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Internet Addiction by Juan Moisés De La Serna
Internet Addiction
Juan Moisés De La Serna
Internet Addiction by Juan Moisés De La Serna

Internet Addiction

By: Juan Moisés De La Serna

Narrated by: Jess Hadfield

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Technology is more and more present in our lives, which is a clear advance, but also a danger, especially among the youngest people, since they can fall into what is called CyberAddiction.
This has become a reality today, a health problem that did not exist only a decade ago, and which is taking on new victims and more and more young people every... Read more

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Hypnosis - How To Hypnotize Anyone by Kyle Faber
Hypnosis - How To Hypnotize Anyone
Kyle Faber
Hypnosis - How To Hypnotize Anyone by Kyle Faber

Hypnosis - How To Hypnotize Anyone

By: Kyle Faber

Narrated by: Kevin Kollins

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

If you’ve ever been interested in the powerful science of hypnotism or becoming a hypnotist, you’ve come to the right place.
By the end of this book you will be able to hypnotize anyone, literally!
The history of hypnosis is discussed, bringing you all the way to how you can hypnotize someone anywhere, anyplace, at anytime. You will learn the... Read more

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Hochsensibilität verstehen und wertschätzen - Abridged by Ulrike Hensel
Hochsensibilität verstehen und wertschätzen - Abridged
Ulrike Hensel
Hochsensibilität verstehen und wertschätzen - Abridged by Ulrike Hensel

Hochsensibilität verstehen und wertschätzen - Abridged

By: Ulrike Hensel

Narrated by: Jule Vollmer & Thomas Krause

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hochsensibilität ist ein Thema, das alle angeht: 15-20 Prozent der Menschen zählen zu der Gruppe der Hochsensiblen; die anderen begegnen ihnen Tag für Tag. Dieses Buch vermittelt Wissen, ermöglicht Erkenntnisgewinn – und es gibt auch Rat. Sie finden heraus: Sind Sie hochsensibel? Ist Ihr Gegenüber hochsensibel? Was genau macht Hochsensibilität... Read more

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Zufriedenheit Achtsamkeit Glück by Max Krone
Zufriedenheit Achtsamkeit Glück
Max Krone
Zufriedenheit Achtsamkeit Glück by Max Krone

Zufriedenheit Achtsamkeit Glück

By: Max Krone

Narrated by: Alexandra-Elena Bork

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

In diesem Hörbuch erfahren Sie, wie Sie ganz einfach und schnell Ihr Leben in eine positivere Richtung lenken können. Denn diejenigen, die verstanden haben, zufrieden, achtsam und glücklich durch ihr Leben zu gehen, besitzen eine höhere Lebensqualität. Der richtige Schlüssel Die Grundsätze und Anwendungen in diesem Hörbuch, die wir für... Read more

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فن التعامل مع المراهقين من 12 حتى 21 سنة by ياسر نصر
فن التعامل مع المراهقين من 12 حتى 21 سنة
ياسر نصر
فن التعامل مع المراهقين من 12 حتى 21 سنة by ياسر نصر

فن التعامل مع المراهقين من 12 حتى 21 سنة

By: ياسر نصر

Narrated by: نورس السعدي

Length: 3 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

يتحدّث هذا الكتاب عن مرحلة تُعتبر من أخطر المراحل التي يمر بها الإنسان في حياته وذلك لأنّها مرحلة لها تأثيرها الشديد على قراراته ومصيره فهي تحدّد صفاته وأفعاله وسلوكياته..إنّها فترة المراهقة كابوس الأهل المؤرّق.. يتناول الكتاب بأسلوب بسيط وسلس بعض المشكلات التي تواجه الأبناء في هذه المرحلة والطريقة المناسبة لحلها كما يتحدّث عن التغيرات التي... Read more

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Meant to Last Together: Shift your life course toward a happier and more fulfilling relationship for many years to come by Maritza Montano & Ph.D.
Meant to Last Together: Shift your life course toward a happier and more fulfilling relationship for many years to come
Maritza Montano & Ph.D.
Meant to Last Together: Shift your life course toward a happier and more fulfilling relationship for many years to come by Maritza Montano & Ph.D.

