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The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain
The Innocents Abroad
Mark Twain
The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain

The Innocents Abroad

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Grover Gardner

Length: 18 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

In June 1867, Mark Twain set out for Europe and the Holy Land on the paddle steamer Quaker City. His enduring, no-nonsense guide for the first-time traveler also served as an antidote to the insufferably romantic travel books of the period.“Who could read the programme for the excursion without longing to make one of the party?”So Mark Twain... Read more

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Hope and Glory by Stuart Maconie
Hope and Glory
Stuart Maconie
Hope and Glory by Stuart Maconie

Hope and Glory

By: Stuart Maconie

Narrated by: Stuart Maconie

Length: 12 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

In Hope and Glory Stuart goes in search of the places, people and events of the century we have just left behind that have shaped the look and character of modern Britain. From the death of Victoria to the demise of New Labour, he takes a single event from each decade of the 20th century that offers up a defining moment... Read more

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Bedpans And Bobby Socks by Barbara Fox
Bedpans And Bobby Socks
Barbara Fox
Bedpans And Bobby Socks by Barbara Fox

Bedpans And Bobby Socks

By: Barbara Fox

Narrated by: Emma Tate

Length: 9 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

'In my dreams, I was always in some vast landscape on a long, straight road. Driving. Always driving.'

Gwenda had always loved the open road, but her home town of Newcastle didn't really offer the sort of adventure she longed for. So, in 1957, with friend and fellow nurse Pat in tow, she left the dismal British winter behind, and embarked on an... Read more

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Israel by Donald J. Zeigler
Donald J. Zeigler
Israel by Donald J. Zeigler


By: Donald J. Zeigler

Narrated by: Sherri Berger

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 by a United Nations mandate, the Middle East has been a flashpoint of conflict between the world's only Jewish state and the Palestinians, who lost their land because of the UN partition. Although peace agreements were signed with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994, Israel's relationships with... Read more

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The Pirates of Somalia by Jay Bahadur
The Pirates of Somalia
Jay Bahadur
The Pirates of Somalia by Jay Bahadur

The Pirates of Somalia

By: Jay Bahadur

Narrated by: Sunil Malhotra

Length: 8 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Somalia, on the tip of the Horn of Africa, has been inhabited as far back as 9,000 BC. Its history is as rich as the country is old. Caught up in a decades-long civil war, Somalia, along with Iraq and Afghanistan, has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Getting there from North America is a forty-five-hour, five-flight... Read more

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Geldof In Africa by Bob Geldof
Geldof In Africa
Bob Geldof
Geldof In Africa by Bob Geldof

Geldof In Africa

By: Bob Geldof

Narrated by: Bob Geldof

Length: 8 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Bob Geldof first visited Africa in 1984. The following year, Live Aid inspired a generation to raise millions for the starving in Africa.

Over twenty years on, passion undiminished, Geldof returns to what he calls the Luminous Continent. This is his personal diary. Unflinchingly honest, and stunningly illustrated with his own photographs, Geldof... Read more

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Deutsche Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg
Deutsche Sagen und Legenden
Christine Giersberg
Deutsche Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg

Deutsche Sagen und Legenden

By: Christine Giersberg

Narrated by: Michael Nowack & Uve Teschner

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Deutsche Sagen und Legenden ist ein literarischer Streifzug durch die Sagenwelt Deutschlands. Von Bayern ins Rheinland - vom Erzgebirge bis zur Ostsee. Hören Sie fantastische Erzählungen von stolzen Helden, pfiffigen Narren, mächtigen Riesen, wachsamen Berggeistern, neckischen Kobolden, fleißigen Männchen und klugen Wasserfrauen. Erzählt werden:... Read more

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An Empire of Ice by Edward J. Larson
An Empire of Ice
Edward J. Larson
An Empire of Ice by Edward J. Larson

An Empire of Ice

By: Edward J. Larson

Narrated by: John Allen Nelson

Length: 10 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Published to coincide with the centenary of the first expeditions to reach the South Pole, An Empire of Ice presents a fascinating new take on Antarctic exploration. Retold with added information, it's the first book to place the famed voyages of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, his British rivals Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton, and others... Read more

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Dave Gorman Vs the Rest of the World by Dave Gorman
Dave Gorman Vs the Rest of the World
Dave Gorman
Dave Gorman Vs the Rest of the World by Dave Gorman

Dave Gorman Vs the Rest of the World

By: Dave Gorman

Narrated by: Dave Gorman

Length: 8 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Remember when you were a kid, and you used to go round to a friend's house to see if they were playing? Well, as adults we're not supposed to do that. Which is a shame... because Dave Gorman likes playing. He REALLY likes games. So he knocked on the biggest door you could ever imagine - the internet - and asked 76,000 people if they fancied a... Read more

