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Madness by Antonia Hylton
Antonia Hylton
Madness by Antonia Hylton


By: Antonia Hylton

Narrated by: Antonia Hylton

Length: 11 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

In the tradition of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, a page-turning 93-year history of Crownsville Hospital, one of the nation’s last segregated asylums, told by an award-winning journalist on her decade-long search for sanity in America’s mental healthcare system. 

On a cold day in March of 1911, officials marched twelve Black men into the... Read more

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The Adventure by Steve Taylor
The Adventure
Steve Taylor
The Adventure by Steve Taylor

The Adventure

By: Steve Taylor

Narrated by: Kern Schmid

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Step-by-step practices for cultivating spiritual awakening, from a renowned spiritual psychologist who has studied the phenomenon in hundreds of people and experienced it himself

Steve Taylor has devoted his life to investigating spiritual awakening. In his books The Leap and Extraordinary Awakenings, he discussed case histories of dozens of... Read more

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Ungehindert (Ungekürzt) by Anat Baniel
Ungehindert (Ungekürzt)
Anat Baniel
Ungehindert (Ungekürzt) by Anat Baniel

Ungehindert (Ungekürzt)

By: Anat Baniel

Narrated by: Hannah Baus

Length: 9 hours

Abridged: No

Besondere Kinder brauchen besondere Eltern. In diesem Buch erfährst du, wie du die Entwicklung deines Kindes durch einfache und wirkungsvolle Methoden fördern kannst. Jedes Kind kann lernen und sich verbessern - unabhängig von seiner Diagnose. Fang am besten gleich an, und hilf deinem Kind dabei, sein volles Potential zu erreichen und über seine... Read more

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Build the Best Mental Version of Youself by KR Goswami
Build the Best Mental Version of Youself
KR Goswami
Build the Best Mental Version of Youself by KR Goswami

Build the Best Mental Version of Youself

By: KR Goswami

Narrated by: Millian Quinteros

Length: 1 hour 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Building the Best Mental Version of Yourself, Embrace Resilience, Master Your Mind, and Create Your Ultimate Self is written by KR Goswami Read more

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Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions by Charles Mackay
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions
Charles Mackay
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions by Charles Mackay

Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions

By: Charles Mackay

Narrated by: Jason Smith (Male Synthesized Voice)

Length: 9 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

"Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" is a classic work written by Charles Mackay, first published in 1841. The book explores various historical instances of mass hysteria, irrational behavior, and financial manias. Mackay delves into the psychology of crowds and examines cases such as the South Sea Bubble, the... Read more

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By: N. B. SHAW

Narrated by: DOUG HAYNIE

Length: 4 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Over the years, my research and experience helped me to gain a new perspective on the wall that ADHD builds around a child. What we do not talk about enough is the fact that it takes not only the parents, but a well-crafted support system made up of both family members and professionals to pull this wall down. Being the parent of a child with... Read more

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El camino indirecto a AA by Oslos Molina
El camino indirecto a AA
Oslos Molina
El camino indirecto a AA by Oslos Molina

El camino indirecto a AA

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos los miembros mencionan el "proceso de transitar por los 12 pasos" como uno de los pilares del programa de AA. El primero de esos pasos, publicado cuatro años después de la fundación de la entidad, dice: "Admitimos que éramos impotentes ante el alcohol, que nuestras vidas se habían vuelto ingobernables Read more

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La honradez by Bill W.
La honradez
Bill W.
La honradez by Bill W.

La honradez

By: Bill W.

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

La honestidad, hablar y actuar con sinceridad, es más que no mentir, engañar, robar o hacer trampas. Implica mostrar respeto hacia los demás y tener integridad y conciencia de sí mismo. Read more

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Every Day Counts : The Power of Small Steps to Greatness by Malik LEFFAD
Every Day Counts : The Power of Small Steps to Greatness
Every Day Counts : The Power of Small Steps to Greatness by Malik LEFFAD

Every Day Counts : The Power of Small Steps to Greatness

By: Malik LEFFAD

Narrated by: Carter

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

In a world where everything seems to move at top speed, where instantaneity is king, this book is a breath of fresh air for all those who seek to grow and evolve at their own pace. "Every Day Matters" is much more than a simple guide to personal development: it's an invitation to rediscover the power of small gestures, daily decisions, and the... Read more