Meant to Last Together: Shift your life course toward a happier and more fulfilling relationship for many years to come

By: Maritza Montano & Ph.D.

Narrated by: Adriana Pascal

Length: 7 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Transform your quest to have or hold onto your mate with new insights are perspectives.
What if you could find or hold onto a life partner in a healthy relationship? What would it be like to grow together with your partner in ways that are meant to last?
Maritza Montano, Ph.D., is a Board Certified and Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida,... Read more

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موسوعة طفلك والابداع by ياسر نصر
موسوعة طفلك والابداع
ياسر نصر
موسوعة طفلك والابداع by ياسر نصر

موسوعة طفلك والابداع

By: ياسر نصر

Narrated by: رشا كسار

Length: 10 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

كل طفل موهوب بالفطرة وكل طفل متميز فى شيء ما كل حسب ميوله فتحديد ميول الطفل هو أول خطوة لتنمية مواهبه وقدراته. فهناك طفل ميوله فنية يحب الرسم و الألوان و طفل ميوله هندسية يحب تفكيك الألعاب ومعرفة ما بداخلها و كيف تعمل؟ و طفل ميوله علميه يحب خلط المواد و التجربة و توقع النتائج وطفل ميوله حرفية يحب صناعة الأشياء بيده و طفل يميل إلى عالم الحيوان و... Read more

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Happy by Derren Brown
Derren Brown
Happy by Derren Brown


By: Derren Brown

Narrated by: Derren Brown

Length: 14 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

The audiobook edition of Happy, read by Derren Brown.

Everyone says they want to be happy. But that's much more easily said than done. What does being happy actually mean? And how do you even know when you feel it?

In Happy Derren Brown explores changing concepts of happiness - from the surprisingly modern wisdom of the... Read more

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Girl Talk by Jacqueline Mroz
Girl Talk
Jacqueline Mroz
Girl Talk by Jacqueline Mroz

Girl Talk

By: Jacqueline Mroz

Narrated by: Casey Turner

Length: 8 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

A veteran science reporter's investigation into the fascinating and distinctive nature of women's friendships

In Girl Talk, New York Times science reporter Jacqueline Mroz takes on the science of female friendship -- a phenomenon that's as culturally powerful as it is individually mysterious. She examines friendship from a range of angles, from... Read more

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The Social Leap by William von Hippel
The Social Leap
William von Hippel
The Social Leap by William von Hippel

The Social Leap

By: William von Hippel

Narrated by: Michael David Axtell

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

In the compelling popular science tradition of Sapiens and Guns, Germs, and Steel, a groundbreaking and eye-opening exploration that applies evolutionary science to provide a new perspective on human psychology, revealing how major challenges from our past have shaped some of the most fundamental aspects of our being.The most fundamental aspects... Read more

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How to Overcome Social Anxiety Without Medication by HowExpert & Brenda Brown
How to Overcome Social Anxiety Without Medication
HowExpert & Brenda Brown
How to Overcome Social Anxiety Without Medication by HowExpert & Brenda Brown

How to Overcome Social Anxiety Without Medication

By: HowExpert & Brenda Brown

Narrated by: Lizzie Richards

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

If you want to overcome Social Anxiety Disorder WITHOUT having to take medication, then read our how to guide by a real life counselor with experience in this field.How to Overcome Social Anxiety without Medication manifests an empathic understanding of what it is like to feel the pangs of social anxiety in a world that underestimates the power... Read more

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Character Disturbance by George K. Simon, Jr., Ph.D.
Character Disturbance
George K. Simon, Jr., Ph.D.
Character Disturbance by George K. Simon, Jr., Ph.D.

Character Disturbance

By: George K. Simon, Jr., Ph.D.

