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Psicología Oscura Y Control Mental by Eric Holt
Psicología Oscura Y Control Mental
Eric Holt
Psicología Oscura Y Control Mental by Eric Holt

Psicología Oscura Y Control Mental

By: Eric Holt

Narrated by: Eric Holt

Length: 4 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Desbloquea el verdadero potencial de la psicología oscura con este plan maestroNo es ningún secreto que hay personas que simplemente pueden leer lo que estás pensando según tus expresiones faciales y postura. También hay personas que pueden influir en tus pensamientos sin que te des cuenta, haciendo que hagas indirectamente lo que ellos... Read more

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Normal Broken by Kelly Cervantes
Normal Broken
Kelly Cervantes
Normal Broken by Kelly Cervantes

Normal Broken

By: Kelly Cervantes

Narrated by: Kelly Cervantes

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

In Normal Broken, Kelly Cervantes isn't trying to tell you what to do, how to feel, or the right way to heal. She's also not flinging sunny thoughts, vibes, and prayers at you. After losing her daughter to epilepsy, she knows that grief is many things. Something everyone will have to deal with. But never linear. Just as what we are grieving... Read more

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Psicología Oscura by Eric Holt
Psicología Oscura
Eric Holt
Psicología Oscura by Eric Holt

Psicología Oscura

By: Eric Holt

Narrated by: Eric Holt

Length: 2 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Si deseas ser capaz de leer entre líneas y comprender lo que está sucediendo en la mente de otra persona, sigue escuchando!El mundo de la psicología oscura tiene la clave para desentrañar los misterios del comportamiento humano y adquirir el poder para moldear los pensamientos y acciones de los demás.¡"Psicología Oscura" es tu guía definitiva... Read more

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Toma de decisiones: una guía práctica by Juanjo Ramos
Toma de decisiones: una guía práctica
Juanjo Ramos
Toma de decisiones: una guía práctica by Juanjo Ramos

Toma de decisiones: una guía práctica

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

La toma de decisiones es una actividad intrínseca a la experiencia humana. Desde el mismo momento en que despertamos hasta que nos vamos a dormir, nos encontramos constantemente en una serie de situaciones y encrucijadas que requieren elecciones. Algunas de estas decisiones son ciertamente menores, como elegir entre tomar té o café por la... Read more

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Conviértete En Un Macho Alfa by Eric Holt
Conviértete En Un Macho Alfa
Eric Holt
Conviértete En Un Macho Alfa by Eric Holt

Conviértete En Un Macho Alfa

By: Eric Holt

Narrated by: Eric Holt

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Libera a tu Alfa interior y conviértete en el hombre encantador, seguro de sí mismo y poderoso que te mereces ser!En esta guía completa, aprenderás cómo liberar a tu alfa interior y dominar el arte de la confianza. Con estrategias y técnicas prácticas, navegarás por la escena de las citas con facilidad, crearás poderosas primeras impresiones y... Read more

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Control Mental by Eric Holt
Control Mental
Eric Holt
Control Mental by Eric Holt

Control Mental

By: Eric Holt

Narrated by: Eric Holt

Length: 2 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Nunca vuelvas a recibir un "no" como respuesta con este audiolibro que te mostrará cómo influir en cada situación a tu favor!El poder de comprender lo que realmente está sucediendo en la mente de una persona puede parecer algo inalcanzable, dejándote impotente e inseguro para manejarte con éxito en las dinámicas sociales.¡Ya no más!Imagina... Read more

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Dreamseller by Brandon Novak
Brandon Novak
Dreamseller by Brandon Novak


By: Brandon Novak

Narrated by: Brandon Novak

Length: 8 hours

Abridged: No

Skateboarder and Jackass star Brandon Novak comes clean about his crazy rise to fame, tailspin into addiction, and other death-defying stunts on the road to recovery …At seven, Brandon was a skateboard prodigy. By the time he was fourteen, he was living the dream. Discovered by skate legends Bucky Lasek and Tony Hawk. Touring the US with the... Read more

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Introversie by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Introversie by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In de wereld waar extraversie vaak de boventoon voert, nodig ik je uit om samen met mij de fascinerende reis naar de diepten van introversie te maken. Dit boek is een viering van de unieke kwaliteiten, intelligente denkprocessen en stille kracht die introverte mensen te bieden hebben.Introversie is geen tekortkoming, maar eerder een rijke en... Read more

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Le triangle de Karpman : comment sortir des rôles de victime, sauveur ou bourreau du triangle dramatique ? by Poussières de Vie
Le triangle de Karpman : comment sortir des rôles de victime, sauveur ou bourreau du triangle dramatique ?
Poussières de Vie
Le triangle de Karpman : comment sortir des rôles de victime, sauveur ou bourreau du triangle dramatique ? by Poussières de Vie

Le triangle de Karpman : comment sortir des rôles de victime, sauveur ou bourreau du triangle dramatique ?

