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Narzissmus erkennen und verstehen by Andrea Ellis
Narzissmus erkennen und verstehen
Andrea Ellis
Narzissmus erkennen und verstehen by Andrea Ellis

Narzissmus erkennen und verstehen

By: Andrea Ellis

Narrated by: Birgit Brauneder

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Ausweg aus dem Psychoterror – jetzt! Befreie Dich endlich aus der Opferrolle! Das Leben mit einem Narzissten ist eine echte Qual, als wärst Du in der Hölle auf Erden gefangen. Denn für diesen zählt immer nur er selbst. Er benutzt Dich, manipuliert Dich, und wenn Du nicht mehr kannst, dann ist er erst wirklich zufrieden. Sich mit einem... Read more

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Perhehytti: Havaintoja lapsista ja vanhemmuudesta by Riina Katajavuori
Perhehytti: Havaintoja lapsista ja vanhemmuudesta
Riina Katajavuori
Perhehytti: Havaintoja lapsista ja vanhemmuudesta by Riina Katajavuori

Perhehytti: Havaintoja lapsista ja vanhemmuudesta

By: Riina Katajavuori

Narrated by: Riina Katajavuori

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Lapsiperheen arki on asia, jota ei voi täysin ymmärtää ennen kuin se on kokenut. Vanhemmuus on jatkuvaa päänsisäistä kehityskeskustelua ja itsearviointia, kovaa yrittämistä ja epäonnistumisten murehdintaa. Miten olla hyvä vanhempi? Miten on mahdollista, että vanhempi voi olla niin monella eri tavalla? Olisiko parempi vain reippaasti osallistua... Read more

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Basiswissen Psychologie: Transaktionsanalyse kompakt erklärt by Steffen Raebricht
Basiswissen Psychologie: Transaktionsanalyse kompakt erklärt
Steffen Raebricht
Basiswissen Psychologie: Transaktionsanalyse kompakt erklärt by Steffen Raebricht

Basiswissen Psychologie: Transaktionsanalyse kompakt erklärt

By: Steffen Raebricht

Narrated by: Kathy Christina Pithan

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Du hast von der Transaktionsanalyse (TA) gehört und bist jetzt neugierig geworden? Mit diesem Hörbuch schaffst du den schnellen Einstieg. Innerhalb eines Nachmittags gewinnst du einen kompakten und pragmatischen Überblick über die TA: gut strukturiert und verständlich. Finde mit dem Mini-Selbsttest und kleinen Übungen heraus, für... Read more

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Elite Seduction by Johnny Cassell
Elite Seduction
Johnny Cassell
Elite Seduction by Johnny Cassell

Elite Seduction

By: Johnny Cassell

Narrated by: Johnny Cassell

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

You are not stupid , you are not dumb, you are not Ugly but you need help with one of the most difficult aspects of being a single man namely how to attract and seduce beautiful women. Do you find yourself in situations where you feel like you are charging at 100 mph into a conversation with a beautiful woman only to find yourself out of... Read more

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The Child Is the Teacher by Cristina de Stefano
The Child Is the Teacher
Cristina de Stefano
The Child Is the Teacher by Cristina de Stefano

The Child Is the Teacher

By: Cristina de Stefano

Narrated by: Lexi Mae

Length: 10 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

A fresh, comprehensive biography of the pioneering educator and activist who changed the way we look at children's minds.

Born in 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy, Maria Montessori would grow up to embody almost every trait men of her era detested in the fairer sex. She was self-confident, strong-willed, and had a fiery temper at a time when women were... Read more

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La ciencia Oscura by Gabriel León
La ciencia Oscura
Gabriel León
La ciencia Oscura by Gabriel León

La ciencia Oscura

By: Gabriel León

Narrated by: Daniel Streeter

Length: 3 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Crónica de divulgación científica que relata aquellas investigaciones y experimentos reñidos con la ética, al punto de poner en peligro la salud y la vida de quienes participaron en ellos.
Sin tener en cuenta la ética ni el bienestar de hombres y mujeres, la historia de la ciencia acumula experimentos transgresores, crueles y con ... Read more

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Die ROMI-METHODE® by Maximilian Mitera
Maximilian Mitera
Die ROMI-METHODE® by Maximilian Mitera


By: Maximilian Mitera

Narrated by: Stefan Schäfer

Length: 9 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Eingreifen bevor es zu spät ist! Mit der ROMI-Methode® können Sie Betrüger entlarven und Bedrohungen frühzeitig abwenden! Für Warnhinweise zu sensibilisieren, einen Schaden bereits während des Entstehens sichtbar zu machen und dann präventiv einzugreifen, ist oftmals ein entscheidender Faktor. Egal, ob es sich um Spione, Hochstapler oder... Read more

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Antigone by Sophokles
Antigone by Sophokles


