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Chasing the Devil by Tim Butcher
Chasing the Devil
Tim Butcher
Chasing the Devil by Tim Butcher

Chasing the Devil

By: Tim Butcher

Narrated by: Nick McArdle

Length: 12 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

For many years Sierra Leone and Liberia have been too dangerous to travel through. With their wars officially over, Tim Butcher sets out on a journey across both countries, trekking for 350 miles through remote rainforest and malarial swamps, pursuing a trail blazed by Graham Greene in 1935. Weaving history and anthropology with personal... Read more

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Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Two Years Before the Mast
Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

Two Years Before the Mast

By: Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

Narrated by: Kirby Heyborne

Length: 17 hours

Abridged: No

Two Years Before the Mast is a book by the American author Richard Henry Dana, Jr., written after a two-year sea voyage starting in 1834 and published in 1840.

While at Harvard College, Dana had an attack of the measles that affected his vision. Thinking it might help his sight, Dana, rather than going on a Grand Tour as most of his fellow... Read more

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Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi
Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

Life on the Mississippi

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Michael Prichard

Length: 15 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

A brilliant amalgam of remembrance and reportage, by turns satiric, celebratory, nostalgic, and melancholy, Life on the Mississippi evokes the great river that Mark Twain knew as a boy and young man and the one he revisited as a mature and successful author. Written between the publication of his two greatest novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer... Read more

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Freiburger Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg
Freiburger Sagen und Legenden
Christine Giersberg
Freiburger Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg

Freiburger Sagen und Legenden

By: Christine Giersberg

Narrated by: Michael Nowack

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Freiburg im Breisgau ist die viertgrößte Stadt Baden-Württembergs und die südlichste Großstadt Deutschlands. Der mitten in der Altstadt gelegene Schlossberg blickt auf eine 2000jährige bewegte Geschichte zurück. Vermutlich errichteten schon die Römer hier einen Wachturm. Im 10. Jahrhundert erbauten die aus Schwaben stammenden Herzöge von... Read more

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Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi
Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

Life on the Mississippi

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Grover Gardner

Length: 13 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

The Mississippi River, known as “America’s river,” and Mark Twain are practically synonymous in American culture. The popularity of Twain’s steamboat and steamboat pilot on the ever-changing Mississippi has endured for over a century.A brilliant amalgam of remembrance and reportage, by turns satiric, celebratory, nostalgic, and melancholy, Life... Read more

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Two Years before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr.
Two Years before the Mast
Richard Henry Dana Jr.
Two Years before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr.

Two Years before the Mast

By: Richard Henry Dana Jr.

Narrated by: Bernard Mayes

Length: 16 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Richard Henry Dana referred to this book as "a voice from the sea." Influencing such authors as Conrad and Melville, it has become a maritime classic that has inflicted legions of men with a passion for the sea.Dana, a law student turned sailor for health reasons, sailed in 1834 on the brigPilgrimfor a voyage from Boston around Cape Horn to... Read more

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Venice by Peter Ackroyd
Peter Ackroyd
Venice by Peter Ackroyd


By: Peter Ackroyd

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 14 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

The Venetians' language and way of thinking set them aside from the rest of Italy. They are an island people, linked to the sea and to the tides rather than the land. This latest work from the incomparable Peter Ackroyd, like a magic gondola, transports its listeners to that sensual and surprising city.

His account embraces facts and romance,... Read more

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Düsseldorfer Sagen und Legenden by Nadine Boos
Düsseldorfer Sagen und Legenden
Nadine Boos
Düsseldorfer Sagen und Legenden by Nadine Boos

Düsseldorfer Sagen und Legenden

By: Nadine Boos

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Es war der 23. Mai 1159 als Papst Hadrian IV. verfügte, dass die Bewohner eines kleinen Dorfes einmal im Jahr fünf Schillinge an St. Ursula in Köln abzuführen hätten. Düsseldorf war damals klein, wirtschaftlich aber bereits von Bedeutung. Trotzdem einige Düsseldorfer das Fährrecht besaßen und auch ein Pfarrkirchlein ihr eigen nannten, stand das... Read more

