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Powrót Smoków (Księga 1 Królowie I Czarnoksiężnicy) by Morgan Rice
Powrót Smoków (Księga 1 Królowie I Czarnoksiężnicy)
Morgan Rice
Powrót Smoków (Księga 1 Królowie I Czarnoksiężnicy) by Morgan Rice

Powrót Smoków (Księga 1 Królowie I Czarnoksiężnicy)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Robert Olczyk

Length: 7 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

This recording has been digitally produced by Morgan Rice, using a synthesized version of an audiobook narrator’s voice under license. "Dobra wiadomość dla wszystkich, którzy po przeczytaniu całej serii Kręgu Czarnoksiężnika wciąż pragną więcej. Powrót Smoków Morgan Rice to zapowiedź kolejnej genialnej serii fantasy, która zabierze nas w podróż... Read more

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Skeptic in Salem: An Episode of Murder (A Dubious Witch Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Skeptic in Salem: An Episode of Murder (A Dubious Witch Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Skeptic in Salem: An Episode of Murder (A Dubious Witch Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Skeptic in Salem: An Episode of Murder (A Dubious Witch Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Quinn Francis

Length: 8 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

"Very entertaining. Highly recommended for the permanent library of any reader who appreciates a well-written mystery with twists and an intelligent plot. You will not be disappointed. Excellent way to spend a cold weekend!"
--Books and Movie Reviews (regarding Murder in the Manor)

SKEPTIC IN SALEM: AN EPISODE OF MURDER is the debut novel in a... Read more

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Mûr pour le Meurtre (Roman à Suspense en Vignoble Toscan – Tome 1) by Fiona Grace
Mûr pour le Meurtre (Roman à Suspense en Vignoble Toscan – Tome 1)
Fiona Grace
Mûr pour le Meurtre (Roman à Suspense en Vignoble Toscan – Tome 1) by Fiona Grace

Mûr pour le Meurtre (Roman à Suspense en Vignoble Toscan – Tome 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Soraya Garre

Length: 6 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

« Très distrayant. Je recommande chaleureusement à tous les lecteurs d’inclure ce livre à leur bibliothèque permanente s’ils apprécient les romans à suspense très bien écrits avec des coups de théâtre et une intrigue intelligente. Vous ne serez pas déçu. C’est un moyen excellent de passer un week-end pluvieux ! »
--Books and Movie Reviews,... Read more

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On sale
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Veronica Summer

Length: 9 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No


„Sehr unterhaltsam. Dieses Buch sollte in jeder Privatbibliothek von Lesern stehen, die einen gut geschriebenen Krimi mit einigen unerwarteten Wendungen und einer interessanten Handlung zu schätzen wissen. Sie werden nicht enttäuscht sein. Ein ausgezeichneter... Read more

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On sale
Aged for Murder (A Tuscan Vineyard Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Aged for Murder (A Tuscan Vineyard Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Aged for Murder (A Tuscan Vineyard Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Aged for Murder (A Tuscan Vineyard Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Manuela Farina

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

“Un libro veramente piacevole. Lo consiglio vivamente agli appassionati di storie di mistero ben scritte, una trama intelligente ravvivata da sorprendenti colpi di scena. Un ottimo modo per passare un freddo weekend, non rimarrete delusi!”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito di Assassinio in villa)


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On sale
Un Trône pour des Sœurs (Tome N 1) by Morgan Rice
Un Trône pour des Sœurs (Tome N 1)
Morgan Rice
Un Trône pour des Sœurs (Tome N 1) by Morgan Rice

Un Trône pour des Sœurs (Tome N 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Olivier Lovero

Length: 6 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

« Morgan Rice a imaginé ce qui promet d'être une autre série brillante et nous plonge dans une histoire de fantasy avec trolls et dragons, bravoure, honneur, courage, magie et foi en sa propre destinée. Morgan Rice a de nouveau réussi à produire un solide ensemble de personnages qui nous font les acclamer à chaque page .... Recommandé pour la... Read more

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On sale
Left To Die (An Adele Sharp Mystery—Book One) by Blake Pierce
Left To Die (An Adele Sharp Mystery—Book One)
Blake Pierce
Left To Die (An Adele Sharp Mystery—Book One) by Blake Pierce

Left To Die (An Adele Sharp Mystery—Book One)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Daniele Ridolfi

Length: 7 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

“Quando pensi che la vita non potrebbe andare meglio di così, Blake Pierce arriva con un altro capolavoro del thriller e del mistero! Questo libro è pieno di svolte e il finale porta una sorprendente rivelazione. Lo raccomando fortemente per la biblioteca permanente di ogni lettore che ami i thriller davvero ben scritti.”
--Books and Movie... Read more

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Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1) by Jack Mars
Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1)
Jack Mars
Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1) by Jack Mars

Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1)

By: Jack Mars

Narrated by: K.C. Kelly

Length: 9 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

“Thriller writing at its best. Thriller enthusiasts who relish the precise execution of an international thriller, but who seek the psychological depth and believability of a protagonist who simultaneously fields professional and personal life challenges, will find this a gripping story that's hard to put down.” --Midwest Book Review, Diane... Read more

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On sale
Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1) by Morgan Rice
Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1)
Morgan Rice
Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1) by Morgan Rice

Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Piotr Bajtlik

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Nowa, wciągająca seria powieści fantasy autorstwa Morgan Rice, autorki bestsellerowego KRĘGU CZARNOKSIĘŻNIKA.

