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Animals In My Life by Pamela Douglas
Animals In My Life
Pamela Douglas
Animals In My Life by Pamela Douglas

Animals In My Life

By: Pamela Douglas

Narrated by: Pamela Douglas

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Having once rashly boasted that she could remember every animal she had ever known, the author thought she must put pen to paper and see what memories came flooding back. The delightful poems in this collection, moving, funny, sad, loving, will strike a chord with many a pet owner and entertain all who enjoy the ways of our animal friends. Read more

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Nocturne of Remembered Spring by Conrad Aiken
Nocturne of Remembered Spring
Conrad Aiken
Nocturne of Remembered Spring by Conrad Aiken

Nocturne of Remembered Spring

By: Conrad Aiken

Narrated by: Robert Bethune

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

What Spoon River Anthology does for a Midwestern small town, Turns and Movies does for the world of vaudeville. Like Masters, like Aiken: passions, betrayals, secrets, sins, victories, defeats, and inevitable losing struggles against age and death are the stuff of this work. And that's only the first part of the book.
The rest of the book... Read more

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The Death of King Arthur by Simon Armitage
The Death of King Arthur
Simon Armitage
The Death of King Arthur by Simon Armitage

The Death of King Arthur

By: Simon Armitage

Narrated by: Bill Wallis

Length: 10 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

First appearing around 1400, The Alliterative Morte Arthur, or The Death of King Arthur, is one of the most widely beloved and spectacularly alliterative poems ever penned in Middle English. Now, from the internationally acclaimed translator of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, comes this magisterial new presentation of the Arthurian tale,... Read more

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Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français 2 by Collectif
Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français 2
Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français 2 by Collectif

Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français 2

By: Collectif

Narrated by: Gérard Philipe

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

" La ballade des pendus ", François Villon ; " La mort du loup ", Alfred de Vigny ; " Colloque sentimental ", Paul Verlaine ; " L'infante ", Albert Samain ; " A une jeune morte ", Pierre de Ronsard ; " La bateau ivre ", Arthur Rimbaud ; " Les adieux de Bérénice ", Jean Racine ; " El desdichado ", Gérard de Nerval ; " La nuit de mai ", Alfred de... Read more

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Les fleurs du Mal - Abridged by Baudelaire
Les fleurs du Mal - Abridged
Les fleurs du Mal - Abridged by Baudelaire

Les fleurs du Mal - Abridged

By: Baudelaire

Narrated by: Alexandre Rignault

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Œuvre majeure de Charles Baudelaire, le recueil de poèmes Les Fleurs du Mal, intégrant la quasi-totalité de la production poétique de l'auteur depuis 1840, est publié le 23 juin 1857 et a été réédité en 1861. C'est l'une des œuvres les plus importantes de la poésie moderne, empreinte d'une nouvelle esthétique où la beauté et le sublime... Read more

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Charles Peguy : Poésies - Abridged by Charles Peguy
Charles Peguy : Poésies - Abridged
Charles Peguy
Charles Peguy : Poésies - Abridged by Charles Peguy

Charles Peguy : Poésies - Abridged

By: Charles Peguy

Narrated by: Pierre Vaneck

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Charles Péguy entre à l'Ecole normale supérieure où Bergson fut l'un de ses professeurs. Très tôt, ses prises de position déroutent : croyant, il critique l'Eglise catholique, socialiste, il s'oppose au pacifisme et à l'internationalisme de la gauche, et nationaliste, il ne rejoint jamais la classe bourgeoise. En 1900, il crée sa propre revue,... Read more

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Poésies lues par JeanMarc Tennberg - Abridged by various
Poésies lues par JeanMarc Tennberg - Abridged
Poésies lues par JeanMarc Tennberg - Abridged by various

Poésies lues par JeanMarc Tennberg - Abridged

By: various

Narrated by: Jean Marc Tennberg

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A la santé, Apollinaire ; Ballade des pendus, Villon ; Chanson du petit hypertrophique, Laforgue ; Complainte de l'oubli des morts, Laforgue ; Complainte du roi Renaud, chanson populaire ; Conseils à une Parisienne, Musset ; J'ai cueilli ce brin de bruyère, Apollinaire ; Je suis venu calme orphelin, Verlaine ; Jeanne était au pain sec, Hugo ; La... Read more

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Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français - Abridged by various
Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français - Abridged
Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français - Abridged by various

Les 25 plus beaux poèmes français - Abridged

By: various

Narrated by: Gérard Philipe & Maria Casarès

Length: 1 hour 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

" La ballade des pendus ", François Villon ; " La mort du loup ", Alfred de Vigny ; " Colloque sentimental ", Paul Verlaine ; " L'infante ", Albert Samain ; " A une jeune morte ", Pierre de Ronsard ; " La bateau ivre ", Arthur Rimbaud ; " Les adieux de Bérénice ", Jean Racine; " El desdichado ", Gérard de Nerval ; " La nuit de mai ", Alfred de... Read more

