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William Shakespeare: 5 Dramen - Abridged by William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare: 5 Dramen - Abridged
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare: 5 Dramen - Abridged by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare: 5 Dramen - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die wichtigsten Tragödien von William Shakespeare als Kurzgeschichte erzählt: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo und Julia sowie König Lear. Die berühmtesten Dramen und Komödien des Barden aus Stratford-upon-Avon als Kurzgeschichten! Die Handlungen und ihre Akteure verstehen, Shakespeare-Kenntnisse auffrischen oder ganz einfach die Story genießen!... Read more

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Ein Sommernachtstraum - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Ein Sommernachtstraum - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Ein Sommernachtstraum - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Ein Sommernachtstraum - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein Sommernachtstraum: Hermia und Lysander wollen heiraten - doch Hermias Vater besteht darauf, dass sie Demetrius heiratet. Anderenfalls müsse sie - so will es das Gesetz in Athen - sterben. Hermia und Lysander beschließen zu fliehen. Des Nachts im Wald begegnet ihnen der Elfenkönig Oberon und sein Volk. Oberon beschließt, sich mit den Menschen... Read more

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Macbeth - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Macbeth - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Macbeth - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Macbeth - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Den schottischen Feldherrn und seine Ehefrau gelüstet es nach der schottischen Krone. Als der König in Macbeths Hause weilt, ist die Gelegenheit gekommen: Von seiner Frau angestachelt, geht Macbeth, den König zu töten. Doch Gewissenbisse plagen ihn... Die berühmtesten Dramen und Komödien des Barden aus Stratford-upon-Avon als Kurzgeschichten!... Read more

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Der Sturm - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Der Sturm - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Der Sturm - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Der Sturm - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Prospero, einstmals Herzog von Mailand, ist mit seiner Tochter Miranda auf einer einsamen Insel gestrandet. Miranda hat außer ihrem Vater und Caliban, dem Sohn der Hexe Sycorax, noch nie einen Mann gesehen. Als sie dem schiffbrüchigen Königssohn Ferdinand begegnet, ist es sofort um sie geschehen. Aber auch Ferdinand ist sofort unsterblich... Read more

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Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lucentio liebt Bianca, Baptistas jüngste Tochter. Doch dieser will einer Vermählung erst dann zustimmen, wenn auch die ältere Tochter, die schöne, eigensinnige Katharina, verheiratet ist. Da trifft es sich doch ideal, dass Petruchio, Lucentios alter Freund, gerade auf der Suche nach einer guten Partie ist! Die berühmtesten Dramen und Komödien... Read more

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Viel Lärm um nichts - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Viel Lärm um nichts - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Viel Lärm um nichts - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Viel Lärm um nichts - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Feldherren Claudio und Benedikt sind nach erfolgreicher Schlacht Gast im Hause von Leonato, Statthalter von Messina. Dort verliebt sich Claudio in Hero, während der witzige Benedikt der nicht minder wortgewandten Beatrice verfällt. Gibt es eine Doppelhochzeit - oder wird der intrigante Don Juan am Ende triumphieren? Die berühmtesten Dramen... Read more

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König Lear - Abridged by William Shakespeare
König Lear - Abridged
William Shakespeare
König Lear - Abridged by William Shakespeare

König Lear - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der amtsmüde König will einen ruhigen Lebensabend verbringen und ersinnt einen Weg, die Krone seiner geliebten jüngsten Tochter Cordelia zu übergeben. Doch deren ältere Schwestern Goneril und Regan sind keineswegs bereit, ihrer jüngeren Schwester Herrschaft zu überlassen! Und so beginnt ein ränkevolles Spiel... Die berühmtesten Dramen und... Read more

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Romeo und Julia - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Romeo und Julia - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Romeo und Julia - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Romeo und Julia - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die beiden Veroneser Familien Capulet und Montague liegen seit Generationen in tödlicher Feindschaft. Und ausgerechnet ihre Sprößlinge Romeo und Julia verlieben sich unsterblich ineinander. Und ihr Glück ruft zahlreiche Neider auf den Plan... Die schönsten Dramen und Komödien des Barden aus Stratford-upon-Avon als Kurzgeschichten! Das Werk und... Read more

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Othello - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Othello - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Othello - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Othello - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der dunkelhäutige Feldherr Othello hat sich in Desdemona verliebt, die seine Gefühle erwidert. Doch der grenzenlos eifersüchtige Othello merkt nicht, dass der missgünstige Lago ihm eine verhängnisvolle Falle stellt... Die berühmtesten Dramen und Komödien des Barden aus Stratford-upon-Avon als Kurzgeschichte! Die Stücke und ihre Helden begreifen,... Read more

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Andromache by Euripides
Andromache by Euripides


By: Euripides

Narrated by: Sonya Joseph, Andrew McGinn, Amy Escobar, Diana...