MARSZ PRZETRWANIA (księga 1 cyklu Rządy Miecza) opowiada epicką historię dorastania siedemnastoletniego pochodzącego z ludu Royce’a, który przez swe wyjątkowe talenty w boju czuje, że różni się od pozostałych chłopców w wiosce. Drzemie w... Read more

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On sale
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1) by Morgan Rice
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1)
Morgan Rice
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1) by Morgan Rice

Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Eugenio Manuelli

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

“Se pensavate che non ci fosse altra ragione di vita dopo la fine della serie L’Anello dello stregone, vi sbagliavate. In L’ASCESA DEI DRAGHI Morgan Rice ha raggiunto ciò che promette di essere un’altra saga brillante, immergendoci in un mondo fantasy fatto di troll e draghi, pregno di valore, coraggio, magia e fede nel destino. Morgan è... Read more

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On sale
Le Réveil des Dragons (Rois et Sorciers —Livre 1) by Morgan Rice
Le Réveil des Dragons (Rois et Sorciers —Livre 1)
Morgan Rice
Le Réveil des Dragons (Rois et Sorciers —Livre 1) by Morgan Rice

Le Réveil des Dragons (Rois et Sorciers —Livre 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Corenthin Lovero

Length: 7 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

“Si vous pensiez que rien ne pouvait plus égaler la série L’anneau du Sorcier, vous vous trompiez. Dans LE REVEIL DES DRAGONS, Morgan Rice nous amène la promesse d’une nouvelle série à succès en nous immergeant dans un monde fantastique peuplé de trolls et de dragons et où l’honneur, le courage, la magie et la foi en son destin sont mis en... Read more

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On sale
Le Royaume des Dragons (Le Temps des Sorciers — Tome Un) by Morgan Rice
Le Royaume des Dragons (Le Temps des Sorciers — Tome Un)
Morgan Rice
Le Royaume des Dragons (Le Temps des Sorciers — Tome Un) by Morgan Rice

Le Royaume des Dragons (Le Temps des Sorciers — Tome Un)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Guilluame Tremblay

Length: 6 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

“Tous les ingrédients d'un bestseller : énigmes, rebondissements, mystère, preux chevaliers, amours naissantes et cœurs brisés, déception et trahison. Des heures de lecture à tout âge. Vivement recommandé pour tous les inconditionnels de fantasy.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (L'Anneau du Sorcier) “Les prémices d'une série... Read more

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On sale
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1) by Morgan Rice
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1)
Morgan Rice
Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1) by Morgan Rice

Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Hector Almenara

Length: 8 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

“Si pensaste que ya no había razón para vivir después de terminar de leer la serie El Anillo del Hechicero, te equivocaste. En EL DESPERTAR DE LOS DRAGONES Morgan Rice nos presenta lo que promete ser otra brillante serie, sumergiéndonos en una fantasía de troles y dragones, de valor, honor, intrepidez, magia y fe en tu destino. Morgan ha logrado... Read more

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On sale
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Kathleen Strecker

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

MORD I SLOTTET (EN MYSDECKARE OM LACEY DOYLE—BOK 1) är debutromanen i en ny charmig och mysig bokserie av Fiona Grace.

Lacey Grace, 39 år och nyskild, behöver en drastisk förändring. Hon måste säga upp sig från sitt jobb, lämna sin hemska chef och New York City och kliva undan från det hektiska livet. För att fullfölja det löfte hon gav sig själv... Read more

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On sale
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Loeke Pam

Length: 7 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

MOORD IN HET LANDHUIS (EEN LACEY DOYLE COZY MYSTERY – BOEK 1) is het eerste boek in een aantrekkelijke, nieuwe cozy mystery-serie van Fiona Grace.

Lacey Doyle, negenendertig jaar en pas gescheiden, is toe aan een ingrijpende verandering. Ze gaat haar baan opzeggen, haar vreselijke baas en New York City verlaten en het snelle leven de rug... Read more

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On sale
The Perfect Wife (A Jessie Hunt Psychological Suspense Thriller—Book One) by Blake Pierce
The Perfect Wife (A Jessie Hunt Psychological Suspense Thriller—Book One)
Blake Pierce
The Perfect Wife (A Jessie Hunt Psychological Suspense Thriller—Book One) by Blake Pierce

The Perfect Wife (A Jessie Hunt Psychological Suspense Thriller—Book One)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Susana Alcoba Haydar

Length: 10 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

La estudiante de perfilado de criminales (y recién casada), Jessie Hunt, de 29 años, descubre que en su nuevo hogar en los suburbios acechan secretos ocultos; cuando aparece un cadáver, se ve atrapada entre el punto de mira de sus nuevas amistades, los secretos de su marido, el trabajo con casos de asesinos en serie—y los secretos de su propio... Read more

