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Prinz Eugen, Tannhäuser und John Maynard: Deutsche Balladen by Ferdinand Freiligrath, Emmanuel Geibel & Theodor Fontane
Prinz Eugen, Tannhäuser und John Maynard: Deutsche Balladen
Ferdinand Freiligrath, Emmanuel Geibel & Theodo...
Prinz Eugen, Tannhäuser und John Maynard: Deutsche Balladen by Ferdinand Freiligrath, Emmanuel Geibel & Theodor Fontane

Prinz Eugen, Tannhäuser und John Maynard: Deutsche Balladen

By: Ferdinand Freiligrath, Emmanuel Geibel & Theodo...

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 4 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

100 Balladen aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert! Mit dabei: Prinz Eugen, Der alte Zieten, Archibald Douglas, Herr von Ribbeck, Die Brück' am Tay, Der schwarze Tod, Die Füße im Feuer, Der Heideknabe und viele mehr! Mit dabei: Ein pdf-Dokument mit Titelliste Read more

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Cantáteis - Cantos elegíacos de amozade (Integral) by Chico César
Cantáteis - Cantos elegíacos de amozade (Integral)
Chico César
Cantáteis - Cantos elegíacos de amozade (Integral) by Chico César

Cantáteis - Cantos elegíacos de amozade (Integral)

By: Chico César

Narrated by: Chico César

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Neste audiolivro, o compositor Chico César lê seu livro Cantáteis – Cantos Elegíacos de Amozade (lançado em papel pela editora Garamond), no qual exalta e execra, alimenta e afoga, vive e mata o sentimento ambíguo que oscila e confunde amor e amizade, nutrido pela musa, a também poeta Tata Fernandes. Tal sentimento se mistura com os ruídos e as... Read more

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Álvaro de Campos X Marcos Breda - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Álvaro de Campos
Álvaro de Campos X Marcos Breda - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)
Álvaro de Campos
Álvaro de Campos X Marcos Breda - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Álvaro de Campos

Álvaro de Campos X Marcos Breda - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)

By: Álvaro de Campos

Narrated by: Marcos Breda

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

A série de audiolivros Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 registrou em áudio os poemas de Fernando Pessoa, ele mesmo, e seus três principais heterônimos com quatro atores diferentes. Para gravar os escritos de Álvaro de Campos, convidamos o ator Marcos Breda, que fez uma declaração valiosa sobre o trabalho de gravação: "Foi como uma epifania", disse ele. O... Read more

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Alberto Caeiro X Alberto Guzik - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Alberto Caeiro
Alberto Caeiro X Alberto Guzik - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)
Alberto Caeiro
Alberto Caeiro X Alberto Guzik - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Alberto Caeiro

Alberto Caeiro X Alberto Guzik - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)

By: Alberto Caeiro

Narrated by: Alberto Guzik

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

A série de audiolivros Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 registrou em áudio os poemas de Fernando Pessoa e seus três principais heterônimos com quatro atores diferentes. Para gravar os escritos de Alberto Caeiro, convidamos o ator Alberto Guzik, que fez as gravações em 2009. Depois das gravações feitas e revisadas, em junho de 2010, Guzik faleceu. A voz de... Read more

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Fernando Pessoa x Hélio Cícero - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa x Hélio Cícero - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa x Hélio Cícero - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral) by Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa x Hélio Cícero - Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 (Integral)

By: Fernando Pessoa

Narrated by: Helio Cícero

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

A série de audiolivros Fernando Pessoa 4 X 4 registrou em áudio os poemas de Fernando Pessoa, ele mesmo, e seus três principais heterônimos com quatro atores diferentes. Para gravar os escritos de Fernando Pessoa, ele mesmo, convidamos o ator Hélio Cícero, que trouxe para o estúdio toda sua afinidade com a obra do poeta português. Em 2009,... Read more

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Brincando em cordel (Integral) by Cleusa Santo
Brincando em cordel (Integral)
Cleusa Santo
Brincando em cordel (Integral) by Cleusa Santo

Brincando em cordel (Integral)

By: Cleusa Santo

Narrated by: Cleusa Santo

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Este audiolivro contém os textos: A lenda da galinha d'angola / Joselito e sua cabra / Súplica de um papagaio / A menina que viajou no arco-íris / A lagartinha e a rosa / Rino, o rato que roeu a roupa do rei de Roma / Um amor para o Saci / O casamento da chapeuzinho / Uma formiga em Hollywood / Aninha e seus cachinhos Cleusa Santo é poetisa... Read more

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Where Life Has Taken Me by Tonya Beatty
Where Life Has Taken Me
Tonya Beatty
Where Life Has Taken Me by Tonya Beatty

Where Life Has Taken Me

By: Tonya Beatty

Narrated by: Tonya Beatty

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

I wrote these poems so that people can understand my journey through life and get to know the real me. Some of the poems cover topics such as love, family, racism, heritage, democracy, traveling and the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully, some will be able to relate to my poems or learn something from them. Read more

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Erlkönig, Glocke und Lorelei: Deutsche Balladen by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller & Heinrich Heine
Erlkönig, Glocke und Lorelei: Deutsche Balladen
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller ...
Erlkönig, Glocke und Lorelei: Deutsche Balladen by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller & Heinrich Heine

Erlkönig, Glocke und Lorelei: Deutsche Balladen

By: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller ...

