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Free To Be by Shirin Etessam
Free To Be
Shirin Etessam
Free To Be by Shirin Etessam

Free To Be

By: Shirin Etessam

Narrated by: Shirin Etessam

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

From an early age we're taught that in order to be worthy, to find true happiness, to be "somebody," we have to accomplish many things. We become achievement machines, always grasping for the next big win to send a signal to the world—and to ourselves—that we've "made it." That we are happy. But do we ever "make it," really? Are we truly happy... Read more

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The Sullivanians by Alexander Stille
The Sullivanians
Alexander Stille
The Sullivanians by Alexander Stille

The Sullivanians

By: Alexander Stille

Narrated by: Jamie Renell

Length: 14 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

In the middle of the Ozzie and Harriet 1950s, the birth control pill became available and a maverick psychoanalytic institute, the Sullivan Institute for Research in Psychoanalysis, opened its doors in New York City. Its founders wanted to start a revolution, one grounded in ideals of creative expression, sexual liberation, and freedom from... Read more

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GASLIGHTING by Justine Hoyles
Justine Hoyles
GASLIGHTING by Justine Hoyles


By: Justine Hoyles

Narrated by: Eloise Wilson

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover how gaslighting operates and learn to recognize the signs before it takes a toll on your well-being. Explore the intricate dynamics of gaslighting and gain clarity on its devastating effects on mental health and self-esteem. Unmask the manipulative tactics used by gaslighters and acquire the tools to break free from their grip.Key... Read more

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Loving with the Brain in Mind by Mona DeKoven Fishbane
Loving with the Brain in Mind
Mona DeKoven Fishbane
Loving with the Brain in Mind by Mona DeKoven Fishbane

Loving with the Brain in Mind

By: Mona DeKoven Fishbane

Narrated by: Wendy Tremont King

Length: 12 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Human brains and behavior are shaped by genetic predispositions and early experience. But we are not doomed by our genes or our past. Neuroscientific discoveries of the last decade have provided an optimistic and revolutionary view of adult brain function: People can change. This revelation offers hope to therapists and to couples seeking to... Read more

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Decolonizing the Body by Kelsey Blackwell
Decolonizing the Body
Kelsey Blackwell
Decolonizing the Body by Kelsey Blackwell

Decolonizing the Body

By: Kelsey Blackwell

Narrated by: Patryce Williams

Length: 6 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

As a woman of color, you are more likely to experience oppression, discrimination, and physical or sexual violence in your lifetime. In addition, your family may have experienced generational trauma and systemic racism going back for centuries. This old and new trauma can manifest in both the mind and body. However, there are ways you can free... Read more

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The Nurture Revolution by Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD
The Nurture Revolution
Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD
The Nurture Revolution by Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD

The Nurture Revolution

By: Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD

Narrated by: Gabra Zackman

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

The latest research in neuroscience and parenting come together in this groundbreaking book, which brings to light new realizations about the power of nurture for our children's mental and physical health outcomes. 

Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD. is a neuroscientist, doula, and parent. Her work began with the goal of developing new treatments for poor... Read more

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Das großartige 2-in-1 Buch - Der unsichtbare Einfluss deines inneren Kindes + Schirm des Glücks by Johannes Freitag
Das großartige 2-in-1 Buch - Der unsichtbare Einfluss deines inneren Kindes + Schirm des Glücks
Johannes Freitag
Das großartige 2-in-1 Buch - Der unsichtbare Einfluss deines inneren Kindes + Schirm des Glücks by Johannes Freitag

Das großartige 2-in-1 Buch - Der unsichtbare Einfluss deines inneren Kindes + Schirm des Glücks

By: Johannes Freitag

Narrated by: Sebastian Pahl

Length: 7 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Ergründe in diesem Hörbuch, wie du mit Vergangenheitswunden umgehst und das innere Kind umarmst, während du lernst, auf negative Einflüsse und Menschen optimal zu reagieren.
Fühlst du dich immer wieder gefangen in denselben schmerzhaften Mustern?
Es ist, als ob eine unsichtbare Hand dich in Beziehungen führt, die dich nicht erfüllen.
Im Job... Read more

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Beyond Your Bubble by Tania Israel
Beyond Your Bubble
Tania Israel
Beyond Your Bubble by Tania Israel

Beyond Your Bubble

By: Tania Israel

Narrated by: Tania Israel

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

As featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, TED Talks, and the Orange County Register, this practical, politically neutral book offers concrete skills for holding meaningful conversations that cut across today's intense political divide, showing listeners how to connect to the people in their lives.

