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Mister Toebones by Brooks Haxton
Mister Toebones
Brooks Haxton
Mister Toebones by Brooks Haxton

Mister Toebones

By: Brooks Haxton

Narrated by: Edoardo Ballerini

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

In these marvelous pages, the award-winning poet turns a searching gaze toward the shared habitat and intertwined fates of man and animal. He looks back and forward in time, down at the soil, up at the stars, and deeply into his personal relationships.

Brooks Haxton has been writing for years about the connections between human beings and the... Read more

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What the Road Said by Cleo Wade
What the Road Said
Cleo Wade
What the Road Said by Cleo Wade

What the Road Said

By: Cleo Wade

Narrated by: Cleo Wade

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

This program is read by the author

What the Road Said is the comforting and uplifting children's audiobook from bestselling poet and activist Cleo Wade.

Which way do I go?
That is your choice to make,
said the Road.

But what if I go the wrong way?
The Road curved a little,
almost as if it was giving me a hug, and said,
Do not worry. Sometimes we go... Read more

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Us by Zaffar Kunial
Zaffar Kunial
Us by Zaffar Kunial


By: Zaffar Kunial

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Debut collection of poems from Zaffar Kunial. Read more

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Стихи и поэмы Сергея Есенина by Сергей Есенин
Стихи и поэмы Сергея Есенина
Сергей Есенин
Стихи и поэмы Сергея Есенина by Сергей Есенин

Стихи и поэмы Сергея Есенина

By: Сергей Есенин

Narrated by: Сергей Кокорин

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Цель предлагаемой слушателю поэтической антологии — наиболее ярко показать творческий путь поэта, подчеркнуть его верность избранным темам. Это прежде всего истоки самой поэзии Есенина: Россия, ее история, ее природа, мир патриархальной русской деревни. Это тема любви, светлой и лиричной и одновременно бурной и трагической. Это перевернувший... Read more

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روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين by ابن قيم الجوزية
روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين
ابن قيم الجوزية
روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين by ابن قيم الجوزية

روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين

By: ابن قيم الجوزية

Narrated by: عادل المسلاتي

Length: 20 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

كتاب "روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين" كتاب يعد من أهم الكتب التي ألفت في الحب، وفيه يجد القارئ ما يشبع فهمه إلى هذا النوع من المعرفة، لأنه يجمع رأي الشريعة وحكمتها وأدبها إلى الكلام عن الحب وفلسفته وآراء الناس فيه. والكتاب حافل بالطرائف الأدبية والنثرية والشعرية، التي تعبّر عن فنون الغزل بأنواعه المختلفة مع ما يخالطها من الوعظ الديني المرتبط... Read more

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Crossfire by Staceyann Chin
Staceyann Chin
Crossfire by Staceyann Chin


By: Staceyann Chin

Narrated by: Staceyann Chin

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Crossfire collects Staceyann Chin's empowering, feminist-LGBTQ-Caribbean, activist-driven poetry for the first time in a single book. According to The New York Times, Chin is “sassy, rageful and sometimes softly self-mocking.” The Advocate says that her poems “combine hilarious one-liners with a refusal to conform” and note “Chin is out to... Read more

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Night Feeds and Morning Songs by Ana Sampson
Night Feeds and Morning Songs
Ana Sampson
Night Feeds and Morning Songs by Ana Sampson

Night Feeds and Morning Songs

By: Ana Sampson

Narrated by: Aysha Kala, Imogen Wilde & Nicole Davis

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

The perfect gift for expectant mothers and new mums, whether it's her first baby or her fifth.
'I read every single poem and wished that I'd had this book when I was pregnant, and feeding a baby, and watching her grow.' Sophie Heawood, author of The Hungover Games

A collection of honest, fierce and beautiful poems about being a mother, from... Read more

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الإلياذة by هوميروس
الإلياذة by هوميروس


By: هوميروس

Narrated by: رأفت بازو

Length: 29 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"هي إحدى أشهر الملاحم الأدبية في التاريخ، كتبها الشاعر اليوناني الشهير هوميروس، وتعود إلى القرن التاسع أو الثامن قبل الميلاد. تروي بعض الأحداث المهمة في الأسابيع الأخيرة من حرب طروادة والحصار اليوناني لمدينة طروادة. ترجمت الإلياذة إلى كل لغات العالم تقريبًا، كما ترجمها كبار شعراء الإنجليز لأكثر من خمس عشرة مرة. يُجمع العلماء على أن هذه الحرب... Read more

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If by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
If by Rudyard Kipling


