly Shelton
Embracing New Beginnings
Kelly Shelton
Embracing New Beginnings by Kelly Shelton

Embracing New Beginnings

By: Kelly Shelton

Narrated by: Kelly Shelton

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Ready to embrace a brighter tomorrow?Embracing New Beginnings: Poetry for Healing Hearts by Kelly Shelton is a beacon of hope disguised as a book. Within these pages, you'll find a collection of poems, quotes, and heartfelt reflections designed to mend your spirit and guide you towards a brighter future.
Whether you're healing from a broken... Read more

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Deborah Meaden Talks Money by Deborah Meaden
Deborah Meaden Talks Money
Deborah Meaden
Deborah Meaden Talks Money by Deborah Meaden

Deborah Meaden Talks Money

By: Deborah Meaden

Narrated by: Deborah Meaden

Length: 2 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

THE empowering intro to money and finance that EVERY young person needs right now, from Dragons’ Den investor and entrepreneur DEBORAH MEADEN. Finance made fun? YES, REALLY! Dragons' Den investor and entrepreneur, Deborah Meaden, makes finance exciting, relatable and personal –... Read more

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Folk Heroes of the Frontier by Charles River Editors
Folk Heroes of the Frontier
Charles River Editors
Folk Heroes of the Frontier by Charles River Editors

Folk Heroes of the Frontier

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Jim Walsh

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

The Wild West and the frontier have long held a special place in the narrative of American history, and all of the legends and folk heroes who lived in the 19th century owe their reputation to the original American frontier folk hero, Daniel Boone. Boone was literally a trailblazer: the legendary pioneer established his Wilderness Road by... Read more

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25 motivos para vivir by Yeismar González
25 motivos para vivir
Yeismar González
25 motivos para vivir by Yeismar González

25 motivos para vivir

By: Yeismar González

Narrated by: Yeismar González

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

La vida está llena de motivos para vivir, para levantarse cada mañana con esperanza y determinación. Cada día es una nueva oportunidad para aprender y crecer, para descubrir algo nuevo, para superar obstáculos y alcanzar sueños. Existen personas que te aman y se preocupan por ti, a quienes les harías mucho daño si decidieras rendirte.Cada... Read more

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Hollywood’s 10 Greatest Actresses by Charles River Editors
Hollywood’s 10 Greatest Actresses
Charles River Editors
Hollywood’s 10 Greatest Actresses by Charles River Editors

Hollywood’s 10 Greatest Actresses

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Mary Rossman

Length: 11 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Early in her career, there was no actress more controversial than Katharine Hepburn. Late in her career, there was no actress more beloved than Katharine Hepburn. Famously labeled “box office poison” in 1938, it is clear that Hollywood was not prepared for the young Hepburn. Bette Davis presided over Hollywood at a time in which the film... Read more

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The Most Famous Women of the Wild West by Charles River Editors
The Most Famous Women of the Wild West
Charles River Editors
The Most Famous Women of the Wild West by Charles River Editors

The Most Famous Women of the Wild West

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Michelle Humphries

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

The most famous woman of the Wild West was also possibly the most colorful and mysterious. “Considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age”, Calamity Jane claimed to be a veteran of the Indian Wars, a scout, and the wife of Wild Bill Hickok, all on the way to becoming a dime novel heroine. While all of those legends... Read more

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Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson: The Lives of the Wild West’s Most Famous Lawmen by Charles River Editors
Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson: The Lives of the Wild West’s Most Famous Lawmen
Charles River Editors
Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson: The Lives of the Wild West’s Most Famous Lawmen by Charles River Editors

Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson: The Lives of the Wild West’s Most Famous Lawmen

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Jim Walsh

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Space may be the final frontier, but no frontier has ever captured the American imagination like the “Wild West”, which still evokes images of dusty cowboys, outlaws, gunfights, gamblers, and barroom brawls over 100 years after the West was settled. A constant fixture in American pop culture, the 19th century American West continues to be... Read more

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The 27 Club: The Lives and Legacies of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison by Charles River Editors
The 27 Club: The Lives and Legacies of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison
Charles River Editors
The 27 Club: The Lives and Legacies of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison by Charles River Editors

The 27 Club: The Lives and Legacies of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Michelle Humphries

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

It is rare in the world of music for a general consensus to form over who was the best at anything. Many would call The Beatles the greatest rock band, but it’s easy to find strongly opinionated dissenters. However, when it came to playing a guitar and laying the soundtrack for the psychedelic era, just about everyone agrees there was Jimi... Read more

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ISEE Study Guide Lower Level by Willow Parkmore
ISEE Study Guide Lower Level
Willow Parkmore
ISEE Study Guide Lower Level by Willow Parkmore

