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New release
Growth by Karen DeBonis
Karen DeBonis
Growth by Karen DeBonis


By: Karen DeBonis

Narrated by: Karen DeBonis

Length: 8 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Can a woman who never learned to stand up for herself find the courage to speak up for her son?
Medical gaslighting collides with a mother's people-pleasing, shattering her expectations of motherhood and threatening the survival of her young son.
Karen is a happily married, slightly frazzled working mother of two when her eight-year-old son,... Read more

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New release
The Radiance of Alfheim by Matt Larkin
The Radiance of Alfheim
Matt Larkin
The Radiance of Alfheim by Matt Larkin

The Radiance of Alfheim

By: Matt Larkin

Narrated by: Ulf Bjorklund

Length: 10 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on this epic Norse mythology series in the Eschaton Cycle historical fantasy universe.
Odin’s endgame draws near.
Only a few obstacles remain between him and his goal of reaching Alfheim. His most valuable piece has become Sigurd, son of Sigmund, and a fierce warrior. Odin now must prompt Sigurd on a quest to slay a dragon and unravel a... Read more

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New release
AI - Your New Business Partner by Devon Zaner
AI - Your New Business Partner
Devon Zaner
AI - Your New Business Partner by Devon Zaner

AI - Your New Business Partner

By: Devon Zaner

Narrated by: Atherton Cooper

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on businesses encompasses a broad spectrum of considerations, ranging from operational efficiency and cost reduction to innovation and market disruption. AI technologies are transforming the way businesses operate, make decisions, and interact with customers.
 AI enables businesses to... Read more

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From zero to hero by Caroline Mignaux
From zero to hero
Caroline Mignaux
From zero to hero by Caroline Mignaux

From zero to hero

By: Caroline Mignaux

Narrated by: Caroline Mignaux

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

« Attendez seulement d'avoir refermé ce livre pour voir à quel point le personal branding peut changer votre vie ! » Être reconnu, signer des clients, augmenter vos revenus... le personal branding permet de valoriser votre travail, développer votre visibilité et accélérer votre carrière. En moins de trois ans, Caroline Mignaux est devenue... Read more

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New release
Зів'яле листя by Іван Франко
Зів'яле листя
Іван Франко
Зів'яле листя by Іван Франко

Зів'яле листя

By: Іван Франко

Narrated by: Артем Окороков

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Іван Франко, один із найвизначніших українських письменників, залишив незабутній слід в історії української літератури. Його збірка "Зів'яле листя", видана в 1896 році, є одним із найвідоміших творів, що відображає тонкі душевні переживання та філософські роздуми автора."Зів'яле листя" - це збірка ліричних поезій, поділена на три частини, кожна... Read more

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New release
Hero and Leander by Christopher Marlowe
Hero and Leander
Christopher Marlowe
Hero and Leander by Christopher Marlowe

Hero and Leander

By: Christopher Marlowe

Narrated by: Thomas Coperland

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Queen of the plaintive voice, the Torch resound Witness of secret Loves, the Lover sing On midnight billows borne to rapt'rous joys, Veil'd from Aurora's eye; the realms relate, By Ocean fever'd, join'd by Love.———I hear Leander dashing through the surge, I see The glitt'ring Harbinger; benignant Light, Fix'd by Olympus' King thy silver ray... Read more

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New release
George Rex Omegan


By: George Rex Omegan

Narrated by: Steve Jones

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

The message of the book is plain. You have only one chance to experience life, so don’t waste it. Stop dreaming, wishing, hoping, praying, and start living. Make this life about YOU. Be Yourself, Love Yourself, Live for Yourself, and Live Fully. Embrace each aspect of life with unbridled passion and energy. To do anything else is the height of... Read more

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New release
Sorprende a tu mente by Ana Ibáñez
Sorprende a tu mente
Ana Ibáñez
Sorprende a tu mente by Ana Ibáñez

Sorprende a tu mente

By: Ana Ibáñez

Narrated by: Nora González

Length: 6 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubre cómo funciona tu cerebro y aprende técnicas sencillas que te darán el poder para influir sobre tu mente y tus capacidades. EL CEREBRO SE ENTRENA: ¡DESARROLLA EL TUYO AL MÁXIMO! Desde respirar —pasando por comer o dormir— hasta la capacidad para razonar, para enamorarnos o para discutir con alguien, todo lo que hacemos pasa por el... Read more

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New release
Perry Rhodan Neo 332: Weidenburns Weg by Roman Schleifer
Perry Rhodan Neo 332: Weidenburns Weg
Roman Schleifer
Perry Rhodan Neo 332: Weidenburns Weg by Roman Schleifer

Perry Rhodan Neo 332: Weidenburns Weg

By: Roman Schleifer

Narrated by: Axel Gottschick

Length: 6 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Im Jahr 2116: Nachdem die Menschen zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten überwunden haben, hoffen sie auf eine friedliche Zukunft. Auf der Erde und den Kolonialwelten arbeitet man vertrauensvoll an gemeinsamen Projekten, häufig zusammen mit Partnern aus anderen Sternenreichen. Doch dann taucht ein neuer Gegner auf. Er nennt sich Primat und steht in... Read more