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Underground London by Stephen Smith
Underground London
Stephen Smith
Underground London by Stephen Smith

Underground London

By: Stephen Smith

Narrated by: Karen Cass

Length: 11 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

What is visible to the naked eye has been exhaustively raked over; In UNDERGROUND LONDON, acclaimed travel writer Stephen Smith provides an alternative guide and history of the capital. It's a journey through the passages and tunnels of the city, the bunkers and tunnels, crypts and shadows. As well as being a contemporary tour of underground... Read more

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On The Slow Train by Michael Williams
On The Slow Train
Michael Williams
On The Slow Train by Michael Williams

On The Slow Train

By: Michael Williams

Narrated by: Michael Tudor Barnes

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

Never was the sadness of the end of an affair so poignantly expressed than in Flanders and Swann's elegy The Slow Train:

This audiobook will take the reader on the slow train to another era when travel meant more than hurrying from one place to the next, the journey meaning... Read more

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Travels in Siberia by Ian Frazier
Travels in Siberia
Ian Frazier
Travels in Siberia by Ian Frazier

Travels in Siberia

By: Ian Frazier

Narrated by: Ian Frazier

Length: 20 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

A Dazzling Russian travelogue from the bestselling author of Great Plains

In Travels in Siberia, Ian Frazier trains his eye for unforgettable detail on Siberia, that vast expanse of Asiatic Russia. He explores many aspects of this storied, often grim region, which takes up one-seventh of the land on earth. He writes about the geography, the... Read more

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The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux
The Great Railway Bazaar
Paul Theroux
The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux

The Great Railway Bazaar

By: Paul Theroux

Narrated by: Frank Muller

Length: 10 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

The Great Railway Bazaar is Paul Theroux's account of his epic journey by rail through Asia. Filled with evocative names of legendary train routes; the Direct-Orient Express, the Khyber Pass Local, the Delhi Mail from Jaipur, the Golden Arrow to Kuala Lumpur, the Hikari Super Express to Kyoto and the Trans-Siberian Express; it describes the many... Read more

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Karlsruher Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg
Karlsruher Sagen und Legenden
Christine Giersberg
Karlsruher Sagen und Legenden by Christine Giersberg

Karlsruher Sagen und Legenden

By: Christine Giersberg

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Blickt man aus der Vogelperspektive auf Karlsruhe, versteht man, warum Karlsruhe auch die Fächerstadt genannt wird. Vom Zentrum, dem Schlosse aus, streben 32 Straßen und Alleen strahlenförmig in alle Himmelsrichtungen. Das erste Stadtgebiet bildeten, einem Fächer gleich, die neun nach Süden laufenden Straßen. Mit dem Bau seiner neuen Residenz... Read more

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Zürcher Sagen und Legenden by Anja Lanz & Geraldine von Aarburch
Zürcher Sagen und Legenden
Anja Lanz & Geraldine von Aarburch
Zürcher Sagen und Legenden by Anja Lanz & Geraldine von Aarburch

Zürcher Sagen und Legenden

By: Anja Lanz & Geraldine von Aarburch

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Obwohl sich Kelten, Römer und Alemannen im heutigen Zürich niederließen, wuchs das Gebiet erst unter fränkischer Herrschaft im Mittelalter zu einer größeren Stadt heran. Vorher war Zürich ein Ort mit mehreren Zentren, bestehend aus Großmünster, Fraumünster, Peterskirche und der Pfalz. Das Privileg der Reichsunmittelbarkeit sicherte 1262 die... Read more

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One Man's Wilderness by Sam Keith & Richard Proenneke
One Man's Wilderness
Sam Keith & Richard Proenneke
One Man's Wilderness by Sam Keith & Richard Proenneke

One Man's Wilderness

By: Sam Keith & Richard Proenneke

Narrated by: Norman Dietz

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

To live in a pristine land unchanged by roam a wilderness through which few other humans have choose an idyllic site, cut trees and build a log be a self-sufficient craftsman, making what is needed from materials be not at odds with the world but content with one's own thoughts and company.

