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What am I Missing? by Emma Reed Turrell
What am I Missing?
Emma Reed Turrell
What am I Missing? by Emma Reed Turrell

What am I Missing?

By: Emma Reed Turrell

Narrated by: Emma Reed Turrell

Length: 10 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

One of the UK’s best-loved psychotherapists reveals the blind spots that are clouding our judgement and affecting our relationships, and shares the tools to overcome them

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend or relative that’s hit a nerve and you can’t figure out why it bothered you so much? Over the course of... Read more

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Swamplands of the Soul by James Hollis
Swamplands of the Soul
James Hollis
Swamplands of the Soul by James Hollis

Swamplands of the Soul

By: James Hollis

Narrated by: Steve Owens

Length: 6 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Swamplands of the Soul Is the purpose of life to achieve happiness? Who does not long to arrive some distant day at that sunlit meadow where we may abide in pure contentment? in reality we know life is not like that: our road is often dreary, the way unclear. Much of the time we are lost in the dismal states of guilt, grief, betrayal, doubt,... Read more

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No facis muntanyes de grans de sorra (i TOT són grans de sorra) by Rafael Santandreu
No facis muntanyes de grans de sorra (i TOT són grans de sorra)
Rafael Santandreu
No facis muntanyes de grans de sorra (i TOT són grans de sorra) by Rafael Santandreu

No facis muntanyes de grans de sorra (i TOT són grans de sorra)

By: Rafael Santandreu

Narrated by: Xavi Casan Casan & Rafael Santandreu

Length: 8 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Com fer servir la ment a favor propi per aconseguir els teus objectius i ser plenament feliç. De l'autor del best-seller L'art de no amargar-se la vida La teràpia que ha transformat milions de persones. Una nova mentalitat que farà que cada dia et sentis més content, que no t'enfadis per coses sense importància i que gaudeixis d'una gran... Read more

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Abraza a la niña que fuiste by Marta Segrelles
Abraza a la niña que fuiste
Marta Segrelles
Abraza a la niña que fuiste by Marta Segrelles

Abraza a la niña que fuiste

By: Marta Segrelles

Narrated by: Marta Segrelles

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubre el poder sanador de abrazar a la niña que fuiste «Este libro es un bálsamo para las heridas del alma»
María Esclapez, autora de Me quiero, te quiero y Tú eres tu lugar seguro ¿Qué tiene que ver mi infancia con las cosas que siento ahora? ¿De qué manera mis experiencias en esos años se relacionan con mi malestar actual? Y, sobre todo,... Read more

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No hagas montañas de granos de arena (y TODO son granos de arena) by Rafael Santandreu
No hagas montañas de granos de arena (y TODO son granos de arena)
Rafael Santandreu
No hagas montañas de granos de arena (y TODO son granos de arena) by Rafael Santandreu

No hagas montañas de granos de arena (y TODO son granos de arena)

By: Rafael Santandreu

Narrated by: Rafa Parra & Rafael Santandreu

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Por el autor del best seller El arte de no amargarse la vida. La terapia que ha transformado a millones de personas. Una nueva mentalidad que hará que te sientas cada día más contento, que no te enfades por pequeñeces y que goces de una gran autoestima. Este libro incluye capítulos especiales para:- Combatir el sobrepeso con facilidad.
-... Read more

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Die 7 Glücksbausteine der positiven Psychologie für ein erfülltes Leben: Grübeln stoppen - Gelassenheit - Positives Denken - Gewohnheiten ändern - Ängste besiegen - Selbstbewusstsein - Resilienz by Elsa Dabrowski
Die 7 Glücksbausteine der positiven Psychologie für ein erfülltes Leben: Grübeln stoppen - Gelassenheit - Positives Denken - Gewohnheiten ändern - Ängste besiegen - Selbstbewusstsein - Resilienz
Elsa Dabrowski
Die 7 Glücksbausteine der positiven Psychologie für ein erfülltes Leben: Grübeln stoppen - Gelassenheit - Positives Denken - Gewohnheiten ändern - Ängste besiegen - Selbstbewusstsein - Resilienz by Elsa Dabrowski

Die 7 Glücksbausteine der positiven Psychologie für ein erfülltes Leben: Grübeln stoppen - Gelassenheit - Positives Denken - Gewohnheiten ändern - Ängste besiegen - Selbstbewusstsein - Resilienz

By: Elsa Dabrowski

Narrated by: Mandy Linz

Length: 7 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Positive Psychologie: Mit 7 unkomplizierten und alltagstauglichen Bausteinen zu Glück, Zufriedenheit und Resilienz Unheil vermeiden, Krankheiten bekämpfen, Probleme beheben: Das ist die übliche Herangehensweise von Medizin und Psychologie im Dienste unseres Wohlbefindens. Doch warum die Sache nicht einmal von der guten Seite betrachten? Genau... Read more

