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Rebels with a Cause by Niobe Way
Rebels with a Cause
Niobe Way
Rebels with a Cause by Niobe Way

Rebels with a Cause

By: Niobe Way

Narrated by: Niobe Way

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

From NYU professor of developmental psychology Niobe Way,
an in-depth exploration about what boys and young men teach us about themselves, us, and the toxic culture we have created, one in which we value money over people, toys over human connection, and academic achievement over kindness. Based on her longitudinal and mixed-method research... Read more

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Classroom Instruction That Works by Ceri B. Dean, Elizabeth Ross Hubbell, Howard Pitler & BJ Stone
Classroom Instruction That Works
Ceri B. Dean, Elizabeth Ross Hubbell, Howard Pi...
Classroom Instruction That Works by Ceri B. Dean, Elizabeth Ross Hubbell, Howard Pitler & BJ Stone

Classroom Instruction That Works

By: Ceri B. Dean, Elizabeth Ross Hubbell, Howard Pi...

Narrated by: Scott R. Pollak

Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

This all-new, completely revised second edition of that classic text pulls from years of research, practice, and results to reanalyze and reevaluate the nine instructional strategies that have the most positive effects on teaching and learning: Setting objectives and providing feedback Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Cooperative... Read more

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Quit Smoking by Shelly Gauntlet
Quit Smoking
Shelly Gauntlet
Quit Smoking by Shelly Gauntlet

Quit Smoking

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Ric Chetter

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

If you are looking at this book, you are already one step ahead of the past, just because it means you are interested in stopping your addictive smoking habit, or you know someone you want to help. Since that holds true, I advise you to download this book immediately, because it is definitely worth it!You might have tried other approaches,... Read more

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Adicciones by Shelly Gauntlet
Shelly Gauntlet
Adicciones by Shelly Gauntlet


By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Mono Vasquez

Length: 5 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

5 títulos le informarán sobre las compulsiones más severas y los hábitos más devastadores Libro 1: Este elaborado libro aclara las adversidades de romper los malos hábitos, la ciencia del cerebro detrás de la secuencia impulsada por la dopamina que nos convierte en esclavos de nuestros deseos, las mejores formas de enfrentar la tentación,... Read more

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Hoarding by Shelly Gauntlet
Shelly Gauntlet
Hoarding by Shelly Gauntlet


By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Ric Chetter

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

I used to be like a lot of people. I thought stuff was actually worth something. Okay, okay, in some cases it is. But a lot of times, it is not!The problem with hoarding is usually a hidden issue that isn't straight related to it. Hoarding is a way for people to deal with their issues. Their complacency is a cover-up for finding the real... Read more

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Trastorno de acaparamiento by Shelly Gauntlet
Trastorno de acaparamiento
Shelly Gauntlet
Trastorno de acaparamiento by Shelly Gauntlet

Trastorno de acaparamiento

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Mono Vasquez

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Solía ​​ser como mucha gente. Pensé que las cosas realmente valían algo. Vale, vale, a veces lo es. ¡Pero muchas veces no lo es!El problema con el acaparamiento es a menudo un problema subyacente que no está directamente relacionado con él. El acaparamiento es una forma de que las personas enfrenten sus problemas. Su sentido de seguridad es un... Read more

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Malos hábitos by Shelly Gauntlet
Malos hábitos
Shelly Gauntlet
Malos hábitos by Shelly Gauntlet

Malos hábitos

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Mono Vasquez

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos tienen malos hábitos. No me importa quiénes dicen que son, todos lo hacen. Tengo que confesar que tengo la mala costumbre de rascarme demasiado la cabeza. También tengo el mal hábito de embotellar cosas dentro y luego explotar cuando algo pequeño me molesta (mucha gente hace eso).Los malos hábitos pueden incluir cualquier cosa, como... Read more

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The Codependency Workbook by Krystal Mazzola
The Codependency Workbook
Krystal Mazzola
The Codependency Workbook by Krystal Mazzola

The Codependency Workbook

By: Krystal Mazzola

Narrated by: Sandra Churchill

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Free yourself from codependency with evidence-based tools and exercises. Reclaim your sense of self and reclaim your life. From the author of The Codependency Recovery Plan, this audiobook is a comprehensive resource filled with research-based strategies and activities for people seeking to break out of their codependent patterns and reestablish... Read more

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The Attachment Theory Workbook by Annie Chen
The Attachment Theory Workbook
Annie Chen
The Attachment Theory Workbook by Annie Chen

The Attachment Theory Workbook

By: Annie Chen

Narrated by: Liz Morey

Length: 3 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Free yourself from codependency with evidence-based tools and exercises. Build stronger relationships with strategies grounded in attachment theory. Attachment theory explores the different ways we develop connections with others. If you’re searching for a way to create stronger, healthier, and more authentic relationships with the people you... Read more

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Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents by Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino & Esther Deblinger
Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents
Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino & Esther ...
Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents by Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino & Esther Deblinger

Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents

By: Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino & Esther ...