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Spaziergang durch Berlin by Reinhard Kober
Spaziergang durch Berlin
Reinhard Kober
Spaziergang durch Berlin by Reinhard Kober

Spaziergang durch Berlin

By: Reinhard Kober

Narrated by: Oliver Rohrbeck

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Berlin - Eine Stadt, die niemals fertig wird Neben den Baustellen des 21. Jahrhunderts und den Monumenten deutscher Geschichte fasziniert an Berlin vor allem das, was sich im Schatten der großen Projekte abspielt. Die Berliner bewohnen nicht nur ihre Stadt, sondern bauen selber an ihr mit. Individualisten verwirklichen in improvisierten... Read more

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Potsdamer Sagen und Legenden by Christine Anlauff
Potsdamer Sagen und Legenden
Christine Anlauff
Potsdamer Sagen und Legenden by Christine Anlauff

Potsdamer Sagen und Legenden

By: Christine Anlauff

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Im Jahr 993 hinterließ Otto III. seiner Tante in einer Urkunde die Orte Poztupimi et Geliti, wobei Poztupimi für Potsdam mit unter den Eichen übersetzt werden könnte. Erst 1317 wurde die Ortschaft urkundlich als Postamp erwähnt und bekam im Jahr 1345 das Stadtrecht. Der Große Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm verhalf der Stadt zu mehr Glanz und... Read more

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Wien Sagen und Legenden by Lucas Edel
Wien Sagen und Legenden
Lucas Edel
Wien Sagen und Legenden by Lucas Edel

Wien Sagen und Legenden

By: Lucas Edel

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde Wien im Jahr 881 in den Salzburger Annalen. König Otto der Erste verhalf Österreich zu einer Blütezeit und bereits im 11. Jahrhundert wurde Wien zur Hauptstadt des Herzogtums. 1221 bekam Wien das Stadt- und Stapelrecht verliehen, dies ermöglichte der Stadt noch größere Handelsbeziehungen. Unter der Herrschaft... Read more

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Coming into the Country by John McPhee
Coming into the Country
John McPhee
Coming into the Country by John McPhee

Coming into the Country

By: John McPhee

Narrated by: Nelson Runger

Length: 16 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Coming into the Country is an unforgettable account of Alaska and Alaskans. It is a rich tapestry of vivid characters, observed landscapes, and descriptive narrative, in three principal segments that deal, respectively, with a total wilderness, with urban Alaska, and with life in the remoteness of the bush.

Readers of McPhee's earlier books will... Read more

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Un Amico Italiano by Luca Spaghetti
Un Amico Italiano
Luca Spaghetti
Un Amico Italiano by Luca Spaghetti

Un Amico Italiano

By: Luca Spaghetti

Narrated by: Edoardo Ballerini

Length: 5 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

"Luca Spaghetti is not only one of my favorite people in the world, but also a natural-born storyteller. . . . This [is a] marvelous book." -Elizabeth Gilbert

When Luca Spaghetti (yes, that's really his name) was asked to show a writer named Elizabeth Gilbert around Rome, he had no idea how his life was about to change. She embraced his Roman... Read more

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A Cat Abroad by Peter Gethers
A Cat Abroad
Peter Gethers
A Cat Abroad by Peter Gethers

A Cat Abroad

By: Peter Gethers

Narrated by: David Laundra

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

From the incomporable Peter Gethers comes true-life adventure featuring the author and his Scottish Fold feline, Norton-seasoned world-traveler and renowned ice-cream critic. Whether it is the trademark flattened ears of his breed or the personality quirks individual to Norton, this cat has an uncanny knack for attracting celebrity attention.... Read more

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The Lady and the Monk by Pico Iyer
The Lady and the Monk
Pico Iyer
The Lady and the Monk by Pico Iyer

The Lady and the Monk

By: Pico Iyer

Narrated by: Geoffrey Howard

Length: 10 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

When Pico Iyer decided to go to Kyoto and live in a monastery, he did so to learn about Zen Buddhism from the inside, to get to know Kyoto, one of the loveliest old cities in the world, and to find out something about Japanese culture today—not the world of businessmen and production lines, but the traditional world of changing seasons and the... Read more

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Behind the Scenes at the Museum of Baked Beans by Hunter Davies
Behind the Scenes at the Museum of Baked Beans
Hunter Davies
Behind the Scenes at the Museum of Baked Beans by Hunter Davies

Behind the Scenes at the Museum of Baked Beans

By: Hunter Davies

Narrated by: Richard Burnip

Length: 10 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

'I am fascinated by people turning their daft dreams into a reality. How did they do it and why?'