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The Mind In The Making by James Harvey Robinson
The Mind In The Making
James Harvey Robinson
The Mind In The Making by James Harvey Robinson

The Mind In The Making

By: James Harvey Robinson

Narrated by: Andrew Jackson

Length: 4 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Mind in the Making" is a seminal work by James Harvey Robinson, first published in 1921. In this book, Robinson explores the development of the human mind, its evolution, and the factors that shape individual perception and understanding. He delves into various aspects of cognition, including critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, and... Read more

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Querida mamá: me dueles by Marta Segrelles
Querida mamá: me dueles
Marta Segrelles
Querida mamá: me dueles by Marta Segrelles

Querida mamá: me dueles

By: Marta Segrelles

Narrated by: Marta Segrelles

Length: 6 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Marta Segrelles, psicóloga y autora de Abraza a la niña que fuiste, vuelve con un libro muy especial para sanar las heridas de la infancia que más huella dejan: las que están presentes en la relación con nuestra madre. Da voz a la niña que fuiste en tu relación madre-hija y haz las paces con tu presente. ¿Tu relación con tu madre no es la que... Read more

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Simple Words for Troubled Times by Ronen Groves
Simple Words for Troubled Times
Ronen Groves
Simple Words for Troubled Times by Ronen Groves

Simple Words for Troubled Times

By: Ronen Groves

Narrated by: Catherine Bilson

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

The world we know has turned upside-down.   Everything we've taken for granted changed before there was time to take stock. We have to adjust. To adapt. To survive.   For some this brings a sense of helplessness. Others feel grief and anger. All of us are affected.   Simple Words for Troubled Times is written from the heart to help you find... Read more

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Narrated by: CARPE DIEM

Length: 4 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you tired of feeling insecure in personal and professional relationships? Do you feel trapped by your emotions, eager to transform your life but unsure where to start? "Emotional Dependence" is the answer you've been searching for. Confront the reality of insecurity and personal empowerment as you explore the roots of emotional insecurity... Read more

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Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida by Marian Rojas Estapé
Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida
Marian Rojas Estapé
Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida by Marian Rojas Estapé

Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida

By: Marian Rojas Estapé

Narrated by: Teresa Fernández

Length: 12 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Cómo rescatar la atención perdida en un mundo distraído e hiperconectado. Cada vez somos más impacientes y estamos más irritables. ¿Notas que te cuesta más prestar atención? ¿Has sentido ansiedad últimamente? ¿Toleras peor el aburrimiento y el dolor? Vivimos en la era de la gratificación instantánea, en la cultura de la inmediatez y las... Read more

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Sueños by Sasha
Sueños by Sasha


By: Sasha

Narrated by: Dalia Ge

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

La interpretación de los sueños es un tema que ha desvelado a la humanidad desde tiempos inmemoriales. A veces nuestros sueños son extraños, difíciles de descifrar. Pero lo que no sabemos es que pudiendo interpretarlos, contamos con la posibilidad de cambiar el rumbo de nuestras vidas.
La clasificación, los simbolismos, los sueños en la... Read more

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Disconnect by Open Boundaries
Open Boundaries
Disconnect by Open Boundaries


By: Open Boundaries

Narrated by: Open Boundaries

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Chapter 6 - Disconnect - Disconnect is about the psychological action of disconnecting from everything that influences you in a negative manner. To not listen to the thoughts and voices of others who begin to steer your life, but instead, to focus on what you want and what you believe in. In short, it is the disconnection from outside... Read more

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Todo o Nada en AA by Oslos Molina
Todo o Nada en AA
Oslos Molina
Todo o Nada en AA by Oslos Molina

Todo o Nada en AA

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Todo o Nada?La aceptación y la fe pueden producir un cien por ciento de sobriedad. De hecho, por lo general lo hacen; y tienen que hacerlo, si no, no podríamos tener vida alguna. Sin embargo, en cuanto tratamos de aplicar estas actitudes a nuestros problemas emocionales, nos damos cuenta de que sólo se pueden lograr resultados relativos. Por... Read more

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The Classic Collection of Soren Kierkegaard by Soren Kierkegaard
The Classic Collection of Soren Kierkegaard
Soren Kierkegaard
The Classic Collection of Soren Kierkegaard by Soren Kierkegaard

The Classic Collection of Soren Kierkegaard

By: Soren Kierkegaard

Narrated by: Mark Bowen & Peter Coates

Length: 15 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish theologian, philosopher, poet, social critic, and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher.
He wrote critical texts on organized religion, Christianity, morality, ethics, psychology, and the philosophy of religion, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony, and parables.... Read more

