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The Spanish Civil War: A Captivating Guide to Its Causes, Battles, and Lasting Impact by Captivating History
The Spanish Civil War: A Captivating Guide to Its Causes, Battles, and Lasting Impact
Captivating History
The Spanish Civil War: A Captivating Guide to Its Causes, Battles, and Lasting Impact by Captivating History

The Spanish Civil War: A Captivating Guide to Its Causes, Battles, and Lasting Impact

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you know the bloody story of the Spanish Civil War and what we need to learn from it to understand today’s world?The Spanish Civil War is more relevant than ever, yet it is not that well known. However, the lessons that we can learn from the war can help us today in our divided world.The Spanish Civil War is seen as a dress rehearsal for... Read more

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El Imperio Romano: Una guía fascinante de la Roma imperial y la Pax Romana by Captivating History
El Imperio Romano: Una guía fascinante de la Roma imperial y la Pax Romana
Captivating History
El Imperio Romano: Una guía fascinante de la Roma imperial y la Pax Romana by Captivating History

El Imperio Romano: Una guía fascinante de la Roma imperial y la Pax Romana

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 7 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro: Roma imperial: Una guía fascinante de acontecimientos y hechos que debe conocer sobre el Imperio romano La Pax Romana: Una guía fascinante de la antigua Roma durante el periodo de paz romana En la primera parte de este libro, usted: La caída de la República romana y el surgimiento del ilustre Imperio... Read more

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O Mito da Caverna by Platão
O Mito da Caverna
O Mito da Caverna by Platão

O Mito da Caverna

By: Platão

Narrated by: Mateus Prado

Length: 4 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

A partir de uma história repleta de simbologias, Platão nos apresenta conceitos e situações que visam a busca pelo conhecimento em contraste com a ignorância e a manipulação.O enredo integra o livro VII de A República e destaca um diálogo entre Sócrates e Glauco. As personagens imaginam uma situação hipotética em que várias pessoas são mantidas... Read more

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A Arte da Guerra - Maquiavel by Nicolau Maquíavel
A Arte da Guerra - Maquiavel
Nicolau Maquíavel
A Arte da Guerra - Maquiavel by Nicolau Maquíavel

A Arte da Guerra - Maquiavel

By: Nicolau Maquíavel

Narrated by: Mateus Prado

Length: 6 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Escrito por volta de 1520, este é mais um dos importantes tratados do renascentista italiano Maquiavel, resultado de sua vivência como diplomata, fato que possibilitou sua convivência com alguns dos principais protagonistas da política de sua época. As máximas e os conselhos reunidos nesta obra compreendem reflexões acerca do planejamento... Read more

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New Zealand: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Land of the Long White Cloud and Māori People by Captivating History
New Zealand: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Land of the Long White Cloud and Māori People
Captivating History
New Zealand: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Land of the Long White Cloud and Māori People by Captivating History

New Zealand: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Land of the Long White Cloud and Māori People

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jason Zenobia

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Two manuscripts in one audiobook: History of New Zealand: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Land of the Long White Cloud, from the Polynesians Through the Māori Musket Wars to the Present Māori History: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Indigenous Polynesian People of New Zealand In the first part of this audiobook, you will... Read more

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The History and Origin of Christmas by Lesiba Ignitiuas Kekana
The History and Origin of Christmas
Lesiba Ignitiuas Kekana
The History and Origin of Christmas by Lesiba Ignitiuas Kekana

The History and Origin of Christmas

By: Lesiba Ignitiuas Kekana

Narrated by: Dustin Pete

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

The History and Origin of Christmas" is a captivating exploration into the origins and evolution of the globally celebrated holiday. In this meticulously researched book, readers embark on a journey through time, uncovering the rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and influences that have shaped the festive season. Read more

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Homeschooling by Owen Jones
Owen Jones
Homeschooling by Owen Jones


By: Owen Jones

Narrated by: Gabriela Abaluta

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Homeschoolingul este o alternativă din ce în ce mai populară la educația tradițională desfășurată în clasă, oferind o abordare flexibilă și particularizabilă de învățare care poate fi ajustată nevoilor și competențelor unice ale fiecărui copil. Totuși, în ciuda multiplelor sale beneficii, homeschoolingul poate prezenta și o serie de provocări,... Read more

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El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional
Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina

El dolor emocional

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

El dolor emocional es esa pequeña herida que tenemos y que sufrimos en nuestro interior y que si no curamos correctamente esa herida, nos puede provocar el padecer o sufrir una serie de alteraciones o trastornos a otros niveles de nuestro cuerpo. Read more

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The Barbary Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First Overseas Wars Conducted by the United States by Captivating History
The Barbary Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First Overseas Wars Conducted by the United States
Captivating History
The Barbary Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First Overseas Wars Conducted by the United States by Captivating History

The Barbary Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First Overseas Wars Conducted by the United States

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jason Saffir

Length: 3 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the captivating history of the first American wars in Africa!In this audiobook, you’ll learn about the Barbary Wars of 1801 to 1805 and 1815, the first American wars outside of North America. The enemies were the Muslim Barbary pirates of the North African coast.Discover how American sailors were captured and turned into slaves in... Read more