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 6 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

100 Balladen aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert! Mit dabei: Der Erlkönig, Der Zauberlehrling, Der König in Thule, Ode an die Freude, Der Handschuh, Die Bürgschaft, Der Ring des Polykrates, Der Mummelsee, Belsazar, Der Taucher und viele mehr! Mit dabei: Ein pdf-Dokument mit Titelliste Read more

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Dear God by Bunmi Laditan
Dear God
Bunmi Laditan
Dear God by Bunmi Laditan

Dear God

By: Bunmi Laditan

Narrated by: Mia Ellis

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Are you looking to strengthen your relationship with God? Do you find yourself untangling the threads of what it is you really believe? Are you longing for a deeper connection to your spiritual side? Bunmi Laditan has been in your shoes.In the midst of her darkest days, Bunmi began writing down her deepest fears, hopes, dreams, and frustrations... Read more

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The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven

By: Edgar Allan Poe

Narrated by: Matthew C. Trahan

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Edgar Allan Poe's classic poem on love, loss, and grief. Read more

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Alexa, what is there to know about love? by Brian Bilston
Alexa, what is there to know about love?
Brian Bilston
Alexa, what is there to know about love? by Brian Bilston

Alexa, what is there to know about love?

By: Brian Bilston

Narrated by: Brian Bilston

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

'Brian Bilston is a laureate for our fractured times.' Ian McMillan

'Someone who knows their way round both a joke and a bittersweet narrative.' The Times

'Part John Cooper Clarke, part Frank Sidebottom . . . all brilliant.' Esquire

'Bilston is a magician with words' Guardian

Alexa, what is there to know about love? is a wonderful collection of... Read more

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Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast by Jack Prelutsky
Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast
Jack Prelutsky
Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast by Jack Prelutsky

Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast

By: Jack Prelutsky

Narrated by: Kirby Heyborne

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A new collection from the celebrated first Young People’s Poet Laureate and bestselling poet Jack Prelutsky, featuring more than one hundred original poems! Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast is guaranteed to make readers laugh, imagine, write, and dream. From a lizard playing a mandolin (although not very well) to the surprised guest of honor (at... Read more

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Unser täglich Gedicht gib uns heute by Max Rohland
Unser täglich Gedicht gib uns heute
Max Rohland
Unser täglich Gedicht gib uns heute by Max Rohland

Unser täglich Gedicht gib uns heute

By: Max Rohland

Narrated by: Max Rohland

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Liebe*r Hörer*in. Mit diesem Hörbuch erwirbst du einen dramatischen und sensiblen Bogen von Lyrik, sorgfältig auserlesen von Oliver Stümann, meisterhaft interpretiert von Max Rohland und gefühlvoll mit Cello-Musik versehen von Cecilia Rubio Zamora. Am Anfang des ersten Lockdowns beschlossen der Galerist Oliver Stümann und der Schauspieler... Read more

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Where Life Has Taken Me by Tonya Beatty
Where Life Has Taken Me
Tonya Beatty
Where Life Has Taken Me by Tonya Beatty

Where Life Has Taken Me

By: Tonya Beatty

Narrated by: Tonya Beatty

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

My book includes poems from my teenage years and current. The poems cover a broad range topics which, include, love, relationships, racism, heritage, traveling, the Covid-19 pandemic and family. Read more

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Поэтические вечера. Михаил Козаков by Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, В.А. Жуковский, Ф.И. Тютчев, Сергей Есенин & М.Ю. Лермонтов
Поэтические вечера. Михаил Козаков
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, В.А. Жуковский, Ф.И...
Поэтические вечера. Михаил Козаков by Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, В.А. Жуковский, Ф.И. Тютчев, Сергей Есенин & М.Ю. Лермонтов

Поэтические вечера. Михаил Козаков

By: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, В.А. Жуковский, Ф.И...

Narrated by: Михаил Козаков

Length: 5 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Замечательный артист Михаил Казаков читает стихи А.С.Пушкина, М.Ю.Лермонтова, В.А. Жуковского, Ф.И. Тютчева, С.А. Есенина "Я читаю не только для публики, я читаю её во многом для себя самого. Чтение стихов – это как будто ты служишь мессу, словно ты священник... Ты должен стремиться только к окончательной гармонии, чтобы… и у публики, и у тебя... Read more

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Cherry Blossoms by Liesel Kippen
Cherry Blossoms
Liesel Kippen
Cherry Blossoms by Liesel Kippen

Cherry Blossoms

By: Liesel Kippen

Narrated by: Tom Mailey

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

I have a huge passion for writing and enjoy letting my ideas run wild on a page. My endeavour in life is to encourage, uplift and motivate. I strive to do this in my writing and in all I do and say. I am in awe of nature and her vast treasures. I receive much pleasure and inspiration from observing nature in her many beautiful forms. I hope that... Read more

