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Hรถr auf ein totes Pferd zu reiten by Patrick Lynen
Hรถr auf ein totes Pferd zu reiten
Patrick Lynen
Hรถr auf ein totes Pferd zu reiten by Patrick Lynen

Hรถr auf ein totes Pferd zu reiten

By: Patrick Lynen

Narrated by: Dorothee Krรผger

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Wenn ein Pferd tot ist, sollte man absteigen. Viele Menschen bleiben jedoch sitzen - oft รผber Wochen, Monate, Jahre. Sie sind zwar unzufrieden mit ihrem Ausblick, รคndern jedoch nichts an ihrer Situation. Jeder Verรคnderungsprozess, ob im Privat- oder Berufsleben, hat seinen Ursprung in uns selbst. Verรคnderungsexperte Patrick Lynen (bekannt... Read more

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Why is Sex Fun? by Jared Diamond
Why is Sex Fun?
Jared Diamond
Why is Sex Fun? by Jared Diamond

Why is Sex Fun?

By: Jared Diamond

Narrated by: L.J. Ganser

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

To us humans the sex lives of many animals seem weird. In fact, by comparison with all the other animals, we are the ones with the weird sex lives. How did that come to be?Just count our bizarre ways. We are the only social species to insist on carrying out sex privately. Stranger yet, we have sex at any time, even when the female can't be... Read more

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Klingt logisch! Mach ich aber nicht by Ruediger Schache
Klingt logisch! Mach ich aber nicht
Ruediger Schache
Klingt logisch! Mach ich aber nicht by Ruediger Schache

Klingt logisch! Mach ich aber nicht

By: Ruediger Schache

Narrated by: Ruediger Schache & Johannes Steck

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Tu dies nicht! Mach das! Gut gemeinte Ratschlรคge kommen heute von vielen Seiten. Aber wie erkenne ich wirklich, was mir gut tut โ€“ und was nicht? Mit Ruediger Schaches praktischer Anleitung kann jeder lernen, zu sich selbst zu stehen und dies auch nach auรŸen klar zu kommunizieren. So gelingt es, selbstbewusst durchs Leben zu gehen, Beziehungen... Read more

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Genetics in the Madhouse by Theodore M. Porter
Genetics in the Madhouse
Theodore M. Porter
Genetics in the Madhouse by Theodore M. Porter

Genetics in the Madhouse

By: Theodore M. Porter

Narrated by: Mike Chamberlain

Length: 14 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

In the early 1800s, a century before there was any concept of the gene, physicians in insane asylums began to record causes of madness in their admission books. Almost from the beginning, they pointed to heredity as the most important of these causes. As doctors and state officials steadily lost faith in the capacity of asylum care to stem the... Read more

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Changeable by J. Stuart Ablon
J. Stuart Ablon
Changeable by J. Stuart Ablon


By: J. Stuart Ablon

Narrated by: J. Stuart Ablon

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

A bold new way to help anyone change ย ย ย 
Why is it so hard to change problem behaviorโ€”in our kids, our colleagues, and even ourselves? Conventional methods often backfire, creating a downward spiral of resentment and frustration, and a missed opportunity for growth. What if the thinking behind these old methods is wrong? What if people donโ€™t... Read more

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ADHD by Christie Jeffers
Christie Jeffers
ADHD by Christie Jeffers


By: Christie Jeffers

Narrated by: Eric Boozer

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

An easy listening guide with lots of helpful informationIf you have ADHD, or if someone you know has it, chances are that you donโ€™t know the most important facts about it. Also, you might have been told that itโ€™s always a bad thing to have ADHD. Or you may have heard the mix-up between ADHD and ADD. Perhaps you have been puzzled why your ADHD... Read more

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The Age of Insight by Eric R. Kandel
The Age of Insight
Eric R. Kandel
The Age of Insight by Eric R. Kandel

The Age of Insight

By: Eric R. Kandel

Narrated by: James Anderson Foster

Length: 16 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A brilliant book by Nobel Prize winner Eric R. Kandel, The Age of Insight takes us to Vienna 1900, where leaders in science, medicine, and art began a revolution that changed forever how we think about the human mindโ€”our conscious and unconscious thoughts and emotionsโ€”and how mind and brain relate to art.

