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Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść. by dr Renata Zarzycka
Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść.
dr Renata Zarzycka
Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść. by dr Renata Zarzycka

Rozstanie z Narcyzem. Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść.

By: dr Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: dr Renata Zarzycka

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Książka "Cztery kroki, które pomogą Ci odejść" z serii „Rozstanie z Narcyzem” stanowi pierwszą część terapii "TakoTsubo" (jap.). Dotyczy uzdrawiania "Zespołu Złamanego Serca". Rzuca światło na trudne momenty rozstania z toksyczną osobą, które nas osłabiają, powodują spory chaos i zmiany w życiu. Mówi o tym, jak najprościej rozstać się w czterech... Read more

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Stile di Attaccamento Evitante by Alex Kingsman
Stile di Attaccamento Evitante
Alex Kingsman
Stile di Attaccamento Evitante by Alex Kingsman

Stile di Attaccamento Evitante

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Mary Giugliano

Length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Abridged: No

✓ Desideri una relazione duratura ed appagante?✓ Vuoi smettere di sabotare potenziali relazioni?✓ Ti senti bloccato e incerto sui passi da intraprendere?Scopri di più in questo libro, scritto appositamente per individui con uno stile di attaccamento evitante. Il recercatore sugli stili di attaccamento Alex Kingsman fornisce un elenco completo di... Read more

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Les Clés du Bonheur et de la Longévité by Michael Fisher
Les Clés du Bonheur et de la Longévité
Michael Fisher
Les Clés du Bonheur et de la Longévité by Michael Fisher

Les Clés du Bonheur et de la Longévité

By: Michael Fisher

Narrated by: Guy Deloeuvre

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Dans ce livre captivant, Michael Fisher explore le mystérieux 'Secret Japonais' pour découvrir votre raison d'être et vivre une vie longue et heureuse. À travers des récits inspirants et des enseignements profonds, Fisher dévoile les principes essentiels de la philosophie japonaise qui ont transformé des vies à travers les âges. Que vous... Read more

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The Ultimate Guide to Manage and Stress Relief by Brian Gibson
The Ultimate Guide to Manage and Stress Relief
Brian Gibson
The Ultimate Guide to Manage and Stress Relief by Brian Gibson

The Ultimate Guide to Manage and Stress Relief

By: Brian Gibson

Narrated by: Alice Springfield

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: No

There is more than enough stress between regular work stress, maintaining relationships, navigating social engagements, and managing the kids. Fortunately, if you put your mind to it, there are ways to reduce your stress levels. Stress is valuable in helping us react quickly to threats and stay safe. Long-term stress exposure, however, may... Read more

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Die Sonne in dir by Vanessa Göcking
Die Sonne in dir
Vanessa Göcking
Die Sonne in dir by Vanessa Göcking

Die Sonne in dir

By: Vanessa Göcking

Narrated by: Vanessa Göcking

Length: 6 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Über das kleine Glück und wo es zu finden ist »Eigentlich müsste ich doch glücklich sein …« Im Grunde genommen ist Annas Leben nicht schlecht, doch zwischen Alltagssorgen und endlosen Routinen ist ihr der Funke im Leben abhandengekommen. Dies ändert sich, als sie in einem Antiquitätengeschäft ein Tagebuch aus den 1920er-Jahren entdeckt.... Read more

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Hard Asks Made Easy: How to Get Exactly What You Want by Laura Fredricks, JD
Hard Asks Made Easy: How to Get Exactly What You Want
Laura Fredricks, JD
Hard Asks Made Easy: How to Get Exactly What You Want by Laura Fredricks, JD

Hard Asks Made Easy: How to Get Exactly What You Want

By: Laura Fredricks, JD

Narrated by: Laura Fredricks, JD

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

How to ASK for what you want ~and get it!Asking for anything can be difficult, but those hard asks—promotions, love, money,help—the ones that have you thinking and rethinking in your head, biting your nails,and finding excuses not to ask, require a planned and proven approach. Ask expertLaura Fredricks understands the psychology of asking. She’s... Read more