Thousands... Read more

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Deutschlandalbum by Axel Hacke
Axel Hacke
Deutschlandalbum by Axel Hacke


By: Axel Hacke

Narrated by: Axel Hacke

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ein schönes Buch über uns alle." So lobte der Bayerische Rundfunk das "Deutschlandalbum". Axel Hackes Idee war, ein Album über Deutschland anzulegen, mit Fotos und kleinen Geschichten, manchmal nur einem Satz oder einem Bild, wie man das ja auch mit der Familie tut Später schaut man alles an, lacht und staunt und ist gerührt und sagt:So war... Read more

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A Night to Remember by Walter Lord
A Night to Remember
Walter Lord
A Night to Remember by Walter Lord

A Night to Remember

By: Walter Lord

Narrated by: Fred Williams

Length: 5 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

The "unsinkable" Titanic was four city blocks long, with a French "sidewalk cafe," private promenade decks, and the latest, most ingenious safety devices—but only twenty lifeboats for the 2,207 passengers and crew on board.Gliding through a calm sea, disdainful of all obstacles, the Titanic brushed an iceberg. Two hours and forty minutes later,... Read more

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The Ice Cave by Lucy Jane Bledsoe
The Ice Cave
Lucy Jane Bledsoe
The Ice Cave by Lucy Jane Bledsoe

The Ice Cave

By: Lucy Jane Bledsoe

Narrated by: Carrington MacDuffie

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Gripping true adventure stories - from the Mojave to the Antarctic - reveal one woman's wild affair with the EarthFor Lucy Jane Bledsoe, wilderness had always been a source of peace. But during one disastrous solo trip in the wintry High Sierra she came face to face with a crisis: the wilderness no longer felt like home. The Ice Cave recounts... Read more

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In an Antique Land by Amitav Ghosh
In an Antique Land
Amitav Ghosh
In an Antique Land by Amitav Ghosh

In an Antique Land

By: Amitav Ghosh

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 9 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Once upon a time an Indian writer named Amitav Ghosh set out to find an Indian slave, name unknown, who some seven hundred years before had traveled to the Middle East. The journey took him to a small village in Egypt, where medieval customs coexist with twentieth-century desires and discontents. But even as Ghosh sought to re-create the life of... Read more

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Discovering America by Various
Discovering America
Discovering America by Various

Discovering America

By: Various

Narrated by: Robin Field

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

This fascinating historical introduction to the Americas, via their first voyagers, reads with all the excitement of a 21st century blockbuster film! From the gripping accounts of Norseman Leif “The Lucky” Ericsson’s journey to the “Vinland” with his treacherous sister, Freydis, to the exuberant letter from Columbus announcing his discovery to... Read more

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Amazing People of London by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of London
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of London by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of London

By: Charles Margerison

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

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Amazing People of New York by Charles Margerison
Amazing People of New York
Charles Margerison
Amazing People of New York by Charles Margerison

Amazing People of New York

By: Charles Margerison

Narrated by: Nicolas Bearde, Sarah Wintermeyer, J S Gilbert,...

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: No

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Blind Descent by James M. Tabor
Blind Descent
James M. Tabor
Blind Descent by James M. Tabor

Blind Descent

By: James M. Tabor

Narrated by: Don Leslie

Length: 9 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

The deepest cave on earth was a prize that had remained unclaimed for centuries, long after every other ultimate discovery had been made: both poles by 1912, Everest in 1958, the Challenger Deep in 1961. In 1969 we even walked on the moon. And yet as late as 2000, the earth’s deepest cave—the supercave—remained undiscovered. This is the story of... Read more

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How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley
How Did You Get This Number
Sloane Crosley
How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley

How Did You Get This Number

By: Sloane Crosley

Narrated by: Sloane Crosley

Length: 6 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

From the author of the sensational bestseller I Was Told There'd Be Cake comes a new book of personal essays brimming with all the charm and wit that have earned Sloane Crosley widespread acclaim, award nominations, and an ever-growing cadre of loyal fans. In Cake readers were introduced to the foibles of Crosley's life in New York City-always... Read more

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