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Imitation by Naomi Van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, Liesbeth Mann & Bertjan Doosje
Naomi Van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, Liesbeth Ma...
Imitation by Naomi Van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, Liesbeth Mann & Bertjan Doosje


By: Naomi Van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, Liesbeth Ma...

Narrated by: Lianne Walker

Length: 5 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Imitation: The Basics is an engaging introduction to the topic of imitation behavior in humans, providing a summary of existing scientific research on imitation, covering everything from examples of imitation across each developmental stage to animal imitation such as monkeys imitating each other.

The authors argue that imitation forms the... Read more

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The Essential Guide to Personal Finance for Teens and College Students by Joshua Rivedal
The Essential Guide to Personal Finance for Teens and College Students
Joshua Rivedal
The Essential Guide to Personal Finance for Teens and College Students by Joshua Rivedal

The Essential Guide to Personal Finance for Teens and College Students

By: Joshua Rivedal

Narrated by: Joshua Rivedal

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock Financial Freedom as a Young Adult!Discover Life-Changing Hacks to Eliminate Money-Stress and Build Wealth for Your Future!Are you tired of feeling lost when it comes to money? Overwhelmed by where to begin, student loans, and the mysterious world of finance? Get ready to break free from the shackles of money-stress and embark on a... Read more

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Heilung für dein inneres Kind by D. Werner
Heilung für dein inneres Kind
D. Werner
Heilung für dein inneres Kind by D. Werner

Heilung für dein inneres Kind

By: D. Werner

Narrated by: Nils Wittrock

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Menschen haben konkrete Bedürfnisse: sich zugehörig, geliebt und verstanden fühlen, Geborgenheit, Anerkennung, Nähe und Schutz erfahren. Wenn diese kindlichen Bedürfnisse nicht oder nur ungenügend gesehen werden, dann streben sie auch dann nach Erfüllung, wenn wir längst erwachsen sind. Wir tragen dann als Erwachsene ein verletztes Kind in... Read more

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Das innere Kind by D. Werner
Das innere Kind
D. Werner
Das innere Kind by D. Werner

Das innere Kind

By: D. Werner

Narrated by: Matthias Ubert

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Jeder Mensch hat eine Sehnsucht danach geliebt und akzeptiert zu werden. Doch einige Erfahrungen im Leben lassen das Selbstvertrauen erschüttern, was Auswirkungen auf viele Lebensbereiche hat.Unsere Persönlichkeit entwickelt sich oft in eine Richtung, die wir uns nicht wünschen. Als Erwachsene haben wir die Aufgabe und die Möglichkeit, mit... Read more

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ADHD Raising an explosive Child: by vanessa blaire
ADHD Raising an explosive Child:
vanessa blaire
ADHD Raising an explosive Child: by vanessa blaire

ADHD Raising an explosive Child:

By: vanessa blaire

Narrated by: Shawntay Fiels

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you finding parenting your ADHD child a struggle?Is your child finding it difficult to focus on tasks, organize themselves or even interact with peers in social spaces?Are you looking for ways to improve your child’s quality of life, and enjoy a cordial parent-child relationship with him or her? Parenting can be a hard job to start with, and... Read more

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لماذا لم يخبرني أحد بهذا من قبل؟ by جولي سميث
لماذا لم يخبرني أحد بهذا من قبل؟
جولي سميث
لماذا لم يخبرني أحد بهذا من قبل؟ by جولي سميث

لماذا لم يخبرني أحد بهذا من قبل؟

By: جولي سميث

Narrated by: نور علام

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

«الأفكار ليست حقائق. إنها اقتراحات يقدمها لنا العقل لمساعدتنا على فهم العالم». يضم كتاب «لماذا لم يخبرني أحد بهذا من قبل؟» مجموعة من أفضل النصائح العملية للدكتورة «جولي سميث» أخصائية علم النفس الإكلينيكي ببريطانيا، لمكافحة القلق والاكتئاب. وتقترح من خلاله أن نحدد قيمنا ومن نريد أن نصبحه ثم نحلل أفكارنا وسلوكياتنا لمعرفة ما إذا كنا نسير في... Read more

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Clara Lucas


By: Clara Lucas

Narrated by: Elmer Bowman

Length: 2 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

"Emotional Intelligence 2.0" is a comprehensive guide to developing and enhancing one's emotional intelligence skills. The book offers practical strategies and techniques for understanding and managing emotions, improving communication, and building stronger relationships. With a focus on practicality, the book provides readers with tools they... Read more

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Evidencia de un milagro by Oslos Molina
Evidencia de un milagro
Oslos Molina
Evidencia de un milagro by Oslos Molina