By: Rudyard Kipling

Narrated by: Sam Kusi

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

"If-" is a timeless classic, a masterpiece about keeping your balance in a topsy-turvy world and maintaining personal integrity. A phenomenal poem by English Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), written circa 1895 as a tribute to Leander Starr Jameson, it is a literary example of Victorian-era stoicism. Among other nuggets, it advocates... Read more

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todo lo que necesito existe ya en mí by rupi kaur
todo lo que necesito existe ya en mí
rupi kaur
todo lo que necesito existe ya en mí by rupi kaur

todo lo que necesito existe ya en mí

By: rupi kaur

Narrated by: Pastora Vega

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

El poemario que consagra a la poeta joven más popular del mundo y voz de su generación. Con una sensibilidad exquisita, rupi kaur aborda en todo lo que necesito existe ya en mí algunos de los temas por los que se dio a conocer con sus anteriores obras como el feminismo, el trauma, la pérdida o el amor, pero en esta ocasión da un paso más allá y... Read more

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Poetry and Rhyme Collection by Highlights for Children
Poetry and Rhyme Collection
Highlights for Children
Poetry and Rhyme Collection by Highlights for Children

Poetry and Rhyme Collection

By: Highlights for Children

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Listen and relive the exciting tales from Highlights, now on audio! Hear about a child who helps a butterfly return to where it belongs and the beauty of the summer sky, along with other poems.Stories include: Animal Crackers by Heidi Bee Roemer, Barnyard Breakfast by Melanie Rook Welfing, Camping Out with Honey by Gale Sypher Jacob, Dancing the... Read more

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Prometeo è un ladro e dorme by Claudio Finelli
Prometeo è un ladro e dorme
Claudio Finelli
Prometeo è un ladro e dorme by Claudio Finelli

Prometeo è un ladro e dorme

By: Claudio Finelli

Narrated by: Claudio Finelli & Tonia Zito

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

In una società affetta da narcisismo patologico, dove i sentimenti e l’anima si sacrificano per un outfit ben curato, Prometeo è un ladro e dorme affronta la tematica del disincanto che connota la nostra epoca.Attraverso il racconto della fine di un amore, si narra un dolore universale che si scatena quando l’anima si annichilisce per dare... Read more

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She - Poetry Every Woman Needs for a Fuller Inner Spiritual Life by Margaux Channing
She - Poetry Every Woman Needs for a Fuller Inner Spiritual Life
Margaux Channing
She - Poetry Every Woman Needs for a Fuller Inner Spiritual Life by Margaux Channing

She - Poetry Every Woman Needs for a Fuller Inner Spiritual Life

By: Margaux Channing

Narrated by: Lance Thorp

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: No

SHE is a deeply penetrating examination of every Woman’s soul illuminated in spine-tingling poems by the emerging poet Margaux Channing.
SHE examines every Woman’s relationships, from husband to boyfriend to father and mother and siblings. 
SHE reveals the hidden dangers and exploitation every Woman encounters when dating, having sex, at work, at... Read more

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If Only I Were Me by Jade dee & Wilnona Marie
If Only I Were Me
Jade dee & Wilnona Marie
If Only I Were Me by Jade dee & Wilnona Marie

If Only I Were Me

By: Jade dee & Wilnona Marie

Narrated by: Jo Sands

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Looking back is often like looking in a mirror, all the imperfections are obvious. This is the journey of how two women look back saw their past reflections and use them to do good. How they managed to smooth out the path ahead. How they reconcile themselves with who they are and who they will be. Every path has a crossroad and finding the peace... Read more

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Poetic Vines by Adrian Morton
Poetic Vines
Adrian Morton
Poetic Vines by Adrian Morton

Poetic Vines

By: Adrian Morton

Narrated by: Adrian Morton

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

A thoughtful collection for those moments when only a poem will do as a wise word or advice that can offer comfort when you are sad and lonely or when you need motivation or the inspirational power to manifest your dreams, hopes or desires.Parables and poems are those little pebbles that reach into your soul without offending your senses and... Read more

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Firm of Step by Lorraine Ansell
Firm of Step
Lorraine Ansell
Firm of Step by Lorraine Ansell

Firm of Step

By: Lorraine Ansell

Narrated by: Lorraine Ansell

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

“Firm of Step” is a collection of words that have come together after four seasons of experience. Each short poem features unpolished stones that can only shine once you have read them.