Narrated by: Kathleen Godwin

Length: 13 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Featuring a wealth of clinical examples, this audiobook facilitates implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients' needs while maintaining overall fidelity to the TF-CBT model. Coverage... Read more

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A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel
A Year of Positive Thinking
Cyndie Spiegel
A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel

A Year of Positive Thinking

By: Cyndie Spiegel

Narrated by: Camille Mazant

Length: 3 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Harness the power of positive thinking, daily inspiration, wisdom, and courage. Yes, you can change your life by changing your thoughts. In A Year of Positive Thinking, you’ll transform your mindset to create positive life changes one thought, one day, and one year at a time. Whether you’re new to journaling or you write regularly, this... Read more

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Being Seen by Prof. Selena Bartlett
Being Seen
Prof. Selena Bartlett
Being Seen by Prof. Selena Bartlett

Being Seen

By: Prof. Selena Bartlett

Narrated by: Prof. Selena Bartlett

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

We love our children. As parents, we do the best we can. But parenting is the hardest job on the planet, and it has become even harder in the digital age.
With staggering numbers of teens and even pre-teens on social media, child safety is at risk more than ever before. Our children are “being seen” by their screens more than by us—and this is... Read more

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Quit Alcohol by Shelly Gauntlet
Quit Alcohol
Shelly Gauntlet
Quit Alcohol by Shelly Gauntlet

Quit Alcohol

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Ric Chetter

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

A Quick, Fast and Easy Guide to the 12-Step Program.This book will assist you in your quest to quit drinking by demonstrating the advantage of quitting and by going over the 12-step program from the alcohol confidential groups across the country and beyond. The program must be used in an AA group, but this easy e-book will give you some insights... Read more

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Dejar el alcohol by Shelly Gauntlet
Dejar el alcohol
Shelly Gauntlet
Dejar el alcohol by Shelly Gauntlet

Dejar el alcohol

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Mono Vasquez

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Beber alcohol es un gran problema. Aunque muchos no lo consideran como tal, ha tenido efectos sobre la salud, las relaciones, la seguridad del tráfico y una miríada de otros dramas en la sociedad. Si estás leyendo esto, entonces tal vez ya hayas decidido que quieres dejar de beber. Es importante darse cuenta de cómo esto puede afectar su vida y... Read more

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Maus hábitos by Shelly Gauntlet
Maus hábitos
Shelly Gauntlet
Maus hábitos by Shelly Gauntlet

Maus hábitos

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Clao Tuhamos

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Todo mundo tem maus hábitos. Eu não ligo para quem eles dizem que são, todos eles fazem. Eu tenho que confessar que tenho o mau hábito de coçar muito a cabeça. Eu também tenho o mau hábito de engarrafar coisas por dentro e depois explodir quando algo pequeno está me incomodando (muitas pessoas fazem isso).Os maus hábitos podem incluir qualquer... Read more

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Addictions by Shelly Gauntlet
Shelly Gauntlet
Addictions by Shelly Gauntlet


By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Ric Chetter

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

5 Titles will tell you about the most severe compulsions and most terrible practicesBook 1: This intricate a book clarifies the misfortunes of breaking bad practices, the brain science behind the dopamine-boosted sequence that makes us a servant to our desires, the best ways to face temptation, conquer annihilating habits, and end up being a... Read more

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Diese Schuld ist nicht meine by Ulrich Kohler
Diese Schuld ist nicht meine
Ulrich Kohler
Diese Schuld ist nicht meine by Ulrich Kohler