Narrated by: Joel Richards

Length: 8 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Modern permissiveness and the new culture of entitlement allows disturbed people to reach adulthood without proper socialization. In a book meant both for the general public and for professionals, bestselling author and psychologist George Simon explains in plain English:

● How most disturbed characters think.

● The habitual behaviors the... Read more

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Texts So Good He Can't Ignore by Bruce Bryans
Texts So Good He Can't Ignore
Bruce Bryans
Texts So Good He Can't Ignore by Bruce Bryans

Texts So Good He Can't Ignore

By: Bruce Bryans

Narrated by: Dan Culhane

Length: 4 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know that men secretly use texting as a way to "pre-screen" a woman’s romantic value? A woman’s texting habits can reveal a lot about her self-worth, confidence, intelligence, and even her level of class and emotional maturity.Because guys covertly appraise a woman’s relationship potential this way, many women often have no idea that the... Read more

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Odyssey, One Day In His Courts by Stephanie Dale
Odyssey, One Day In His Courts
Stephanie Dale
Odyssey, One Day In His Courts by Stephanie Dale

Odyssey, One Day In His Courts

By: Stephanie Dale

Narrated by: James Masterton

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

A collection of twenty-five poems on faith and ocd. Intrusive thoughts come up with what seems like a million flashing warning lights like those coming up all at once on a car's faulty dashboard. None of them make sense but they all feel so real, so personal, yet so alien to the person's heart, nature and beliefs. Suffering in silence, unable to... Read more

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10 رسائل لكل أب وأم حتى 12 سنة by ياسر نصر
10 رسائل لكل أب وأم حتى 12 سنة
ياسر نصر
10 رسائل لكل أب وأم حتى 12 سنة by ياسر نصر

10 رسائل لكل أب وأم حتى 12 سنة

By: ياسر نصر

Narrated by: نورس السعدي

Length: 4 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

في هذا الزمن الذي أصبح فيه الأطفال مجرَّد ديكور وأصبحت العائلة تتجه إلى مفهوم الرعاية وليس التربية نحن بحاجة إلى مثل هذا الكتاب المفيد والذي يحتوي على عشرة رسائل يجب على كلّ أم واب أن يستمعوا إليها ويحفظوها عن ظهر قلب.. يُناقش الكتاب مواضيع هامّة بكلّ لطفٍ وخفّة ظل مثل: كيف تستقبل مولودك؟ 30 وسيلة لتحفيظ الأطفال القرآن، طرق تحبب الأطفال بالصلاة،... Read more

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Brain Health As You Age by Steven P. Simmons, William E. Mansbach & Jodi L. Lyons
Brain Health As You Age
Steven P. Simmons, William E. Mansbach & Jodi L...
Brain Health As You Age by Steven P. Simmons, William E. Mansbach & Jodi L. Lyons

Brain Health As You Age

By: Steven P. Simmons, William E. Mansbach & Jodi L...

Narrated by: Stephen R. Thorne

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you ever spent 10 minutes looking for your reading glasses, and they were on the top of your head? Or, have you walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? Where are your car keys?

What’s normal aging? When should you be concerned? Is there anything you can do to maintain your brain health as you age?

This book provides useful,... Read more

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دافنشي وذكريات الطفولة by سيجموند فرويد
دافنشي وذكريات الطفولة
سيجموند فرويد
دافنشي وذكريات الطفولة by سيجموند فرويد

دافنشي وذكريات الطفولة

By: سيجموند فرويد

Narrated by: رشا كسار

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

عندما يقع بين يديك كتاب ل" سيجموند فرويد" فإنَّك على الأغلب لن تتركه أبدًا وسيحدث في عقلك وروحك الكثير من التغييرات، إذن تخيل أن يكون هذا الكتاب عن الفنان العبقري "ليوناردو دافنشي" !! من جملةٍ بسيطة قالها دافنشي ذات مرة ينطلق فرويد إلى مداخله فيحلّل نفسيته كطفل، فقد روى دافنشي ذات مرة حلمًا راوده أو حقيقةً ارتسمت في خياله فقال : "كذكرى مبكرة... Read more

