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梁小民:经济学就这么有趣 by 梁小民
梁小民:经济学就这么有趣 by 梁小民


By: 梁小民

Narrated by: 阿尘

Length: 9 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:经济学是一门经世致用的学科,不能居庙堂之高,只有从学术的象牙塔走出来,为普通人所熟知,才能真正为现实生活服务。本书由梁小民经济散文中*有趣、幽默、深刻、通俗的部分精选而成,结合文学、历史、新闻、生活等多个方面探讨经济学问题,如抚养子女的成本、信子裙和大岛茂风衣在市场上的不同反响、厨师为何不做家务、贪官能不能幸福等。生动有趣的经济学故事,打破了经济学教科书式的学习方法,帮助读者打破壁垒,与经济学轻松对话。经济学家总把经济学解释为“经邦济世”之学,似乎学了经济学就可以造福苍生。历史上和现实中也有经济学家以救世主自居,似乎离了他地球就不转了。其实,经济学是一种人生哲学,是每个希望生活更幸福的人的学问。它不是教人发财致富、经邦治国的,而是教人正确对待人生的。把经济学作为生活哲学,才能... Read more

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世界经济简史 by (德)马克斯·韦伯 著
(德)马克斯·韦伯 著
世界经济简史 by (德)马克斯·韦伯 著


By: (德)马克斯·韦伯 著

Narrated by: 芸豆花开

Length: 12 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:西方知识界一直将它与马克思的《资本论》相提并论。本书追溯了资本主义的诞生史,探讨了资本主义在西方产生的特有社会历史条件,阐述了资本主义之所以产生于西方,是基于其具有资本主义精神这一内在动力。全书内容详实,史料丰富,体现出韦伯对于西方古典经济学和社会学所做出的杰出贡献。作者简介:马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber),德国社会学家、历史学家、经济学家和政治学家,古典社会学的主要奠基人之一,现代比较文化研究的先驱人物。与卡尔·马克思和埃米尔·涂尔干并称为社会学三大“奠基人”。著有《新教伦理与资本主义精神》《中国的宗教:儒教与道教》等。主播简介:芸豆花开... Read more

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History of the Netherlands: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Germanic and Celtic Tribes, the Eighty Years’ War, the Dutch Empire and Republic, and Modern Times by Captivating History
History of the Netherlands: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Germanic and Celtic Tribes, the Eighty Years’ War, the Dutch Empire and Republic, and Modern Times
Captivating History
History of the Netherlands: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Germanic and Celtic Tribes, the Eighty Years’ War, the Dutch Empire and Republic, and Modern Times by Captivating History

History of the Netherlands: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Germanic and Celtic Tribes, the Eighty Years’ War, the Dutch Empire and Republic, and Modern Times

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 5 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

A small country with a big heart and an incredible history!The History of the Netherlands will guide you through the formation of a truly dynamic and diverse European nation. It is the rich and colorful story of how a collection of low-lying states aligned and bonded while others fell away.Find out how the people of this country fought against... Read more

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物种起源 by (英)达尔文(Darwin,C.) 著
(英)达尔文(Darwin,C.) 著
物种起源 by (英)达尔文(Darwin,C.) 著


By: (英)达尔文(Darwin,C.) 著

Narrated by: 沧海

Length: 19 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《物种起源》是世界闻名的自然科学著作,查尔斯·达尔文在“贝格尔号”舰上的五年航海考查时期,通过考查和对比各地的物种性状,得到了物种渐变的结论。航海结束后,达尔文又通过搜集动物和植物在家养条件下发生变异的材料,根据人工选择的原理得到了自然选择的思想。遗传变异、生存斗争、自然选择学说是《物种起源》一书的主要内容。作者简介:查尔斯·达尔文,英国博物学家、生物学家,进化论的奠基人。达尔文曾以博物学家的身份参加了英国派遣的环球航行,做了五年的科学考察。经过潜心研究,出版了震动整个学术界的《物种起源》,提出了“生物进化论”学说,从而摧毁了各种唯心的“神造论”和“物种不变论”。“进化论”被学界誉为19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一。其著作还有《人类起源与性选择》《人类和动物情感的表达》《贝格尔... Read more

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梁小民经济学:小民经济学 by 梁小民
梁小民经济学:小民经济学 by 梁小民