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Arthur Rimbaud lues par Michel Vitold - Abridged by Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Rimbaud lues par Michel Vitold - Abridged
Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Rimbaud lues par Michel Vitold - Abridged by Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud lues par Michel Vitold - Abridged

By: Arthur Rimbaud

Narrated by: Michel Vitold

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud est un poète français, né le 20 octobre 1854, mort le 10 novembre 1891. Il écrit ses premiers poèmes à quinze ans et demi et ses derniers à 20 ans. Selon lui, le poète doit être " voyant " il faut " être absolument moderne ", mais renonce subitement à l'écriture malgré la reconnaissance de ses pairs. Ses idées... Read more

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Les plus beaux poèmes de Baudelaire - Abridged by Baudelaire
Les plus beaux poèmes de Baudelaire - Abridged
Les plus beaux poèmes de Baudelaire - Abridged by Baudelaire

Les plus beaux poèmes de Baudelaire - Abridged

By: Baudelaire

Narrated by: various

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Charles Baudelaire n'a jamais accepté le remariage de sa mère avec Aupick alors qu'il n'avait que 7 ans. Est-ce là la cause de son esprit rebelle ? Toujours est-il qu'il se fait exclure du lycée Louis-le-Grand, fermement décidé à mener une vie de dandy. Décision contrariée par son beau-père, qui le fait embarquer de force sur un paquebot en... Read more

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Les plus beaux poèmes de Louis Aragon - Abridged by Louis Aragon
Les plus beaux poèmes de Louis Aragon - Abridged
Louis Aragon
Les plus beaux poèmes de Louis Aragon - Abridged by Louis Aragon

Les plus beaux poèmes de Louis Aragon - Abridged

By: Louis Aragon

Narrated by: JeanLouis barrault

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Les 8 plus beaux poèmes de Louis Aragon dits par Jean-Louis Barrault : Un air embaumé, Poèmes de cape et d'épée, Les amants séparés, Richard II Quarante, Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux, Le paysan de Paris chante, Amour d'Elsa, Le cri du Butor. Louis Aragon est un poète, romancier, journaliste et essayiste français, né le 3 octobre 1897 à... Read more

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Fables de La Fontaine en argot by Jean de la Fontaine
Fables de La Fontaine en argot
Jean de la Fontaine
Fables de La Fontaine en argot by Jean de la Fontaine

Fables de La Fontaine en argot

By: Jean de la Fontaine

Narrated by: Gérard Gervais & Jean-Louis Morgan

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

" Tous les vieux schnocks de l'Académie devaient encore être endormis… " -Pierre Perret " Langue de la misère ", comme le disait Victor Hugo, langue des marginaux et des " mal vus " depuis le XIIIe siècle, l'argot a pour premier objectif d'exclure tout non-initié de la conversation. Ce langage détourné, multiforme, désinhibé, mutant, a pourtant ... Read more

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Turns and Movies by Conrad Aiken
Turns and Movies
Conrad Aiken
Turns and Movies by Conrad Aiken

Turns and Movies

By: Conrad Aiken

Narrated by: Robert Bethune

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Conrad Aiken was fascinated throughout his early work with the image of a tempestuous, romantic young man who tears himself away from his wife, his first love, and from a pastoral, peaceful life in a rural setting, to pursue what he hopes will be a richer, fuller, more rewarding life in a great city. In this book, Aiken explores this theme in... Read more

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Donald Hall: Prose & Poetry by Donald Hall
Donald Hall: Prose & Poetry
Donald Hall
Donald Hall: Prose & Poetry by Donald Hall

Donald Hall: Prose & Poetry

By: Donald Hall

Narrated by: Donald Hall

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Author of more than thirty books of poetry and prose, Donald Hall performs here dozens of his best-loved poems, together with excerpts from six of his works of prose. Donald Hall has been writing poems for over fifty years and now stands as one of America's foremost poets. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Robert Frost Medal... Read more

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Lord Byron by Lord Byron
Lord Byron
Lord Byron
Lord Byron by Lord Byron

Lord Byron

By: Lord Byron

Narrated by: Frederick Davidson

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

The epitome of the Romantic literary hero, Lord Byron was as well-known in his time for the revolutionary panache with which he lived as for his extremely popular verse. “As a myth,” wrote Bertrand Russell, “his importance, especially on the continent, was enormous.” His many tempestuous relationships were the subject of scandal which only added... Read more

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Earth Triumphant by Conrad Aiken
Earth Triumphant
Conrad Aiken
Earth Triumphant by Conrad Aiken