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C.G. Jung


By: C.G. Jung

Narrated by: Matthew Schmitz

Length: 4 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Altrusian Grace Media and narrated by Matthew Schmitz. Jung's primary concern in Flying Saucers is not with the reality or unreality of UFOs but with their psychic aspect. Rather than speculate about their possible nature and extraterrestrial origin as alleged spacecraft, he asks what it may signify that these phenomena,... Read more

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Lo que no te contaron acerca del autismo by ALEXIA RATTAZZI
Lo que no te contaron acerca del autismo
Lo que no te contaron acerca del autismo by ALEXIA RATTAZZI

Lo que no te contaron acerca del autismo


Narrated by: Claudia R Barrett

Length: 10 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Un popurrí de temas provocador, creativo, innovador, pero sobre todo portante de un mensaje de esperanza, optimismo y profundo respeto por la diversidad. Estamos convencidos de que la respuesta a muchas de nuestras preguntas se encuentra en la riqueza de la diversidad de miradas y en la co-construcción colectiva. Y que entre todos podemos... Read more

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John Munford


By: John Munford

Narrated by: Salvador Marini

Length: 9 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos hemos tenido que lidiar con el comportamiento perturbador de otras personas en nuestras vidas. Ya sea un cliente exigente, un amigo que miente constantemente o un compañero de trabajo que no para de quejarse, estas cosas aumentan el estrés de un estilo de vida ya de por sí agitado. Dicho esto, haciendo honor a su nombre, las personas... Read more

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The Overlife by Diana Dirkby
The Overlife
Diana Dirkby
The Overlife by Diana Dirkby

The Overlife

By: Diana Dirkby

Narrated by: Wendy Moman

Length: 7 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

The author of this book, Diana Dirkby, is an Australian-born research mathematician who lives with paranoid schizophrenia, a severe brain disorder, as did her mother. The title, “The Overlife,” suggests that a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be the beginning of a new, worthwhile life and not simply the death of the hopes and dreams that preceded... Read more

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Este asunto del miedo by Bill W.
Este asunto del miedo
Bill W.
Este asunto del miedo by Bill W.

Este asunto del miedo

By: Bill W.

Narrated by: Oslos molina

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Qué es el miedo? El miedo es una emoción natural que se caracteriza por experimentar una sensación desagradable e intensa ante la percepción de un peligro real o imaginario Read more

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¿ Como practicar el 11º paso de AA? by Oslos Molina
¿ Como practicar el 11º paso de AA?
Oslos Molina
¿ Como practicar el 11º paso de AA? by Oslos Molina

¿ Como practicar el 11º paso de AA?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Buscamos a través de la oración y la meditación mejorar nuestro contacto consciente con Dios, como nosotros lo concebimos, pidiéndole solamente que nos dejase conocer su voluntad para con nosotros y nos diese la fortaleza para cumplirla. Read more

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TDAH: cómo mejorar tu atención, motivación y autocontrol con ejercicios sencillos y divertidos by Juanjo Ramos
TDAH: cómo mejorar tu atención, motivación y autocontrol con ejercicios sencillos y divertidos
Juanjo Ramos
TDAH: cómo mejorar tu atención, motivación y autocontrol con ejercicios sencillos y divertidos by Juanjo Ramos

TDAH: cómo mejorar tu atención, motivación y autocontrol con ejercicios sencillos y divertidos

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Notas que te cuesta concentrarte en lo que haces? ¿Sientes la motivación y la frustración con frecuencia? ¿Te gustaría tener más autocontrol y confianza en ti? Si has respondido sí a alguna de estas preguntas, este libro es justo lo que buscabas.
El TDAH (Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad) es un trastorno que afecta a muchas... Read more

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Shadow Work and Healing the Inner Child: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side and Restoring the Wounded Soul Within by Mari Silva
Shadow Work and Healing the Inner Child: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side and Restoring the Wounded Soul Within
Mari Silva
Shadow Work and Healing the Inner Child: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side and Restoring the Wounded Soul Within by Mari Silva

Shadow Work and Healing the Inner Child: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side and Restoring the Wounded Soul Within

By: Mari Silva

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 6 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Two manuscripts in one audiobook: Shadow Work: A Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side for Spiritual Awakening Healing the Inner Child: How You Can Begin to Heal the Wounded Soul Within Using Meditation, Awareness, Journaling, and More In this audiobook, you will: Discover what the shadow means Learn about the fact that you’ve got a shadow tailing... Read more