By: 梁小民

Narrated by: 阿尘

Length: 9 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:经济学是一门经世致用的学科,不能居庙堂之高,只有从学术的象牙塔走出来,为普通人所熟知,才能真正为现实生活服务。本书由梁小民经济散文中*有趣、幽默、深刻、通俗的部分精选而成,结合文学、历史、新闻、生活等多个方面探讨经济学问题,如抚养子女的成本、信子裙和大岛茂风衣在市场上的不同反响、厨师为何不做家务、贪官能不能幸福等。生动有趣的经济学故事,打破了经济学教科书式的学习方法,帮助读者打破壁垒,与经济学轻松对话。经济学家总把经济学解释为“经邦济世”之学,似乎学了经济学就可以造福苍生。历史上和现实中也有经济学家以救世主自居,似乎离了他地球就不转了。其实,经济学是一种人生哲学,是每个希望生活更幸福的人的学问。它不是教人发财致富、经邦治国的,而是教人正确对待人生的。把经济学作为生活哲学,才能... Read more

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梁小民经济学:读懂世界的第一本经济学书 by 梁小民
梁小民经济学:读懂世界的第一本经济学书 by 梁小民


By: 梁小民

Narrated by: 阿尘

Length: 10 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:经济学是一门经世致用的学科,不能居庙堂之高,只有从学术的象牙塔走出来,为普通人所熟知,才能真正为现实生活服务。本书由梁小民经济散文中*有趣、幽默、深刻、通俗的部分精选而成,结合文学、历史、新闻、生活等多个方面探讨经济学问题,如抚养子女的成本、信子裙和大岛茂风衣在市场上的不同反响、厨师为何不做家务、贪官能不能幸福等。生动有趣的经济学故事,打破了经济学教科书式的学习方法,帮助读者打破壁垒,与经济学轻松对话。经济学家总把经济学解释为“经邦济世”之学,似乎学了经济学就可以造福苍生。历史上和现实中也有经济学家以救世主自居,似乎离了他地球就不转了。其实,经济学是一种人生哲学,是每个希望生活更幸福的人的学问。它不是教人发财致富、经邦治国的,而是教人正确对待人生的。把经济学作为生活哲学,才能... Read more

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Julio César: Una guía fascinante sobre uno de los más grandes generales de la antigua Roma y su papel en la caída de la República romana y el auge del Imperio romano by Captivating History
Julio César: Una guía fascinante sobre uno de los más grandes generales de la antigua Roma y su papel en la caída de la República romana y el auge del Imperio romano
Captivating History
Julio César: Una guía fascinante sobre uno de los más grandes generales de la antigua Roma y su papel en la caída de la República romana y el auge del Imperio romano by Captivating History

Julio César: Una guía fascinante sobre uno de los más grandes generales de la antigua Roma y su papel en la caída de la República romana y el auge del Imperio romano

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Si alguna vez ha sentido curiosidad por la antigua Roma y la época de César, pero la información disponible lo abruma, esta cómoda biografía de la vida de Julio César puede ser justo lo que estaba buscando.Al adoptar un enfoque amplio y específico, este libro ofrece al lector una buena panorámica del siglo I a. e. c. y, al mismo tiempo, se... Read more

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梁小民经济学:每天一堂生活经济课 by 梁小民
梁小民经济学:每天一堂生活经济课 by 梁小民


By: 梁小民

Narrated by: 阿尘

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:经济学是一门经世致用的学科,不能居庙堂之高,只有从学术的象牙塔走出来,为普通人所熟知,才能真正为现实生活服务。本书由梁小民经济散文中*有趣、幽默、深刻、通俗的部分精选而成,结合文学、历史、新闻、生活等多个方面探讨经济学问题,如抚养子女的成本、信子裙和大岛茂风衣在市场上的不同反响、厨师为何不做家务、贪官能不能幸福等。生动有趣的经济学故事,打破了经济学教科书式的学习方法,帮助读者打破壁垒,与经济学轻松对话。经济学家总把经济学解释为“经邦济世”之学,似乎学了经济学就可以造福苍生。历史上和现实中也有经济学家以救世主自居,似乎离了他地球就不转了。其实,经济学是一种人生哲学,是每个希望生活更幸福的人的学问。它不是教人发财致富、经邦治国的,而是教人正确对待人生的。把经济学作为生活哲学,才能... Read more

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Unbounded by Vines Graener
Vines Graener
Unbounded by Vines Graener


By: Vines Graener

Narrated by: Vines Graener

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Frequently, when assigning labels to individuals or things, boundaries are inadvertently set, turning the label itself into a confining restriction. It's crucial for adults to choose their words carefully, as children absorb them swiftly. We each faced this issue when he was taunted by bullies who dubbed him "the kid with the broken brain.I came... Read more

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别和孩子对着干 by 宋英杰
别和孩子对着干 by 宋英杰