Political polarization is at an... Read more

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Mad World by Micha Frazer-Carroll
Mad World
Micha Frazer-Carroll
Mad World by Micha Frazer-Carroll

Mad World

By: Micha Frazer-Carroll

Narrated by: Micha Frazer-Carroll

Length: 5 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Mental health affects us all, and yet it remains elusive as a concept.Does getting a diagnosis help or hinder it? How is mental well-being, which is often incredibly personal, driven by widespread societal suffering? Can it be a social construct and real at the same time?These are some of the big questions Micha Frazer-Carroll asks as she... Read more

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Aleksi Oletukseton – erityisyys supervoimana by Taina Laane
Aleksi Oletukseton – erityisyys supervoimana
Taina Laane
Aleksi Oletukseton – erityisyys supervoimana by Taina Laane

Aleksi Oletukseton – erityisyys supervoimana

By: Taina Laane

Narrated by: Jukka Peltola

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Inspiroiva elämäkerta erilaisuuden voimavaraksi kääntämisestä.Aleksi Lehtinen on monipuolinen ja erityinen ihminen: kokemuskouluttaja, katukeittiöyrittäjä ja näkymättömän maailman aistija. Hän kuvailee itseään sanalla "oletukseton". Se tarkoittaa, ettei Aleksi nojaa perinteisiin luokitteluihin tai määrittele sitä, mikä on normaalia ja mikä ei.... Read more

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Mania by David Healy
David Healy
Mania by David Healy


By: David Healy

Narrated by: Elliot Fitzpatrick

Length: 11 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

This provocative history of bipolar disorder illuminates how perceptions of illness, if not the illnesses themselves, are mutable over time.

Beginning with the origins of the concept of mania—and the term maniac—in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, renowned psychiatrist David Healy examines how concepts of mental afflictions evolved as... Read more

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Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged by Kris Ashley
Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged
Kris Ashley
Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged by Kris Ashley

Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged

By: Kris Ashley

Narrated by: Kris Ashley

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality, Kris Ashley lays out a roadmap to guide readers toward living the best life possible.Drawing on the Law of Attraction, experiments in quantum physics, manifestation practices, and various healing modalities, the author guides the reader toward inner courage and compassion. By questioning long-held... Read more

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Emotions Don't Think by Bruce Hutchison
Emotions Don't Think
Bruce Hutchison
Emotions Don't Think by Bruce Hutchison

Emotions Don't Think

By: Bruce Hutchison

Narrated by: Ernestine Crossfield

Length: 18 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

We live in a time when the world is facing an invisible enemy. The pandemic surges, and social relations are fraught with turmoil. Emotions are on edge and people fear for their lives. We face turmoil, but turmoil does not come without emotions. Little has been written about the power of emotions and emotional contagion in this time of global... Read more

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Choroby psychosomatyczne. Jak zmienic emocje negatywne na pozytywne i uzdrowic cialo? by Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Choroby psychosomatyczne. Jak zmienic emocje negatywne na pozytywne i uzdrowic cialo?
Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Choroby psychosomatyczne. Jak zmienic emocje negatywne na pozytywne i uzdrowic cialo? by Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Choroby psychosomatyczne. Jak zmienic emocje negatywne na pozytywne i uzdrowic cialo?