ISEE Study Guide Lower Level

By: Willow Parkmore

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 5 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Striving to advance through your educational path with an impressive ISEE Lower Level credential? In need of a thorough study guide to provide you all the crucial resources to outshine in the ISEE Lower Level Exam?
Look No Further. Continue Reading!
The book, titled "ISEE Lower Level Mastery: The Ultimate Independent School Entrance Exam Guide |... Read more

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GRE Study Guide by Ethan Stonebridge
GRE Study Guide
Ethan Stonebridge
GRE Study Guide by Ethan Stonebridge

GRE Study Guide

By: Ethan Stonebridge

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: No

Eager to propel your academic journey through the globally recognized GRE Exam?
Seeking an all-inclusive study resource to ensure your success in the GRE Exam?
Look no further. Your search stops here!
This book serves as the epitome of study resources, challenging your understanding, highlighting the significance and providing practical exercises.... Read more

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Kleiner Pilger auf großer Reise (Teil 2) by Tyler Van Halteren
Kleiner Pilger auf großer Reise (Teil 2)
Tyler Van Halteren
Kleiner Pilger auf großer Reise (Teil 2) by Tyler Van Halteren

Kleiner Pilger auf großer Reise (Teil 2)

By: Tyler Van Halteren

Narrated by: Julia Schulz

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Christian ist wohlbehalten in der Himmelsstadt angekommen – doch was wird aus seiner Familie? Mach dich gemeinsam mit Christiane und den anderen kleinen Pilgern auf den Weg und finde es heraus! Der Klassiker Die Pilgerreise von John Bunyan, seit Jahrhunderten bei Jung und Alt beliebt, wird hier ganz neu und sehr liebevoll für Kinder aufbereitet... Read more

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看漫画学心理:做快乐职场人 by 樊绍烈
看漫画学心理:做快乐职场人 by 樊绍烈


By: 樊绍烈

Narrated by: 无离

Length: 7 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《看漫画学心理:做快乐职场人》焦虑、失眠、拖延、低落、倦怠、亚健康……绝大多数“职场人”都有着各自的烦恼。你想改变这种“毫无生气”的工作状态吗?你想让自己在职场中充满活力与正能量吗?你希望在社会压力中保持一个积极健康的心态吗?既然我们无法改变社会环境,那就只能改变自己。《看漫画学心理——做快乐职场人》从“心理学”角度切入,通过“心理测试”帮助我们更了解自己,明确在工作当中的长处与短板,从而更好地塑造自己的职业影响力。挫折、困难、排挤、批评、压力……在这些避无可避的现实面前,除了硬着头皮面对外,你还可以有更好的应对方式,《看漫画学心理——做快乐职场人》就从与领导相处、与同事相处等多个方面,结合心理学知识铺就了一条轻松快乐的“职场”之路。作者简介:樊绍烈,行伍出身,曾在世界500... Read more

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灵魂摆渡人:重口味心理咨询实录 by 朱佳
灵魂摆渡人:重口味心理咨询实录 by 朱佳


By: 朱佳

Narrated by: 耳边的苏苏

Length: 9 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《灵魂摆渡人:重口味心理咨询实录朱佳著的《灵魂摆渡人(重口味心理咨询实录)》是一名心理咨询师的咨询实录,按照咨询类型划分章节。人们常常因为生活中种种不如意受着各种心理折磨,孤独,自卑,苦闷,彷徨,偏执,痛苦,绝望,等等。有些人一直自己默默承受,承受度差的人甚至做出各种特别行为。有些人选择接收心理咨询,敞开心扉,寻求帮助。作为一名心理咨询师,作者将咨询者生命中遇到的种种折磨和磨难,以及咨询详情用优美的语言写出来,可以给更多生活中面对同样困惑的人以指引。作者简介:朱佳,1976年生,职业心理咨询师,心理督导师,“豁然心理咨询中心”首席咨询师。11年咨询师生涯,7500小时以上累计咨询时间。身为心理咨询行业翘楚,自称票友作家,曾出版《心迹》、《一年》等畅销书,接受中央人民广播电台、... Read more

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女心理咨询师的日记 by 朱佳
女心理咨询师的日记 by 朱佳