By: Sophokles

Narrated by: Georg Elmenhorst

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Die berühmte Tragödie der mutigen Antigone. Nacherzählt in Prosa und in verständlicher Sprache. Für alle, denen das Original zu sperrig, die Hörspielfassung zu lang und die Playmobil-Verfilmung zu hektisch ist. Für alle, die sich gerne zurücklehnen und sich von einer Geschichte fesseln lassen wollen, die - wenn man sie gut erzählt - so spannend... Read more

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A Worthy Piece of Work by Michael Hines
A Worthy Piece of Work
Michael Hines
A Worthy Piece of Work by Michael Hines

A Worthy Piece of Work

By: Michael Hines

Narrated by: Andrew Barnes

Length: 6 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

The story of Madeline Morgan, the activist educator who brought Black history to one of the nation’s largest and most segregated school systems

A Worthy Piece of Work tells the story of Madeline Morgan (later Madeline Stratton Morris), a teacher and an activist in WWII-era Chicago, who fought her own battle on the home front, authoring curricula... Read more

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Progressive Dystopia by Savannah Shange
Progressive Dystopia
Savannah Shange
Progressive Dystopia by Savannah Shange

Progressive Dystopia

By: Savannah Shange

Narrated by: Diana Blue

Length: 8 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

San Francisco is the endgame of gentrification, where racialized displacement means that the Black population of the city hovers at just over three percent. The Robeson Justice Academy opened to serve the few remaining low-income neighborhoods of the city, with the mission of offering liberatory, social justice-themed education to youth of... Read more

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Embalagens Papel & Papelcartão - Abridged by Assunta Camilo, Simone Ruiz, Antonio Andrade, Margaret Hayasaki & Claudio Marcondes
Embalagens Papel & Papelcartão - Abridged
Assunta Camilo, Simone Ruiz, Antonio Andrade, M...
Embalagens Papel & Papelcartão - Abridged by Assunta Camilo, Simone Ruiz, Antonio Andrade, Margaret Hayasaki & Claudio Marcondes

Embalagens Papel & Papelcartão - Abridged

By: Assunta Camilo, Simone Ruiz, Antonio Andrade, M...

Narrated by: João Domingues

Length: 7 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Assim como os demais livros da coleção Embalagem Melhor Mundo Melhor, nosso objetivo é entregar uma obra que aborde o assunto embalagem de papel e papelcartão desde a concepção até as orientações sobre o correto descarte. Cada autor se dedicou a informar o que há de mais atual sobre seu tema, enquanto a curadoria da equipe do Instituto de... Read more

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The Elements of Style - Unabridged by William Strunk Jr.
The Elements of Style - Unabridged
William Strunk Jr.
The Elements of Style - Unabridged by William Strunk Jr.

The Elements of Style - Unabridged

By: William Strunk Jr.

Narrated by: Darren Stephens & Sara Nichols

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

William Strunk, Jr., a professor of English literature at Cornell University, penned "The Elements of Style" in 1918 as a guide for his students in the proper use of grammar and composition. The book served as an invaluable resource for writers for decades and was revised in 1959 by author E.B. White. (The resulting manuscript, with White's... Read more

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Disability: Ability by Mary Miele
Disability: Ability
Mary Miele
Disability: Ability by Mary Miele

Disability: Ability

By: Mary Miele

Narrated by: Mary Miele

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

The field of special education in 2022 has progressed to a point where we have ways to treat and support students with learning issues, and yet, we frame so much of the special education process from a deficit-based mindset. Even the word, "disability" supports this negative connotation of neurodiversity. This idea book outlines a paradigm for... Read more

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Lessons from a Fledgling Democracy by Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D.
Lessons from a Fledgling Democracy
Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D.
Lessons from a Fledgling Democracy by Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D.

Lessons from a Fledgling Democracy

By: Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D.

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

How are the successes and failures of the fledgling South African democracy relevant to all democratic nations? Why a nation cannot truly thrive without full socio-economic equity. Why true freedom must also include freedom from an imprisoned mind. What is the importance of teaching a full, robust history of a nation? Read more

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Nate's Triumph by Nate Trainor
Nate's Triumph
Nate Trainor
Nate's Triumph by Nate Trainor

Nate's Triumph

By: Nate Trainor

Narrated by: Gary Gunter

Length: 5 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Nate Trainor, born with Joubert syndrome, could not communicate with words until he was twenty-one. Stuck in a system that prematurely labeled him "profoundly retarded," Nate shares his battles with the public school system to be included, his incredible efforts to prove his intelligence, and the breakthroughs that finally gifted him with words... Read more

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L’Évangile de Thomas selon un ordre thématique by Jésus Christ
L’Évangile de Thomas selon un ordre thématique
Jésus Christ
L’Évangile de Thomas selon un ordre thématique by Jésus Christ