By: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Mindfulness, czyli trening uwaznosci, to seria wykladów nagranych na zywo podczas lives w 2020 roku, której celem bylo niesienie pomocy osobom cierpiacym, nie zawsze dobrze zrozumianym przez lekarza z uwagi na brak widocznych odchylen w klasycznych badaniach. Ludzie ci w wyniku wielomiesiecznego "narzekania", czesto odsylani zostaja do... Read more

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Don't Scare Yourself to Death by Kim O'Leary
Don't Scare Yourself to Death
Kim O'Leary
Don't Scare Yourself to Death by Kim O'Leary

Don't Scare Yourself to Death

By: Kim O'Leary

Narrated by: Kim O'Leary

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Break free from worry and stress to build a progressive and creative life.You can do this. You don't have to rely on medications to overcome anxiety.You can get there with simple changes to your mental attitude and lifestyle that won't cost you a thing.This book is partly an autobiographical account of Kim's journey of life lessons learned in... Read more

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La Biblia De La Psicología Oscura: Los Secretos De La Manipulación Que Nadie Te Quiere Contar by Mark A. Phills
La Biblia De La Psicología Oscura: Los Secretos De La Manipulación Que Nadie Te Quiere Contar
Mark A. Phills
La Biblia De La Psicología Oscura: Los Secretos De La Manipulación Que Nadie Te Quiere Contar by Mark A. Phills

La Biblia De La Psicología Oscura: Los Secretos De La Manipulación Que Nadie Te Quiere Contar

By: Mark A. Phills

Narrated by: Luis Aponte

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: No

¿Quieres contar con las herramientas psicológicas y emocionales para conectar con las personas fácilmente? O también ¿Quisieras poder mantener una conversación, calmado, logrando una conexión con esa persona para que haga lo que quieres?Es posible.La psicología siempre se ha usado para la manipulación, aunque ha habido un intento de ocultar... Read more

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Etes-vous hautement sensible? Découvrez toutes les clés by Manuela Pérez Chacón, Antonio Chacón & Juan Moisés de la Serna
Etes-vous hautement sensible? Découvrez toutes les clés
Manuela Pérez Chacón, Antonio Chacón & Juan Moi...
Etes-vous hautement sensible? Découvrez toutes les clés by Manuela Pérez Chacón, Antonio Chacón & Juan Moisés de la Serna

Etes-vous hautement sensible? Découvrez toutes les clés

By: Manuela Pérez Chacón, Antonio Chacón & Juan Moi...

Narrated by: Sandra Ouellet

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous demandez-vous si vous êtes une personne hautement sensible ? Ces pages dissiperont vos doutes. C’est un livre informatif qui sert de support à ceux d’entre nous qui travaillent dans le but « d’aider » d’autres personnes, et c’est aussi un appel aux pères, mères, patrons ou éducateurs qui sont en relation avec des personnes hautement... Read more

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The Highly Intelligent Body by Ben Dorfman
The Highly Intelligent Body
Ben Dorfman
The Highly Intelligent Body by Ben Dorfman

The Highly Intelligent Body

By: Ben Dorfman

Narrated by: Ben Dorfman

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you ever felt a strong sense of knowing in your body when you entered an environment or met a new person? A body sense that you knew to be true?How were you able to feel this? And where did this information come from?In The Highly Intelligent Body, Ben Dorfman, acupuncturist and life coach, takes the reader through an in-depth look at the... Read more

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¿Qué es el resentimiento? by Oslos Molina
¿Qué es el resentimiento?
Oslos Molina
¿Qué es el resentimiento? by Oslos Molina

¿Qué es el resentimiento?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

El resentimiento es un dolor moral que se produce como consecuencia de una ofensa. La persona que lo sufre no logra olvidar esa ofensa, de manera que lo vuelve a sentir una y otra vez (re-siente). Este sentimiento va acompañado de rencor y hostilidad hacia quienes causaron el daño. Read more