By: 朱佳

Narrated by: 耳边的苏苏

Length: 8 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《女心理咨询师的日记(自我治愈心理学)》是一本女心理咨询师的手记,记载了作者朱佳在从业十年间所接手的部分案例以及自身在心理咨询中的意识初萌、逐渐成长以及体悟,将百味人生展现在读者面前。在一线的咨询工作中,她积累了大量资料、经验、知识、思考和成功的案例,涉及爱情,涉及美和丑,涉及婚姻,涉及性萌醒,等等。内容极为丰富,由质到量都有很可观的积淀。在这些故事里,读者能看到的,不仅有她、他、她们和他们的影子,还有自己的影子。用作者自己的话说:“我无意开脱,人性总是软弱的,道德总是孱弱的,但人们理当,也必将,承担自己的作为。”基于心理咨询的保密原则,本书所涉案例,均对咨询者和相关人的姓名、个人信息、身份背景做了不影响内容的适度修改。作者简介:朱佳,1976年生,职业心理咨询师,心理督导师... Read more

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爆睡术:睡眠障碍心理分析实录 by 刘高峰
爆睡术:睡眠障碍心理分析实录 by 刘高峰


By: 刘高峰

Narrated by: 大鹏

Length: 6 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《爆睡术:睡眠障碍心理分析实录》当个性问题导致心理障碍,当工作和生存压力导致心理压抑,不妨打开这本书。生活中各种常见的如抑郁、暴躁、过度兴奋、焦虑等负面情绪,造成了睡眠障碍心理现象和心理疾病,刘高峰著的《爆睡术(睡眠障碍心理分析实录)》就是为大家提供解决这类心理问题的妙方,帮助人们走出心理误区,回归正常的生活轨道。作者简介:刘高峰,汉族,生于1977年2月,河南封丘人。2000年毕业于第一军医大学,现任第153医院胸外科副主任医师,从事胸外科专业17年,曾参与汶川抗震救灾及玉树抗震救灾。喜欢读书、写作、研究心理学,提倡临床医学中的人文关怀,关注器械和药物治疗之外的心理治疗。主播简介:大鹏,知名主播员,其主播的作品主要是《执行力》《学曾国藩做人准则... Read more

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金玉良言:影响人类生活的21条黄金法则 by 张雪松
金玉良言:影响人类生活的21条黄金法则 by 张雪松


By: 张雪松

Narrated by: 伊彭先声

Length: 10 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《金玉良言:影响人类生活的21条黄金法则》精选了人类生活中总结出的21条最具代表性的黄金法则,旨在将这些亘古不便的真理运用到企业的经营管理与人们的经济生活中。作者简介:张雪松生长于安徽某边陲小市,老爸赐名雪松,取大雪压青松之句。可惜青松挺不直,自幼逢考常败难尽人意。磕磕绊绊读完中学遭遇落榜,愤然复读后蒙进南开大学英语系。大学以来,除英语外各科成绩尚可。兴趣广泛而常见异思迁,二十年来唯一不变的爱好是读书。读书虽未充栋,却也能有几条汗牛。阅书之余,亦尝阅人,追索往事,成其小说,对此小说有些敝帚自珍抱残守缺的想法:说自己的话,让别人去ft吧。主播简介:伊彭先生,本名伊特志,风格坚毅有力,代表作《金玉良言:影响人类生活的21条黄金法则》 Read more

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学会感恩懂得爱 by 王志艳
学会感恩懂得爱 by 王志艳


By: 王志艳

Narrated by: 依可英子

Length: 9 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:人生幸福的关键在于你用一颗什么样的心来看待自己和周围的世界,只有懂得感恩、懂得爱的人才会持续地拥有幸福、享受快乐。常怀感恩之心,我们就能够逐渐原谅那些曾与自己有过结怨甚至触及心灵痛处的那些人和事,会让我们已有的人生资源变得更加深厚,让我们的心胸变得更加宽阔、宏远。为此,我们特别编写《学会感恩懂得爱》,希望通过书中一个个感人的故事,让读者在感恩中重新寻找到生活的幸福、成功的感觉和人生的真谛。主播简介:依可英子,婉转而优雅,代表作《女人的修养与智慧》《学会感恩懂得爱》 Read more

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48个管理定律精解 by 袁建财
48个管理定律精解 by 袁建财


By: 袁建财

Narrated by: 云凯

Length: 9 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:管理是一门学科,也是一门艺术。管理的科学性与艺术性互为补充,相辅相成。如何将管理的科学性与艺术性融为一体,并且运用自如,是许多管理者急需解决的难题。让我们感到幸运和欣慰的是,解决这道难题并非无章可循,无据可依。这应该感谢世界各国的管理大师。他们通过长期实践与不断思考,为我们总结出管理的神奇定律。既然称做定律,人们往往认为非常深奥,其实不然。这些定律实际操作时非常简单,同时又可收到意想不到的效果。运用简单的方法,解决管理者的棘手难题,这正是大师与常人的区别所在。 需要指出的是,在长期探索研究过程中,管理大师们提炼出来的定律数不胜数,我们只撷取精华中的精华,编辑成册,供读者阅读参考。主播简介:云凯,本名曹云凯,代表作《48个管理定律精解》 Read more