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The DBT Skills Workbook for Teens and Parents: A Comprehensive Guide with 100+ Activities to Cultivate Emotional Resilience, Foster Awareness, and Build Strong Coping Skills as a Family by Joss Reed
The DBT Skills Workbook for Teens and Parents: A Comprehensive Guide with 100+ Activities to Cultivate Emotional Resilience, Foster Awareness, and Build Strong Coping Skills as a Family
Joss Reed
The DBT Skills Workbook for Teens and Parents: A Comprehensive Guide with 100+ Activities to Cultivate Emotional Resilience, Foster Awareness, and Build Strong Coping Skills as a Family by Joss Reed

The DBT Skills Workbook for Teens and Parents: A Comprehensive Guide with 100+ Activities to Cultivate Emotional Resilience, Foster Awareness, and Build Strong Coping Skills as a Family

By: Joss Reed

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 3 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Two manuscripts in one audiobook: DBT Skills Workbook for Teens: 101 Engaging Exercises and Activities for Handling Difficult Emotions, Increasing Awareness, and Enhancing Coping Skills The DBT Skills Workbook for Parents of Teens: The Ultimate Guide to Help Your Teen Manage Difficult Emotions, Increase Awareness, and Strengthen Coping Skills In... Read more

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Reason to Be Happy by Kaushik Basu
Reason to Be Happy
Kaushik Basu
Reason to Be Happy by Kaushik Basu

Reason to Be Happy

By: Kaushik Basu

Narrated by: Esh Alladi

Length: 5 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

Why do our friends have more friends than we do? Can simple maths help us with our self-esteem? And how can game theory offer solutions to the climate emergency?

When we reason well, it is easier to be happy (and good and also, you know, right). But when dealing with others, it's not enough to be clever - you must be... Read more

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La razón por la cual fuiste escogido by Oslos Molina
La razón por la cual fuiste escogido
Oslos Molina
La razón por la cual fuiste escogido by Oslos Molina

La razón por la cual fuiste escogido

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

LA RAZON POR LA CUAL FUISTE ESCOGIDO.Dios en su infinita sabiduría, seleccionó este grupo de hombres y mujeres para ser los portadores de este fenómeno. El no se dirigió al orgulloso, al poderoso, al famoso o al encumbrado. El fue directo al humilde, al enfermo, al infortunado. El fue directo al borrachín llamado la " vergüenza del... Read more

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Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition by Sarah Hendrickx & Jess Hendrickx
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition
Sarah Hendrickx & Jess Hendrickx
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition by Sarah Hendrickx & Jess Hendrickx

Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition

By: Sarah Hendrickx & Jess Hendrickx

Narrated by: Lucie McNeil

Length: 12 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Comprehensive overview of autism in females with lived experience accounts and latest research.

The difference that being female makes to the diagnosis, life and experiences of an autistic person is hugely significant. In this widely expanded second edition, Sarah Hendrickx combines the latest research with personal stories from girls and women... Read more

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Reclaiming You by Abby Rawlinson
Reclaiming You
Abby Rawlinson
Reclaiming You by Abby Rawlinson

Reclaiming You

By: Abby Rawlinson

Narrated by: Abby Rawlinson

Length: 5 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

An empowering, practical guide to the tools of therapy you need to know.

From integrative therapist, Abby Rawlinson (@therapywithabby), comes a real-world companion to improving your mental health. Looking at the most common ways we self-sabotage both at home and at work, Abby guides us on a journey to reconnect with... Read more

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El problema mental del problema by Oslos Molina
El problema mental del problema
Oslos Molina
El problema mental del problema by Oslos Molina

El problema mental del problema

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

La enfermedad o el trastorno mental es una alteración sostenida de tipo emocional, cognitiva y/o de comportamiento, en que quedan afectados procesos psicológicos básicos como la emoción, la motivación, la cognición, la conciencia, la conducta, la percepción, la sensación, el aprendizaje, el lenguaje, etc. Estos síntomas dificultan que la persona... Read more

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ACT for Burnout by Debbie Sorensen
ACT for Burnout
Debbie Sorensen
ACT for Burnout by Debbie Sorensen

ACT for Burnout

By: Debbie Sorensen

Narrated by: Lauryn Allman

Length: 10 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

"I know what it's like to care deeply about my work and yet feel utterly exhausted by it."

Burnout is more widespread than ever before, and it's time to do something about it.

Rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), this book delves into the systemic, cultural, and economic contexts that contribute to burnout, and gives you the tools to... Read more

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