By: Poussières de Vie

Narrated by: Xander Michalak

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Le livre qui permet d'identifier les situations de triangles dramatiques, et de sortir du rôle de victime, bourreau ou sauveurNous expérimentons tous la mise en place de triangles de Karpman dans notre vie et à certains moments, dans nos rapports avec certaines personnes.Se retrouver pris dans un triangle dramatique nous rend mal à l'aise et... Read more

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Jaloezie by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Jaloezie by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Jaloezie kan zich voordoen in verschillende vormen en op verschillende terreinen van ons leven, en het is onze missie om je te voorzien van inzichten, strategieën en hulpmiddelen om deze emotie te begrijpen en te overwinnen.We zullen verkennen hoe jaloezie ontstaat, hoe het onze gedachten en gedrag beïnvloedt, en belangrijker nog, hoe we de... Read more

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Neurosultan Volume 2 by Abhijit Naskar
Neurosultan Volume 2
Abhijit Naskar
Neurosultan Volume 2 by Abhijit Naskar

Neurosultan Volume 2

By: Abhijit Naskar

Narrated by: Abhijit Naskar

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: No

An offering of 100 sonnets to the brave and conscientious, from Abhijit Naskar's vast ocean of over 1200 sonnets, in the voice of the humanitarian scientist himself.The volume contains selected sonnets from: Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None, 2022 Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was, 2022 Divane Dynamite:... Read more

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Hypnose by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Hypnose by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Dit boek nodigt je uit om dieper in de betoverende wereld van hypnose te duiken, een fenomeen dat eeuwenlang zowel bewondering als verwarring heeft opgeroepen. Van de hypnotiserende slangen van de oude Grieken tot moderne klinische toepassingen, hypnose blijft een intrigerend en vaak verkeerd begrepen onderwerp. Achtergrond en geschiedenis van... Read more

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Intelligentie by Gerard de Vogel
Gerard de Vogel
Intelligentie by Gerard de Vogel


By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

In de fascinerende wereld van de menselijke geest nemen we je mee op een reis door de complexe lagen van intelligentie, waar we trachten de mysteriën te ontrafelen die ons denken, leren en onthouden beïnvloeden.Wat maakt iemand intelligent? Hoe meten we het? En wat onthult het over de manier waarop we leren en herinneren? Deze vragen vormen de... Read more

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Attachment Theory in Practice: Unveiling the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Individuals, Couples, and Families by Elisabeth Johann & Sophie Franz
Attachment Theory in Practice: Unveiling the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Individuals, Couples, and Families
Elisabeth Johann & Sophie Franz
Attachment Theory in Practice: Unveiling the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Individuals, Couples, and Families by Elisabeth Johann & Sophie Franz

Attachment Theory in Practice: Unveiling the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Individuals, Couples, and Families

By: Elisabeth Johann & Sophie Franz

Narrated by: Robert Plank

Length: 1 hour 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Attachment Theory in Practice: Unveiling the Power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Individuals, Couples, and Families
Embark on an enlightening journey through the complexities of human connections with the audiobook "Attachment Theory in Practice." This comprehensive guide explores the transformative potential of Emotionally Focused... Read more

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Het geheugen by Gerard de Vogel
Het geheugen
Gerard de Vogel
Het geheugen by Gerard de Vogel

Het geheugen

By: Gerard de Vogel

Narrated by: Roy van den Groot

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Ons geheugen is als een innerlijke bibliotheek, waarin elk hoofdstuk een uniek verhaal vertelt. Van het herinneren van de eerste keer dat je een geliefde ontmoette tot het opslaan van feitelijke informatie voor examens, het geheugen is de hoeksteen van ons bestaan.Dit boek neemt je mee op een reis door de kernprincipes van het geheugen, verkent... Read more

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Mijlocul vieții by Silviu Dragomir
Mijlocul vieții
Silviu Dragomir
Mijlocul vieții by Silviu Dragomir

Mijlocul vieții

By: Silviu Dragomir

Narrated by: Vlad Rădescu

Length: 4 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Mijlocul vieții este o etapă semnificativă în parcursul existenței noastre, un răstimp al tranziției și al transformării, o perioadă de reflecție și reevaluare. Este un moment când oamenii tind să pună sub semnul întrebării sensul propriei existențe, scopul și valorile care le ghidează acțiunile. Mijlocul vieții reprezintă un moment al... Read more

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Trastorno de apego by Camila Duarte
Trastorno de apego
Camila Duarte
Trastorno de apego by Camila Duarte