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Stärke deine Tiefenschärfe by Scott Allan
Stärke deine Tiefenschärfe
Scott Allan
Stärke deine Tiefenschärfe by Scott Allan

Stärke deine Tiefenschärfe

By: Scott Allan

Narrated by: Dennis Kamm

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Schlüssel zur Selbstkontrolle und zur Erledigung von mehr Aufgaben in kürzerer Zeit ist deine Fähigkeit, dich auf eine Sache zu konzentrieren.Wenn ja, dann wird dir „Stärke deine Tiefenschärfe” zeigen, wie du aufhören kannst, den Tag zu verschwenden, mentale Energie zu sparen und dein Gehirn neu zu verkabeln, indem du eine laserfokussierte... Read more

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Selbstliebe, Das Leuchten in Dir. by Marcus Rose
Selbstliebe, Das Leuchten in Dir.
Marcus Rose
Selbstliebe, Das Leuchten in Dir. by Marcus Rose

Selbstliebe, Das Leuchten in Dir.

By: Marcus Rose

Narrated by: Frank Petzold

Length: 3 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von "Das Leuchten in Dir" und entdecken Sie die transformative Kraft von Selbstliebe und positivem Denken. Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine inspirierende Reise, die zeigt, wie einfache tägliche Praktiken wie das Führen eines Dankbarkeitstagebuchs und eines Erfolgstagebuchs Ihr Leben verändern können. Mit einer... Read more

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Online mit mir selbst: Eine Story und Inspirationen von Profis und Promis als Geschenk für dein Selbstwertgefühl by Jacqueline Draheim-Frank
Online mit mir selbst: Eine Story und Inspirationen von Profis und Promis als Geschenk für dein Selbstwertgefühl
Jacqueline Draheim-Frank
Online mit mir selbst: Eine Story und Inspirationen von Profis und Promis als Geschenk für dein Selbstwertgefühl by Jacqueline Draheim-Frank

Online mit mir selbst: Eine Story und Inspirationen von Profis und Promis als Geschenk für dein Selbstwertgefühl

By: Jacqueline Draheim-Frank

Narrated by: Susanna Dehmelt

Length: 13 hours

Abridged: No

Jacqueline Draheim-Frank veröffentlicht ein Buch für Teens, das neben einer humorvollen und bewegenden Rahmenhandlung, in der es um Selbsterkenntnis, Freundschaft und Liebe geht, viele hilfreiche Infos rund um das Thema Erwachsenwerden, Achtsamkeit und Selfcare zusammenführt. Die Intention des sozialen Buchprojektes ist es, Jugendliche in ihrem... Read more

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Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age by Michelle van Namen
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age
Michelle van Namen
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age by Michelle van Namen

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age

By: Michelle van Namen

Narrated by: Esther Owens

Length: 4 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Navigate the Digital Ocean without Emotional Turmoil: Equip Yourself with Digital EQ Strategies to Stay Afloat in a Sea of Screens, Posts, and Pixels Without Drifting Away!Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the pace of digital life, struggling to keep up with the ever-changing expectations, demands and rules of online engagement? Are you... Read more

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When Panic Happens by Charles Schaeffer, PhD
When Panic Happens
Charles Schaeffer, PhD
When Panic Happens by Charles Schaeffer, PhD

When Panic Happens

By: Charles Schaeffer, PhD

Narrated by: Lyle Blaker

Length: 2 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

If you struggle with panic attacks, it can feel as if the world is closing in on you. Your heart races, your hands or feet may go numb, and you might even have trouble speaking. Even if you know it's all in your head, you can't shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen. That's why you need quick, in-the-moment strategies to... Read more

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Addiction by Suzette Glasner
Suzette Glasner
Addiction by Suzette Glasner