Evidencia de un milagro

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Un milagro es un acontecimiento extraordinario causado por el poder de Dios. Los milagros representan un elemento importante en la obra de Jesucristo. Incluyen las sanidades, la restauración de la vida a los muertos y la resurrección. Los milagros forman parte del evangelio de Jesucristo. Read more

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Control Your Inner Conversations - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation by Neville Goddard
Control Your Inner Conversations - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation
Neville Goddard
Control Your Inner Conversations - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation by Neville Goddard

Control Your Inner Conversations - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation

By: Neville Goddard

Narrated by: Deborah Schmidt

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Want to unfold your full potential, in record time, with a minimum of effort? Then unlock the profound teachings of Neville Goddard in this powerful Special Edition of "Control Your Inner Conversations," a timeless lecture that delves into the transformative power of our thoughts. More specifically, taking charge of your inner dialog. Now,... Read more

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Workbook: No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz) by Alice Moore & Liam Daniels
Workbook: No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz)
Alice Moore & Liam Daniels
Workbook: No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz) by Alice Moore & Liam Daniels

Workbook: No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz)

By: Alice Moore & Liam Daniels

Narrated by: Graham Lincoln

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Note: This audiobook is included (for free) inside its respective print and e-book versions.When we think about our identity or Self, we often think about it as a single entity. However, having one brain doesn’t imply having only one mind, and truth be told, isn’t it a little perplexing to make such a statement about the fascinating, not fully... Read more

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Prédateurs émotionnels by Catarina Dobrowolski
Prédateurs émotionnels
Catarina Dobrowolski
Prédateurs émotionnels by Catarina Dobrowolski

Prédateurs émotionnels

By: Catarina Dobrowolski

Narrated by: Émilie Vanmeer

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

- Usage dédié exclusivement aux femmes ! -Mesdames, avez-vous déjà été trahi par quelqu'un en qui vous aviez confiance ? Vous êtes-vous déjà senti manipulée ou dominée dans une relation, qu'elle soit amicale, amoureuse ou professionnelle ? Chaque jour, des milliers de femmes sont victimes de manipulateurs habiles qui utilisent leurs émotions... Read more

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О чём говорить с ребёнком by Ольга Маховская
О чём говорить с ребёнком
Ольга Маховская
О чём говорить с ребёнком by Ольга Маховская

О чём говорить с ребёнком

By: Ольга Маховская

Narrated by: Вероника Язькова

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Как часто мы многое скрываем от детей, боясь нарушить их и свое спокойствие, не зная, как начать разговор… А ведь нужно успеть сообщить им важные сведения о жизни! Какими именно словами и формулами пользоваться, чтобы не перегнуть палку? - Кто перед Вами? Кто Ваш ребенок? Как любить ребёнка и как научить его любить Вас? - Как сказать ему о... Read more

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Подсознательное влияние. Как убедить за одну минуту by Ирина Баржак
Подсознательное влияние. Как убедить за одну минуту
Ирина Баржак
Подсознательное влияние. Как убедить за одну минуту by Ирина Баржак

Подсознательное влияние. Как убедить за одну минуту

By: Ирина Баржак

Narrated by: Ирина Баржак

Length: 2 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

«Спасибо, мне это неинтересно», «Перестаньте мне звонить» и «Идите на…» – явно не те фразы, которые мы хотим слышать, когда общаемся с потенциальными клиентами. Неопытные продавцы и менеджеры тратят слишком много времени на презентацию продукта и терпят провал из раза в раз. Книга «Подсознательное влияние. Как убедить за одну минуту» научит вас... Read more

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Pensamientos nutritivos by Bernardo Stamateas
Pensamientos nutritivos
Bernardo Stamateas
Pensamientos nutritivos by Bernardo Stamateas

Pensamientos nutritivos

By: Bernardo Stamateas

Narrated by: Gustavo Dardés

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

En este nuevo libro, Bernardo Stamateas nos revela cómo los pensamientos tóxicos que a menudo inundan nuestra mente pueden alterar nuestra paz y vitalidad. Además, nos ofrece estrategias para desafiar y reemplazarlos por pensamientos nutritivos que nos guían hacia una vida más plena.
Todos experimentamos pensamientos que se repiten de... Read more

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Legacy by James Kerr
James Kerr
Legacy by James Kerr


By: James Kerr

Narrated by: James Kerr

Length: 4 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No


Champions do extra.
They sweep the sheds.
They follow the spearhead.
They keep a blue head.
They are good ancestors.