By: 宋英杰

Narrated by: 新华先锋

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

理解,才是最好的教育方式。为什么即使是婴儿,父母也要多和他讲话?爸爸怎么带好孩子?如何理解挫折教育?怎样的陪伴才是高质量陪伴?如何做善于倾听的家长?在家庭教育中,你属于哪一类父母? Read more

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The PhD Debate by Darius Robinson
The PhD Debate
Darius Robinson
The PhD Debate by Darius Robinson

The PhD Debate

By: Darius Robinson

Narrated by: Dorothy Fenwick

Length: 3 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a journey through the labyrinth of higher education with "The PhD Debate: Is This Path Right for You?" This guide serves as a compass, unraveling the rich history of a PhD and exploring personal and professional goals. Delve into financial considerations, uncover funding secrets, and experience the highs and lows of a PhD student's... Read more

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During School Hours by Joel Penton
During School Hours
Joel Penton
During School Hours by Joel Penton

During School Hours

By: Joel Penton

Narrated by: Joel Penton

Length: 3 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Decades ago, we systematically removed religious education from the public school day. LifeWise Academy is bringing it back.During School Hours is the two-part (true) story of how it's happening right now.Part 1 investigates WHY religious education was removed from public schools, the unintended consequences of its removal, and why reinstalling... Read more

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冰雪冬奥·一起涨知识 by 尧羽
冰雪冬奥·一起涨知识 by 尧羽


By: 尧羽

Narrated by: 新华先锋

Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: No

适逢2022北京冬奥会顺利举办中,全世界关注冰雪运动和冬奥盛会,本专辑从冰雪运动项目、冬奥会的来由、冰雪运动明星健将、赛场内外热点、北京冬奥背后的黑科技等角度,全方位介绍相关热点知识。让听众走近冰雪运动,走近冬奥盛会,了解冰雪运动项目和冬奥赛事内外花絮。在这里,您将了解到冰雪运动与人类活动的关系、冰雪运动的起源、冬奥会的历史缘由、冬奥会和夏季奥运会的关系;也能了解到冬奥运动项目的知识,比如短道速滑和速度滑冰的区别,钢架雪车、雪车和雪橇的差别,打架为什么会成为冰球比赛的风景线,什么是花滑中的阿克塞四周半等知识。在这里,还会一起与您了解谷爱凌、羽生结弦、苏翊鸣等冰雪迷们热追的运动明星们的新闻点滴,同时还会带您了解冬奥运动的很多冷知识以及北京冬奥上的众多黑科技、游览超一流的体育场馆……总之,... Read more

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安徒生童话 by 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)
汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)
安徒生童话 by 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)


By: 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)

Narrated by: 新华先锋

Length: 12 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《中小学生必读丛书:安徒生童话》收集了安徒生童话的大量代表作品,如《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》《夜莺》和《豌豆上的公主》等,精心甄选了安徒生最为经典的童话,以期引领孩子们在赏心悦目的情境中,进入奇幻有趣的童话世界;使现实压力与日俱增的成人们,重温人鱼公主、丑小鸭、拇指姑娘的快乐记忆,回归天真、宽容的快乐心态。作者简介:汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日~1875年8月4日),又译汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安德森等,19世纪丹麦童话作家,被誉为“世界儿童文学的太阳”。代表作有《坚定的锡兵》《海的女儿》《拇指姑娘》《卖火柴的小女孩》《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》等。 Read more

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Witnessing Whiteness, Third Edition by Shelly Tochluk
Witnessing Whiteness, Third Edition
Shelly Tochluk
Witnessing Whiteness, Third Edition by Shelly Tochluk

Witnessing Whiteness, Third Edition

By: Shelly Tochluk

Narrated by: Shelly Tochluk

Length: 12 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Witnessing Whiteness offers a comprehensive and empathetic exploration of what white people experience when learning about race, why it is so confusing, how whiteness works in their lives, and how to act against racism. The author combines authentic storytelling, nuanced analysis, and compelling voices from a collection of cross-race guides to... Read more

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北大国学课 by 经典课程编委会
北大国学课 by 经典课程编委会


By: 经典课程编委会

Narrated by: 新华先锋

Length: 13 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《北大国学课》是国学常识的普及读本,内容包括经学、史学、地理、诸子哲学、诗词曲赋、小说戏曲、金石学、图书学、中医、艺术等中国传统文化领域的常识知识,力求从五千年中华文化中撷取精华呈现给读者。全书解读深入浅出,语言简练质朴,让深奥的国学变得亲近和易懂。一本书让普通人读懂传统国学的常识,感悟中华文化的魅力。作者简介:经典课程编委会成员由北京大学、中国人民大学等国内知名高校的教授和讲师组成。编委会成员都具有深厚的文化素养和严谨负责的工作态度,主持编辑的“读经典”系列广受读者欢迎。主播简介:... Read more