By: Suzette Glasner

Narrated by: Rebecca Gallagher

Length: 12 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

While historically a topic of great interest, controversies and general public discourse surrounding addiction have been growing rapidly, particularly in light of the rising death toll resulting from the opioid epidemic. In light of the common misconception that addictive behaviors are entirely volitional, misinformation and stigma have had a... Read more

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Narrated by: Matilda Van Bella

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

 Vous sentez-vous parfois prisonnier de votre passé ? Avez-vous l'impression que des blessures émotionnelles profondes vous empêchent de vivre pleinement ?Ce livre est conçu pour vous aider à libérer votre véritable potentiel et à vivre une vie épanouie et réussie. Ce livre est un guide essentiel pour toute personne souhaitant surmonter les... Read more

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Let's Learn to Develop A Fearless Mindset by Rhonda Morris
Let's Learn to Develop A Fearless Mindset
Rhonda Morris
Let's Learn to Develop A Fearless Mindset by Rhonda Morris

Let's Learn to Develop A Fearless Mindset

By: Rhonda Morris

Narrated by: Mason

Length: 3 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

- Have you ever felt like your fears are holding you back from reaching your full potential?- Imagine being in a job that doesn't fulfill you. You know you should make a change, but the fear of failing stops you. So you stay where you are, year after year. Living in fear of the "what-ifs" can really slow you down. It's like putting a roadblock... Read more

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Us, After by Rachel Zimmerman
Us, After
Rachel Zimmerman
Us, After by Rachel Zimmerman

Us, After

By: Rachel Zimmerman

Narrated by: Rachel Zimmerman

Length: 7 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

When a state trooper appeared at Rachel Zimmerman’s door to report that her husband had jumped to his death off a nearby bridge, she fell to her knees, unable to fully absorb the news. How could the man she’d married, a devoted father and robotics professor at MIT, have committed such a violent act? How would she explain this to her young... Read more

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VIESES COGNITIVOS - Existe a Realidade? Não Acredite em Nada by Heitor K. Rodrigues
VIESES COGNITIVOS - Existe a Realidade? Não Acredite em Nada
Heitor K. Rodrigues
VIESES COGNITIVOS - Existe a Realidade? Não Acredite em Nada by Heitor K. Rodrigues

VIESES COGNITIVOS - Existe a Realidade? Não Acredite em Nada

By: Heitor K. Rodrigues

Narrated by: Heitor K. Rodrigues

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubra a importância dos vieses cognitivos em um mundo polarizado!Mergulhe no fascinante mundo dos vieses cognitivos por meio deste livro claro, direto e simples. Um livro que permitirá que você entenda como os vieses cognitivos nos afetam em um mundo cada vez mais polarizado e complexo. Por meio de diferentes exemplos e estudos, você poderá,... Read more

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La préparation mentale en sport by Marc DUGENIE
La préparation mentale en sport
La préparation mentale en sport by Marc DUGENIE

La préparation mentale en sport


Narrated by: Yoan Fournier Moreau

Length: 6 hours

Abridged: No

Apprenez à développer votre force mentale pour améliorer vos performances sportives.
Vous savez que le mental possède une grande importance dans le sport. C’est pourquoi vous cherchez à progresser mentalement. Vous désirez travailler votre mental comme vous pourriez le faire avec votre physique. Vous savez que vous êtes capable d’accomplir de... Read more

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Words With My Father by Lowell Klessig & Lukas Klessig
Words With My Father
Lowell Klessig & Lukas Klessig
Words With My Father by Lowell Klessig & Lukas Klessig

Words With My Father

By: Lowell Klessig & Lukas Klessig

Narrated by: Michael Berger

Length: 6 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

“If you found An Unquiet Mind or Darkness Visible transformative, Words With My Father will further enrich your perspective and resilience.”
Mission:A deceased father and alive son discuss the... Read more