Driven by his own passion for collecting Hunter Davies has packed his notepad and set off in search of Britain's maddest museums. As he explores these hidden gems he soon discovers that they are everywhere and that they celebrate just about... Read more

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Las lagrimas del sol by Jose Maria Merino
Las lagrimas del sol
Jose Maria Merino
Las lagrimas del sol by Jose Maria Merino

Las lagrimas del sol

By: Jose Maria Merino

Narrated by: Luis Carlos De La Lombana

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Miguel Villace Yocotl, hijo de un conquistador espanol y de una india mexicana, emprende una nueva aventura, en compania de su padrino y de la india Lucia. Un viaje con destino a Peru, interrumpido en el Yucatan, le permitira recorrer "la tierra de los pavos y los venados," internarse en las viejas ciudades abandonadas que la selva ha invadido y... Read more

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Moby-Duck by Donovan Hohn
Donovan Hohn
Moby-Duck by Donovan Hohn


By: Donovan Hohn

Narrated by: Christopher Evan Welch

Length: 15 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Award-winning author Donovan Hohn's work has been featured in Harper's and New York Times Magazine. In Moby-Duck, Hohn investigates the curious incident of thousands of rubber ducky toys lost at sea in 2005. "This dazzles from start to finish."-Booklist, starred review Read more

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Dresdner Sagen und Legenden by Kristina Hammann
Dresdner Sagen und Legenden
Kristina Hammann
Dresdner Sagen und Legenden by Kristina Hammann

Dresdner Sagen und Legenden

By: Kristina Hammann

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Neue Ausgrabungen weisen auf eine Besiedlung des Elbtals durch die Slawen im 7. Jahrhundert hin. Dabei geht der Name auf das slawische Wort für Sumpfwald zurück. Um 929 von der Burg Meißen unterworfen, entwickelte sich die Stadtbevölkerung so geschwind, dass es zur Germanisierung und 1206 schließlich zur ersten urkundlichen Erwähnung von Dresden... Read more

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Radio Shangri-La by Lisa Napoli
Radio Shangri-La
Lisa Napoli
Radio Shangri-La by Lisa Napoli

Radio Shangri-La

By: Lisa Napoli

Narrated by: Lisa Napoli

Length: 7 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Lisa Napoli was in the grip of a crisis, dissatisfied with her life and her work as a radio journalist. When a chance encounter with a handsome stranger presented her with an opportunity to move halfway around the world, Lisa left behind cosmopolitan Los Angeles for a new adventure in the ancient Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan—said to be one of the... Read more

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Lübecker Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg
Lübecker Sagen und Legenden
Christine Giersberg
Lübecker Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg

Lübecker Sagen und Legenden

By: Christine Giersberg

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Liubice, die Liebliche, nannten Slawen den zu Zeiten Karls des Großen (748-814) gegründeten Ort, der auf der Altstadtinsel im Norden des heutigen Lübecks lag. 1143 verlieh Graf von Schauenburg und Holstein einer Siedlung, die etwa einen halben Kilometer entfernt von dem Ort Liubice auf dem Hügel Bucu lag das Stadtrecht und gab ihr den Namen... Read more

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Trier Sagen und Legenden by Erhard Schmied
Trier Sagen und Legenden
Erhard Schmied
Trier Sagen und Legenden by Erhard Schmied

Trier Sagen und Legenden

By: Erhard Schmied

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Das heutige Trier geht aus einer römischen Stadtgründung mit dem Namen Augusta Treverorum vor über 2000 Jahren hervor. Der Sage nach soll 1300 Jahre vor der Gründung Roms Trebeta, der Sohn des Königs Ninus, einen Ort an der Mosel mit dem Namen Treberis gegründet haben. Zur Zeit Konstantin des Großen wurden bedeutsame Bauwerke, wie die heutige... Read more

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Little Princes by Conor Grennan
Little Princes
Conor Grennan
Little Princes by Conor Grennan

Little Princes

By: Conor Grennan

Narrated by: Conor Grennan

Length: 9 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

“Funny, touching, tragic….A remarkable tale of corruption, child trafficking and civil war in a far away land—and one man’s extraordinary quest to reunite lost Nepalese children with their parents.”
—Neil White, author of In the Sanctuary of OutcastsLittle Princes is the epic story of Conor Grennan’s battle to save the lost children of Nepal and... Read more

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