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سينما دروم - Abridged by هاجر أحمد المحارفي
سينما دروم - Abridged
هاجر أحمد المحارفي
سينما دروم - Abridged by هاجر أحمد المحارفي

سينما دروم - Abridged

By: هاجر أحمد المحارفي

Narrated by: هبة بيشاني

Length: 1 hour 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

من عشاق شخصيات ديزني و أميرات ديزني بالأخص، ومنذ أن كنت طفلة - ومازلت إلى هذه اللحظة - وأنا أتمنى أن أكون إحداهن، بأن يكون لي قصر وأمير وأصدقاء من الحيوانات، وحياة سعيدة مليئة بالأغاني السعيدة، ولكن خيالات الأفلام قد تكون واقعاً مراً لأحده. Read more

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فضائي الداخلي - Abridged by هلا حسين عجيمي
فضائي الداخلي - Abridged
هلا حسين عجيمي
فضائي الداخلي - Abridged by هلا حسين عجيمي

فضائي الداخلي - Abridged

By: هلا حسين عجيمي

Narrated by: هبة بيشاني

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

الكتاب الذي بين يديك ثمرة دراسة 4 سنوات في مجال تخصصي (التصميم الداخلي) و 4 سنوات أخرى بدأت برحلة الدخول والتعرف على عالم (اضطراب طيف التوحد) مُلخصة لك في كتاب واحد ليكون عونا ودليلا للتعرف على أهم الأسس والمعايير التي تساعدك في تصميم بيئة مريحة وفعالة لطفلك التوحدي وخاصة في المنزل Read more

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Hope Deferred by Dr. David C. HairabediaN
Hope Deferred
Dr. David C. HairabediaN
Hope Deferred by Dr. David C. HairabediaN

Hope Deferred

By: Dr. David C. HairabediaN

Narrated by: Sr. Rod Howard

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Hope Deferred makes the Heart sick (Proverbs 13:12). Overcoming Disappointment and Achieving Victory by David C. Hairabedian. In this poignant book, David Hairabedian reveals the enemy's three-phase strategy of Hope Deferred: 1). Life's authentic circumstances contradict God's promises 2) The negative mindset that develops contrary to the Word... Read more

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Зигмунд Фройд


By: Зигмунд Фройд

Narrated by: Світлана Соколова

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Уявлення Фройда про свідоме і несвідоме, про сублімації, про динамічну психічну структуру особистості і мотиви людської поведінки, про значення дитячого емоційного досвіду в душевному житті дорослого, знайшли широке поширення в сучасній культурі а також клінічній практиці.  Зиґмунд Фройд висунув власну теорію. Суть її полягала в тому, що,... Read more

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Das dünne Buch zur stressfreien Erziehung by Willem Kleine Schaars
Das dünne Buch zur stressfreien Erziehung
Willem Kleine Schaars
Das dünne Buch zur stressfreien Erziehung by Willem Kleine Schaars

Das dünne Buch zur stressfreien Erziehung

By: Willem Kleine Schaars

Narrated by: Marco Thiemann

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Wieso ein dünnes Buch über Erziehung?Warum braucht die Welt noch ein Buch zur Erziehung? Das dünne Buch zur Erziehung bietet eine andere Sichtweise. Gute Erziehung braucht eine besondere Grundhaltung.Oftmals entstehen Probleme zwischen Eltern und Ihren Kindern, wenn ein Kind die Dinge tun soll, die Sie die Eltern, bestimmen. Das Kind hat dabei... Read more

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Learn Hebrew Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1) by & Innovative Language Learning
Learn Hebrew Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1) & Innovative Language Learning
Learn Hebrew Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1) by & Innovative Language Learning

Learn Hebrew Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1)

By: & Innovative Language Learning

Narrated by:

Length: 7 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Brand new to Hebrew?
If you’re looking for the easiest way to start learning and speaking Hebrew…
You’ve made a smart choice. Why?
Because Hebrew can be EASY or HARD, depending on HOW you start. - Start the hard way (reading grammar and memorizing words), and you’ll quickly think, “Languages are just not my thing.”- Start easy, and you’ll be... Read more

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The Sea People: A Captivating Guide to the Seafarers Who Invaded Ancient Egypt, Eastern Anatolia, the Hittite Empire, Palestine, Syria, and Cyprus, along with the Late Bronze Age Collapse by Captivating History
The Sea People: A Captivating Guide to the Seafarers Who Invaded Ancient Egypt, Eastern Anatolia, the Hittite Empire, Palestine, Syria, and Cyprus, along with the Late Bronze Age Collapse
Captivating History
The Sea People: A Captivating Guide to the Seafarers Who Invaded Ancient Egypt, Eastern Anatolia, the Hittite Empire, Palestine, Syria, and Cyprus, along with the Late Bronze Age Collapse by Captivating History

The Sea People: A Captivating Guide to the Seafarers Who Invaded Ancient Egypt, Eastern Anatolia, the Hittite Empire, Palestine, Syria, and Cyprus, along with the Late Bronze Age Collapse

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 3 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