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Disorganized Attachment Workbook: Healing Past Wounds, Building Stability, and Cultivating Healthy Attachments for Lasting Connections by Andy Gardner
Disorganized Attachment Workbook: Healing Past Wounds, Building Stability, and Cultivating Healthy Attachments for Lasting Connections
Andy Gardner
Disorganized Attachment Workbook: Healing Past Wounds, Building Stability, and Cultivating Healthy Attachments for Lasting Connections by Andy Gardner

Disorganized Attachment Workbook: Healing Past Wounds, Building Stability, and Cultivating Healthy Attachments for Lasting Connections

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've ever felt like building close, trusting relationships is like navigating a minefield, then keep reading...Are you tired of the confusion and pain that comes from not understanding why relationships are so hard for you?Do you wish for a guide that doesn't just talk at you but walks with you through your journey of healing and... Read more

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Cómo leer a las personas como un libro: Descubra las claves ocultas del lenguaje corporal y revele la psicología de las personas para predecir su comportamiento by Andy Gardner
Cómo leer a las personas como un libro: Descubra las claves ocultas del lenguaje corporal y revele la psicología de las personas para predecir su comportamiento
Andy Gardner
Cómo leer a las personas como un libro: Descubra las claves ocultas del lenguaje corporal y revele la psicología de las personas para predecir su comportamiento by Andy Gardner

Cómo leer a las personas como un libro: Descubra las claves ocultas del lenguaje corporal y revele la psicología de las personas para predecir su comportamiento

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubra el secreto para leer a la gente como si fuera un libro, descubra las claves ocultas del lenguaje corporal, revele la psicología de las personas y prediga sus comportamientos.¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado cómo puede descifrar las expresiones faciales de la gente?¿Le interesa saber qué significan los distintos gestos y posturas?¿Quiere... Read more

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The Grief Cure by Cody Delistraty
The Grief Cure
Cody Delistraty
The Grief Cure by Cody Delistraty

The Grief Cure

By: Cody Delistraty

Narrated by: Sean Pratt

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

A wise and perceptive journey into grief and the ways we seek to assuage it. Incredibly powerful reading for all who have known, or who will inevitably know, loss.” Lauren Elkin, author of Flâneuse and Art MonstersIn this lyrical and moving story of the world of Prolonged Grief, journalist Cody Delistraty reflects on his experience with loss... Read more

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Uncertain by Maggie Jackson
Maggie Jackson
Uncertain by Maggie Jackson


By: Maggie Jackson

Narrated by: Maggie Jackson

Length: 10 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

In an era of terrifying unpredictability, we race to address complex crises with quick, sure algorithms, bullet points, and tweets. How could we find the clarity and vision so urgently needed today by being unsure? Uncertain is about the triumph of doing just that. A scientific adventure set on the front lines of a volatile era, this epiphany of... Read more

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The DBT Workbook for Emotional Relief by Sheri Van Dijk, MSW
The DBT Workbook for Emotional Relief
Sheri Van Dijk, MSW
The DBT Workbook for Emotional Relief by Sheri Van Dijk, MSW

The DBT Workbook for Emotional Relief

By: Sheri Van Dijk, MSW

Narrated by: Jennifer Walden

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you have difficulty managing your emotions? If you're like most people, the answer is most likely an emphatic, "Yes!" Dealing with emotions is challenging, and it's easy to misunderstand those feelings—especially in the heat of the moment when it feels like they're ganging up on you from all directions. Getting hijacked by your emotions can... Read more

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Superando el complejo de inferioridad: una guía práctica by Juanjo Ramos
Superando el complejo de inferioridad: una guía práctica
Juanjo Ramos
Superando el complejo de inferioridad: una guía práctica by Juanjo Ramos

Superando el complejo de inferioridad: una guía práctica

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Te has sentido alguna vez atrapado/a en una espiral de dudas e inseguridades que te impiden alcanzar todo tu potencial? ¿Te sorprendes comparándote constantemente con los demás y sintiendo que nunca estás a la altura? Si estas preguntas resuenan contigo, es hora de tomar -o retomar- el control de tu vida y empezar a trabajar en tu autoestima y... Read more

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