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Euripides' classic tragedy in a full cast audio production. After Troy fell to the Greeks, Andromache, the wife of the slain Trojan king Hector, was taken as prize and given to Achilles' son Neoptolemus as his concubine. He treated her kindly, and in the fullness of time she bore him a son. But Neoptolemus went on to take as his wife Hermione,... Read more

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Captain Craig by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Captain Craig
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Captain Craig by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Captain Craig

By: Edwin Arlington Robinson

Narrated by: Robert Bethune

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

"In 1921, Edwin Arlington Robinson was only 52 and many of the pieces in his Collected Poems were written long before that. Yet he shows gifted understanding of old age, the passage of time, the slow decline that everyone must suffer, and the final cease and release of death. Isaac, in Isaac and Archibald, puts it very well to the poet's... Read more

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The Ring And The Book by Robert Browning
The Ring And The Book
Robert Browning
The Ring And The Book by Robert Browning

The Ring And The Book

By: Robert Browning

Narrated by: Anton Lesser

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Robert Browning's poetic masterpiece of sex, lies and murder, adapted by Martyn Wade. Episode 1: Rome is rife with speculation in the aftermath of a triple stabbing. Starring Anton Lesser as Browning, with full cast. Directed by Abigail le Fleming.Episode 2: Accused of murder, Guido fights desperately for his life. Starring Anton Lesser as... Read more

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Guess What Happened at School Today by Jez Alborough
Guess What Happened at School Today
Jez Alborough
Guess What Happened at School Today by Jez Alborough

Guess What Happened at School Today

By: Jez Alborough

Narrated by: Jane Horrocks

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

A hilarious collection of poems from the creator of the best-selling DUCK IN THE TRUCK series. We learnt about acorns and planted a treeNigel fell over and bashed up his kneeRosie Rawlings cried at play -Her pet rabbit’s run away. In English, Miss Chadwick was in a bad mood.At lunchtime we all made a mess with our... Read more

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The Heart of the Matter by Tonya L. Massenburg
The Heart of the Matter
Tonya L. Massenburg
The Heart of the Matter by Tonya L. Massenburg

The Heart of the Matter

By: Tonya L. Massenburg

Narrated by: Fran Gregory

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

This book of poetry entails my many phases of atmospheric adaptation.  It allows me to be free and have much fun doing so.  After all, life must go on and on.  This is for all the beings in a world of fighting for freedom of good, creative, and loyal penmanship.  The universe is one of a unique yet sometimes agitated system.  I hope you enjoyed... Read more

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The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Children of the Night
Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson

The Children of the Night

By: Edwin Arlington Robinson

Narrated by: Robert Bethune

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

"Children of the Night, from 1897, is Edwin Arlington Robinson's second book of poetry. He self-published his first book, The Torrent And The Night Before, in 1896; most of the poems in it also appear in this volume. This book already contains one poem destined to become known as one of his masterpieces, namely the famous portrait of a suicide,... Read more

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Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Best-Loved Poems by Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Best-Loved Poems
Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Best-Loved Poems by Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Best-Loved Poems

By: Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Narrated by: Steven Pacey & Joanna David

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Seventy-one poems are included from these two influential poets of nineteenth century England who were also man and wife. The poetry reveals their passion, ideas, and dedication to social causes. This two-CD set offers the listener a convenient way to hear favorite poems of Elizabeth easilyand find the preferred poetry of Robert with maximum... Read more

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81 Famous Poems by various authors
81 Famous Poems
various authors
81 Famous Poems by various authors

81 Famous Poems

By: various authors

Narrated by: Alexander Scourby, Nancy Wickwire & Bramwell Fl...

