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Guia Incompleto Desatualizado e Provisório para Estudantes Universitários - Abridged by Giordano Bruno Soares Roberto
Guia Incompleto Desatualizado e Provisório para Estudantes Universitários - Abridged
Giordano Bruno Soares Roberto
Guia Incompleto Desatualizado e Provisório para Estudantes Universitários - Abridged by Giordano Bruno Soares Roberto

Guia Incompleto Desatualizado e Provisório para Estudantes Universitários - Abridged

By: Giordano Bruno Soares Roberto

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Estudantes do primeiro grupo sofrem porque pensam que os outros estão mais bem preparados para o mundo do trabalho. Estudantes do segundo grupo sofrem porque nunca sabem se estão fazendo o suficiente. Foi pensando nessa realidade que decidi escrever o Guia Incompleto, Desatualizado e Provisório para Estudantes Universitários. É um guia para... Read more

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Possible Happiness by Magdalena Angelova
Possible Happiness
Magdalena Angelova
Possible Happiness by Magdalena Angelova

Possible Happiness

By: Magdalena Angelova

Narrated by: Jessica Morris

Length: 13 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

What is true happiness and how do we find it? Psychologist Magdalena Angelova has dedicated the most part of her life to working with women who have lost their power and self-confidence. She dives deep in exploring the answers to the complicated questions women ask themselves. Who am I? What kind of woman am I? What is it that makes me strong,... Read more

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Weil du ein wundervoller und einzigartiger Junge bist by Katja Sommer
Weil du ein wundervoller und einzigartiger Junge bist
Katja Sommer
Weil du ein wundervoller und einzigartiger Junge bist by Katja Sommer

Weil du ein wundervoller und einzigartiger Junge bist

By: Katja Sommer

Narrated by: Hanna Kersten

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Du bist wundervoll und einzigartig! Spätestens mit der Einschulung spüren unsere Kinder zum ersten Mal den immer größer werdenden Leistungsdruck der Gesellschaft. Kleinkindliche Ängste werden durch echte und reale Ängste abgelöst. Die Angst zu versagen, keine Freunde zu finden oder das Gefühl nicht genug zu sein, ist in diesem Alter oft sehr... Read more

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Deep Impact by Hans Strobl-Aloni & Kaivalya Kashyap
Deep Impact
Hans Strobl-Aloni & Kaivalya Kashyap
Deep Impact by Hans Strobl-Aloni & Kaivalya Kashyap

Deep Impact

By: Hans Strobl-Aloni & Kaivalya Kashyap

Narrated by: Katharina Sitte

Length: 4 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

DEEP IMPACT stop leading - be led Für Führungskräfte einer neuen Ära. Wir befinden uns mitten in einer der größten Umbruchphasen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Diese neue Ära erfasst auch die Businesswelt. Führungskräfte sehen sich mit noch nie dagewesenen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und damit oftmals alleingelassen. Druck, Überforderung... Read more

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Baby Sleep Training in 3 Days or Less by Corie Herolds
Baby Sleep Training in 3 Days or Less
Corie Herolds
Baby Sleep Training in 3 Days or Less by Corie Herolds

Baby Sleep Training in 3 Days or Less

By: Corie Herolds

Narrated by: Corie Production

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Does your baby wake up in the night and can't (or won't) go back to sleep?
This audiobook will teach you everything you need to know about your baby’s sleep and empower you to foster healthy sleep habits for your baby.Just follow the simple plan which has been a wonderful source of guidance for countless parents who are struggling with their... Read more

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The Equity Starter Kit by Lawrence Garrett
The Equity Starter Kit
Lawrence Garrett
The Equity Starter Kit by Lawrence Garrett

The Equity Starter Kit

By: Lawrence Garrett

Narrated by: Lawrence Garrett

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

The Equity Starter Kit is a guided blueprint for creating equity and inclusivity in High Schools. Built on the principles of being systemic and sustainable, Equity Starter Kit examines power through a student-centered design model and proven Equity leadership principles and practices.

If you’re looking to move beyond insular book studies and want... Read more

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The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy by Jenna Gensic & Jennifer Brunton
The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy
Jenna Gensic & Jennifer Brunton
The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy by Jenna Gensic & Jennifer Brunton

The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy

By: Jenna Gensic & Jennifer Brunton

Narrated by: Lucie McNeil

Length: 7 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy takes an in-depth look at the key elements of effective, respectful, inclusive advocacy and allyship. Every topic was chosen, shaped, and informed by #ActuallyAutistic perspectives.

The step-by-step guide discusses various aspects of how autism is perceived, explores how best to speak up for individual... Read more

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In this Foreign Land by Suzie Hull
In this Foreign Land
Suzie Hull
In this Foreign Land by Suzie Hull

In this Foreign Land

By: Suzie Hull

Narrated by: Polly Edsell

Length: 11 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

'I beg of you this one thing - that if I should perish here, in this foreign land, that you will look after her.'