At the turn of the century, Vienna was... Read more

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Hypnose-Anwendung: MICH SELBST LIEBEN LERNEN by Tanja Kohl
Tanja Kohl
Hypnose-Anwendung: MICH SELBST LIEBEN LERNEN by Tanja Kohl


By: Tanja Kohl

Narrated by: Tanja Kohl & Patrick Lynen

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Unsicherheit, Schรผchternheit, Scham, ein schlechtes Durchsetzungsvermรถgen, nicht "NEIN" sagen kรถnnen, diese Handlungsweisen basieren fast immer auf einem geringen Selbstbewusstsein. Durch spezielle Hypnoseanwendungen kann das eigene Selbstbewusstsein gestรคrkt und signifikant gesteigert werden. Wie genau funktioniert das? Eine der... Read more

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Fai pace con il cervello by Simona Ronchiadin
Fai pace con il cervello
Simona Ronchiadin
Fai pace con il cervello by Simona Ronchiadin

Fai pace con il cervello

By: Simona Ronchiadin

Narrated by: Simona Ronchiadin

Length: 3 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Ascoltando Fai pace con il cervello conoscerai quali sono i Principi alla base dell'esperienza umana e in modo del tutto naturale, senza sforzo, imparerai a entrare sempre piรน di frequente in contatto con la tua Saggezza Innata, ritrovandoti nello spazio mentale ideale per vivere al meglio la vita che piรน ti piace. Read more

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The Pleasure Trap by Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D. & Alan Goldhamer, D.C.
The Pleasure Trap
Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D. & Alan Goldhamer, D.C.
The Pleasure Trap by Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D. & Alan Goldhamer, D.C.

The Pleasure Trap

By: Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D. & Alan Goldhamer, D.C.

Narrated by: Chef AJ

Length: 9 hours

Abridged: No

This classic best-seller sheds light on how modern life can turn so many smart, savvy people into the unwitting saboteurs of their own well-being. Using stunning original research, comprehensive clinical studies, and their success with thousands of patients, the authors constructed a new paradigm for the psychology of health that offers fresh... Read more

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Menschen entschlรผsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlรผsseln - Abridged
Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlรผsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Menschen entschlรผsseln - Abridged

By: Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie gut kennen Sie Ihre Freunde und Kollegen? Ist der Mensch, mit dem Sie das Bรผro teilen, ein Fremder fรผr Sie? Es ist gar nicht so leicht, andere Menschen richtig einzuschรคtzen. Denn viele der 15 bekannten Persรถnlichkeitsstile sind nicht gleich auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, manche, wie der Narzissmus, fallen dagegen schnell auf. Aber was... Read more

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Experimenting with Babies by Shaun Gallagher
Experimenting with Babies
Shaun Gallagher
Experimenting with Babies by Shaun Gallagher

Experimenting with Babies

By: Shaun Gallagher

Narrated by: Richard Powers

Length: 3 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

When the empirical meets the adorableBabies can be a joyโ€”and hard work. Now they can also be a 50-in-1 science project kit!This fascinating and hands-on guide shows you how to re-create landmark scientific studies on cognitive, motor, language, and behavioral developmentโ€”using your own bundle of joy as the research subject. Simple, engaging, and... Read more

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Gaslighting (Ungekรผrzt) by Claudia Szczesny-Friedmann
Gaslighting (Ungekรผrzt)
Claudia Szczesny-Friedmann
Gaslighting (Ungekรผrzt) by Claudia Szczesny-Friedmann

Gaslighting (Ungekรผrzt)

By: Claudia Szczesny-Friedmann

Narrated by: Katja Sallay

Length: 6 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Psychologische Methoden der Kriegsfรผhrung sind auf dem Vormarsch. Weil es heutzutage als unanstรคndig gilt, Aggressionen offen einzusetzen, haben wir es hรคufig mit Angriffen auf uns selbst, auf unsere Position und unsere Integritรคt zu tun, die gar nicht ohne weiteres als Angriffe kenntlich sind. Von Verboten und Sanktionen eingeschrรคnkt รคuรŸert... Read more

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Overcoming Trauma through Yoga by David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper, Ph.D.
Overcoming Trauma through Yoga
David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper, Ph.D.
Overcoming Trauma through Yoga by David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper, Ph.D.

Overcoming Trauma through Yoga

By: David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Kate Marcin

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

A trauma-informed approach to healing body and mind: an evidence-based yoga program for survivors, clinicians, and yoga teachers

Research-backed and trauma-informed, this book introduces a yoga program that helps readers heal from the cognitive, emotional, and physiological symptoms of PTSD. From managing triggers to accessing safety, the... Read more

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Overcoming Opioid Addiction by Adam Bisaga, , MD & Karen Chernyaev
Overcoming Opioid Addiction
Adam Bisaga, , MD & Karen Chernyaev
Overcoming Opioid Addiction by Adam Bisaga, , MD & Karen Chernyaev

Overcoming Opioid Addiction

By: Adam Bisaga, , MD & Karen Chernyaev

Narrated by: Liz Maxwell

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans unยญder the age of 50, claiming more lives than the AIDs epidemic did at its peak. Opioid abuse accounts for two-thirds of these overdoses, with over 100 Americans dying from opioid overdoses every day. Now Overcoming Opioid Addiction provides a comprehensive medical guide for opioid... Read more