Length: 2 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Listen to the sound of English as it was meant to be heard. The only authorized audio companion to the widely respected Norton Anthology of Poetry, Third Edition, this audio collection includes the greatest poems of the English language, ranging from the writings of Shakespeare, Milton, Blake, and Wordsworth, to the best-loved verse of Whitman,... Read more

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Stardines Swim High Across the Sky by Jack Prelutsky
Stardines Swim High Across the Sky
Jack Prelutsky
Stardines Swim High Across the Sky by Jack Prelutsky

Stardines Swim High Across the Sky

By: Jack Prelutsky

Narrated by: Jack Prelutsky

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Beloved and bestselling poet Jack Prelutsky and New York Times Best Illustrated artist Carin Berger team up to create a new collection of silly, strange, and sensational animal poems! Told through couplets and visually arresting shadow boxes, dioramas, and cut-paper collage, Stardines Swim High Across the Sky evokes both natural history museums... Read more

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The Brothers' War by J. Patrick Lewis
The Brothers' War
J. Patrick Lewis
The Brothers' War by J. Patrick Lewis

The Brothers' War

By: J. Patrick Lewis

Narrated by: Tom Stechschulte

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In compelling poetry, the spirit of Frederick Douglas, John Brown, and William Tecumseh Sherman comes alive. So does the heart-rending tale of a Confederate son and Union father, the desperate struggle of boys fighting like men, the horrifying shrieks of the wounded, and the pitiful plight of a toil-weary slave. One poetic letter finds... Read more

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Aber hütt - Abridged by Raphael Urweider, Beat Sterchi, Christoph Simon, Christian Schmutz, Ralf Schlatter, Achim Parterre, Pedro Lenz, Guy Krneta, Matto Kämpf, Max Huwyler, Rolf Hermann, Stefanie Grob, Simon Enzler, Daniela Dill, Arno Camenisch & Ernst Eggimann
Aber hütt - Abridged
Raphael Urweider, Beat Sterchi, Christoph Simon...
Aber hütt - Abridged by Raphael Urweider, Beat Sterchi, Christoph Simon, Christian Schmutz, Ralf Schlatter, Achim Parterre, Pedro Lenz, Guy Krneta, Matto Kämpf, Max Huwyler, Rolf Hermann, Stefanie Grob, Simon Enzler, Daniela Dill, Arno Camenisch & Ernst Eggimann

Aber hütt - Abridged

By: Raphael Urweider, Beat Sterchi, Christoph Simon...

Narrated by: uvm. & Ueli Jäggi

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ernst Eggimann gehörte in den 1970er-Jahren zu den Pionieren einer modernen Mundartdichtung, die bis heute die Spoken-Word-Szene inspiriert. Zu seinem 75. Geburtstag wurden 2011 seine wegweisenden Gedichte wieder aufgelegt (u ner hört, edition spoken script) und eine Hommage an den Solothurner Literaturtagen ausgerichtet. Nun erfährt Eggimanns... Read more

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Gérard Philipe, ses plus belles interprétations - Abridged by Collectif
Gérard Philipe, ses plus belles interprétations - Abridged
Gérard Philipe, ses plus belles interprétations - Abridged by Collectif

Gérard Philipe, ses plus belles interprétations - Abridged

By: Collectif

Narrated by: Gérard Philipe

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Retrouvez les plus belles interprétations de Gérard Philipe : Fanfan la Tulipe, Don Quichotte, Lorenzaccio, et Les 25 des plus beaux poèmes français. Passez 3 heures en compagnie d'un des plus grands comédiens français, qui met tout son talent et toute sa verve au service des plus grands auteurs. Read more

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The Poetry of Henry Newbolt by Henry Newbolt
The Poetry of Henry Newbolt
Henry Newbolt
The Poetry of Henry Newbolt by Henry Newbolt

The Poetry of Henry Newbolt

By: Henry Newbolt

Narrated by: Bart Wolffe

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Henry Newbolt's finest poetry including Vitaï Lampada. Read more

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Erotic Dreams by Various Authors
Erotic Dreams
Various Authors
Erotic Dreams by Various Authors

Erotic Dreams

By: Various Authors

Narrated by: Bart Wolffe

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: No

A collection of classic literature that feature erotic dreams including 'The Evee of St Agnes' by Keats and 'The Dream' by Donne. Read more

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Erotic Poetry Collection by John Donne & Various Narrators
Erotic Poetry Collection
John Donne & Various Narrators
Erotic Poetry Collection by John Donne & Various Narrators

Erotic Poetry Collection

By: John Donne & Various Narrators

Narrated by: Bart Wolffe

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

A collection of classic erotic poetry including 'A Last Confession' by William Butler Yeats and 'The Flea' by John Donne. Read more

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