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Psychology audiobooks

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How To Seduce Men Born On March 23 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People by Kate Bazilevsky
How To Seduce Men Born On March 23 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People
Kate Bazilevsky
How To Seduce Men Born On March 23 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People by Kate Bazilevsky

How To Seduce Men Born On March 23 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People

By: Kate Bazilevsky

Narrated by: Kevin Iggens

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

For ANY WOMAN, the given material provides a recipe, and therefore an opportunity to get any man born on March 23 of common years (or March 22 of leap years) into bed within a short period of time, and without the need to invest a lot of energy. If you happen to be married to this man, you can instantly improve your sex life by implementing this... Read more

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Dark Horse by Todd Rose & Ogi Ogas
Dark Horse
Todd Rose & Ogi Ogas
Dark Horse by Todd Rose & Ogi Ogas

Dark Horse

By: Todd Rose & Ogi Ogas

Narrated by: Roger Wayne

Length: 6 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

For generations, we've been stuck with a cookie-cutter mold for success that requires us to be the same as everyone else, only better. This ""standard formula"" works for some people but leaves most of us feeling disengaged and frustrated. As much as we might dislike the standard formula, it seems like there's no other practical path to... Read more

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Doctor Who Psychology by Travis Langley
Doctor Who Psychology
Travis Langley
Doctor Who Psychology by Travis Langley

Doctor Who Psychology

By: Travis Langley

Narrated by: Esther Wane & Matthew Lloyd Davies

Length: 6 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

How does an immortal deal with death? What kind of person makes the best Companion? Why does the Doctor say he and Freud "got on very well"? How do the Daleks and Cybermen reflect concerns about losing our humanity? And what can looking at an ancient Time Lord teach us about real human nature? Doctor Who Psychology: A Madman with a Box explores... Read more

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Prius or Pickup? by Marc Hetherington & Jonathan Weiler
Prius or Pickup?
Marc Hetherington & Jonathan Weiler
Prius or Pickup? by Marc Hetherington & Jonathan Weiler

Prius or Pickup?

By: Marc Hetherington & Jonathan Weiler

Narrated by: Scott Merriman

Length: 9 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Two award-winning political scientists provide the psychological key to America’s deadlocked politics, showing that we are divided not by ideologies but something deeper: personality differences that appear in everything from politics to parenting to the workplace to TV preferences, and which would be innocuous if only we could decouple them... Read more

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En blomma får liv. Med binaural rytm och isokroniska toner by Sophie  Grace Meditationer
En blomma får liv. Med binaural rytm och isokroniska toner
Sophie Grace Meditationer
En blomma får liv. Med binaural rytm och isokroniska toner by Sophie  Grace Meditationer

En blomma får liv. Med binaural rytm och isokroniska toner

By: Sophie Grace Meditationer

Narrated by: Sophie Påhlsson

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Den här utgåvan av En blomma får liv innehåller hjärnvågsstimulerande bakgrundsmusik med binaural rytm och isokroniska toner som håller sig inom alfa- och thetafrekvensomfången. Är du inte bekant med detta och kan ta ett informerat beslut om du vill lyssna på denna version rekommenderas originalutgåvan och den längre versionen av originalutgåvan... Read more

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Social Empathy by Elizabeth Segal
Social Empathy
Elizabeth Segal
Social Empathy by Elizabeth Segal

Social Empathy

By: Elizabeth Segal

Narrated by: Celeste Oliva

Length: 7 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Our ability to understand others and help others understand us is essential to our individual and collective well-being. Yet there are many barriers that keep us from walking in the shoes of others: fear, skepticism, and power structures that separate us from those outside our narrow groups. To progress in a multicultural world and ensure our... Read more

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Stop Smoking: Proven Steps and Strategies to Make You Quit Smoking for Good by Joe Long
Stop Smoking: Proven Steps and Strategies to Make You Quit Smoking for Good
Joe Long
Stop Smoking: Proven Steps and Strategies to Make You Quit Smoking for Good by Joe Long

Stop Smoking: Proven Steps and Strategies to Make You Quit Smoking for Good

By: Joe Long

Narrated by: Sam Spainhower

Length: 1 hour 47 minutes

Abridged: No

The System that Hundreds of People Have Used to Stop Smoking for Good...Are you tired of smoking?Do you hate waking up in the morning with that horrible “smokers cough” that seems to greet all smokers?Maybe you want your energy back so that you can run and be active like you used to be?The truth is, these are all valid reasons to quit now but I... Read more

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Addiction Recovery: A Complete Guide on How To Stop Smoking & Living With An Alcoholic by Joe Long
Addiction Recovery: A Complete Guide on How To Stop Smoking & Living With An Alcoholic
Joe Long
Addiction Recovery: A Complete Guide on How To Stop Smoking & Living With An Alcoholic by Joe Long