March, 1914. When talented artist Isobel embarks on a journey to Egypt, it's to reunite her best friend Alice with her husband, Wilfred - and to use the stunning sights of Cairo as inspiration for her own paintings.

A whirlwind... Read more

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Magier des Schönen by Daniel Daddeh
Magier des Schönen
Daniel Daddeh
Magier des Schönen by Daniel Daddeh

Magier des Schönen

By: Daniel Daddeh

Narrated by: Daniel Bierich

Length: 4 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Absicht dieses Buchs besteht darin, die Lehre Nevilles in Theorie & Anwendung systematisch und prägnant zusammenzutragen und auf den Punkt zu bringen. Der erste Teil dieses Buchs widmet sich der Theorie der Lehre. Er besteht aus der bisher unübersetzten, und auch im Englischen eher weniger bekannten Niederschrift "Ich kenne meinen Vater"... Read more

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The Book of Nature Connection by Jacob Rodenburg
The Book of Nature Connection
Jacob Rodenburg
The Book of Nature Connection by Jacob Rodenburg

The Book of Nature Connection

By: Jacob Rodenburg

Narrated by: Adam Farnsworth

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Unplug from technology and "plug in" to nature through the wonder of your senses. The Book of Nature Connection is packed with fun activities for using all our senses to engage with nature in a deep and nourishing way. From "extenda-ears" and acorn whistles to bird calls, camouflage games, and scent scavenger hunts, enjoy over 70 diverse,... Read more

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The Messianic Character of American Education by R. J. Rushdoony
The Messianic Character of American Education
R. J. Rushdoony
The Messianic Character of American Education by R. J. Rushdoony

The Messianic Character of American Education

By: R. J. Rushdoony

Narrated by: Nathan Conkey

Length: 15 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Rushdoony's study tells us an important part of American history: exactly what has public education been trying to accomplish? Before the 1830s and Horace Mann, no schools in the U.S. were state supported or state controlled. They were local, parent-teacher enterprises, supported without taxes, and taking care of all children. They were... Read more

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Culturally Responsive Teaching by Geneva Gay
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Geneva Gay
Culturally Responsive Teaching by Geneva Gay

Culturally Responsive Teaching

By: Geneva Gay

Narrated by: Diana Blue

Length: 18 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Geneva Gay is renowned for her contributions to multicultural education, particularly as it relates to curriculum design, professional learning, and classroom instruction. Gay has made many important revisions to keep her foundational, award-winning text relevant for today's diverse student population, including: new research on culturally... Read more

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Life skills 101: Everything you need, but won’t learn in school by Ivi Green
Life skills 101: Everything you need, but won’t learn in school
Ivi Green
Life skills 101: Everything you need, but won’t learn in school by Ivi Green

Life skills 101: Everything you need, but won’t learn in school

By: Ivi Green

Narrated by: Cindy Piller

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Ivi Green is happy to present to you our latest book, "LIFE SKILLS 101: EVERYTHING YOU NEED, BUT WON’T LEARN IN SCHOOL". This book is intended to share with both children and their parents those life skills that are commonly overlooked in school curriculums. After listening to this book we are confident that both parents and their kids alike... Read more

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Confident Decision Making by Roger Dawson
Confident Decision Making
Roger Dawson
Confident Decision Making by Roger Dawson

Confident Decision Making

By: Roger Dawson

Narrated by: Roger Dawson

Length: 5 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Make smart, educated decisions every time!Learn how to spot the potential Edsels in your life... and how to avoid them.Every businessperson has to make decisions. Here's how to make them quickly, correctly, and confidently.Some of the finest minds in Detroit had collaborated on the new car. The marketing staff had identified the proper niche.... Read more

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The Real World of College by Wendy Fischman & Howard Gardner
The Real World of College
Wendy Fischman & Howard Gardner
The Real World of College by Wendy Fischman & Howard Gardner

The Real World of College

By: Wendy Fischman & Howard Gardner

Narrated by: Robin Siegerman

Length: 10 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

For The Real World of College, Wendy Fischman and Howard Gardner analyzed in-depth interviews with more than 2,000 students, alumni, faculty, administrators, parents, trustees, and others, which were conducted at ten institutions ranging from highly selective liberal arts colleges to less-selective state schools. Their findings challenged... Read more

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Good Life God Life by Wilaiwan Schultz
Good Life God Life
Wilaiwan Schultz
Good Life God Life by Wilaiwan Schultz

Good Life God Life

By: Wilaiwan Schultz

Narrated by: Nathan Schultz

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Good life is about a good perspective you can see from facing tough times. It is the process that leads you to look inward and communicate with yourself. To discover what you truly want and have it.
“How life would be if you can just simply think and it happened?”
Well, this book has all the answers about how you can do that. My first purpose is... Read more

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Manipulationstechniken by Gotthard Friedhold
Gotthard Friedhold
Manipulationstechniken by Gotthard Friedhold


By: Gotthard Friedhold

Narrated by: Jennifer Siedler, Gerrit Kock, Daniel Bierich, ...