Earth Triumphant

By: Conrad Aiken

Narrated by: Robert Bethune

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

In Charnel Rose, Conrad Aiken takes the plunge into a deeply metaphysical and surrealistic world, capturing the essence of one aspect of quintessential humanity: how we create and pursue a deeply personal, intensely idealistic, physically and emotionally draining search for love, and how some of us turn away from real love when we do find it,... Read more

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The Iliad by Homer
The Iliad
The Iliad by Homer

The Iliad

By: Homer

Narrated by: Alfred Molina

Length: 16 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

From the renowned translator of Rilke, Tao Te Ching, and Gilgamesh, a vivid new translation of Western civilization’s foundational epic: The Iliad.

Tolstoy called the Iliad a miracle; Goethe said that it always thrust him into a state of astonishment. Homer’s story is thrilling, and his Greek is perhaps the most beautiful poetry ever sung or... Read more

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Lettre à Adélia by Arold Pinder
Lettre à Adélia
Arold Pinder
Lettre à Adélia by Arold Pinder

Lettre à Adélia

By: Arold Pinder

Narrated by: Arold Pinder

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Femme de sa terre et terre faite femme tout à la fois. Les images, touchantes et neuves, pour chanter l'une et l'autre, Pinder les puise dans son inénarrable amour d'elles. Amour fondateur. Exaltant. Du lyrisme presque à l'état pur, enrichi, ô grâce, du ballet harmonique des mots. La poésie, cette fois encore, trouvera sa plénitude dans... Read more

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The Mercy by Beverly Lewis
The Mercy
Beverly Lewis
The Mercy by Beverly Lewis

The Mercy

By: Beverly Lewis

Narrated by: Christina Moore

Length: 8 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Rose Kauffman pines for prodigal Nick Franco, the Bishop's foster son who left the Amish under a cloud of suspicion after his foster brother's death. His rebellion led to the "silencing" of their beloved Bishop. But is Nick really the rebel he appears to be? Rose's lingering feelings for her wayward friend refuse to fade, but she is frustrated... Read more

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The Canterbury Tales by Peter Ackroyd & Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales
Peter Ackroyd & Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales by Peter Ackroyd & Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales

By: Peter Ackroyd & Geoffrey Chaucer

Narrated by: Ron Keith, Toby Leonard Moore, Colin McPhillamy...

Length: 16 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Author Peter Ackroyd has won the Somerset Maugham Award, the Whitbread Novel of the Year, and the Guardian Fiction Prize, and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. Based on Geoffrey Chaucer's immortal work, this retelling of The Canterbury Tales follows a party of travelers as they tell stories amongst themselves about love and chivalry, saints... Read more

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Love Songs by Sara Teasdale
Love Songs
Sara Teasdale
Love Songs by Sara Teasdale

Love Songs

By: Sara Teasdale

Narrated by: Robert Bethune & Susie Berneis

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Sara Teasdale - the winner of one of the earliest Pulitzer Prizes for poetry, winner of the Poetry Society of America prize, and other honors - believed passionately in the power and beauty of love, yet in her own life, love was not enough; she died by her own hand after a long illness. The man she may have loved more than any other, the poet... Read more

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Transfer by Naomi Shihab Nye
Naomi Shihab Nye
Transfer by Naomi Shihab Nye


By: Naomi Shihab Nye

Narrated by: Naomi Shihab Nye

Length: 2 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

"In the current literary scene, one of the most heartening influences is the work of Naomi Shihab Nye. Her poems combine transcendent liveliness and sparkle along with warmth and human insight. She is a champion of the literature of encouragement and heart. Reading her work enhances life."— William Stafford
Dusk where is the name no one answered... Read more

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Aux marches du palais by Albert Millaire
Aux marches du palais
Albert Millaire
Aux marches du palais by Albert Millaire

Aux marches du palais

By: Albert Millaire

Narrated by: Albert Millaire

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Albert Millaire considère la fréquentation des classiques comme toujours profitable et enrichissante, surtout si elle se fait auprès d'un grand nombre d'auteurs et de leurs oeuvres. C'est la raison qui l'a incité à concevoir et monter, en entier, un spectacle pour les faire revivre. Produit à partir d'un enregistrement en direct à la Chapelle... Read more

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Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes by Harry Graham
Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes
Harry Graham
Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes by Harry Graham

Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes

By: Harry Graham

Narrated by: Cathy Dobson

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Harry Graham was an English writer of light verse, popular fiction, and history. He is best remembered for his grotesque and humorous verses, which parody the children’s cautionary verses of his day. His most successful work was his series of hilariously cruel Ruthless Rhymes, first published in 1898 under the pseudonym Col. D. Streamer. Billy,... Read more

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