Addiction Recovery: A Complete Guide on How To Stop Smoking & Living With An Alcoholic

By: Joe Long

Narrated by: Sam Spainhower

Length: 3 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

The System that Hundreds of People Has Used for Addiction Recovery...2 Books In 1 - Stop Smoking & Living With an AlcoholicStop Smoking:Are you tired of smoking?Do you hate waking up in the morning with that horrible “smokers cough” that seems to greet all smokers?The truth is, these are all valid reasons to quit now but I realize that it... Read more

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You're Doing It Wrong by Adam Buxton
You're Doing It Wrong
Adam Buxton
You're Doing It Wrong by Adam Buxton

You're Doing It Wrong

By: Adam Buxton

Narrated by: Adam Buxton

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Adam Buxton takes a sideways look at some of our confusing modern ideas, and explains why you're definitely doing it all wrong.

Across five episodes he explores the worlds of work, parenting, diet, the environment and family.

Is the idea of a 'dream job' - one that inspires and fulfils us and makes our lives worth living - really possible? Does... Read more

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Behaving Ourselves by David Mitchell
Behaving Ourselves
David Mitchell
Behaving Ourselves by David Mitchell

Behaving Ourselves

By: David Mitchell

Narrated by: David Mitchell

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

David Mitchell sets out on a vigorous but impeccably polite investigation into the confusing world of manners. Are they really in decline, as many would have us believe? Or are we just throwing off the shackles of the Victorian obsession with etiquette?

Over the course of the series, David eats his lunchtime sandwiches with children in a primary... Read more

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اللا مكترث by كيرلس بهجت
اللا مكترث
كيرلس بهجت
اللا مكترث by كيرلس بهجت

اللا مكترث

By: كيرلس بهجت

Narrated by: رشا كسار

Length: 4 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

بطل هذا الكتاب هو انت ! نعم انت الذي تدير وجهك للعالم وتمضي، انت الذي قد تشعر بأنَّك غير مهتم في الاستماع لهذا الكتاب أبدًا..لا تكترث بأفكاره ومصيره وربَّما تكون عل حقّ فهو بالنسبة لك كائنٌ غريب صادفَ طريقك، لا تربطكَ به أيّ ذكرى أو طموح ولن تقلق إذا ما وقع في يد الشخص الخطأ أو كان مجرَد حطبٍ لعربة البطاطا... لكن ماذا لو كان في هذا الكتاب تعاليم... Read more

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How to Disagree by Timandra Harkness
How to Disagree
Timandra Harkness
How to Disagree by Timandra Harkness

How to Disagree

By: Timandra Harkness

Narrated by: Timandra Harkness

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

We seem to have forgotten how to argue about important things without descending into tribalism, insults, and generally thinking the worst of our opponents. This is no good. We'll never get out of the bitter divisions cleaving society if we don't learn to disagree fruitfully.

In this series, Timandra Harkness explores the best ways to disagree... Read more

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The Genius Checklist by Dean Keith Simonton
The Genius Checklist
Dean Keith Simonton
The Genius Checklist by Dean Keith Simonton

The Genius Checklist

By: Dean Keith Simonton

Narrated by: Daniel Henning

Length: 8 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

What it takes to be a genius: nine essential and contradictory ingredients.What does it take to be a genius? A high score on an IQ test? Brilliant physicist Richard Feynman's IQ was too low for membership in Mensa. Suffering from varying degrees of mental illness? Creativity is often considered a marker of mental health. Be a child prodigy like... Read more

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The Ten Worlds by Ash ElDifrawi, PsyD & Alex Lickerman, MD
The Ten Worlds
Ash ElDifrawi, PsyD & Alex Lickerman, MD
The Ten Worlds by Ash ElDifrawi, PsyD & Alex Lickerman, MD

The Ten Worlds

By: Ash ElDifrawi, PsyD & Alex Lickerman, MD

Narrated by: Adam Lofbomm

Length: 11 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

In this highly engaging and eminently practical book—told in the form of a Platonic dialogue recounting real-life patient experiences—Drs. Lickerman and ElDifrawi assert that the reason genuine, long-lasting happiness is so difficult to achieve and maintain is that we're profoundly confused not only about how to go about it but also about what... Read more

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Gaslighting by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
Gaslighting by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis


By: Stephanie Moulton Sarkis

Narrated by: Suehyla El-Attar & Stephanie Moulton Sarkis

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

A mental health expert sheds light on "gaslighting"--the manipulative technique used by sociopaths, narcissists, and others--offering practical strategies to cope and break free.