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改变人生的72个身心修炼 by 萧萧
改变人生的72个身心修炼 by 萧萧


By: 萧萧

Narrated by: 星辰

Length: 9 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:人的一生有无数次的选择,每次都是痛苦和快乐抉择的过程。如果选择了痛苦,不要灰心,请珍惜你醒悟的反思;如果选择了快乐,不要松心,请享受你收获的心得。无论选择哪个,都要珍惜来之不易的磨炼,不要让它随风而去。为了美好的明天,幸福的人生,请你和我一道,磨炼心态,修炼身心,改变人生! 态度是行动的前提,态度受价值观的指导,态度是为人处事的基本原则,而心态决定态度。价值观是每个人判断是非善恶的信念体系,它不但引导我们追寻自己的理想,还决定一个人生活中大大小小的选择。我们的任何行为都是自身价值的流露。主播简介:星辰,感情丰富细腻,代表作《改变人生的72个身心修炼》 Read more

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顶级管理:聆听世界管理大师智慧之声 by 张雪松
顶级管理:聆听世界管理大师智慧之声 by 张雪松


By: 张雪松

Narrated by: 白羊座

Length: 9 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:本书集中了46位世界顶级管理思想大理的智慧, 并简要和重点摘述了每位大师的管理思想, 评估了他们对今日商业世界的影响和流传的价值, 从而汲取全球管理思想之精华, 使你有机会聆听最聪明、最优秀的学者如何看待管理领域, 为你提供独一无二的机会思考各种观点。作者简介:张雪松生长于安徽某边陲小市,老爸赐名雪松,取大雪压青松之句。可惜青松挺不直,自幼逢考常败难尽人意。磕磕绊绊读完中学遭遇落榜,愤然复读后蒙进南开大学英语系。大学以来,除英语外各科成绩尚可。兴趣广泛而常见异思迁,二十年来唯一不变的爱好是读书。读书虽未充栋,却也能有几条汗牛。阅书之余,亦尝阅人,追索往事,成其小说,对此小说有些敝帚自珍抱残守缺的想法:说自己的话,让别人去ft吧。主播简介:白羊座,原名郭永昆,吐字清晰亲和力强,... Read more

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Auto Deportes Vol.1 I La revista del automovilismo - Abridged by Xavier Medina
Auto Deportes Vol.1 I La revista del automovilismo - Abridged
Xavier Medina
Auto Deportes Vol.1 I La revista del automovilismo - Abridged by Xavier Medina

Auto Deportes Vol.1 I La revista del automovilismo - Abridged

By: Xavier Medina

Narrated by: Xavier Medina

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Autodeportes - Auto Deportes I: Vin Diesel y la película Fast X (Parte 2)Es hora de darle un toque auto deportivo al panorama editorial con Auto Deportes. Una revista de coches para los amantes de los autos, películas, clásicos, competencias rally, dakar, fórmula 1, motos, y camiones. El objetivo es claro: Impulsar la cadena de producción que... Read more

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Stress Less, Succeed More by Michael Loguidice
Stress Less, Succeed More
Michael Loguidice
Stress Less, Succeed More by Michael Loguidice

Stress Less, Succeed More

By: Michael Loguidice

Narrated by: Shawn Lennox

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

"Stress Less, Succeed More" is a comprehensive guide packed with over 20 stress-busting techniques and dozens of practical activities specifically designed to help you conquer stress and excel in school.In this comprehensive guidebook, we will delve into the intricate world of stress, examining its underlying causes, pervasive impact, and most... Read more

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办事办到位:名人处事秘笈 by 张雪松
办事办到位:名人处事秘笈 by 张雪松


By: 张雪松

Narrated by: 西茜

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《办事办到位:名人处事秘笈》生活在竞争激烈而又多“事”的时代,你是否感到疲于应付纷扰杂事?人活于世,人也活于“事”,面对世间的“事事非非”,我们该如何轻松应对呢?成功一定有方法,每一件事能够办成功,并不是偶然的。 作者简介:张雪松生长于安徽某边陲小市,老爸赐名雪松,取大雪压青松之句。可惜青松挺不直,自幼逢考常败难尽人意。磕磕绊绊读完中学遭遇落榜,愤然复读后蒙进南开大学英语系。大学以来,除英语外各科成绩尚可。兴趣广泛而常见异思迁,二十年来唯一不变的爱好是读书。读书虽未充栋,却也能有几条汗牛。阅书之余,亦尝阅人,追索往事,成其小说,对此小说有些敝帚自珍抱残守缺的想法:说自己的话,让别人去ft吧。主播简介:西茜,其作品主要是《办事办到位:名人处事秘笈》等 Read more

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