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Magnificent Minds by Suzanne Goh, MD
Magnificent Minds
Suzanne Goh, MD
Magnificent Minds by Suzanne Goh, MD

Magnificent Minds

By: Suzanne Goh, MD

Narrated by: Suzanne Goh, MD

Length: 8 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

An essential primer based on a renowned new model of care that is comprehensive and research based, while honoring the uniqueness of every child

An estimated one in thirty-six children in the United States is diagnosed with autism. New research has shed light on the many factors that determine a child’s trajectory—but many parents are still... Read more

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The Opposite of Depression by David M. Carreon, MD
The Opposite of Depression
David M. Carreon, MD
The Opposite of Depression by David M. Carreon, MD

The Opposite of Depression

By: David M. Carreon, MD

Narrated by: Rob Vlock

Length: 8 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Stanford-trained psychiatrist David Carreon, MD, reveals what it takes to move from nagging disappointment, dissatisfaction, or depression to a life of thriving. One of the pioneers of the use of an intense form of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in severely depressed patients, Dr. Carreon was astonished by how quickly and dramatically... Read more

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Music and Mind by Renée Fleming
Music and Mind
Renée Fleming
Music and Mind by Renée Fleming

Music and Mind

By: Renée Fleming

Narrated by: Gina Daniels, Carin Gilfry, Patty Nieman, Cary ...

Length: 22 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

"This book inspires us all to immerse ourselves in the vast potential of music and other creative arts to heal our wounds, sharpen our minds, enliven our bodies, and restore our broken connections.” —Bessel van der Kolk, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Body Keeps the Score

World-renowned soprano and arts/health advocate Renée Fleming...
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Facing the Unseen by Damon Tweedy, M.D.
Facing the Unseen
Damon Tweedy, M.D.
Facing the Unseen by Damon Tweedy, M.D.

Facing the Unseen

By: Damon Tweedy, M.D.

Narrated by: Damon Tweedy, M.D.

Length: 9 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

This program is read by the author.

From the New York Times bestselling author of Black Man in a White Coat comes a powerful and urgent call to center psychiatry and mental health care into the mainstream of medicine

As much as we all might wish that mental health problems, with their elusive causes and unsettling behaviors, simply did not exist,... Read more

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LIT: Life Ignition Tools by Jeff Karp & Teresa Barker
LIT: Life Ignition Tools
Jeff Karp & Teresa Barker
LIT: Life Ignition Tools by Jeff Karp & Teresa Barker

LIT: Life Ignition Tools

By: Jeff Karp & Teresa Barker

Narrated by: Fred Sanders

Length: 11 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Radically simple experimental tools to help anyone tap into a high-energy brain state to fire up innovative potential and shape their lives with intention—by the founder of a Harvard biomedical engineering innovation lab.In an age of convenience and information overload, it’s easy to go through the motions, pressured, distracted, and seeking... Read more

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The Ritual Effect by Michael Norton
The Ritual Effect
Michael Norton
The Ritual Effect by Michael Norton

The Ritual Effect

By: Michael Norton

Narrated by: Michael Norton

Length: 5 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

In the bestselling tradition of Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit and Angela Duckworth’s Grit, a renowned social psychologist demonstrates how a subtle turning of habits into rituals can “clear a little space for everyday magic” (The Guardian) in our lives.

Our lives are filled with repetitive tasks meant to keep us on track—what we come to... Read more

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Stolz ein Mann zu sein - Dein Weg zur echten Männlichkeit by Raphael Kleine-Termeer
Stolz ein Mann zu sein - Dein Weg zur echten Männlichkeit
Raphael Kleine-Termeer
Stolz ein Mann zu sein - Dein Weg zur echten Männlichkeit by Raphael Kleine-Termeer

Stolz ein Mann zu sein - Dein Weg zur echten Männlichkeit

By: Raphael Kleine-Termeer

Narrated by: Raphael Kleine-Termeer

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Was bedeutet es heute ein Mann zu sein und worauf kommt es wirklich an? Muss der Mann von heute wirklich immer stark sein und keine Schwäche zeigen? Warum spielt unser Vater eine große Rolle für unsere Männlichkeit? In diesem kleinen Info Hörbuch bekommst du von mir alles wichtige zum Thema Männlichkeit zusammengefasst. Auf dem Weg zur... Read more

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Rhymes of Murder and Suicide by Raymond Sturgis
Rhymes of Murder and Suicide
Raymond Sturgis
Rhymes of Murder and Suicide by Raymond Sturgis

Rhymes of Murder and Suicide

By: Raymond Sturgis

Narrated by: Raul R. Holguin

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

"Mental health is not a disease but a disability in which its reality can become problematic for everyone without help. The mass shootings stem from individuals who have not been help or are off their medications to avert them from criminal activity. Suicides are high amongst our youth, due to depression and those that surround them fail or... Read more