He's the charmer -- the witty, confident, but overly controlling date. She's the woman on your team who always manages to take credit for your good work. He's the... Read more

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The Molecule of More by Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD & Michael E. Long
The Molecule of More
Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD & Michael E. Long
The Molecule of More by Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD & Michael E. Long

The Molecule of More

By: Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD & Michael E. Long

Narrated by: Tom Parks

Length: 8 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Why are we obsessed with the things we want and bored when we get them?Why is addiction “perfectly logical” to an addict?Why does love change so quickly from passion to disinterest?Why are some people diehard liberals and others hardcore conservatives?Why are we always hopeful for solutions even in the darkest times—and so good at figuring them... Read more

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Emotional Intelligence For Dummies by Steven J. Stein, PhD
Emotional Intelligence For Dummies
Steven J. Stein, PhD
Emotional Intelligence For Dummies by Steven J. Stein, PhD

Emotional Intelligence For Dummies

By: Steven J. Stein, PhD

Narrated by: Bill Andrew Quinn

Length: 11 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Being aware of and in control of your emotions is one of the keys to success in life—both professionally and personally. Emotional Intelligence For Dummies will show you how to take control of your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you! Discover how developing your emotional intelligence can further your relationships with... Read more

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Short Cuts to Happiness by Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD
Short Cuts to Happiness
Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD
Short Cuts to Happiness by Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD

Short Cuts to Happiness

By: Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD

Narrated by: Neil Shah

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

In his trailblazing Harvard courses, his internationally bestselling books, as well as his lectures and videos, positive psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar has shared his wisdom on finding fulfillment with people around the world. But even a happiness expert needs a sympathetic ear now and then. Tal found his—not in a fellow psychologist or guru, but... Read more

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Die Macht der Körpersprache by Max Krone
Die Macht der Körpersprache
Max Krone
Die Macht der Körpersprache by Max Krone

Die Macht der Körpersprache

By: Max Krone

Narrated by: Julia Kraft

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Endlich verfügbar! Das Hörbuch zum Bestseller "Die Macht der Körpersprache" =>Lernen Sie Lügen zu lesen und zu erkennen =>Wie Sie Menschen entschlüsseln und durchschauen werden =>Wie Sie Körpersprache im Alltag und im Beruf einfach nutzen können =>Wie Sie richtig verstehen und einsetzen können =>Wie Sie auch als... Read more

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Muskelentspannung .1 - Relax by Petra Pijet
Muskelentspannung .1 - Relax
Petra Pijet
Muskelentspannung .1 - Relax by Petra Pijet

Muskelentspannung .1 - Relax

By: Petra Pijet

Narrated by: Petra Pijet

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Beim hören lernen Sie Ihre Muskulatur zu entspannen, Sie können loslassen, und ihre Muskelverspannungen lösen sich. Ihre Muskulatur wird sich ausgeglichen und entspannt anfühlen. Das regelmäßige hören verstärkt die Wirkung. Read more

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Grace for the Afflicted by Matthew S. Stanford
Grace for the Afflicted
Matthew S. Stanford
Grace for the Afflicted by Matthew S. Stanford

Grace for the Afflicted

By: Matthew S. Stanford

Narrated by: Adam Verner

Length: 8 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses?

Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. As both a church leader and a professor of psychology and behavioral... Read more

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Taming Toxic People by David Gillespie
Taming Toxic People
David Gillespie
Taming Toxic People by David Gillespie

Taming Toxic People

By: David Gillespie

Narrated by: Sam Haft

Length: 6 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Psychopaths are everywhere. They are your toxic boss, controlling boyfriend, lazy colleague, annoying mother-in-law and negligent friend - the person who gets away with bad behaviour time and time again. While often superficially charming, they are also rude, aggressive, manipulative, duplicitous and dishonest.

Five per cent of the population is... Read more

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Cyberbullismo by Juan Moisés De La Serna
Juan Moisés De La Serna
Cyberbullismo by Juan Moisés De La Serna


By: Juan Moisés De La Serna

Narrated by: Sandro Dell'Orto

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Il Cyberbullismo è una forma moderna di bullismo che può colpire chiunque, ma diventa particolarmente preoccupante quando ad esserne colpiti sono i minori.
In questa breve guida si offrono le risposte alle domande più importanti che riguardano questa tematica, risposte che ogni genitore con figli in età scolare dovrebbe tenere presente, come ad... Read more

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The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson
The Elephant in the Brain
Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson
The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson

The Elephant in the Brain

By: Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson

Narrated by: Jeffrey Kafer

Length: 10 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Human beings are primates, and primates are political animals. Our brains, therefore, are designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to help us get ahead socially, often via deception and self-deception. But while we may be self-interested schemers, we benefit by pretending otherwise. The less we know about our own ugly motives, the... Read more

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