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Addicted to Busy by Oliver Burkeman
Addicted to Busy
Oliver Burkeman
Addicted to Busy by Oliver Burkeman

Addicted to Busy

By: Oliver Burkeman

Narrated by: Oliver Burkeman

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

There's a ritual of the modern workplace - one you've heard and most likely indulged in yourself. It's the call and response we go through when you ask a workmate how they're doing: "Busy!" "So busy." It is pretty obviously a boast disguised as a complaint. And our simultaneously grim and half chuckled reply comes as a kind of congratulation:... Read more

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Nada es tan terrible by Rafael Santandreu
Nada es tan terrible
Rafael Santandreu
Nada es tan terrible by Rafael Santandreu

Nada es tan terrible

By: Rafael Santandreu

Narrated by: Rafa Parra

Length: 7 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Escucha ahora Nada es tan terrible, el nuevo libro de Rafael Santandreu. Un manual de autoterapia basado en la psicología cognitiva, la escuela terapéutica más eficaz y científica. El audiolibro de Nada es tan terrible contiene las herramientas de los mejores psicólogos del mundo para: - dejar de preocuparse,
- disfrutar más intensamente de la... Read more

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مشكلات طفلك النفسية by أحمد هارون
مشكلات طفلك النفسية
أحمد هارون
مشكلات طفلك النفسية by أحمد هارون

مشكلات طفلك النفسية

By: أحمد هارون

Narrated by: عمار الحاج يحيى

Length: 3 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

إذا كان طفلك يكذب ولا تستطيع التعامل معه ستجد هنا شرحًا وافيًا عن مرض الكذب عند الأطفال، والذي يبدأ كما يحدثنا المُعالج النفسي احمد هارون من الأسرة المفكّكة. لتعرف أسباب الكذب عند الأطفال الدقيقة عن قرب، وأنواعه ونصائح للتخلّص من هذه المشكلة عن طريق حلول علمية فإن هذا الكتاب سيساعدك في ذلك كما سيجعلك تكتشف أهمية الحنان والتسامح في علاجه. وستجد... Read more

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Alex C. Wolf
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Alex C. Wolf
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Alex C. Wolf

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

By: Alex C. Wolf

Narrated by: Joseph Baltz

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Are you ready to take control of your mind? And Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Negative Thoughts?
If you are looking for a way to deal with your mental issues once and for all, then this is the book you have been waiting for!Current estimates put the number of adults in the US dealing with some form of unresolved mental issue at more than 40... Read more

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Messages by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning
Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning
Messages by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning


By: Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning

Narrated by: Melinda Wade

Length: 10 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Many people assume that good communicators possess an intrinsic talent for speaking and listening to others, a gift that can’t be learned or improved. The reality is that communication skills are developed with deliberate effort and practice, and learning to understand others and communicate your ideas more clearly will improve every facet of... Read more

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The Mind Is Flat by Nick Chater
The Mind Is Flat
Nick Chater
The Mind Is Flat by Nick Chater

The Mind Is Flat

By: Nick Chater

Narrated by: Nick Chater

Length: 7 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

In a radical reinterpretation of how the mind works, an eminent behavioral scientist reveals the illusion of mental depth

Psychologists and neuroscientists struggle with how best to interpret human motivation and decision making. The assumption is that below a mental "surface" of conscious awareness lies a deep and complex set of inner beliefs,... Read more

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Shame by Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.
Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.
Shame by Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.


By: Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.

Narrated by: David de Vries

Length: 9 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

An intimate look at the full spectrum of shame―often masked by addiction, promiscuity, perfectionism, self-loathing, or narcissism―that offers a new, positive route forwardEncounters with embarrassment, guilt, self-consciousness, remorse, etc. are an unavoidable part of everyday life, and they sometimes have lessons to teach us―about our goals... Read more

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