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Message to a Woman by Timotheus Hakadosh
Message to a Woman
Timotheus Hakadosh
Message to a Woman by Timotheus Hakadosh

Message to a Woman

By: Timotheus Hakadosh

Narrated by: Tim Mirkin

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

"This audiobook is for women who need a bit of attention and motivation. Timotheus Hakadosh, message to a woman. Dedicated to my wife, Mrs Gift Hakadosh."
Narrated by Tim Mirkin
Please note - this audiobook is in English. Read more

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La Favola della Cometa Ken by Simone Terigi
La Favola della Cometa Ken
Simone Terigi
La Favola della Cometa Ken by Simone Terigi

La Favola della Cometa Ken

By: Simone Terigi

Narrated by: Simone Terigi

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Questa favola fa parte della collana "Il Regno delle Menti Unite" . Queste fiabe hanno lo scopo di suscitare nel lettore la formazione della coscienza e lo sviluppo della consapevolezza. Adatte per adulti e bambini. Un seme piantato con cura potrà germogliare negli anni a venire. Read more

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Altera tu vida by Emmet Fox
Altera tu vida
Emmet Fox
Altera tu vida by Emmet Fox

Altera tu vida

By: Emmet Fox

Narrated by: Javier Atmósfera

Length: 7 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

El audio libro "Altera tu Vida" de Emmet Fox es una guía revolucionaria que desafía las nociones preconcebidas sobre la infelicidad y el fracaso. Escrito en 1931, Fox ofrece una visión inspiradora y práctica para alcanzar el éxito, la salud y la prosperidad.
Alterar tu vida
Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis
El vínculo y la libertad
El... Read more

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Dark Psychology & Gaslighting by Relove Psychology
Dark Psychology & Gaslighting
Relove Psychology
Dark Psychology & Gaslighting by Relove Psychology

Dark Psychology & Gaslighting

By: Relove Psychology

Narrated by: Lauren Ingro

Length: 3 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

We all face conflicts, but what happens when things take a darker turn?
Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re being subjected to countless manipulations every single day. Yet, it can be hard to recognize. While some are obvious, others can be more devious.
Do you want to prepare and take control of your life? Or do you want to leave it to... Read more

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Protocoles d’Analyse Transgénérationnelle - Abridged by MOHAMMED MOUHSSINE
Protocoles d’Analyse Transgénérationnelle - Abridged
Protocoles d’Analyse Transgénérationnelle - Abridged by MOHAMMED MOUHSSINE

Protocoles d’Analyse Transgénérationnelle - Abridged


Narrated by: Mohammed Mouhssine & Bouchra Belkhou

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Protocoles d'Analyse TransgénérationnelleEnvie de comprendre votre passé familial ? Guérir les blessures familiales et se retrouver soiRetrouver les événements marquants vécus par ses ascendants, comprendre leur incidence sur son quotidien : les principes de base de la psycho généalogie sont mis ici à votre portée.Vous aiderez, en effet, les... Read more

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Aprenda a vencer los miedos en 100 páginas by Fedra Figueroa
Aprenda a vencer los miedos en 100 páginas
Fedra Figueroa
Aprenda a vencer los miedos en 100 páginas by Fedra Figueroa

Aprenda a vencer los miedos en 100 páginas

By: Fedra Figueroa

Narrated by: Mentes Narradoras

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos los individuos padecen miedo. Es una respuesta normal de los seres humanos ante los diferentes estímulos. El miedo ha sido responsable de la evolución de nuestra raza. Sin embargo, hoy estamos en condiciones de reconocer cuándo ese miedo se convierte en algo que nos detiene o nos impide llevar adelante nuestra vida con naturalidad en... Read more

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Empath and Narcissist by Alice Patel
Empath and Narcissist
Alice Patel
Empath and Narcissist by Alice Patel

Empath and Narcissist

By: Alice Patel

Narrated by: Bonnie Roger & Sam Logsdon

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you trapped in a narcissistic relationship and unsure how to break free and reclaim your sense of self?Narcissists and empaths can be the most toxic combination one can ever come across. An empath is a person with a strong need to feel compassion and empathy for others, with the grandiose ability to tune into others’ emotions. This makes... Read more

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Secret Manipulation Techniques by Leo Sanders
Secret Manipulation Techniques
Leo Sanders
Secret Manipulation Techniques by Leo Sanders

Secret Manipulation Techniques

By: Leo Sanders

Narrated by: Bonnie Rogers

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to learn to defend yourself against Mental Manipulation or do you want to learn easy how to use Dark Psychology to get what you want from people without them even knowing it?Would you like to become a master of psychological manipulation and use those skills to improve your life?Do you wish to develop skills to read a person and know... Read more

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Cómo saber si alguien miente by Ana Cuevas Unamuno
Cómo saber si alguien miente
Ana Cuevas Unamuno
Cómo saber si alguien miente by Ana Cuevas Unamuno