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Lampião na mira dos inimigos (Integral) by Costa Senna
Lampião na mira dos inimigos (Integral)
Costa Senna
Lampião na mira dos inimigos (Integral) by Costa Senna

Lampião na mira dos inimigos (Integral)

By: Costa Senna

Narrated by: Costa Senna

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Costa Senna é cantor, ator, compositor e poeta. Seu show é uma assessoria pedagógica, composta por cordel, contação de histórias, músicas, provérbios, trava-línguas, trocadilhos e informações que fortalecem o conhecimento de estudantes, educadores e apreciadores da nossa cultura. Participou de várias peças teatrais e de filmes de curta e longa... Read more

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Cordéis divertidos (Integral) by Varneci Nascimento
Cordéis divertidos (Integral)
Varneci Nascimento
Cordéis divertidos (Integral) by Varneci Nascimento

Cordéis divertidos (Integral)

By: Varneci Nascimento

Narrated by: Varneci Nascimento

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Este audiolivro traz uma coletânea de cordéis irreverentes, incluindo: - A história de Joãozinho; - Joãozinho na escola; - Pergunta idiota, tolerância zero; - Dez mandamentos do preguiçoso; - Mulher encalhada; - 12 conselhos para um infarto feliz. Read more

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A palavra despida - Cordéis de Costa Senna (Integral) by Costa Senna
A palavra despida - Cordéis de Costa Senna (Integral)
Costa Senna
A palavra despida - Cordéis de Costa Senna (Integral) by Costa Senna

A palavra despida - Cordéis de Costa Senna (Integral)

By: Costa Senna

Narrated by: Costa Senna

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Costa Senna é cantor, ator, compositor e poeta. Seu show é uma assessoria pedagógica, composta por cordel, contação de histórias, músicas, provérbios, trava-línguas, trocadilhos e informações que fortalecem o conhecimento de estudantes, educadores e apreciadores da nossa cultura. Participou de várias peças teatrais e de curtas e longas... Read more

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Palavrarmas (Integral) by Ferréz
Palavrarmas (Integral)
Palavrarmas (Integral) by Ferréz

Palavrarmas (Integral)

By: Ferréz

Narrated by: Ferréz

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Com a missão de trazer a literatura para mais próximo da periferia, o escritor Ferréz mais uma vez aposta na palavra como ferramenta. E, para seu primeiro audiolivro, convidou um time de peso para recitar seus textos e poesias, como Zeca Baleiro, que lê a inédita Vendo verdades, e o poeta de Brasília Gog, que recita O menino Periferia, com... Read more

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Уже от мыслей никуда не деться... by Валентин Гафт
Уже от мыслей никуда не деться...
Валентин Гафт
Уже от мыслей никуда не деться... by Валентин Гафт

Уже от мыслей никуда не деться...

By: Валентин Гафт

Narrated by: Валентин Гафт

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Детство, мухи, море, пепел… о чем только не передумаешь в поезде. Сколько же поэзии может быть в прозе жизни. Сколько нового, философского и личного – в самом обыденном. Дорогой слушатель, узнай же скорее, о чем размышляет любимый актер. Быть может, ты вспомнишь, каким ты был и какой ты есть… на самом деле. Перед глазами промелькнут... Read more

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William Bonney's Electric Book of Hours by Jason Rosette
William Bonney's Electric Book of Hours
Jason Rosette
William Bonney's Electric Book of Hours by Jason Rosette

William Bonney's Electric Book of Hours

By: Jason Rosette

Narrated by: Jason Rosette

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Inspired by the legendary William Bonney - more famously known as 'Billy the Kid' - 'William Bonney's Electric Book of Hours' is a collection of contemporary poems and prose written by award winning multi-media artist, writer-director and filmmaker, Jason Rosette ('BookWars', '10,000 Miles to Go: An American Filmmaking Odyssey'; 'Lost in New... Read more

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Wealtheow by Ashley Crownover
Ashley Crownover
Wealtheow by Ashley Crownover


By: Ashley Crownover

Narrated by: Helen Lloyd

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

In Ashley Crownover's debut, the classic tale of Beowulf is retold from the point of view of Wealtheow, Queen of the Danes. After a century of silence, Wealtheow provides a woman's perspective on the issues facing her people, raising intriguing literary questions. Read more

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A Quiet Time with John Rayburn by John Rayburn
A Quiet Time with John Rayburn
John Rayburn
A Quiet Time with John Rayburn by John Rayburn

A Quiet Time with John Rayburn

By: John Rayburn

Narrated by: John Rayburn

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Veteran broadcaster John Rayburn here combines philosophy, poetry, inspiration, motivation, and touches of humor to provide comfort, cheer, and encouragement. This audiobook is an opportunity to collect your thoughts and set aside a few moments for contemplation in a busy, busy world. Read more

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