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Antiguo Egipto: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Egipto by Ahoy Publications
Antiguo Egipto: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Egipto
Ahoy Publications
Antiguo Egipto: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Egipto by Ahoy Publications

Antiguo Egipto: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Egipto

By: Ahoy Publications

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubra los misterios del antiguo Egipto con quinientos datos fascinantes.¿Está preparado para explorar y descubrir los secretos de una de las civilizaciones más fascinantes de la historia? Con 500 Datos Interesantes sobre el Antiguo Egipto, obtendrá una visión completa de esta antigua tierra, su cultura y algunas historias increíbles. Desde la... Read more

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Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide by ANTONIO JAIMEZ
Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide
Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide by ANTONIO JAIMEZ

Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide



Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you constantly worried, fearful, or do you feel like your heart is always about to jump out of your chest? Perhaps you find yourself avoiding certain situations for fear that they will trigger an anxious response. Or perhaps sleepless nights and constant thoughts have been a constant in your life. While these situations may seem... Read more

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Canadian History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Canada’s Past by Ahoy Publications
Canadian History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Canada’s Past
Ahoy Publications
Canadian History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Canada’s Past by Ahoy Publications

Canadian History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Canada’s Past

By: Ahoy Publications

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Join us in these captivating tales of significant events and interesting characters from Canada’s past!Do you have a keen interest in Canadian history?Do you want to learn about the historical figures and events that laid the foundations for modern-day Canada?Are you looking for a guide that appreciates the diversity and complexity of Canadian... Read more

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¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz? by Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz?
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz? by Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz?

By: Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

Narrated by: Sara Gómez, Santiago Gómez & Susana Gomez

Length: 9 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Recuperamos el gran clásico de Jeanne Siaud-Facchin en el que ofrece recursos a los superdotados y a la gente inteligente para que encuentren su lugar en el mundo. ¿Cómo puedo saber si soy superdotado? En caso de serlo, ¿es posible que una gran inteligencia implique una sensibilidad exacerbada? ¿Puede aumentar también la fragilidad emocional e... Read more

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Personality Disorders, The Complete Guide by ANTONIO JAIMEZ
Personality Disorders, The Complete Guide
Personality Disorders, The Complete Guide by ANTONIO JAIMEZ

Personality Disorders, The Complete Guide



Length: 4 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Do You Long To Deeply Understand The Labyrinth That Makes Up Your Mind And Personality? Do You Wish To Decode And Understand The Actions And Behaviors, Not Only Of Yourself But Also Of Those Around You? Do You Feel The Urgency To Equip Yourself With Tools And Strategies To Face, Overcome And Transform The Emotional And Psychological Challenges... Read more

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SEI FAUL, FÜHRE SMART! by Alexander Markwirth
Alexander Markwirth
SEI FAUL, FÜHRE SMART! by Alexander Markwirth


By: Alexander Markwirth

Narrated by: Sven Nawra

Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Sei faul, führe smart! Intelligente Führung macht es möglichEhrgeizige Führungskräfte mit einer schlechten Führung müssen viel arbeiten. Clevere Führungskräfte, die smart führen, dürfen auch fauler sein, weil die Führung einfacher wird. Glückliche Mitarbeiter sind motivierter und somit leistungsfähiger. Darum entstehen weniger Probleme bzgl.... Read more

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Frederick Jackson Turner by Carl Becker
Frederick Jackson Turner
Carl Becker
Frederick Jackson Turner by Carl Becker

Frederick Jackson Turner

By: Carl Becker

Narrated by: Joseph Tabler

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: No

A Dusty Tomes Audio BookIn Cooperation with Spoken RealmsFrederick Jackson Turner by Carl Becker. John Stambaugh Professor of History at Cornell University. Extracted from American Masters of Social Science edited by Howard W. Odum. Henry Holt and Company 1927.Narrated by Joseph TablerNote - This book is ‘read as written'. It was published in... Read more

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La inclusión desde el acompañamiento terapéutico by Samanta Audisio
La inclusión desde el acompañamiento terapéutico
Samanta Audisio
La inclusión desde el acompañamiento terapéutico by Samanta Audisio

La inclusión desde el acompañamiento terapéutico

By: Samanta Audisio

Narrated by: Paty Colathem

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: No

El acompañamiento terapéutico es un recurso que nace en el ámbito de la salud mental hace ya más de 60 años en Argentina. Actualmente, se inmiscuye cada vez más en espacios cotidianos para favorecer también la inclusión de personas con discapacidad.

Hoy el acompañamiento terapéutico es una herramienta que, por sus características de flexibilidad... Read more

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