Trastorno de apego

By: Camila Duarte

Narrated by: Miriam Aguilar

Length: 10 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Quieres aprender a afrontar la ansiedad y recuperar el control para sentirte relajado/a, feliz y seguro/a?¿La ansiedad te detiene y te impide vivir la vida que quieres vivir?¿Los siguientes síntomas son conocidos para ti?- Baja autoestima- Te sientes abrumado/a e impotente- Dudas de ti mismo/a - Sientes que no eres lo suficientemente bueno/a-... Read more

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Despre vis by Sigmund Freud
Despre vis
Sigmund Freud
Despre vis by Sigmund Freud

Despre vis

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Vlad Rădescu

Length: 4 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

"În timpurile pe care le putem numi preştiinţifice, oamenii nu se simţeau în încurcătură în legătură cu găsirea explicaţiei unui vis. Dacă şi-l aminteau după ce se trezeau, îl considerau o vestire, fie milostivă, fie ostilă, venită din partea unor forţe mai înalte, demonice şi divine. Odată cu înflorirea tipurilor de gândire specifice ştiinţelor... Read more

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The Truth Detective by Alex O'Brien
The Truth Detective
Alex O'Brien
The Truth Detective by Alex O'Brien

The Truth Detective

By: Alex O'Brien

Narrated by: Jacqui Bardelang

Length: 9 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

From uncertainty and risk to ambiguity, emotion and non-verbal behaviour, life can be like a game of poker. So approach it like one, with every day critical thinking.

In The Truth Detective, journalist and competitive poker player Alex O'Brien shows how we can survive and make better life decisions using the rules of the game. In a world full of... Read more

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Cómo no estropear tus relaciones by Albert Ellis
Cómo no estropear tus relaciones
Albert Ellis
Cómo no estropear tus relaciones by Albert Ellis

Cómo no estropear tus relaciones

By: Albert Ellis

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Un nuevo clásico de la autoayuda de la mano del reputado psicoterapeuta Albert Ellis, autor de Usted puede ser feliz, en el que aborta las mejores estrategias para mantener relaciones sanas y felices para siempre. ¿Has tenido algún fracaso amoroso? ¿Quieres dejar atrás los malos hábitos y enfocarte solo en los buenos? Dirigida a todo tipo de... Read more

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Духовный путь by Грегори Дэвид Робертс
Духовный путь
Грегори Дэвид Робертс
Духовный путь by Грегори Дэвид Робертс

Духовный путь

By: Грегори Дэвид Робертс

Narrated by: Павел Конышев

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Впервые на русском — новейшая книга автора таких международных бестселлеров, как "Шантарам" и "Тень горы", двухтомной исповеди человека, который сумел выбраться из бездны и уцелеть. "Духовный путь" — это поэтапное описание процесса поиска Духовной Реальности, постижения Совершенства, Любви и Веры. Итак, слово — автору: "В каждом человеке... Read more

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Root, Rise, Roar by Dawn King
Root, Rise, Roar
Dawn King
Root, Rise, Roar by Dawn King

Root, Rise, Roar

By: Dawn King

Narrated by: Dawn King

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Five Years of Therapy in One Book Perhaps you have reached a level of success in your career and personal life but don't feel anything at all - only the persistent nag of being unfulfilled and "numb." Or maybe you feel held back by trauma or frustrating patterns like overwhelm, procrastination and self-doubt, unable to reach your next level of... Read more

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Authentic Growth by Bartholomew Kovacs, MA, LMFT
Authentic Growth
Bartholomew Kovacs, MA, LMFT
Authentic Growth by Bartholomew Kovacs, MA, LMFT

Authentic Growth

By: Bartholomew Kovacs, MA, LMFT

Narrated by: Bartholomew Kovacs, MA, LMFT

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: No

“Authentic Growth: From Self-Help To Therapy” is your comprehensive guide on how to begin your journey of navigating the mental health system with confidence. In a world overflowing with self-help resources, this book takes a unique approach by unraveling the complexities of the mental health landscape and shedding light on the transformative... Read more

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Künstliche Intelligenz - Dem Menschen überlegen - wie KI uns rettet und bedroht (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Manfred Spitzer
Künstliche Intelligenz - Dem Menschen überlegen - wie KI uns rettet und bedroht (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Manfred Spitzer
Künstliche Intelligenz - Dem Menschen überlegen - wie KI uns rettet und bedroht (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Manfred Spitzer

Künstliche Intelligenz - Dem Menschen überlegen - wie KI uns rettet und bedroht (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Manfred Spitzer

Narrated by: Julian Mehne

Length: 9 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Künstliche Intelligenz: Expertenwissen gegen Hysterie Der renommierte Gehirnforscher, Psychiater und Bestseller-Autor Manfred Spitzer ist ein ausgewiesener Experte für neuronale Netze, auf denen KI aufbaut. Sein topaktuelles Hörbuch über künstliche Intelligenz informiert, klärt auf - und macht klar, dass niemand vorhersehen kann, ob mit KI... Read more

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