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The Procrastinator's Guide To Killing Yourself by Gareth Edwards
The Procrastinator's Guide To Killing Yourself
Gareth Edwards
The Procrastinator's Guide To Killing Yourself by Gareth Edwards

The Procrastinator's Guide To Killing Yourself

By: Gareth Edwards

Narrated by: Gareth Edwards

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

This book is for those of us who are looking into a huge black hole and feeling that life is not worth living. It might also help those who love someone who is feeling that way.For 20 years Gareth Edwards worked in mental health and suicide prevention as a government advisor, university researcher and designer of innovative services.In The... Read more

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A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental by Natasha Devon
A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental
Natasha Devon
A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental by Natasha Devon

A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental

By: Natasha Devon

Narrated by: Natasha Devon

Length: 10 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

โ€˜Am I normal?โ€™
โ€˜Whatโ€™s an anxiety disorder?โ€™
โ€˜Does therapy work?โ€™

These are just a few of the questions Natasha Devon is asked as she travels the UK campaigning for better mental health awareness and provision. Here, Natasha calls upon experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience and anthropology to debunk and demystify the full spectrum of... Read more

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An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart by Terry Patten
An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart
Terry Patten
An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart by Terry Patten

An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart

By: Terry Patten

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In the midst of our present polarization and alienation from one another, Patten exhorts us to understand that โ€œwe are in this lifeboat together and the fiercest thing we can do is to say: Iโ€™m living in a new republic of the heart. Iโ€™m a revolutionary. You are not going to separate yourself from me. I refuse to be in separation from you.โ€ Read more

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Damnation Island by Stacy Horn
Damnation Island
Stacy Horn
Damnation Island by Stacy Horn

Damnation Island

By: Stacy Horn

Narrated by: Pam Ward

Length: 10 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Today it is known as Roosevelt Island. In 1828, when New York City purchased this narrow, two-mile-long island in the East River, it was called Blackwell's Island. There, over the next hundred years, the city would build a lunatic asylum, prison, hospital, workhouse, and almshouse. Stacy Horn has crafted a compelling and chilling narrative told... Read more

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In Praise of Wasting Time by Alan Lightman
In Praise of Wasting Time
Alan Lightman
In Praise of Wasting Time by Alan Lightman

In Praise of Wasting Time

By: Alan Lightman

Narrated by: Alan Lightman

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

In this timely and essential book that offers a fresh take on the qualms of modern day life, Professor Alan Lightman investigates the creativity born from allowing our minds to freely roam, without attempting to accomplish anything and without any assigned tasks.

We are all worried about wasting time. Especially in the West, we have created a... Read more

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Happiness Hacks by Alex Palmer
Happiness Hacks
Alex Palmer
Happiness Hacks by Alex Palmer

Happiness Hacks

By: Alex Palmer

Narrated by: Stephanie Spicer

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Could you be happier at work... in love... in life? You may not need a total overhaul-just a few good Happiness Hacks! Here are hundreds of shortcuts to brighten your day and boost your moodโ€”and the science behind how they work. Discover why... โ€ข Read more

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Infidelity by Kenneth Paul Rosenberg
Kenneth Paul Rosenberg
Infidelity by Kenneth Paul Rosenberg


By: Kenneth Paul Rosenberg

Narrated by: Kenneth Paul Rosenberg

Length: 8 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

What the latest science tells us about the brain's reward systems, love, and sex -- and how to prevent an affair from destroying your life

How can I prevent an affair from destroying my life? Whether I am the cheater or the betrayed partner, how can I survive, even thrive, in the wake of an affair? Infidelity provides key insights to find your... Read more

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Superminds by Thomas W. Malone
Thomas W. Malone
Superminds by Thomas W. Malone


By: Thomas W. Malone

Narrated by: Mel Foster

Length: 11 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

From the founding director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence comes a fascinating look at the remarkable capacity for intelligence exhibited by groups of people and computers working together. If you're like most people, you probably believe that humans are the most intelligent animals on our planet. But there's another kind of entity... Read more

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Inventing Ourselves by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Inventing Ourselves
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Inventing Ourselves by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

Inventing Ourselves

By: Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

Narrated by: Sarah Borges

Length: 7 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

A tour through the groundbreaking science behind the enigmatic, but crucial, brain developments of adolescence and how those translate into teenage behavior

The brain creates every feeling, emotion, and desire we experience, and stores every one of our memories. And yet, until very recently, scientists believed our brains were fully developed... Read more

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