Length: 13 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Was wäre, wenn ich dir sagen würde, dass "die Realität nicht existiert"?Oder dass die meisten deiner Handlungen nicht vollständig von deinem eigenen Willen diktiert werden?Ich weiß... du würdest mich für verrückt halten! Aber denken Sie mal kurz darüber nach: Psychologie ist überall und sie ist ein Teil von jedem von uns.Vielleicht haben Sie... Read more

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Native American Plights by Mark C. Royce
Native American Plights
Mark C. Royce
Native American Plights by Mark C. Royce

Native American Plights

By: Mark C. Royce

Narrated by: Pamela Raymer-Lea

Length: 4 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you a responsible citizen who would like to explore more about your history and the issues faced by minority groups? Are you an activist who yearns for constructive information and conversations that can build a better society for us all? It’s a fact: Racial discrimination and harassment are issues that often affect Native Americans in more... Read more

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Credit Score by Jordan Riches
Credit Score
Jordan Riches
Credit Score by Jordan Riches

Credit Score

By: Jordan Riches

Narrated by: Michael Hanko

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

If you want to improve your credit rating, then keep reading.The credit score is a fundamental aspect in your financial life.Having a good rating means being able to raise capital at your will, with low interest rates and at your own terms.Life is easier if your credit score is good: need money to buy an house or a new investment? Just go and... Read more

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Backbone by Julia Dye
Julia Dye
Backbone by Julia Dye


By: Julia Dye

Narrated by: Julia Dye

Length: 7 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Noncommissioned officers stand as the backbone of the United States Marine Corps. The Corps is among the most lasting institutions in America, though few understand what makes it so strong and how that understanding can be applied effectively in today's world. In this insightful and thoroughly researched book, Julia Dye explores the cadre of... Read more

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The Sailor’s Bookshelf by ADM. James Stavridis, USN (Ret.)
The Sailor’s Bookshelf
ADM. James Stavridis, USN (Ret.)
The Sailor’s Bookshelf by ADM. James Stavridis, USN (Ret.)

The Sailor’s Bookshelf

By: ADM. James Stavridis, USN (Ret.)

Narrated by: Robert Fass

Length: 7 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Admiral Stavridis, a leader in military, international affairs, and national security circles, shares his love of the sea and some of the sources of that affection. The Sailor's Bookshelf offers synopses of fifty books that illustrate the history, importance, lore, and lifestyle of the oceans and of those who "go down to the sea in... Read more

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La Vision Des Grands by Jordan DALMAT
La Vision Des Grands
La Vision Des Grands by Jordan DALMAT

La Vision Des Grands

By: Jordan DALMAT

Narrated by: Jordan DALMAT

Length: 1 hour 47 minutes

Abridged: No

La Vision des Grands est un e-book écrit par Jordan Dalmat. Dans cet e-book, vous trouverez la motivation et l’inspiration nécessaires pour savoir ce que vous renfermez à l’intérieur de vous. C’est un guide vers la grandeur. Vous aurez des conseils pour appliquer les quatre clés fondamentales dans votre vie, à savoir la confiance, la... Read more

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Vom Azubi zum Millionär by Norman Argubi
Vom Azubi zum Millionär
Norman Argubi
Vom Azubi zum Millionär by Norman Argubi

Vom Azubi zum Millionär

By: Norman Argubi

Narrated by: Norman Argubi

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie Du in einfachen Schritten Dein ganzes Leben finanziell gestaltest, ohne großen Aufwand, oder Einschränkungen. Jeder kann, egal wie alt, egal welches Geschlecht, von vielen Tipps in diesem Buch profitieren. Norman Argubi, Gründer und Vorstand der finanz-center AG vermittelt in einfachen Worten wie man in der Ausbildung anfängt seinen... Read more

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Grad to Grown-Up by Courtney Bejgrowicz & Gene Rice
Grad to Grown-Up
Courtney Bejgrowicz & Gene Rice
Grad to Grown-Up by Courtney Bejgrowicz & Gene Rice

Grad to Grown-Up

By: Courtney Bejgrowicz & Gene Rice

Narrated by: George Newbern

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Everything you didn't learn in school but all you need to know to launch your personal and professional life.

Grad to Grown-Up: 68 Tips to Excel in Your Personal and Professional Life is a unique self-help book that offers a roadmap to kickstart your future. Rags-to-riches author and CEO Gene Rice and his high school English teacher daughter... Read more

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