L’Évangile de Thomas selon un ordre thématique

By: Jésus Christ

Narrated by: Israel Nazir

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

L'évangile de Thomas est le recueil brut et originel des Paroles de Jésus. Ces paroles sont habituellement appellées des logions. Ce recueil authentique contient 114 logions qui pour certains sont particulierement mysterieux. Ces mystères seront à l'origine de la rédaction des évangiles canoniques et apocryphes. Afin de faciliter la... Read more

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Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour by Tom Bennett
Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour
Tom Bennett
Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour by Tom Bennett

Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour

By: Tom Bennett

Length: 11 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

In Running the Room: The Teacher's Guide to Behaviour, Tom Bennett rewrote the book on behaviour management, and outlined the psychology and dynamics underpinning student habits. In this companion, he goes into more detail about how to apply those principles to the classroom. Read more

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Small Talk by Frank Blackmon
Small Talk
Frank Blackmon
Small Talk by Frank Blackmon

Small Talk

By: Frank Blackmon

Narrated by: Austin Stoler

Length: 4 hours

Abridged: No

Are you looking to get more friends or to grow professionally in your career or to meet new girls or boys? Then keep reading...Small talk is crucial to distinguish yourself from the crowd.We all know someone who has difficulty starting the conversation and breaking the ice. It could also be you. Small Talk will help you overcome these problems,... Read more

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A Place to Belong by Amber O'Neal Johnston
A Place to Belong
Amber O'Neal Johnston
A Place to Belong by Amber O'Neal Johnston

A Place to Belong

By: Amber O'Neal Johnston

Narrated by: Amber O'Neal Johnston

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

A guide for families of all backgrounds to celebrate cultural heritage and embrace inclusivity in the home and beyond.

Gone are the days when socially conscious parents felt comfortable teaching their children to merely tolerate others. Instead, they are looking for a way to authentically embrace the fullness of their diverse communities. A Place... Read more

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Teach Yourself How to Learn by Saundra Yancy McGuire
Teach Yourself How to Learn
Saundra Yancy McGuire
Teach Yourself How to Learn by Saundra Yancy McGuire

Teach Yourself How to Learn

By: Saundra Yancy McGuire

Narrated by: Carmen Jewel Jones

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Following up on her acclaimed Teach Students How to Learn, that describes teaching strategies to facilitate dramatic improvements in student learning and success, Saundra McGuire here presents these "secrets" direct to students.

Beginning with explaining how expectations about learning, and the study efforts required, differ between college and... Read more

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Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga by Brendon Abram
Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Brendon Abram
Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga by Brendon Abram

Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

By: Brendon Abram

Narrated by: Alan Carlson

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A practical, hands-on, experienced-based guide from a military veteran turned yoga teacher

Brendon Abram combines his first-hand experience with PTSD in the field and years of teaching to offer this practical guide to bringing trauma-sensitive yoga to both clinical and studio settings. Drawing on his work with military veterans, first responders,... Read more

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The Creation Answer Book by Hank Hanegraaff
The Creation Answer Book
Hank Hanegraaff
The Creation Answer Book by Hank Hanegraaff

The Creation Answer Book

By: Hank Hanegraaff

Narrated by: Hank Hanegraaff

Length: 4 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Read by the author.Answers to the most common—and most controversial—questions about creation evidences.In The Creation Answer Book, renowned Bible scholar Hank Hanegraaff brings to life the answers God has revealed about His magnificent creation—our universe, light and time, the earth and all who inhabit it. The popular Q&A format provides... Read more

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Das Finanz-Kochbuch Light by Christian Zimmer
Das Finanz-Kochbuch Light
Christian Zimmer
Das Finanz-Kochbuch Light by Christian Zimmer

Das Finanz-Kochbuch Light

By: Christian Zimmer

Narrated by: Heike Kiszio

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Was hat Kochen mit Finanzen zu tun? Und wie können Dir Kenntnisse über Deine Ernährung helfen, Deine finanziellen Angelegenheiten zu optimieren? Das Finanzkochbuch "light" zeigt Dir in konzentrierter Form, wie Du auch als Kochanfänger und Nicht-Finanzgenie ein ausgewogenes und bekömmliches Finanzmenü zusammenstellest. Kurz und knackig werden... Read more

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Food Truck Business Guide for Beginners by ALDRICH GRAY
Food Truck Business Guide for Beginners
Food Truck Business Guide for Beginners by ALDRICH GRAY

Food Truck Business Guide for Beginners


Narrated by: ALDRICH GRAY

Length: 5 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you dream of introducing the world to a new recipe that your friends rave about? Or maybe you want to introduce customers to family recipes passed down through generations? You have a big chance to show off your culinary skills and produce a small-themed menu with this career.Do you dream of finally being your boss?There is absolutely no one... Read more

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