Diese Schuld ist nicht meine

By: Ulrich Kohler

Narrated by: Matthias Lühn

Length: 11 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Befreien Sie sich von Unbewusster Schuld! Was verbirgt sich hinter der "Unbewussten Schuld", wodurch entsteht und wie wirkt sie? Und wie kann man sich wieder von ihr befreien? Unser natürliches Mitgefühl möchte jedes Leid aus der Welt schaffen oder zumindest lindern. Wenn wir jedoch an anderen oder an uns selbst Leid erleben, das ungeheilt... Read more

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Sair do álcool by Shelly Gauntlet
Sair do álcool
Shelly Gauntlet
Sair do álcool by Shelly Gauntlet

Sair do álcool

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Clao Tuhamos

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Beber álcool é um grande problema. Embora não seja considerado como tal por muitos, teve efeitos na saúde, relacionamentos, segurança no trânsito e uma infinidade de outros dramas na sociedade. Se você está lendo isso, talvez já tenha decidido que deseja parar de beber. É importante perceber como isso pode afetar sua vida e a vida das pessoas ao... Read more

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Transtorno de açambarcamento by Shelly Gauntlet
Transtorno de açambarcamento
Shelly Gauntlet
Transtorno de açambarcamento by Shelly Gauntlet

Transtorno de açambarcamento

By: Shelly Gauntlet

Narrated by: Clao Tuhamos

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Eu costumava ser como muitas pessoas. Eu pensei que as coisas realmente valiam algo. Ok, ok, às vezes é. Mas muitas vezes, não é!O problema com o armazenamento é geralmente um problema subjacente que não está diretamente relacionado a ele. O açambarcamento é uma maneira de as pessoas lidarem com seus problemas. Seu senso de segurança é um... Read more

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Teoria del resentimiento by Oslos Molina
Teoria del resentimiento
Oslos Molina
Teoria del resentimiento by Oslos Molina

Teoria del resentimiento

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

El resentimiento, que expresa una sensación de inferioridad y fracaso, no desaparece con el éxito o el poder. Es incurable. El éxito y el poder solo constituyen para el resentido una mínima compensación frente a todo lo que en su ambición cree merecer. Cedo aquí la palabra a Marañón: muchas veces, dice, “al triunfar, el resentido, lejos de... Read more

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LIBÉREZ-VOUS DU BESOIN DE SAUVER - Abridged by Paulo Trueheart Louih
Paulo Trueheart Louih
LIBÉREZ-VOUS DU BESOIN DE SAUVER - Abridged by Paulo Trueheart Louih


By: Paulo Trueheart Louih

Narrated by: Dorothy Van Fontaine

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Plongez dans un voyage fascinant et transformateur vers une vie épanouissante et authentique. Ce livre vous invite à explorer en profondeur le cœur de vos relations, de vos émotions et de votre quête de bien-être. À travers des récits émouvants, des conseils percutants et des exercices pratiques, vous découvrirez des outils puissants pour... Read more

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Coming of Age by Lucy Foulkes
Coming of Age
Lucy Foulkes
Coming of Age by Lucy Foulkes

Coming of Age

By: Lucy Foulkes

Narrated by: Katherine Press

Length: 7 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

Adolescence is the most formative yet misunderstood period of our lives. At a time of heightened concern about teenagers, Coming of Age draws on a decade of expert research to get beneath the stereotypes, expose the myths and reveal the important reasons why teens behave the way they do.

Covering all the characteristic... Read more

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Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść. by dr Renata Zarzycka
Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść.
dr Renata Zarzycka
Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść. by dr Renata Zarzycka

Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść.

By: dr Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: dr Renata Zarzycka

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Książka "Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść" z serii „Rozstanie z Narcyzem” stanowi pierwszą część terapii "TakoTsubo" (jap.). Dotyczy uzdrawiania "Zespołu Złamanego Serca". Rzuca światło na trudne momenty rozstania z toksyczną osobą, które nas osłabiają, powodują spory chaos i zmiany w życiu. Mówi o tym, jak najprościej rozstać się w czterech... Read more

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Stop Overthinking by Peter Greyson
Stop Overthinking
Peter Greyson
Stop Overthinking by Peter Greyson

Stop Overthinking

By: Peter Greyson

Narrated by: Cass Merry

Length: 3 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you ready to break free from the chains of overthinking and unleash your inner happiness? Dive into "Stop Overthinking” and picture a life where your mind is a serene sanctuary, far from a chaotic battleground of worries. Imagine waking up each day with a sense of calm, and clarity that propels you forward with unstoppable positivity! In... Read more

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