The Sea People were a menace to eastern Mediterranean society and contributed to the destruction of the Late Bronze Age. But what do we really know about them?It is difficult to know the Sea People intimately because the records on them aren’t very comprehensive. But we set out to explore the many questions people have about this mysterious... Read more

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Teach for Climate Justice by Tom Roderick
Teach for Climate Justice
Tom Roderick
Teach for Climate Justice by Tom Roderick

Teach for Climate Justice

By: Tom Roderick

Narrated by: Michael Butler Murray

Length: 8 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

In Teach for Climate Justice, accomplished educator and social and emotional learning expert Tom Roderick proposes a visionary interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to PreK–12 climate education. He argues that meaningful instruction on this urgent issue of our time must focus on climate justice—the convergence of climate change and... Read more

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Resistance from the Right by Lauren Lassabe Shepherd
Resistance from the Right
Lauren Lassabe Shepherd
Resistance from the Right by Lauren Lassabe Shepherd

Resistance from the Right

By: Lauren Lassabe Shepherd

Narrated by: Emily Durante

Length: 10 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Pivoting from studies that emphasize the dominance of progressivism on American college campuses during the late sixties and early seventies, Lauren Lassabe Shepherd positions conservative critiques of, and agendas in, American colleges and universities as an essential dimension of a broader conversation of conservative backlash against liberal... Read more

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Connections Over Compliance by Lori L. Desautels, PhD
Connections Over Compliance
Lori L. Desautels, PhD
Connections Over Compliance by Lori L. Desautels, PhD

Connections Over Compliance

By: Lori L. Desautels, PhD

Narrated by: Jennifer Aquino

Length: 9 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

The developing brains of our children need to "feel" safe.

Children who carry chronic behavioral challenges are often met with reactive and punitive practices that can potentially reactivate the developing stress response systems.

This book deeply addresses the need for coregulatory and relational touch point practices, shifting student-focused... Read more

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Leadership Skills: 8-in-1 Bundle to Master Team Leadership, People Management, Public Speaking, Communication, Conflicts, Team Building, Charisma & Facilitation by Caden Burke
Leadership Skills: 8-in-1 Bundle to Master Team Leadership, People Management, Public Speaking, Communication, Conflicts, Team Building, Charisma & Facilitation
Caden Burke
Leadership Skills: 8-in-1 Bundle to Master Team Leadership, People Management, Public Speaking, Communication, Conflicts, Team Building, Charisma & Facilitation by Caden Burke

Leadership Skills: 8-in-1 Bundle to Master Team Leadership, People Management, Public Speaking, Communication, Conflicts, Team Building, Charisma & Facilitation

By: Caden Burke

Narrated by: Gavin Burns

Length: 9 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

LEADERSHIP SKILLS - 8 MANUSCRIPTS IN 1 BOOK, INCLUDING: 1)HOW TO LEAD A TEAM:7 Easy Steps to Master Leadership Skills, Leading Teams, Supervisory Management & Business Leadership. 2)HOW TO MANAGE PEOPLE:7 Easy Steps to Master Management Skills, Managing Difficult Employees, Delegation & Team Management. 3)HOW TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC:7 Easy... Read more

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Navigating Social Justice by Martin Scanlan
Navigating Social Justice
Martin Scanlan
Navigating Social Justice by Martin Scanlan

Navigating Social Justice

By: Martin Scanlan

Narrated by: Ulf Bjorklund

Length: 4 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

A highly accessible and easily adaptable conceptual framework that helps educational leaders plan, leverage, and sustain change as they create more equitable schools.

In Navigating Social Justice, Martin Scanlan introduces a comprehensive social justice schema that melds organizational learning with leading for equity. Scanlan distills wisdom... Read more

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Who Gets to Write Fiction? by Ariel Sacks
Who Gets to Write Fiction?
Ariel Sacks
Who Gets to Write Fiction? by Ariel Sacks

Who Gets to Write Fiction?

By: Ariel Sacks

Narrated by: Jen Jayden

Length: 11 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Writing and sharing fiction allows adolescents to glimpse other lives

The current curricular emphasis on analytical writing can make it feel risky to teach creative writing in ELA classrooms. But the opportunity to write fiction in school opens many doors for young people: doors the author argues are critical to the development of our students,... Read more

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A Communal Cure by Professor Ouele
A Communal Cure
Professor Ouele
A Communal Cure by Professor Ouele

A Communal Cure

By: Professor Ouele

Narrated by: Ray Weaver

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: No

A Communal Cure: How to Heal Our Educational System’s Sickness, Volume 1 is a nonfiction book of 11 chapters, organized in two parts. In the first part, the author makes a diagnosis of the problems that undermine the educational system worldwide. These problems include the shortage of teachers, the teaching method, violence in schools, how... Read more

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Clara Lucas


By: Clara Lucas

Narrated by: Elmer Bowman

Length: 2 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

"Emotional Intelligence 2.0" is a comprehensive guide to developing and enhancing one's emotional intelligence skills. The book offers practical strategies and techniques for understanding and managing emotions, improving communication, and building stronger relationships. With a focus on practicality, the book provides readers with tools they... Read more

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