In Legacy, best-selling author James Kerr goes deep into the heart of the world's most successful sporting team, the legendary All Blacks of New Zealand, to reveal 15 powerful and practical lessons for... Read more

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La razón y la conciencia en AA by Oslos Molina
La razón y la conciencia en AA
Oslos Molina
La razón y la conciencia en AA by Oslos Molina

La razón y la conciencia en AA

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Una “conciencia de grupo” es la conciencia colectiva de los miembros del grupo y representa una unanimidad sustancial respecto a una cuestión antes de tomar acción decisiva Read more

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Psicología Oscura: Las tácticas psicológicas utilizadas para la manipulación y el engaño by Andy Gardner
Psicología Oscura: Las tácticas psicológicas utilizadas para la manipulación y el engaño
Andy Gardner
Psicología Oscura: Las tácticas psicológicas utilizadas para la manipulación y el engaño by Andy Gardner

Psicología Oscura: Las tácticas psicológicas utilizadas para la manipulación y el engaño

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Comprenda todas las tácticas psicológicas que otros pueden utilizar para manipularle, engañarle y controlarle.¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado qué es la psicología oscura?¿Quiere saber por qué la gente utiliza técnicas de manipulación?¿Le interesa saber más sobre la psicología inversa?¿Quiere aprender a protegerse de la manipulación?Si ha respondido... Read more

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El 3º alcohólico de AA by Oslos Molina
El 3º alcohólico de AA
Oslos Molina
El 3º alcohólico de AA by Oslos Molina

El 3º alcohólico de AA

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

¿sabes quien fue el 3º alcohólico que perteneció a la comunidad de alcohólicos anónimos? Read more

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Understanding Your Adult ADHD (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson
Understanding Your Adult ADHD (2 in 1)
Sarah Evanson
Understanding Your Adult ADHD (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson

Understanding Your Adult ADHD (2 in 1)

By: Sarah Evanson

Narrated by: Jacqueline Michelle

Length: 11 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Understanding Your Adult ADHD (2 in 1): Self-Care For Men & Women With ADHD - Why You Feel Stigmatised & How We Can Help You Thrive As A Neurodivergent & Live The Life You DeserveDiscover The 10 Hour Practical Blueprint To OWNING Your Adult ADHD - Written For Both Neurodivergent Men and Women!In a world that often overlooks the... Read more

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Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson
Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1)
Sarah Evanson
Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson

Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1)

By: Sarah Evanson

Narrated by: Jacqueline Rendell

Length: 13 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1): How To Talk To Anyone, Improve Your Social Skills & Protect Against Dark Psychology
With the help of "Improve Your Conversation Skills, Master Small Talk & Read People Like A Book (2 in 1)" discover the mysteries of the human mind. This audiobook... Read more

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Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking In Relationships Cure (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson
Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking In Relationships Cure (2 in 1)
Sarah Evanson
Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking In Relationships Cure (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson

Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking In Relationships Cure (2 in 1)

By: Sarah Evanson

Narrated by: Jacqueline Michelle

Length: 11 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking In Relationships Cure (2 in 1): Develop Effective Communication, Overcome Anxiety, Prevent Codependency & Your LoveDiscover The Blueprint To A Flourishing Long-Lasting Relationship With The Power Of Setting Boundaries & Effective CommunicationIntroducing "Set Healthy Boundaries & Overthinking... Read more

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Как бросить курить за три дня by Сергей Зайцев
Как бросить курить за три дня
Сергей Зайцев
Как бросить курить за три дня by Сергей Зайцев

Как бросить курить за три дня

By: Сергей Зайцев

Narrated by: Станислав Федосов

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

О том, что курить вредно, знают все курильщики. И все же, несмотря ни на что, продолжают курить. Эта аудиокнига научит тому, что прежде у Вас не получалось: раз и навсегда отказаться от никотиновой зависимости. Предлагаемые техники, позволяющие изменить отношение к курению и преодолеть влечение к сигарете, хорошо зарекомендовали себя на... Read more

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Improve Your Conversations, Small Talk & People Skills (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson
Improve Your Conversations, Small Talk & People Skills (2 in 1)
Sarah Evanson
Improve Your Conversations, Small Talk & People Skills (2 in 1) by Sarah Evanson

Improve Your Conversations, Small Talk & People Skills (2 in 1)

By: Sarah Evanson

Narrated by: Jacqueline Michelle

Length: 10 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Improve Your Conversations, Small Talk & People Skills (2 in 1): Learn To Talk To Anyone, Develop Charisma, Build & Manage Friendships & Create Deeper Social ConnectionsIntroducing 10 Hours Of Essential Training On One of The Games All Humans Have To Play- The Social Game! (and How To Become A Master Of It To Create The Life You... Read more

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HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students by Harvard Business Review
HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students
Harvard Business Review
HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students by Harvard Business Review

HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students

By: Harvard Business Review

Narrated by: Ann Sprinkle & Walter Dixon

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Take your business education to the next level—and drive your career forward.

If you read (or listen to) nothing else to stand out in class and prepare for what's next, listen to these ten articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the best ones to help you learn the most important ideas in... Read more

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