Formed from daily life, Lorraine Ansell, has shaped characters into form and re-arranged them into stories. Short and perfectly formed into the paragraphs and... Read more

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Learn French With Short Stories - Fifteen Beginner Stories With Parallel French & English Text by French Hacking
Learn French With Short Stories - Fifteen Beginner Stories With Parallel French & English Text
French Hacking
Learn French With Short Stories - Fifteen Beginner Stories With Parallel French & English Text by French Hacking

Learn French With Short Stories - Fifteen Beginner Stories With Parallel French & English Text

By: French Hacking

Narrated by: Elodie Nowodazkij

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisien? Do you want to read French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?
Imagine how impressed your friends and family will be and how awesome you’ll feel once you’re able to have a fluent conversation... Read more

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Hardly War by Don Mee Choi
Hardly War
Don Mee Choi
Hardly War by Don Mee Choi

Hardly War

By: Don Mee Choi

Narrated by: Don Mee Choi

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Recorded live in Los Angeles Hardly War, Don Mee Choi's major second collection, defies history, national identity, and militarism. Using artifacts from Choi's father, a professional photographer during the Korean and Vietnam wars, she combines memoir, image, and opera to explore her paternal relationship and heritage. Here poetry and... Read more

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She Dreams - Original Poetry Plumbing the Depths of Dreams in an Empowered Woman's Life by Margaux Channing
She Dreams - Original Poetry Plumbing the Depths of Dreams in an Empowered Woman's Life
Margaux Channing
She Dreams - Original Poetry Plumbing the Depths of Dreams in an Empowered Woman's Life by Margaux Channing

She Dreams - Original Poetry Plumbing the Depths of Dreams in an Empowered Woman's Life

By: Margaux Channing

Narrated by: Lance Thorp

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

DREAMS play a major role in every woman’s life, as much in Margaux’s as any other woman. 
DREAMS form the foundation of her psyche, upon which all her future growth is nourished.
DREAMS are the inner spiritual well from which the juice of life explodes as she develops into the person she was meant to be.   
DREAMS are the original source of her... Read more

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One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition by Ann Voskamp
One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition
Ann Voskamp
One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition by Ann Voskamp

One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition

By: Ann Voskamp

Narrated by: Ann Voskamp

Length: 8 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

In this beautiful tenth anniversary edition of her bestselling book, New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative journey of chronicling God's gifts and grace. With more than 1.5 million copies sold, Ann shows you how to tap into a pattern of gratitude that continues to... Read more

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She Loves (1) - Original Poetry Exploring Aspects of Love in an Empowered Woman's Life by Margaux Channing
She Loves (1) - Original Poetry Exploring Aspects of Love in an Empowered Woman's Life
Margaux Channing
She Loves (1) - Original Poetry Exploring Aspects of Love in an Empowered Woman's Life by Margaux Channing

She Loves (1) - Original Poetry Exploring Aspects of Love in an Empowered Woman's Life

By: Margaux Channing

Narrated by: Lance Thorp

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Shakespeare said, “Love alters not when it alteration finds.”
But Love is a lot more than that. 
In SHE LOVES, Margaux does Shakespeare one better when she plumbs the depths of Love as only Margaux can with her fresh and original and deeply personal Love poems—and bringing to the task with great relish her trademark clear-eyed sensitivity to the... Read more

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Only You by Elena
Only You
Only You by Elena

Only You

By: Elena

Narrated by: Leah Frederick

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

In this book Elena’s open her heart and soul, to share her thoughts and feelings with her readers. Read more

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Solsticio de infarto by Jorge F. Hernández
Solsticio de infarto
Jorge F. Hernández
Solsticio de infarto by Jorge F. Hernández

Solsticio de infarto

By: Jorge F. Hernández

Narrated by: Alex Ortega

Length: 9 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

"Jorge F. Hernández publicó durante casi quince años la columna semanal "Agua de azar" en el periódico Milenio. Esta antología reúne breves crónicas, ensayos de ensayo, algún cuento en potencia, elogios a la poesía y la deuda de gratitud que guarda su autor con escritores, editores y los más raros interlocutores posibles: el azar como ánimo de... Read more

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The Mountains Within - Abridged by Allen Gilchrist
The Mountains Within - Abridged
Allen Gilchrist
The Mountains Within - Abridged by Allen Gilchrist

The Mountains Within - Abridged

By: Allen Gilchrist

Narrated by: Allen Gilchrist

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"As you open this book innumerable joys overflow its confines, cascading in through your eyes and your ears and the pores of your skin. Allen Gilchrist writes under the influence of the more-than-human earth, and he has crafted a cadence all his own for singing the exuberance of mountains, spiders, sequoias, and swooping wings -- a verbal music... Read more

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