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Vivir sin miedos by Dra Romin
Vivir sin miedos
Dra Romin
Vivir sin miedos by Dra Romin

Vivir sin miedos

By: Dra Romin

Narrated by: Albert Frank

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos los individuos padecemos miedo. Es un comportamiento normal. Es una respuesta natural de los seres humanos ante los diferentes estímulos. Como veremos, el miedo ha sido responsable de la evolución de nuestra raza. Sin embargo, hoy estamos en condiciones de reconocer cuándo ese miedo se convierte en algo que nos detiene o nos impide... Read more

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Think This, Not That by Dr. Josh Axe
Think This, Not That
Dr. Josh Axe
Think This, Not That by Dr. Josh Axe

Think This, Not That

By: Dr. Josh Axe

Narrated by: Josh Axe, Jon Gordon, Donald Miller, Erwin McMa...

Length: 9 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Instant New York Times Bestseller Unlock your potential by cultivating self-awareness and curating a fulfilling life full of self-improvement, emotional intelligence, and a growth mindset. Leadership expert and entrepreneur Dr. Josh Axe teaches 12 revolutionary mindshift transformations to beat the grind and reach the life you've always wanted.... Read more

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The Wisdom of Wildness by Ren Hurst
The Wisdom of Wildness
Ren Hurst
The Wisdom of Wildness by Ren Hurst

The Wisdom of Wildness

By: Ren Hurst

Narrated by: Ren Hurst

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

• Explores 13 principles of unconditional love for addressing the trauma of domestication, healing relationships, and restoring deep connection to the inner guidance of your wild soul

• Explains the nature of trauma from the perspective of emotional development

• Provides experiential practices for the cultivation of authentic relationships that... Read more

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An Autobiography of Trauma by Peter A. Levine
An Autobiography of Trauma
Peter A. Levine
An Autobiography of Trauma by Peter A. Levine

An Autobiography of Trauma

By: Peter A. Levine

Narrated by: Christopher Salazar

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

• Shares the author’s personal journey to heal his severe childhood trauma as well as his breakthroughs on the path to create Somatic Experiencing

• Explores how he came to view Einstein as his personal spirit guide and mentor, only to discover a profound real-life connection to him through his mother

• Explains how the SE method is derived from... Read more

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How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology by Leo Sanders
How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology
Leo Sanders
How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology by Leo Sanders

How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology

By: Leo Sanders

Narrated by: Bonnier Rogers

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to learn body language basics, detect manipulative and toxic people?Do you often feel people take advantage of you or control you in order to "help you"?What do they think? How do they feel? Are they lying?Have you always wanted to learn about dark psychology, but you never knew where to begin? Are you interested in how these... Read more

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The Unfiltered Enneagram by Elizabeth Orr
The Unfiltered Enneagram
Elizabeth Orr
The Unfiltered Enneagram by Elizabeth Orr

The Unfiltered Enneagram

By: Elizabeth Orr

Narrated by: Elizabeth Orr

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

From Instagram’s snarkiest Enneagram expert comes a hilarious and insightful book that shows how embracing our shadow side is our best path toward greater self-awareness and compassion.

Most Enneagram books focus on stroking ego rather than challenging it. Elizabeth Orr’s The Unfiltered Enneagram offers practical strategies for liberating... Read more

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The Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder by Holly A. Swartz, MD
The Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder
Holly A. Swartz, MD
The Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder by Holly A. Swartz, MD

The Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder

By: Holly A. Swartz, MD

Narrated by: Carrie Coello

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

If you have bipolar disorder, you may be especially vulnerable to changes in circadian rhythms. If you've ever had low energy during the day, but couldn't sleep at night, you've experienced a dysregulated body clock. You've also likely experienced the myriad negative physical and mental consequences of out-of-sync circadian rhythms. So, how do... Read more

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Delusion and Mass Delusion by Joost A. M. Meerloo
Delusion and Mass Delusion
Joost A. M. Meerloo
Delusion and Mass Delusion by Joost A. M. Meerloo

Delusion and Mass Delusion

By: Joost A. M. Meerloo

Narrated by: John Riddle

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

"Delusion and Mass Delusion" by Joost A. M. Meerloo is a seminal work that dissects the intricate psychology behind individual and collective delusions. Published in 1949, this insightful book delves into the mechanisms through which manipulation, propaganda, and coercion can sway individuals and entire societies into embracing false beliefs and... Read more

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Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Elena Jinkins
Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
Elena Jinkins
Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Elena Jinkins

Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

By: Elena Jinkins

Narrated by: Lisa Daley

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

"Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" offers a powerful insight into the challenging and often painful experiences of growing up under the shadow of a narcissistic mother. This audiobook serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the complexities of narcissism, its developmental roots, and the profound impact it has on daughters... Read more

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