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New release
Empatía: el poder de entender a los demás by Juanjo Ramos
Empatía: el poder de entender a los demás
Juanjo Ramos
Empatía: el poder de entender a los demás by Juanjo Ramos

Empatía: el poder de entender a los demás

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

La empatía es una de esas palabras que todos escuchamos por todas partes hoy en día, pero que en realidad mucha gente no entiende completamente. Todos sabemos y parecemos tener claro que es muy importante ser una persona empática, pero ¿qué significa esto realmente? Y más allá de eso, ¿por qué es algo tan crucial en nuestras vidas? En este libro... Read more

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New release
Läraren och studenten 2: En hård läxa - erotisk novell by Sanna Salo
Läraren och studenten 2: En hård läxa - erotisk novell
Sanna Salo
Läraren och studenten 2: En hård läxa - erotisk novell by Sanna Salo

Läraren och studenten 2: En hård läxa - erotisk novell

By: Sanna Salo

Narrated by: Josefin Lund

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Tess har en hemlig relation med sin universitetslärare Lukas och väntar otåligt på att han ska hämta upp henne. Men när han säger att han är utanför med bilen låter Tess honom vänta. Hon kan inte låta bli att busa med den ståtlige och dominante Lukas, bara för att se vad som ska hända. Tess har höga förväntningar på att bli tagen direkt, som ett... Read more

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New release
CIA Gateway Process: Time Travel,OBE, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming & Sleep by Meditative Hearts
CIA Gateway Process: Time Travel,OBE, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming & Sleep
Meditative Hearts
CIA Gateway Process: Time Travel,OBE, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming & Sleep by Meditative Hearts

CIA Gateway Process: Time Travel,OBE, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming & Sleep

By: Meditative Hearts

Narrated by: Alan Munro

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

The CIA's Gateway Process is an intriguing exploration into the depths of human consciousness and its untapped potential. Developed during the Cold War era, this program utilizes advanced audio technologies to synchronize brainwave frequencies, enabling participants to access altered states of awareness. Through a combination of binaural beats,... Read more

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New release
Besessen von dir by Kera Jung
Besessen von dir
Kera Jung
Besessen von dir by Kera Jung

Besessen von dir

By: Kera Jung

Narrated by: Katharina Nöhl

Length: 12 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

»Das ist Lill. Nervend, rechthaberisch, hält sich für allwissend und geht mir permanent auf den Geist.« »Das ist Chage, total vertrottelt, hat einen Haufen guter Sachen im Schrank, trägt aber immer seine ältesten, verwaschensten Klamotten und läuft rum wie der letzte Penner. Aber jetzt bin ich ja da, um das zu ändern. Wollt ihr dabei sein? Dann... Read more

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New release
De Ingo gaht go poschte / De Ingo gaht id Ferie by Nelly Gyimesi
De Ingo gaht go poschte / De Ingo gaht id Ferie
Nelly Gyimesi
De Ingo gaht go poschte / De Ingo gaht id Ferie by Nelly Gyimesi

De Ingo gaht go poschte / De Ingo gaht id Ferie

By: Nelly Gyimesi

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

DE INGO GAHT GO POSCHTE / DE INGO GAHT ID FERIE Die Geschichten der Schweizer Kinderfigur Häsli Ingo finden immer grössere Beliebtheit im Streaming oder als Trickfilm auf Youtube. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden und seiner Familie erlebt Ingo spannende Abenteuer im Märliwald. Passend zum Sommerferien Beginn, fährt Ingo dieses Mal mit der Familie... Read more

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Coming soon
Das Fußballspiel by Christian Mörken
Das Fußballspiel
Christian Mörken
Das Fußballspiel by Christian Mörken

Das Fußballspiel

By: Christian Mörken

Narrated by: Jan Primke

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Löschen, retten, helfen: Flo, das kleine Feuerwehrauto, ist ein echter Helfer in der Not. Mit dem Feuerwehrmann Bruno lebt Flo in Plätscherbach. Jeden Tag trifft Flo den Krankenwagen Milla und Leopold, das Polizeiauto. Mit ihnen erlebt er viele Abenteuer. So auch als beim großen Fußballturnier in Plätscherbach die Mannschaft von Max gewinnt -... Read more

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New release
Ruth Plumly Thompson: HANDY MANDY IN OZ by Ruth Plumly Thompson
Ruth Plumly Thompson: HANDY MANDY IN OZ
Ruth Plumly Thompson
Ruth Plumly Thompson: HANDY MANDY IN OZ by Ruth Plumly Thompson