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On sale
Watching (The Making of Riley Paige—Book 1) by Blake Pierce
Watching (The Making of Riley Paige—Book 1)
Blake Pierce
Watching (The Making of Riley Paige—Book 1) by Blake Pierce

Watching (The Making of Riley Paige—Book 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Adriana Rios Sarabia

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

“¡Una obra maestra del género del thriller y misterio! El autor hizo un trabajo magnífico desarrollando a los personajes psicológicamente, tanto así que sientes que estás en sus mentes, vives sus temores y aclamas sus éxitos. La trama es muy inteligente y te mantendrá entretenido durante todo el libro. Este libro te mantendrá pasando páginas... Read more

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On sale
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Fiona Grace
Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1) by Fiona Grace

Murder in the Manor (A Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery—Book 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Anna Gallarati

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

ASSASSINIO IN VILLA (UN GIALLO INTIMO E LEGGERO DI LACEY DOYLE—LIBRO 1) è il romanzo di debutto di un’affascinante nuova serie di gialli intimi e leggeri scritti da Fiona Grace.

Lacey Doyle Rose, 39 anni e fresca di divorzio, ha bisogno di un cambiamento drastico. Deve lasciare il suo lavoro, abbandonare il suo orrendo capo e la città di New... Read more

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On sale
Meurtre au Manoir (Un Roman Policier de Lacey Doyle – Tome 1) by Fiona Grace
Meurtre au Manoir (Un Roman Policier de Lacey Doyle – Tome 1)
Fiona Grace
Meurtre au Manoir (Un Roman Policier de Lacey Doyle – Tome 1) by Fiona Grace

Meurtre au Manoir (Un Roman Policier de Lacey Doyle – Tome 1)

By: Fiona Grace

Narrated by: Faïda Lovero

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

"Extrêmement divertissant. Cet ouvrage a sa place de choix dans la bibliothèque de tout lecteur.rice privilégiant les enquêtes savamment construites, les rebondissements et une trame captivante. Vous serez conquis. L'ouvrage idéal pour les froides journées d'hiver !"
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (Meurtre au Manoir)


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On sale
Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory--Book 1) by Morgan Rice
Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory--Book 1)
Morgan Rice
Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory--Book 1) by Morgan Rice

Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory--Book 1)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Mario De Candia

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

“Morgan Rice ha concebido lo que promete ser otra brillante serie, que nos sumerge en una fantasía de valor, honor, coraje, magia y fe en el destino. Morgan ha conseguido de nuevo producir un fuerte conjunto de personajes que hará que los aclamemos a cada página…Recomendado para la biblioteca habitual de todos los lectores a los que les gusta la... Read more

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On sale
Face of Death (A Zoe Prime Mystery—Book 1) by Blake Pierce
Face of Death (A Zoe Prime Mystery—Book 1)
Blake Pierce
Face of Death (A Zoe Prime Mystery—Book 1) by Blake Pierce

Face of Death (A Zoe Prime Mystery—Book 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Ulka Mohanty

Length: 7 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

"“A MASTERPIECE OF THRILLER AND MYSTERY. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos... Read more

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On sale
Realm of Dragons (Age of the Sorcerers—Book One) by Morgan Rice
Realm of Dragons (Age of the Sorcerers—Book One)
Morgan Rice
Realm of Dragons (Age of the Sorcerers—Book One) by Morgan Rice

Realm of Dragons (Age of the Sorcerers—Book One)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Kevin Green

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

“Has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto... Read more

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On sale
Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1) by Jack Mars
Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1)
Jack Mars
Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1) by Jack Mars

Any Means Necessary (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #1)

By: Jack Mars

Narrated by: Mike Nelson

Length: 11 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Als Mitten in der Nacht radioaktiver Müll von Dschihadisten aus einem unbewachten New Yorker Krankenhaus gestohlen wird, bleibt der Polizei in ihrem Kampf gegen die Zeit nichts anderes übrig als das FBI zu verständigen. Luke Stone, der Kopf einer geheimen Eliteeinheit des FBIs wird dabei zu ihrem einzigen Hoffnungsträger. Luke ist schnell klar,... Read more

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On sale
Когда Она Ушла (Загадки Райли Пейдж – Книга №1) by Blake Pierce
Когда Она Ушла (Загадки Райли Пейдж – Книга №1)
Blake Pierce
Когда Она Ушла (Загадки Райли Пейдж – Книга №1) by Blake Pierce

Когда Она Ушла (Загадки Райли Пейдж – Книга №1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Elnara Salimova

Length: 8 hours

Abridged: No

«Динамичная сюжетная линия захватывает и не отпускает читателя уже с первых глав».Дайяна Донован, издание Midwest Book Review (о книге «Когда она ушла»)«Это настоящий шедевр в жанре триллера и детективного романа! Автор проделал великолепную работу, настолько точно раскрывая характеры персонажей с психологической точки зрения, что ему удалось... Read more

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