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Manipulation im Alltag – die 40 wichtigsten Techniken: Wie Sie Manipulationstechniken auf den ersten Blick erkennen, Menschen lesen, und die besten Methoden aus der Psychologie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen by Dominik Ziegler
Manipulation im Alltag – die 40 wichtigsten Techniken: Wie Sie Manipulationstechniken auf den ersten Blick erkennen, Menschen lesen, und die besten Methoden aus der Psychologie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen
Dominik Ziegler
Manipulation im Alltag – die 40 wichtigsten Techniken: Wie Sie Manipulationstechniken auf den ersten Blick erkennen, Menschen lesen, und die besten Methoden aus der Psychologie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen by Dominik Ziegler

Manipulation im Alltag – die 40 wichtigsten Techniken: Wie Sie Manipulationstechniken auf den ersten Blick erkennen, Menschen lesen, und die besten Methoden aus der Psychologie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen

By: Dominik Ziegler

Narrated by: Lucas Blasius

Length: 3 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Schützen Sie sich vor Manipulation und drehen Sie den Spieß um! Kommen Ihnen folgende Szenen bekannt vor: Ihr Kalender ist vollkommen ausgebucht und Ihr Kollege fragt Sie, ob Sie ihm einen Gefallen tun können? Ehe Sie es sich versehen, sagen Sie ihm zu - obwohl Sie ihm eigentlich absagen wollten. Oder Sie diskutieren mit Ihrem Partner,... Read more

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Psicologia per principianti: Le basi della psicologia spiegate in modo semplice: capire e manipolare le persone by Claudia Sonnenbeck
Psicologia per principianti: Le basi della psicologia spiegate in modo semplice: capire e manipolare le persone
Claudia Sonnenbeck
Psicologia per principianti: Le basi della psicologia spiegate in modo semplice: capire e manipolare le persone by Claudia Sonnenbeck

Psicologia per principianti: Le basi della psicologia spiegate in modo semplice: capire e manipolare le persone

By: Claudia Sonnenbeck

Narrated by: Sara Elisa Frison

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: No

La psicologia è una materia con orizzonti ampi e in parte inesplorati. Il benessere psicologico di un individuo dipende da ogni singola influenza. A partire dal grembo materno, continuando con l'educazione, gli hobby, le opinioni, le intuizioni, i sentimenti e i valori appresi. Queste influenze possono portare a uno sviluppo positivo o negativo.... Read more

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Varieties of Melancholy by The School of Life
Varieties of Melancholy
The School of Life
Varieties of Melancholy by The School of Life

Varieties of Melancholy

By: The School of Life

Narrated by: Rachel Lanning

Length: 3 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

An insightful and consoling guide to the melancholic state of mind. This is a book that celebrates the most neglected but valuable emotion we can feel: melancholy. Melancholy isn’t depression, rage, or bitterness. It’s a serene, wise, and kindly response to the difficulties of being alive. It helps us navigate a wise and rational middle ground... Read more

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La ansiedad by Oslos Molina
La ansiedad
Oslos Molina
La ansiedad by Oslos Molina

La ansiedad

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

La ansiedad puede ser normal en situaciones estresantes, como hablar en público o realizar una prueba. La ansiedad es solo un indicador de una enfermedad subyacente cuando los sentimientos se vuelven excesivos, en todo momento e interfieren con la vida cotidiana. Read more

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Aprender a aprender y la navegación de los estados de ánimo by Gloria P. Flores
Aprender a aprender y la navegación de los estados de ánimo
Gloria P. Flores
Aprender a aprender y la navegación de los estados de ánimo by Gloria P. Flores

Aprender a aprender y la navegación de los estados de ánimo

By: Gloria P. Flores

Narrated by: Martha Juárez

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Una de las habilidades más importantes que necesitamos desarrollar en nosotros mismos y en nuestros hijos es la habilidad de aprender a aprender. Pero, ¿qué habilidad es esa? ¿Cómo aprendemos a aprender? Aprender a aprender requiere que aprendamos a navegar los estados de ánimo en los que habitualmente caemos durante el proceso de aprendizaje.A... Read more

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