Ruth Plumly Thompson: HANDY MANDY IN OZ

By: Ruth Plumly Thompson

Narrated by: philip chenevert

Length: 4 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

On many a day had Handy, the Goat Girl of Mern, pursued her goats up and down the rocky eminences of her native mountain. And never—NEVER—in her fourteen or so years' experience had she been blown up by a mountain spring. But there comes, in every one's experience a day which is unlike every other day, and so it was with the Goat Girl. As she... Read more

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New release
The Mercury Project by Joseph Cautilli & Marisha Cautilli
The Mercury Project
Joseph Cautilli & Marisha Cautilli
The Mercury Project by Joseph Cautilli & Marisha Cautilli

The Mercury Project

By: Joseph Cautilli & Marisha Cautilli

Narrated by: Justin P. Warren

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

Follow as teenage prodigy, John Rutledge, discovers the secrets to DNA profiling set in the near future. His discoveries could lead to changing the world as we see it now but his teenage hormones could set him back decades. Will he save the world or will he save himself? Read more

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New release
The Shadows of Svartalfheim by Matt Larkin
The Shadows of Svartalfheim
Matt Larkin
The Shadows of Svartalfheim by Matt Larkin

The Shadows of Svartalfheim

By: Matt Larkin

Narrated by: Ulf Bjorklund

Length: 9 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on this epic Norse mythology series in the Eschaton Cycle historical fantasy universe.
What lies beyond shadow?
After centuries bound in Alfheim, Odin escapes, only to find himself trapped in the fathomless darkness of Svartalfheim. His only ally: a woman who no longer trusts him.
Svartalfheim is home to the strange and corrupt dark elf... Read more

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New release
The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald
The Love Hack
Sophie Ranald
The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald

The Love Hack

By: Sophie Ranald

Narrated by: Harrie Dobby

Length: 10 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

She’s a rookie advice columnist. He’s her office crush. It’s about to get complicated… Landing a new job as online agony uncle “Ask Adam” Lucy dishes out relationship tips to men. But when it comes to her own love life, she’d rather spend Friday nights curled up on her sofa with Netflix and her cat, Astro. That is, until she meets Ross, her new... Read more

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New release
Charmed by Chaos by Millie Samantha
Charmed by Chaos
Millie Samantha
Charmed by Chaos by Millie Samantha

Charmed by Chaos

By: Millie Samantha

Narrated by: Thomas James

Length: 8 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Maeve Crawford, a brilliant science student, has her life turned upside down by tragedy. Inheriting a magnificent English castle, she finds not only hidden magic but also four intriguing tenants – each harboring secrets. As Maeve grapples with grief, she discovers a hidden world of fae and awakens to a magical birthright she never knew existed.... Read more

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New release
Épreuves et Enchantement by Kim Richardson
Épreuves et Enchantement
Kim Richardson
Épreuves et Enchantement by Kim Richardson

Épreuves et Enchantement

By: Kim Richardson

Narrated by: Elisabeth Lagelee

Length: 7 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Préparez-vous pour de nouvelles aventures magiques et hilarantes !On m’a enlevé ma licence Merlin.Pour la retrouver, je dois réaliser les épreuves en sorcellerie. Bon, en fait, je dois réussir quelques tours de magie. Rien d’insurmontable. N’est-ce pas ? Grosse erreur.Les épreuves sont traîtresses, redoutables et terribles. Je ne suis pas prête... Read more

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New release
Mrok we krwi by Paweł Kopijer
Mrok we krwi
Paweł Kopijer
Mrok we krwi by Paweł Kopijer

Mrok we krwi

By: Paweł Kopijer

Narrated by: Wojciech Masiak

Length: 10 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Równoległe światy, alternatywne wydarzenia i konflikt między dwoma stronnictwami. W skonfliktowanym uniwersum magi i miecza historia zaczyna toczyć się w alternatywnych wersjach. Młoda szamanka Skra oraz płatny zabójca Noran przemierzają dwa niezależne światy: Amadal i Elise. Mimo że każde z nich realizuje własną misję, ich losy dążą do... Read more

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New release
The Fires of Muspelheim by Matt Larkin
The Fires of Muspelheim
Matt Larkin
The Fires of Muspelheim by Matt Larkin

The Fires of Muspelheim

By: Matt Larkin

Narrated by: Ulf Bjorklund

Length: 9 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on this epic Norse mythology series in the Eschaton Cycle historical fantasy universe.
The world ends in fire.
Odin has vanished and Ragnarok unfolds across Midgard. Hel’s armies swarm across the world to blanket it in her freezing wrath. Draugar, jotunnar, and more terrible monsters run rampant. Thor must lead the Aesir in their last,... Read more

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New release




Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: No

ETHEREUM: Guide to the the World of Decentralization’ is the third installment of Blockchains Blueprint eBooks, providing an in-depth exploration of the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology...  TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Getting Started with EthereumChapter 2: Ethereum TechnologyChapter 3: Ethereum DecentralizedChapter 4: The... Read more

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