Cómo saber si alguien miente

By: Ana Cuevas Unamuno

Narrated by: Keymer Roa

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

El lenguaje no verbal, también llamado gestual o corporal, transmite mucha información más allá de las palabras. Se manifiesta en expresiones, señas, gestos y movimientos de las distintas partes del cuerpo. Conocer el idioma de los gestos es conocer al otro y a nosotros mismos.
¿A quién no le gustaría saber cuándo alguien le miente o lo... Read more

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Glaube, Liebe, Schreibe by Johanna Kramer
Glaube, Liebe, Schreibe
Johanna Kramer
Glaube, Liebe, Schreibe by Johanna Kramer

Glaube, Liebe, Schreibe

By: Johanna Kramer

Narrated by: Simone Scheuer

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Steckst du fest? Sehnst du dich nach mehr und stellst dir grundlegende Fragen wie 'Wer bin ich?' und 'Was will ich wirklich?' Ich war auch mal dort. Ich fühlte mich völlig fehl am Platz. Gefangen in einem Job, der mich nicht erfüllte, sehnte ich mich nach mehr Sinn und Kreativität in meinem Leben. Als meine Mutter schließlich an Krebs starb,... Read more

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Luto por perdas não legitimadas na atualidade by Gabriela Casellato
Luto por perdas não legitimadas na atualidade
Gabriela Casellato
Luto por perdas não legitimadas na atualidade by Gabriela Casellato

Luto por perdas não legitimadas na atualidade

By: Gabriela Casellato

Narrated by: Fernanda Moraes

Length: 9 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

A morte em si já constitui um grande tabu no mundo ocidental. O mesmo se pode dizer do luto, sobretudo quando ele não é visto como tal – são as chamadas perdas simbólicas e/ou ambíguas. Partindo dessa realidade, Gabriela Casellato reúne aqui textos fundamentais para compreender o assunto. Dividida em quatro partes – "Os lutos do ser", "Os lutos... Read more

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Narrated by: Eloise Wilson

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

"Sacred Intimacy" is a profound exploration of the spiritual dimensions woven into the fabric of human connection, providing a guide to transcending the physical and embracing a deeper, more meaningful level of intimacy. This transformative journey delves into the sacred aspects of love, inviting couples to cultivate a connection that nourishes... Read more

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O luto no século 21 by Maria Helena Pereira Franco
O luto no século 21
Maria Helena Pereira Franco
O luto no século 21 by Maria Helena Pereira Franco

O luto no século 21

By: Maria Helena Pereira Franco

Narrated by: Carla Dias

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Maior especialista em luto do Brasil e pioneira no tema em nosso país, Maria Helena Pereira Franco reúne aqui décadas de experiência no atendimento a pessoas enlutadas e na formação de profissionais que atuam nesse campo. Mais que isso, oferece um amplo panorama a respeito das teorias e pesquisas sobre luto, sempre se valendo do rigor científico... Read more

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Narrated by: Evan Brown

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

"ADHD Organizing Solutions" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals with ADHD to overcome organizational challenges and create an environment that promotes focus and productivity. Packed with practical strategies and tailored solutions, this book provides a roadmap for decluttering both your physical space and mental landscape,... Read more

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Disziplin – die Macht der Selbstkontrolle by Ryan Holiday
Disziplin – die Macht der Selbstkontrolle
Ryan Holiday
Disziplin – die Macht der Selbstkontrolle by Ryan Holiday

Disziplin – die Macht der Selbstkontrolle

By: Ryan Holiday

Narrated by: Michael J. Diekmann

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Inschrift auf dem Orakel von Delphi lautet: »Nichts im Übermaß«. Das ist leicht gesagt, aber schwer zu praktizieren – und wenn es schon 300 v. Chr. schwer war, so ist es heute fast unmöglich. Und doch ist die Selbstdisziplin die stärkste und wichtigste Tugend, die jeder von uns lernen kann. Ohne sie können wir unsere Lebensziele nicht... Read more

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You Owe You – das bist du dir schuldig by Eric Thomas
You Owe You – das bist du dir schuldig
Eric Thomas
You Owe You – das bist du dir schuldig by Eric Thomas

You Owe You – das bist du dir schuldig

By: Eric Thomas

Narrated by: Sebastian Pappenberger

Length: 8 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Motivationsguru Eric Thomas zeigt, wie man seine Kräfte bündelt, sein Leben selbst in die Hand nimmt und seine eigene Erfolgsstory schreibt. Vom obdachlosen Schulabbrecher zum weltbekannten Motivationsguru für Spitzensportler, Führungskräfte, Schauspielgrößen und Musiker – Eric Thomas weiß, wovon er spricht. Sein Credo: Jeder kann sich seiner... Read more

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